Assessing Staff Competency for Creating Sanctuary in the Hiring Process When considering any applicant for a position, it is essential to assess the applicant's ability to make the necessary Sanctuary Commitments. The Sanctuary Commitments are: Commitment to Non-Violence Commitment to Social Learning Commitment to Emotional Intelligence Commitment to Democracy Commitment to Social Responsibility Commitment to Open Communication Commitment to Growth and Change The following are some questions that will assist the interviewer to assess the applicant's ability to meet these commitments. Candidates should be asked at least one question under each of these commitments during the hiring process. Commitment to Non-Violence Tell me about a situation in which you had a significant disagreement with a coworker or classmate. How did you handle it? What did you learn from it? What does the concept of Non-Violence mean to you? Give me an example. Many of the participants we work with can become aggressive and assaultive when they are upset. How might you manage a situation in which you were a target of that aggression? Tell me about your most challenging work experience. What made it challenging for you and how did you manage that challenge? Commitment to Social Learning Tell me about a big mistake you made in a previous job. What did it teach you? Tell me about a time when you received a clear directive from a supervisor, teacher, parent or other authority figure that you felt was wrong, impractical or misguided. How did you manage it? Tell me about a problem you have encountered that ended up teaching you an important lesson. What did you learn from it? What is the most effective way for you to learn? Give me an example. Commitment to Emotional Intelligence What are your triggers? What kinds of situations upset you? How have you learned to maange these situations? What would your advice be to a child who was being picked on by another child? Tell me about a situation in which you were frightened? How did you manage these feelings? How did you come through it? What did it teach you? What do you anticipate will be the most difficult part of this job for you emotionally? How will you deal with that issue? Commitment to Democracy Tell me about a time you worked on a team with others. What was that experience like? What did you enjoy about that experience? What was most challenging about it? Tell me what democracy means to you. How do you feel an organization like ours can practice democracy? What do you think the worker's role is in a democratic system? Tell me about a time you disagreed with a supervisor's directive or approach to a problem. How did you handle it? What was the outcome? Tell me about a time you took the initiative to solve a problem at work. How did it work out? How did your co-workers or supervisor respond? Tell me about a time when you believed a co-worker, supervisor, or classmate was doing something you felt was wrong, misguided or unethical. What did you do? What was the outcome? Commitment to Social Responsibility Tell me about a time you struggled with a task or a project. Who did you turn to for help? How did that work out? Tell me about a time when you observed a co-workers, supervisor or classmate struggling. What did you do to lend a hand? What do you believe your obligation is to those you work with? Give me an example of a situation that demonstrates this belief. Tell me about a time you failed to meet this obligation. Commitment to Open Communication Tell me about a time there was significant conflict on a team you were a part of, which went unresolved. What impact did it have on the teams functioning? How could it have been resolved? How could you have managed yourself differently in that situation? How do you generally deal with conflict? Give me an example of a conflict you have had to manage. When someone disagrees with you, what is the best way to approach that issue with you? Tell me about a time when a co-workers, classmate or teammate successfully confronted you. Are there any conflicts on a team best left alone? If so, why? Commitment to Growth and Change Tell me about an experience in your life that was exceedingly growth promoting. What was it about this experience that created this growth? Tell me about a significant change you chose to make in your life. Why did you make that choice? What were some challenges you encountered in making that change? What do you believe are the factors that prompt people to change? As an employee here how do you anticipate facilitating children and families to make needed change? How do you anticipate this job may change you? How do you anticipate contributing to the growth and change of this organization? How do you anticipate that this job will move you forward toward your future career goals? What are those goals? Once the Commitments have been assessed the interviewer should explicitly outline the Seven Sanctuary Commitments and talk about why staff members need to make these commitments to their co-workers and the children and families Domus works with. The interviewer should also go over what these commitments look like in practice in their program Doing so will set the tone for what we expect from our colleagues in this organization.