Fresh Ideas Fund Application – Call #2 Please read the call details before attempting to complete the application form How to apply 1) It is essential that applicants discuss and explore the development of projects with the MeDe Innovation Co-Investigator team to ensure fit and alignment with the focus of the centre, and avoid unnecessary time being spent on projects that are unlikely to be supported. Professor Kenny Dalgarno Deputy Director Dr Ceri Williams Deputy Director Professor David Grant Co-Investigator Professor Paul Hatton Co-Investigator Professor Phil Coates Co-Investigator 2) Complete and submit following application form. The completed application form should not exceed six sides of A4 (including this page and questions). Lead investigator: Title: First name: Surname: Organisation: Email: Tel: Address: Proposed start date and duration of project: Proposal summary: Please describe your proposal in no more than 100 words using language suitable for an intelligent lay audience. This statement may be used for promotional purposes if the proposal is awarded: MeDe Innovation – The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices 0113 343 0923 The idea Tell us the context, aims, and objectives of the work: Why the project is exciting Give a statement on the timeliness, rationale and novelty of the work including some evidence that this work is not already being addressed elsewhere. What is the problem it seeks to address and the impact it could have? Methods you will use State of how the work will be undertaken, who will carry out the work and propose an outline project plan. Please attach a Gantt chart as an appendix. Developing the Fresh Idea Provide a clear description of how further funding to progress the outcomes of the project would be achieved and the target funding sources. Tangible outputs What are the tangible outputs and deliverables arising from the project? Track record of applicant Tell us about your previous successes in this area Justification for funding Provide a breakdown of the funding requested with a short justification for each. The categories of funds that can be supported through the Fresh Idea Fund include: Directly incurred staff, estates, laboratory or technical infrastructure. For directly incurred staff please indicate the named individual who will undertake the work, the duration of appointment on the project and the percentage of their time allocated to the project. Consumables and travel (not more than £6K in total and as a minimum should include the cost of travel for at least one visit to a core member of the Centre by the nominated PI). Indirect costs Budget type Details FEC Price requested £ 80% to be claimed £ Staff DI Staff DI 2 Staff DI Staff DI Staff DI Staff DI TOTAL MUST NOT EXCEED £50,000 Demand for research Please append commitment from one or more industry partners that shows their interest in the research area and their commitment to support the project. If the research idea is too early-stage for an industry partner to be directly engaged, the market opportunity for the outcomes of the research should be clearly identified. Final checklist Call information read Project discussed and explored with MeDe Innovation Co-Investigator Application form does not exceed six sides of A4 Gantt chart attached to application email Letters of support from industry partners attached to application email Research and Innovation Services contacted - clear on institutional requirements in relation to meeting the deadlines for this call 3