KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN,MUMBAI REGION OPEN TEXT BOOK ASSESSMENT- 2015-2016 CLASS : VI (SIXTH) SUBJECT: SCIENCE TIME: 20 MINUTES M.M- 05 THEME 1 - AIR POLLUTION We can survive for some time without food, but we cannot survive even for a few minutes without air. This simple fact tells us how important clean air is to us. Air consists of a mixture of gases. By volume, about 78% of this mixture is nitrogen and about 21% is oxygen. Carbon dioxide, argon, methane, ozone and water vapour are also present in very small quantities. When air is contaminated by unwanted substances which have a harmful effect on both the living and the non-living, it is called as air pollution. How does Air Get Polluted? The substances which contaminate the air are called air pollutants. Sometimes, air pollutants may come from natural sources like smoke and dust arising from forest fires or volcanic eruptions. Pollutants are also added to the atmosphere by certain human activities. The sources of air pollutants are factories, power plants, automobile exhausts and burning of firewood and dung cakes. Many respiratory problems are caused by air pollution. Vehicles produce high levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and smoke. Carbon monoxide is produced from incomplete burning of fuels such as petrol and diesel. It is a poisonous gas. It reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. A thick foglike layer in the atmosphere, especially during winters is smog which is made up of smoke and fog. Smoke may contain oxides of nitrogen which combine with other air pollutants. The smog causes breathing difficulties such as asthma, cough and wheezing in children. Many industries are also responsible for causing air pollution. Petroleum refineries are a major source of gaseous pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. Sulphur dioxide is produced by combustion of fuels like coal in power plants. It can cause respiratory problems, including permanent lung damage. THE END KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, MUMBAI REGION OPEN TEXT BOOK ASSESSMENT- 2015-2016 CLASS-VI (SIXTH) SUBJECT-SCIENCE TIME- 20 MINUTES M.M-05 MARKS THEME -2 PLASTICS- Boon or a curse? Some kind of plastics can be recycled, but, not all of them. It may be a little difficult to imagine our life without plastics. Shall we list a few things we use that are made of plastics. Toys, shoes, bags, pens, combs, tooth brushes, buckets, bottles, and water pipes – the list is very long. The use of plastics in itself might not create so much of a problem. Problems arise when we use plastics excessively and are ignorant about ways of disposing their waste. We often use plastic bags to store cooked food items. Sometimes these bags may not be suitable for keeping eatables. Consuming food packed in such plastic bags could be harmful to our health. Many a time shopkeepers use plastic bags that have been used earlier for some other purpose. Sometimes bags collected by rag pickers are also used after washing them. Use of such recycled plastic bags to keep food items could be harmful for our health. All kinds of plastics give out harmful gases, upon heating or burning. These gases may cause many health problems, including cancer, in humans. The plastic bags thrown away carelessly on roads and other places get into drains and the sewer system. As a result, drains get choked and the water spills on the roads. During heavy rains, it might even create a flood like situation. THE END KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN,MUMBAI REGION के न्द्रीयविद्यालय, मबुं ईसभ ुं ाग CLASS: VI (SIXTH) SOCIAL SCIENCE OTBA TIME : 20 Min MAX MARKS:0 5 THEME -1 URBAN VS RURAL INDIA About 80 per cent of the Indian population lives in villages. When travelling through the length and breadth of this subcontinent, one can really visualize the difference between rural and urban India.There is