A Guide for Prospective Members 2012-2013 The Junior League of Phoenix, Incorporated founded in 1935, is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Total membership in The Junior League of Phoenix exceeds 1,000. Membership is open to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to voluntarism. Focus Area: Early Childhood Education 2012-2013 Community Programs Arizona Literacy & Learning Center – Get Ready to Read! Desert Mission – Snack Pack Backpack Program Kids in the Kitchen Phoenix Rescue Mission – Changing Lives Center for Women and Children ROCKETS (Raising Our Children’s Knowledge by Educating Through Science) Valley Impact Projects 2012-2013 Fundraisers Annual Rummage Sale Care Card Cookbooks Fund Development Special Events Valley Impact Luncheon Prospective Member Information Prospective members are invited to attend one or more of the following New Member Informational Events. TBD locations for upcoming informational events will be posted on our website at www.jlp.org Saturday, March 24, 2012, 12pm – Junior League of Phoenix HQ, Downtown Phoenix Thursday, April 19, 2012, 6pm – sustainer’s home, Paradise Valley area Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 6pm – Junior League of Phoenix Annual Meeting, Arizona Biltmore Saturday, May 12, 2012, 10am - Junior League of Phoenix HQ, Downtown Phoenix Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 6pm –sustainer’s home, central Phoenix area Saturday, June 23, 2012, 10am Welcome Brunch, location TBD Contact Michelle Buchanan for location details (see below for contact information) Who Is Eligible To Be A Provisional A prospective member must be a woman with an interest in voluntarism, a commitment to community service, and the ability to meet the requirements of membership. Prospective members must be at least 22 years of age as of July 31, 2012. Why You Should Consider Membership in The Junior League of Phoenix (JLP) For more than 75 years, the JLP has been the premier volunteer organization for developing community leaders and creating positive change in the Valley. See our website at www.jlp.org for more information. A variety of volunteer opportunities to serve the community and the JLP. Training to increase skills that are valuable in your career and community leadership positions. Membership in an international organization (The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.) Interaction with other women interested in community service. What kind of training will I receive in my Provisional Year Super Saturday I will cover the mission and the history of the JLP, explain the JLP organization/structure and Council overviews and tips to navigate the JLP website Bus Tour is a hands on experience where we visit our past and current community partners and see how we have made an impact in our community Holiday In-Home Social is an informal, intimate gathering of provisionals, their mentors and experienced JLP members who can answer any questions that you may have Super Saturday II will provide an in depth look at our council and committees, potential available committee assignments for the following year and details on our Annual Rummage Sale to be help February, 2013 Important Dates to Remember Junior League of Phoenix Annual Meeting, May 2, 2012 Welcome Brunch, Saturday, June 23, 2012 Provisional and Provisional Mentor Mixer, Thursday, July 26, 2012 Super Saturday I, August 18, 2012 (required) Community Program Bus Tour, Saturday, October 20, 2012 (required) Holiday In-Home Social, December 6, 2012 (required) Super Saturday II, January 12, 2013 (required) Provisional Graduation, March 22, 2013 Complete the attached Membership Application Form, Provisional Agreement and Payment Plan Agreement (if applicable) and return to the JLP Office on or before June 30, 2012. Please do not fax the documents. Include payment of $284, payable to The Junior League of Phoenix, Incorporated. If electing to use an installment plan, please include appropriate payment required. Payment Plan Agreement is attached for your reference. (No refunds will be made.) Please contact Michelle Buchanan, 2012-13 Provisional Chair at 480.329.1761 or michellebuchananaz@gmail.com if you have any questions. 2012-2013 Provisional Membership Application Due Date: June 30, 2012 Please type or print clearly in ink. Name of Prospective Member: _________________________________ Maiden Name:_______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Office Phone: ______________________ Primary email: _____________________ Spouse’s Name (if applicable)_______________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________ Age as of July 31, 2012:_________ Employment Information (Company Name/Position):___________________________________ How did you hear about The Junior League of Phoenix? ______________________________________________________________________ Do know any Junior League members? If so, please list them. ______________________________________________________________________ Describe any type of volunteer work you currently participate in, if any. ______________________________________________________________________ Current Fingerprint Clearance Card issued by the state of Arizona (not required for membership to the JLP but some of our community partners require it of our volunteers) YES or NO_________________ Why did you join the Junior League of Phoenix? Community Involvement Leadership Training/Learn New Skills Meet New People Fundraising Opportunities THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS OF PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP FOR THE 20122013 YEAR. