May 3, 2015 Church Newsletter

Second Baptist Church, established 1848
816 Third Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
VOLUME XVI Number 18
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Annual theme: Giving Our Best to the Lord
II Samuel 24:24
“...I will surely buy of thee at a price; neither will I offer offerings unto the Lord of that which cost me nothing.”
Prayer of the Week
I can do all things through Christ who strengths
me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV
Today: Sunday, May 3, 2015
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Women’s Day Service
After Service: Reception in lower
Monday – Friday, May 4-8, 2015
6:00 p.m. Educational Congress at
Eleanor Roosevelt High School in
Greenbelt, MD
Saturday, May 9, 2015
10:00 a.m. Board of Trustees
Sunday, May 10, 2015
11:00 a.m. Mother’s Day
Holy Communion Service
Friday, May 15, 2015
6:00 p.m. Youth Night
Tuesday – Friday, May 19-22,
2015 City Wide Revival
Saturday, May 23, 2015
10:00 a.m. Joint Board Meeting
Saturday, May 30, 2015
11:00 a.m. Quarterly Church
Sunday, May 31, 2015
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
3:00 p.m. Pastor’s Aid Club
Rev. Roosevelt Ewell
Verse of the Week
3 Don’t
be concerned about the
outward beauty of fancy hairstyles,
expensive jewelry, or beautiful
clothes. 4 You should clothe
yourselves instead with the beauty
that comes from within, the unfading
beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is so precious to God.
I Peter 3:3-4 NLT
Bible Readings
“For the word of the Lord is right; and
all his works are done I truth.” Psalm
III John 1
Dear God, creator of women
in your own image, born of a woman
in the midst of a world half women,
carried by women to mission fields
around the globe, made known by
women of our time the strength to
persevere, the courage to speak out,
the faith to believe in you beyond all
systems and institutions so that your
face on earth may be seen in all its
beauty, so that men and women
become whole, so that the church
may be converted to your will in
everything in all ways.
Like Elijah, O God, we turn
and face You in the midst of the
storm. Help us this hour to hear You
speak to us – not in the wind, or the
thunder, not even in the upheaval of
the ground beneath us. Help us to
hear You speak to us, in our heart of
hearts, as that still, small voice amidst
the maelstrom, which gives us
direction, and peace, and hope. We
pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor’s Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. –
12 noon. And by appointment
Prayer Requests
Please remember to pray for:
The Alston Family
(Sis. Qalbi Ashford at home
Sis. Almeta Bartley at home
Sis. Suzanne Baskerville
Sis. Era Jolly Branch
Bro. George Brown, Holy Cross
Rev. Dr. Henry Gaskins
Sis. Kathryn Gatling
Deas. Elsie Hammond, Stoddard Baptist
Bro. Jessie Harvis, Clinton Rehabilitation
Deas. Mary Hodges
Tr. Vernelle Hamit
Deas. Patricia Ireland
Sis. Minnie James at home
Sis. Patricia Jackson
Sis. Doris Little at home
Bro. William Little at home
Sis. Mozelle Lyde at home
Sis. Rebecca King at home
Sis. Addie Mack, Grant Park Care Center
Deas. Ozella Mitchell
Deas. Elaine Nolton
Sis. Crystal Owens
Sis. Evelyn Roberts
Dea. James Robinson
Rev. Dr. Rodney Ruffin
Sis. Joy Scales
Sis. Stephanie Scott
Dea. Charles Thomas,
Carolyn Boone Lewis Nursing Home
Sis. Annie West and Family
Sis. Mildred Whitaker
Sis. Mariessa White
Sis.Venus Winston
those who are Homeless
Our Youth
Peace in Baltimore
Peace in the World
May Birthdays
Antoinette Alston
Andrew Baskerville
LaTarsha Bost
Blair Brown
Mark Brown
Michelle Dunham
Carrol A. Jackson
Mozelle Lyde
Janazjia Smith
For Our Visitors
You are warmly welcomed to
our Church. We love seeing you here.
We hope that you will experience
God’s love and feel His presence in
worship today. You are so special to
the Lord and special to us too. Please
sign our guest book and plan to come
again. If you are looking for a Church
home, you have found one.
Dr. Terrell
SBC Women’s Day
Today we welcome Rev.
Carolyn Graham, Associate Minister of
Israel Baptist Church and Board
President/founder of Elizabeth Ministry
to our Miracle Working God Women’s
Day Service today as our guest preacher.
The theme verse is “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me”,
Philippians 4:13 NKJV.
City-Wide Revival 2015
On Tuesday, May 19 through
Friday, May 22 at 6:30 pm the nightly
lectures begin at Central Baptist Church
of Camp Springs, 5600 Old Branch
Avenue, Temple Hills, MD 20748. The
City Wide Revival choir will minister
musically each evening and be blessed
by creative arts ministries from the
DMV. For more information, please call
202-583-5555 or visit
City-Wide Revival Choir
Be a part of this marvelous
collaboration of choir members from
the Baptist Convention of DC and
Vicinity (BCDCV) churches under the
direction of Minister Isaiah D. Thomas,
BCDCV State Music Director. Rehearsal
will be held at Central Baptist Church of
Camp Springs, 5600 Old Branch Avenue,
Temple Hills, MD 20748 on Saturday,
May 9 at 1:30 pm and Saturday May 16 at
1:30 p. For more information, please call
202-583-+4444 or visit
Surrender, Sacrifice, Service
The Annual Women’s Retreat
will be held on Saturday, May 30 from
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration and
refreshments at 8:30 a.m. This will be a
day of spiritual refreshment especially for
women will include worship, bible study,
music, missions, fellowship, food, and
fun which is being sponsored by Baptist
Women’s Ministries, DC Baptist
Convention. The retreat will be held at
Montgomery Hills Baptist Church, 9727
Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD
20910. Register at
UEow%3d%3d or call 202-265-1526 by
May 25. Registration fee is $15.00.
May Share
Please turn in your order to Sis.
Cynthia Broadus by Sunday, May 3.
Forms are located on the tables outside
of the Sanctuary. Orders will be
distributed on Friday, May 15, 2015, at
1:00 p.m. in Holloman Hall.
Pack the Pews & Raise the
Please join the Pastor’s Aid
Club of Second Baptist Church for an
afternoon of worship and praise on
Sunday, May 31, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. The
service will be featuring our special guest
speaker, Rev. Roosevelt Ewell, Pastor of
Canaan Institutional Baptist Church,
Norwalk, CT.
Remembering Our Mothers
Please consider listing your
mother’s name on the Men’s Ministry
Honor Roll of Mothers which will be
published on Mother’s Day. Names can
be listed for a donation of $10.00.
Pictures are an additional $5.
Please send any news or announcements for Second Hands to the church before 10:30 a.m. on the preceding Tuesday.
Church Office: 202.842.0233 * Facsimile: 202.842.4574 * Email: * Website: