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Eat to Defeat Cancer… Every Day
posted on
November 4, 2011
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William Li
Dr. William Li is President, Medical Director, and Co-founder of the Angiogenesis
Foundation, and is a highly-sought international lecturer, advisor, and Fortune 500
consultant for his predictive insights into medical breakthroughs.
Angiogenesis makes cancer dangerous
A major reason cancer is so frustratingly difficult to cure is that by the time it can be
detected, it is often very advanced, and like all advanced diseases, much more difficult
to treat. In a person with advanced cancer, uncontrolled angiogenesis keeps cancer cells
growing and allows them to spread. However, without angiogenesis, cancers can’t
grow and become dangerous. This is why the microscopic cancers that form in our
bodies all the time are mostly harmless. These cancers aren’t even visible on a standard
X-ray or body scan. So, to effectively prevent cancer, angiogenesis needs to be brought
under control before the tumor can get a foothold. This is where your everyday diet
comes into play.
Start to eat (and drink) to defeat cancer today
Eating to defeat cancer can be accomplished simply by adding a few of our cancer
fighting angio foods to your meals each day. Like life itself, one’s diet is all about
making choices. Since we all eat every day, why not choose foods that can reduce your
risk of disease? Listed below are some food facts, supported by scientific research, to
help you get the most cancer fighting benefits from your diet.
Be picky. Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples have twice as many cancer
fighters as Fuji or Golden Delicious apples. The San Marzano tomato contains
more cancer fighters than any other variety. Wine grapes grown in cooler
climates have more cancer fighters than grapes grown in warmer climates.
Eat Your Sprouts. Broccoli sprouts can contain more cancer-fighting properties
than regular broccoli.
Dunk Your Teabag. Dunking a tea bag up and down releases more cancerfighting molecules than letting the bag just sit in the cup.
Cook Your Vegetables. Raw tomatoes are good, but cooking them in olive oil
is better.
Chew Your Greens. Chewing leafy greens helps to release enzymes that
activate cancer-fighting molecules embedded deep in the leaves.
Go Soy. Fermented soy, like the kind used in miso soup, contains four times
more cancer fighters than regular soybeans.
Choose one cancer fighting food for each meal. At 3 meals each day, that adds
up to more than a thousand of cancer fighting food choices each year.
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Gary McGraw on June 24, 2012 - 7:55 am
Dr Li I have had testicular cancer its been 6 in years in remission and I still
struggle with what is the correct diet for me.. Question 1 I eat whey protien after
my workouts? Does whey cause cancer? Some articles say eat Whey some say
dont eat any diary at all if you have had cancer Question 2 Is a plant based diet
best for me?
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Candie Horner on June 10, 2012 - 3:39 am
Dr. li, I would like to know your thoughts on juicing. Not a juicing fast, just
adding juicing to a healthy diet. Are there vegetables that are best juiced (
because it would be easier to consume large amounts) or am I missing out by not
eating the fiber ( because the anti angiogenesis molecules are in the fiber) ?
When I look at the amount of pulp/fiber remaining after I have juiced my veges I
am surprised by the volume. Is there evidence, in your opinion, that we are
greatly adding anti angiogenesis power of these/any foods by juicing them ?
Thank you.
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Suzanne Bridge on February 20, 2012 - 7:08 pm
Will your research also fight Macular degeneration? I can't thank you enough for
your dedicated research. I first saw you on Dr Oz show, you mentioned drinking
Lime Juice in water with honey 2x a day Blessings to you, Suzanne
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Eat to Defeat Cancer on February 23, 2012 - 10:22 am
Our research on AMD is at http://www.scienceofamd.org/. Take a look.
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Brady Fineske on January 19, 2012 - 2:22 pm
where can I buy your program or the research on the foods and amounts for
specific cancers?
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Eric Fine on January 5, 2012 - 3:33 pm
Dear Dr. Li, I was wondering if there is a systematic tabulation of the antiangiogenic strength of different foods such as has been compiled by the USDA
for antioxidant strength of different foods in the ORAC (Oxygen Radical
Absorbance Capacity) value? And if so, where could it be found? Thank you,
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Cathy Heimsoth on December 18, 2011 - 5:26 pm
I don't think there is enough information out there on helping you eat to fight
disease, I applaud your website but most of all your research. As a breast cancer
survivor I want to fight without taking drugs that cause other side effects such as
bone loss. It seams as though the doctors only focus on the drugs and the
information that survivors need to improve their well being is hard to fine. More
recipes and help for the common cook....thank you.