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. I agree to: Pay annual dues of $169, Care Card Financial Requirement: $50, and pay a Provisional training fee of $65. These payments are due by the admissions deadline of June 30, 2012. Arrangement for installment payments of dues may be made by completing the attached Payment Plan Agreement. No refunds will be made. I agree to: Fulfill The Junior League of Phoenix, Inc., In-League Service Requirements as described below: In-League Service Hours All Provisional members shall be required to serve a minimum of twelve (12) hours of In-League Service while participating in the Provisional Course. Four (4) hours must be served at the Annual Rummage Sale held in February, 2013, another (4) hours for an additional JLP fundraiser and four (4) hours at a Valley Impact project. Rummage Financial Requirement A quota of $125 in good quality merchandise or $250 in money is required from each Provisional member prior to the event. Of the $125 in merchandise, no more than $12.50 worth may be items of adult clothing. The Rummage Sale handbook outlines values for various items. Care Card Financial Requirement Each Provisional member shall have a financial commitment to purchase a minimum of one (1) Care Card at a cost of $50. This fee is included in the initial dues and fees payment. Failure to meet In-League Service requirements will result in review by the Provisional Committee. I agree to: Attend a minimum of four (4) General Membership meetings (GMMs) while participating in the Provisional Course. General Membership meetings are usually held the first Wednesday of each month. I agree to: Attend mandatory Provisional sessions and complete all assignments relating to the Provisional Course. Super Saturday I, August 18, 2012, 8:00 a.m. – Noon. Bus Tour, Saturday, October 20, 2012, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Holiday In-Home Social, December 6, 2012, Evening. Super Saturday II, January 12, 2013, 8:00 a.m. – Noon. I agree to: Serve on one Junior League of Phoenix committee such as a Community program or Fundraiser as a Provisional Member from August, 2012 through April, 2013. It is projected that committee placement will be assigned at Super Saturday I. A Provisional member who fails to fulfill the Provisional requirements may be dropped from Provisional membership by the Provisional Committee. I understand that I must fulfill these requirements by April 10, 2013, in order to be eligible for Active membership. I understand that the Provisional Committee will review my course involvement before recommending to the Board of Directors my election to Active membership. I understand that I am governed by all pertinent Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies and Guidelines of The Junior League of Phoenix, Inc., during the Provisional year. ________________________________________________________________ Signature Date PAYMENT TYPE OF PAYMENT The JLP does accept credit cards; however, payment by check is preferred due to processing costs. Total payment due for the 2012-2013 JLP year is $284.00. Please review the additional purchase options below. Additional Purchase/Requests: o I wish to purchase ________ additional Care Card(s) $50.00 each o I wish to purchase an optional JLP nametag - $10.00 Name should read__________________________ (You may pick up your nametag at the September General Membership Meeting.) o I wish to purchase Pomegranate and Prickly Pears JLP Cookbook $24.95 each (includes $5 for shipping) o I wish to purchase Reflections Under the Sun JLP Cookbook $19.95 each (includes $5 for shipping) o I wish to purchase both cookbooks for $40.90 (includes $6 for shipping) BEST DEAL! o Please send my cookbooks to the following address: ______________________________________________________________________ Grand Total: ____________ Check Visa MasterCard AMEX If you would like to inquire about a payment plan please list your contact information below and a member of the JLP finance team will contact you once your application has been received. Payment Plan Agreement attached Name on credit card: ____________________________ Account #: ____________________________________ Billing address_______________________________________________________________ 3 digit v-code printed on back: _____________Expiration date: __________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ Please mail this form with payment to: The Junior League of Phoenix 2505 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004 Once the class has been filled, a waiting list will be created. Deadline – Thursday, June 30, 2012 Office Use Only db __________ yb __________ Date: _____________ Amount _______________ Type/# _____________ Provisional Agreement Name of Prospective Member ________________________________________________ Transfer Prospective Member Sponsoring League________________________________________________ The Junior League of Phoenix Adult Photo Release Form I give the Junior League of Phoenix, Inc., permission to publish in print, electronic or video format the likeness or image of myself for marketing and/or communications purposes. I understand that my likeness or image maybe used in JLP publications, e-mails, web sites, social media, and other communication channels. I release all claims against the Junior League of Phoenix Inc., with respect to copyright ownership and publication including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials. NAME: (Please print) YOUR SIGNATURE DATE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGINING I agree to complete the following JLP Provisional Membership dues installment payment plan: Pay according to the selected installment plan below: ____ Applications received on or before June 1, 2012: (Three installments allowed) $117.00 due with Application _____________ (insert application date) $117.00 due 30 days from Application date _____________ (insert date) $50.00 due 60 days from Application date ______________ (insert date) ____ Applications received between June 2nd and July 1st: (Two installments allowed except