Automation of Provisional Payments – Varsha – 21Aug2014

Automation of ‘Provisional Payment’
21 August 2014
Stakeholder Modernisation Meeting (Megawatt)
Varsha Singh
What we need to achieve
Automation to the transactional ‘Security’ (provisional payment) requirements that will also
be included within the CUSDEC message format. This eliminates the separate paper
transaction (DA70) for electronic declarations and allows for full automation and end-to-end
management of Customs’ security requirements. The scope includes pre and post
declaration “security”, as well as “penalty” and “forfeiture” amounts.
Automate Provisional Payments as part of an Integrated Process
• Develop Provisional Payments as part of iCBS
• Manage the conditions pertaining to the type of provisional payment lodged.
• Finalise the liquidation of provisional payments.
Phase 1: Link to Declaration
EDI Channel
 Processing on iCBS
 Develop as part of declaration and VOC
 Section 91 – submitted as a supporting document with signature
 Development will be required by the trader systems as well as internally ito
Provisional Payment Categories - Type 1
Type 1 – Provisional payments lodged at time of clearance
a) Pending implementation of Anti-Dumping/Countervailing duty
b) Pending re-exportation of temporary imported goods
c) To cover duties/VAT pending VOC - hire/lease agreement based on flight hour
d) To cover duties/VAT pending VOC – consignment goods
Part of Declaration / VOC
Provisional Payment Categories – Type 2
Type 2 - Provisional payments lodged for conditional release of goods
a) Pending production of import documents (excl. permits/certificates)
b) Pending production of any document for of any other Act (excl. permits/certificates)
c) To obtain release under embargo (Sec. 107)
d) Pending production of literature to establish/confirm tariff heading
e) Pending tariff determination by HQ (no testing or product analysis involved)
f) To cover analysis fees
g) Pending value determination (VDN)
h) Pending implementation of Anti-Dumping/Countervailing duty
Part of VOC
Provisional Payment Categories – Type 3/4
Type 3 – Provisional payments lodged for penalty or forfeiture
• Pending a decision on the imposition/amount of a suitable penalty (Sec.91)
• Forfeiture
Part of VOC
Type 4 - Provisional payments unrelated to customs clearance (Not included in this
Phase to remain part of CEB01)
• Pending allocation of proceeds of State Warehouse auction/sale
• Payment of instalment amounts (Audit schedule)
• Issued for customs border control contraventions
• Other