a big difference between urban and rural India. One of the major differences that can be seen between rural India and urban India is their standards of living.People living in urban India have better living conditions than those living in the rural parts of India. There is a wide economic gap between rural and urban India. Rural India is very poor when compared to Urban India.Another difference that can be seen between urban and rural India, is their education. In rural India, the parents seldom educate their children, and instead, make their children work in the fields. Poverty, and lack of sufficient infrastructure, can be attributed to the lack of education in rural India.When considering homes, about three-quarters of the households in urban India live in pucca homes. On the other hand, only a quarter of the people in rural India live in pucka homes. While groundwater is the main source of drinking water in rural India, the urban people rely more on tap-water. Urban India is almost electrified when compared to rural India. One can even come across villages where electric power is not yet available.When comparing the sanitary facilities, it is limited in rural India. About 90 per cent of the households in rural India do not have latrines, but this is not the case in urban India. Most of the developments have not yet reached the rural parts of India. With regards to health care as well, rural India lacks good hospitals when compared to urban India. Some of the rural areas even lack a dispensary. Various causes are responsible for such irregularities in rural area. The most significant reason is that agriculture (primary activities) is the main source of income in rural areas. In agriculture most of the farmers are landless and they have to depend upon the labour activities. Besides this agriculture is a seasonal activity, due to 3 or 4 months these peoples don’t have any source of income. Therefore they are not able provide education and health facilities to their children. Due to lack of proper education they don’t have access to the government machinery and schemes of poverty alleviation. ****************************************************************************** KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN,MUMBAI REGION OTBA SOCIAL SCIENCE STD: VI (SIXTH) TIME: 2o min MAX MARKS: 5 THEME -1 URBAN VS RURAL INDIA भारत की आबादी का लगभग ैंहतीत गाेंम ोंव रततश तप्र 80| इस उपोंताद्ेंशप की लंबाई और चौड़ाई के ोंाध्यों से यात्रा करते तुए ग्राोंशण और ीतरी भारत की कल्पना कर सकते तप्र |ीतरी और ग्राोंशण भारत के बशच एक बड़ा अंतर तप्र | ग्राोंशण और ीतरी भारत के बशच का ोंुख्य अंतर तप्र उनके रतन सतन का स्तर |ीतरी भारत ोंव रतने ेंाले लोग भारत के ग्राोंशण इलाकम ोंव रतने ेंाले लोगम की तुलना ोंव बेततर रतने की स्स्िहत तै | ग्राोंशण और ीतरी भारत के बशच एक व्यापक आर्ििक अंतर तै | ीतरी भारत की तुलना ोंव ग्राोंशण भारत बतुत गरीब तप्र | ीतरी और ग्राोंशण भारत के बशच एक और अंतर दे खा जा सकता तै , ेंत तै उनकी शीक्षा | ग्राोंशण भारत ोंव ोंाता पपता अपने बच्चम को शीक्षक्षत करने के बजाए खेतम ोंव काों करेंाते तप्र | गरीबश और पयािप्त बुहनयादी सुपेंधायम की कोंश को ग्राोंशण भारत ोंव शीक्षा की कोंश के शलए स्जम्ोंेदार ठतराया जा सकता तै |ीतरी भारत के लगभग तशन चौिाई पररेंार पक्के ोंकानम ोंव रतते तप्र | दस ू री और, भारत के ग्राोंशण क्षेत्रम ोंव एक चौिाई लोग ती पक्के ोंकानो ोंव रतते तप्र| ग्राोंशण क्षेत्रम ोंव पशने के पानश का ोंुख्य स्त्रोत भूजल तै , ेंतीं ीतरी लोग नल के जल पर हनभिर करते तप्र| ग्राोंशण भारत की तल ु ना ोंव ीतरी भारत का लगभग पेंद्यत ु शकरण तो चक ु ा तै | भारत के कुछ गाेंम ोंव अभश भश पेंढ्युत ीस्क्त उपलब्ध नतीं तै | ग्राोंशण भारत ोंव स्ेंछ्ता सपु ेंधा सशशोंत तै | ग्राोंशण भारत ोंव रतने ेंाले ैंहतीत 90 पररेंारम ोंव ीौचालय नतीं तै , लेककन ीतरी भारत ोंव ऐसा नतीं तै |भारत के ग्राोंशण भागम ोंव पेंकास नतीं पतुुँच पाया तै | ीतरी भारत की तल ु ना ोंव स्ेंास््य दे खभाल के संबंध ोंव ग्राोंशण भारत ोंव अच्छे अस्पतालम का अभाें तै | ग्राोंशण क्षेत्रो ोंव कई भागम ोंव डिस्पेन्सरी की कोंश तै | ग्राोंशण क्षेत्रम