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Marc Iwahashi on December 16, 2011 - 5:24 pm
Our family really appreciates the discovery of Dr Li's research. I am also
encouraging my patients to go on a plant strong diet and to look into your
foundation and website. With thankfulness and gratitude, The Iwahashis
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Rita Kinajil on December 1, 2011 - 2:01 pm
Dr. Li. This is a kind and blessed thoughts to reach out people out there who are
in needs of great help . I am grateful that I have come across this page in the
internet. I will try some of the recipes for my health. Thanks.
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jane gee on November 15, 2011 - 12:07 am
Dr Li I feel that this is a wonderful message to prevent cancer. Getting people to
eat in a more conscious way is always a good thing. Especially in the United
States where obesity and other chronic illnesses are rampant. One thing that
bothers me is the aggressive language you are using such as: Fight, defeat, battle
etc...when you fight something it fights back. A more positive use of language
around your cause would invite a more positive response.
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susan brookstone on December 1, 2011 - 12:36 pm
Have you had cancer? Sometimes in life you have to fight. Six months
after focusing on the angiogenic foods, I had my first clean lab in three
years. Believe me, I am fighting. Bravo to you all who use your food for
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carmen duggan on November 23, 2011 - 1:52 pm
I have just joined this forum, thank you for the opportunity. Very interesting
comment about the Granny Smith and Red Delicious , Could I also add that
organic produce , apples and soft fruit such as strawberries is important. Look to
black rice "forbidden rice" . Many foods are outside of the mainstream, delicious
, and health promoting, well worth the adventure of the hunt and broadening the
diet . As to the member comment about the aggressive language using words
such fight, defeat, battle , I don't think they are powerful enough ! Cancer is not
your friend , it is not yours , do not get comfortable with the idea. In January of
2010 I lost two good friends. Women I had known for 20 and 25 years . In the
same month I lost my brother in law who had colon cancer. I don't ever want to
be in the position to have to deal with this so don't know fully how people have
coping strategies. All too often in the clinics , I overheard "my" cancer . I
wanted to say "it is not "yours" , do not embrace it. It is your enemy , not your
friend. Carmen
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Amy Robinson on November 16, 2011 - 6:08 am
Nice. This would make a good infographic.
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Diana Pappas on November 9, 2011 - 6:38 pm
Your website has to be the eclertoinc Swiss army knife for this topic.
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Diana Pappas on November 8, 2011 - 7:50 pm
What about Sun tea, when you leave the tea bag in for hours, is that better then
dunking the tea bag up and down?
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Diana Pappas on November 7, 2011 - 10:48 am
Dr. Li, How do we find other apples and how they measure up? I really love the
Honey Crisp apples that are in season right now, and I don't want to be limited
by the Granny Smith or the Red Delicious apples. Where can we find a list of
other apples that are beneficial? Why are the Fuji or Golden Delicious apples
less effective? More sugars? Is there a list by variety of other fruits? Should we
be watching out for the sugars in different fruits, such as dates?
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Diana Pappas on November 7, 2011 - 10:45 am
Dr Li, Could you tell us about other apples, so we will not be limited to the
Granny Smith or the Red Delicious? I really love the HoneyCrisp that are in
season right now. Why are the Fuji and Golden Delicious less effective? Do they
have a higher sugar content? How can we find a complete list of different apples
and other fruits, including varieties of the different fruits that are more beneficial
to eat each day. Thank you! --Brenda Spencer, Holistic Health Coach, Dallas,
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Judy Rigney on November 4, 2011 - 8:50 am
Really great facts Doctor Li. I really like the fact about choosing one cancer
fighting food per meal, That sounds easy enough to do. Think I will go have a
Granny S
- See more at: http://www.eattodefeat.org/frontlines/8/eat-to-defeat-cancer-hellip-everyday.html#sthash.lBnLSt5j.dpuf