OMB No. 0925-0001/0002 (Rev. 08/12 Approved Through 8/31/2015) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FIVE PAGES. NAME: Tibshirani, Robert J. eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): tibshirani.robert POSITION TITLE: Professor of Health Research & Policy EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.) DEGREE (if applicable) Completion Date MM/YYYY University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada B.Sc. 06/1979 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M.Sc. 06/1980 Statistics & Computer Science Statistics Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Ph.D. 06/1984 Statistics INSTITUTION AND LOCATION FIELD OF STUDY A. Personal Statement I am a statistician with a strong research record and a great deal of experience collaborating with medical researchers and biologists. I have expertise in developing state-of-the art statistical methodology for highdimensional data, especially in genomics. I have implemented some of these statistical tools into software packages that are used by many researchers in the Stanford School of Medicine and around the world. B. Positions and Honors Position and Employment 1985–1989 Assistant Professor (NSERC University Research Fellow), Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, and Department of Statistics, University of Toronto 1989–1994 Associate Professor (NECERC University Research Fellow) Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, and Department of Statistics, University of Toronto 1994–1998 Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto 1998–present Professor, Department of Biomedical Data Science, and Department of Statistics, Stanford University Other Experiences and Professional Activities 1995–1999 Associate Editor, Statistical Science 1995–1996 Chair, IMS Committee on Computerization 1995–1997 Associate Editor, Cancer Journal Statistics 1998–1999 Associate Editor, Annals of Statistics Honors 1993 Fellow of the American Statistical Association 1994 J. Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship 1994 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1996 COPSS (Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies) (worldwide) Award for contributions to statistics before age 40 1997 NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellow 2000 CRM-SSC (Statistical Society of Canada) Prize 2012 National Academy of Science 2012 Gold Medal, Statistical Society of Canada C. Contributions to Science My lab develops statistical tools for the analysis of high dimensional data. I have made important contributions to the analysis of complex datasets, including tools for genomics and proteomics. Some of my most wellknown contributions are the lasso, which uses L1 penalization in regression and related problems, generalized additive models and Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM). I have also co-authored five widely used books: "Generalized Additive Models", "An Introduction to the Bootstrap", "The Elements of Statistical Learning", now in its second edition, “Introduction to Statistical learning” and “Sparsity in Statistics”. My current work focusses on sparse modeling and inference of big data, with applications in many fields (especially bioinformatics). Here are key recent publications: 1. Max Grazier G'Sell, Stefan Wager, Alexandra Chouldechova, Robert Tibshirani.(2014) False Discovery Rate Control for Sequential Selection Procedures, with Application to the Lasso. To appear, JRSSB. 2. Richard Lockhart, Jonathan Taylor, Ryan Tibshirani and Robert Tibshirani. (2014). A significance test for the lasso. Annals of Statistics ,Volume 42, Number 2 (2014), 413-468. 3. Mazumder R, Hastie T, Tibshirani R. Spectral regularization algorithms for learning large incomplete matrices. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2010; 11:2287-2322. 4. Shen-Orr SS, Tibshirani R, Khatri P, Bodian DL, Staedtler F, Perry NM, Hastie T, Sarwal MM, Davis MM, Butte AJ. Cell type-specific gene expression differences in complex tissues. Nature Methods 2010; 7(4):287-289. PMCID: 3699332. D. Research Support Ongoing Research Support ACTIVE 5U54 CA14914502 (Plevritis) 5/1/10 – 2/29/16 NIH Modeling the Role of Differentiation in Cancer Progression Goals: Statistical methods for the study cell differentiation and its effect on cancer progression. Role: Co-Investigator P01AG036695 (Rando) NIH Molecular Regulation of Stem Cell Aging Role: Co-Investigator 7/1/11 – 4/30/16 P01CA067166 (Giaccia) 6/1/13 – 5/31/18 NIH Tumor Hypoxia: Molecular Studies and Clinical Exploitation Role: Co-Investigator 5UAI090019A (Davis) 7/18/11 - 6/30/16 NIH Vaccination and Infection: Indicators of Immunological Health and Responsiveness We aim to use a systems biology approach to survey immune responsiveness across several different vaccines including influenza (both seasonal and the new pandemic H1N1v), Herpes zoster, and