ोंव इस तरत की अहनयशोंतताओं के शलए कई कारण स्जम्ोंेदार तप्र | ग्राोंशण भागम ोंव आय का ोंख् ु य स्त्रोत तोने का सबसे म्तत्ेंपूणि कारण कृपि तप्र | कृपि क्षेत्र ोंव बतुत से ककसान भशू ोंतीन तप्र और ेंे श्रों गहतपेंर्धयम पर हनभिर तप्र | कृपि एक ोंौसोंश गहतपेंर्ध तै इसशलए से ीं ोंतीने इन लोगम के पास आय का कोई स्त्रोत नतीं तै 3| इसशलए ेंे अपने बचचम को शीक्षा और स्ेंास््य सुपेंधायव उपलब्ध कराने ोंव सक्षों नतीं तप्र| उर्चत शीक्षा की कोंश के कारण उनकी सरकारी ोंीशनरी और गरीबश उन्ोंूलन की योजनाओं तक पतुुँच नतीं तै | KENDRIYA VIDYALAYASANGATHAN,MUMBAI REGION के न्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, मुंबई सभ ुं ाग CLASS: VI (Sixth) SOCIAL SCIENCE OTBA TIME : 20 Min MAX MARKS:0 5 THEME -2 A CLEVER POOR MAN The clever poor manOnce upon a time, there was a clever poor young man who lived in a city. His only resource was a dead rat. He started off by selling it for a coin to a hotel, for their cat. Then one day, there was a storm.The king’s garden was littered with branches and leaves, and the gardener was at a loss as to how to clear the mess.The young man offered to clean the garden if he could keep the wood and leaves.The gardener agreed at once.The young man rounded up all the children who were playing, with an offer of sweets for every stick and leaf that they could collect. In no time, every scrap had been neatly piled near the entrance. Just then, the king’s potter was on the look out for fuel with which to bake his pots. So he took the whole lot and paid the young man for it.Our young man now thought of another plan. He carried a jar full of water to the city gate, and offered water to 500 grass cutters. They were pleased and said: “You have done us a good turn. Tell us, what can we do for you?”He replied, “I’ll let you know when I need your help.”He then made friends with a trader. One day, the trader told him: “Tomorrow, a horse dealer is coming to town with 500 horses.” Hearing this, our young man went back to the grass cutters. He said: “Please give me a bundle of grass each, and don’t sell your grass till mine is sold.” They agreed, and gave him 500bundles of grass.When the horse dealer could not buy grass anywhere else, he purchased the young man’s grass for a thousand coins. … KENDRIYA VIDYALAYASANGATHAN,MUMBAI REGION के न्द्रीयविद्यालय संगठन, मुंबईसभ ुं ाग CLASS: VI (Sixth) SOCIAL SCIENCE OTBA TIME : 20 Min THEME -2 MAX MARKS:0 5 A CLEVER POOR MAN एक हनधिन की चतुराई एक ीतर ोंव एक गरीब यें ु क रे तता िा | उसके पास एक ोंरे तुए चत ू े के अलाेंा कुछ नतीं िा | उसने उस चत ू े को एक शसक्के ोंव एक भोजनालय ेंाले की बबल्ली के शलए बेच ददया | किर एक ददन बड़श ज़ोर की आुँधश आई | राजा का बगशचा टूटी टताहनयम और पत्तम से भर गया | उनका ोंाली इसे साि करने की बात से परे ीान तो उठा | युेंक ने ोंाली से कता की अगर लकडड़याुँ और पत्ते उसे शोंल जाए तो ेंत बगशचे की सिाई कर सकता तै | ोंाली तुरंत ोंान गया | युेंक ने पास खेल रते बच्चम को यत कत कर इकट्टा कर शलया कक ैंत्येक टतनश और पत्ते के बदले ोंव उन्ते एक एक शोंठाई शोंलेगश | दे खते ती दे खते उन्तोने बगशचे से एक एक हतनका चन ु कर गेट के पास इकट्टा कर ददया | तभश उधर से राजा का कुम्तार बतिनो को पकाने के शलए ईंधन कक तलाी ोंव गज ु रा | उसने परू े ढे र को खरीद शलया इस तरत यें ु क के पास कुछ और पैसे तो गए | अब उस युेंक ने एक और योजना बनाई | एक बड़े बतिन ोंव पानश भर कर ेंत नगर के द्ेंार पर गया और ेंताुँ उसने घास काटने ेंाले 500 लोगम को पानश पपलाया | तों तुम्तारे शलए क्या कर सकते तप्र ?” उसने कता, “ोंव आपको यत तब बताऊुँगा जब ोंुझे आपकी सतायता कक जरुरत तोगश”| उसके बाद उसने एक व्यापारी से दोस्तश की| एक ददन उस व्यापारी ने बताया,”कल एक घोड़े का व्यापारी 500 घोड़म के साि ीतर ोंव आ रता तै | ” यत सुनकर उस युेंक ने उन घास काटने ेंालम के पास जाकर कता,”कृप्या तुों सब एक एक घास का गट्टर ोंझ ु े दो और अपनश घास तब तक ोंत बेचो, जब तक ोंेरी न बबक जाये|” उन्तोने उसे घासो के 500 गट्टर दे ददये| जब घोड़ो के व्यापारी को कतीं भश घास न शोंली तो उसने इस युेंक की घास एक तजार शसक्के ोंव खरीद ली | ***************************************************************************