as noted below) $142.00 due with Application ____________ (insert application date) $142.00 due 30 days from Application date _____________ (insert date) Final payments must be received by August 1, 2012. Payment Plans will NOT be offered on Applications dated after July 1, 2012 NOTE: Three installments can be made on Applications dated early in June as long as the plan is approved by the Dues Treasurer AND the final payment is received by August 1, 2012. I will not receive my Care Card until JLP membership dues have been paid in full. I understand that my installment payments must be paid by check and received at JLP Headquarters by the above due dates. (Please indicate 1st, 2nd, or 3rd installment in memo section of check) I understand that Dues are non-refundable and that I will be dropped from the JLP Provisional Class if my JLP membership dues have not been paid in full by August 1, 2012. Applicant Signature: Print Name: Date: _______________________________________ Email: Phone: ____________ __________________________________________ Please mail a signed copy along with your application to JLP Headquarters, Attn: Dues Treasurer. For Office Use: Received by: ___________________________________________ Date: Approved by: ___________________________________________ Date: JLP Provisional Member Commitment – 2012-13 Checklist Please Keep For Your Reference Provisional Course Meetings *Super Saturday I – August 18, 2012 *Bus Tour – October 20, 2012 *Holiday In-Home Session – December 6, 2012 *Super Saturday II January 12, 2013 _______ *If a Provisional is unable to attend one of the above mentioned events, appropriate make-up sessions will be allowed. For every missed event, two (2) make-up sessions will be required. Provisionals who need to attend a make-up session must have an Alternate Meeting Form signed per training session by the meeting facilitator and must submit the form to the Provisional Chair, Michelle Buchanan, within three weeks of meeting date to receive meeting credit. The Alternative Meeting Form is posted in the “Forms & Docs” section of the JLP website. General Membership Meetings (GMM) Provisional members are required to attend a minimum of four (4) General Membership Meetings (GMMs) OR three (3) GMMs + one (1) approved alternative meeting** May 2 GMM – Annual Meeting September 5 GMM October 3 GMM – Voting Meeting November 7 GMM January – In Home Meetings (various dates) February 6 GMM March 6 GMM – Voting Meeting April 3 – In Home Meeting In-League Service Hours Provisional members are required to complete a minimum of 12 total In-League Service hours in these categories by April 10 of each year: 4 mandatory hours in support of Rummage (set up, sale day, pre-party, large item pick-up, etc.) 4 hours in your choice of a Valley Impact project 4 hours for completing any item from the list below: Shifts Work one additional 4 hour shift for Rummage. Contact the Rummage Chairman for available shifts prior to Rummage Week. Work one 4 hour shift for another Fundraiser (Care Card, Cookbook, Valley Impact Luncheon) A friend/family member works a Rummage shift with you. Please contact the Rummage Staffing Chair to sign up. Another League member works your shift for you. You are to sign up for a shift on the website and the other member will sign for you. Rummage Department Chairmen can receive up to eight (8) hours. You will still need to sign in each day you are there. Sales Members of the JLP and members of the Cookbook Committee receive one (1) hour of InLeague Service for selling one case of six (6) cookbooks. Members of the JLP and members of the Care Card committee receive four (4) hours for every sixteen (16) Care Cards sold. Donations One (1) hour may be given for every cash or in-kind donation worth one hundred twentyfive dollars ($125.00). Determination of value of in-kind donations is at the discretion of the Fundraising Council. This includes donations made through the United Way campaign. Placement Development Council Members (Care Card, Cookbook, Fund Development and Rummage) will receive up to eight (8) hours on their respective committees. These hours are allotted at the approval of the committee chairman. At the discretion of the Development Vice President and Communications Vice President by members of the Media Relations & Web Marketing Committee who staff the event during media interviews. The maximum number of hours awarded shall be eight (8) in any JLP fiscal year. Other Hours may be given to League members with the approval of Membership Review for office and clerical work during critical times. The Membership Vice President may grant a maximum of fifty (50) Hours per administrative year. Valley Impact Projects: Project _________________ Project _________________ ______ hours ______ hours Date of shift_____ Date of shift _____ Financial Obligations Submit a minimum of $125 in good quality used or new merchandise for the Rummage Sale OR pay $250. Committee Placement Requirements Each Provisional member must serve on one JLP committee in a limited capacity from August 2012 through April 2013. The Provisional member must attend at least two committee meetings and one event. ** Per Standing Rule 2, B: An approved alternate meeting is one of the following: a Board-approved separate training session or event that is not otherwise part of a General Membership meeting a Board meeting a Council meeting that is not a responsibility or expectation of the members current placement Provisionals who elect to attend a training session, a Board or Council meeting or approved event in lieu of a GMM must have an Alternate Meeting Form signed by the meeting facilitator, and must submit the form to the Membership Review Chairman, within three weeks of meeting date to receive meeting credit. The Alternative Meeting form is posted in the “Forms & Docs” section of the JLP website.