the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis. These investigations will compare different age groups—children, young adults, and the elderly—to look for specific markers and assays of immune competence and especially those that might be common across different pathogens and age groups. Role: Co-Investigator 8UCA154209A (Clarke) 6/1/11 - 5/31/16 NIH Cellular Hierarchy of ER-breast Cancer in Difference Ethnic Groups Goals: Aim # 1 is too use single cell genomics technology to define the cellular hierarchy of normal human epithelium. Aim #2 is to use single cell genomics technology to understand the cellular hierarchy of ER-PRERB-B2- (triple negative, basal cell) breast cancer in different racial groups. Role: Co-Investigator DMS1208164 (Tibshirani) 6/1/12 - 5/31/16 NSF Flexible and Adaptive Statistical Modeling Goals: Develop statistical methods for model selection and combination, and write a textbook on modern statistical learning methods. Role: Principal Investigator T32GM096982 (Tibshirani) 7/1/12 – 6/30/17 NIH Interdisciplinary Training Program in Biostatistics and Personalized Medicine Role: Principal Investigator 5U19 AI10420901 (Galli) 2/1/13 - 1/31/18 NIH Integrated Genomic and Functional Studies of Tolerance Therapy for Peanut Allergy Goals: Understand the molecular basis of peanut allergies. Role: Core leader 19IB-0124 (West) 9/1/13 – 3/31/20 University of CA, Office of the President Getting a Jump on Cancer with a Genomic Risk Classifier Goals: Understand genomic contributions to cancer risk. Role: Co-Investigator 8-RLM011369A (Shah) 9/1/13 – 8/31/17 NIH Methods for Generalized Ontology Terms Enrichment Analysis Goals: To define abstraction levels with uniform information content across ontology hierarchies. Role: Co-Investigator NIH RCA184384A (Felsher) 4/1/14 - 2/28/19 NIH Prognostic Metabolic Signatures of Cancers through Mass Spectrometry Imaging Goals: Develop and validate metabolic signatures for liver cancer Role: Co-Investigator RO1CA179645 (Pollack) 5/1/14 – 4/30/19 NIH Mechanisms and targeting of SWI/SNF alternations in pancreatic cancer Goals: Study alternations in pancreatic cancer Role: Co-Investigator UM2 AR067678 (Utz) 9/24/14 – 5/31/19 NIH AMP RA/SLE Leadership Center Goals: Bioinformatics and statistical methods for RA studies. Role: Co-Investigator R01 CA193085-01A1 (Gevaert) 2/15/15 – 1/31/19 NIH Radiogenomics Framework for Non-Invasive Personalized Medicine Goals: Statistical analyses to provide the framework for radiogenomics predictors in personalized medicine. Role: Co-Investigator 7R01DK08137107 (Palaniappan) 4/1/15 – 3/31/19 NIH Strength Training Regimen fOr Normal WeiGht Diabetics (STRONG-D) Goals: Role: Other Investigator 1R01CA18829801A1 (Diehn) 4/1/15 – 3/31/20 NIH Noninvasive monitoring of lung cancer patients treated with radiotherapy Role: Co-Investigator 1R01 CA183962-01A1 (Hernandez-Boussard) 9/1/15 – 8/31/20 NIH Utilizing Electronic Health Records to Measure and Improve Prostate Cancer Care Role: Co-Investigator 1U01CA19638701 (Brooks, J.) 7/1/15 – 6/30/20 NIH Stanford Molecular and Cellular Characterization Laboratory Role: Co-Investigator P50AG047366 (Henderson) 7/1/15 – 4/30/20 NIH Stanford Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Role: Co-Investigator 5R01 EB001988-16 (Johnstone) 9/17/15 - 6/30/19 NIH New Statistical Methods for Medical Signals and Images Goals: This methodological grant proposes to develop methods for analyzing microarray data and medical data that comes in the form of signals or images such as MRI and FMRI scans, and protein mass spec. Role: Co-Investigator Completed Research Support R01Dk081371 Palaniappan (PI) 1/15/09 - 12/31/13 NIH Identifying Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes Among Asians: The Pan Asian Cohort Study Goal: Examine racial/ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes and the comparative effectiveness of oral medications for type 2 diabetes in Asian-American racial/ethnic subgroups. Role: Consultant 5R01 CA12992705 West (PI) 3/22/11 – 11/30/13 NIH Discovery of Gene Expression Signatures in Cancer Stroma Goals: Find new tumor stromal responses in a variety of cancers. Role: Statistician 5U01 AI089859-03 Prime Sponsor: NIH Tibshirani (PI) 10/1/12 – 6/30/13 Mayo Clinic Deconvolution of High Bandwidth Cross-Assay Data to Yield a Cell-Centered View of Immunity Role: Principal Investigator 5RC1 AR5871302 Robinson (PI) 9/28/09 - 8/31/12 NIH Proteomic Identification of Actionable Biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis Goals: Identify novel autoantibody and cytokine biomarkers for (i) early diagnosis, (ii) predicting disease severity, and (iii) guiding therapeutic decision making for the treatment of RA. Role: Statistician 8-PCA034233F Levy (PI) 7/17/06 - 3/31/12 NIH Clinical and Laboratory Studies of Malignant Lymphoma Goals: Study the biology of and treatment for diffuse large cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. Role: Statistician