lorem ipsum issue #, date DESIGN YOUR OWN ISLAND Objective: OBJECTIVE: In your assigned group, you will design your own Island nation and the human society that lives on it. You will determine its location, its environment, and its landforms as well as the indigenous (native) crops, plants, and animals. Your goal is to create a place that is ideally suited for survival and for the development of a successful civilization! Time Period: 5,000 years ago (3,000 BCE Process / Guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. Brainstorm ALL choices in designing your island! Design / sketch the Island’s shape, landform location, settlements etc. Find images for all elements of the Island to include in your presentation. Create a Google Presentation with at least 20 slides displaying your island, and explaining the choices you made. 5. Present Island to the class. 6. There will be a written analysis of your island at the conclusion of this project. (more to come on this) Decisions, Decisions: Location Landforms People Agriculture Animals Flag lorem ipsum Location: Where on Earth is this island going to be situated? What Latitude? Remember Latitude will determine Climate – what type of climate do you think will be best for survival and the development of a successful civilization? You may put your island anywhere on Earth that does not already have land! Also consider – Do you want contact with other civilizations and cultures to be easy, difficult, or impossible? If you want contact – with what other existing civilizations? Landforms: What types of landforms / bodies of water (i.e. mountains, rivers, deserts, lakes, etc.) will you have on your island? You must have at least 7 landforms and/or bodies of water. Consider – what landforms will be necessary to help your people survive and develop a successful civilization? People: Who will live on your island? Will the indigenous people be: Hunter / Gatherers? Ranchers / Herders? Farmers? Where on your island will they settle? Consider – which parts of your island will be best suited for settlement and the development of a successful civilization? Agriculture / Vegetation: What types of natural vegetation will grow on your island? Make sure you choose plants that grow at your latitude! Also, if your people are farmers, what crops will they farm? How will these help their survival and aid in the development of a successful civilization? If they are not farmers, what plants might provide the best gathering options? Animals: What animals will be indigenous to your island? Consider – which animals will make your survival easier and / or more enjoyable? Which animals will aid in your civilization’s development? Wild or domesticated? Flag: What will your nation’s flag look like? What will the colors and or/ symbols represent? 2 issue #, date lorem ipsum issue #, date Possible Animal Choices (choose up to 5): buffalo elephants moose bears alligators camels goats parrots whales prairie dogs cats guinea pigs pigs rabbit panthers cheetahs horses reindeer snakes tigers chickens kangaroo sheep seals deer cows leopards zebras fish coyotes dogs llamas and alpacas tigers turkeys antelope donkeys lions koala bear crocodiles fox monkeys bats dolphins penguins Possible Agricultural Choices (choose up to 5): barley oats taro root tropical fruits apples corn (maize) potatoes tobacco citrus fruits tea cotton rice tree nuts apples sorghum millet soybeans wheat coffee cocoa tomatoes olives grapes sugarcane legumes berries yams Possible Natural Vegetation Choices (choose up to 3): coconut trees bamboo mangroves cacti brittlebush beech hickory white oak birch arctic moss tufted saxifrage lichen elephant grass baobab trees buffalo grass purple coneflower spruce trees hemlock trees fir trees lavender bay laurel palms ferns heather peat moss yucca 3 lorem ipsum issue #, date Google Presentation: 1. Title Slide – name of island, your name(s), date, block 2. Flag slide – show flag, explain symbolism Donec interdum 3. Map Slide – plot island on blank world map 4. Location Slide – absolute and relative location (include the body of water it is in) 5. Location reasoning – climate on island, contact with other civilizations or isolation. 6. *Map slide* – draw island, show landforms, animal and crop locations, compass Pellentesque: rose, scale Pellentesque aliquet vulputate lacus. Nunc 7. Landforms Slide – identify at least 7 landforms vitae felis at sem euismod 8. Natural Vegetation Slide – up to 3 types of natural vegetationpretium. Nam purus nisl, dignissim eu, facilisis eu, 9. Animals Slide – List up to 5 animals mattis consectetuer, arcu. 10. Animal Slide - show one animal and explain why you chose it.Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus 11. Animal Slide - show one animal and explain why you chose it.et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. 12. Animal Slide - show one animal and explain why you chose it. 13. Animal Slide - show one animal and explain why you chose it. 14. Animal Slide - show one animal and explain why you chose it. 15. Crops Slide – List up to 5 crops 16. Crops Slide - show crop and explain why you chose it. 17. Crops Slide - show crop and explain why you chose it. 18. Crops Slide - show crop and explain why you chose it. Consectetuer: Sed venenatis, augue non varius tempus, metus 19. Crops Slide - show crop and explain why you chose it. nibh mollis erat, a 20. Crops Slide - show crop and explain why you chose it. tempus neque ipsum sit amet nisi. Donec 21. People Slide – describe the indigenous people of your island – what is their elementum, justo eu pulvinar tincidunt, lifestyle, settlement patterns, culture? mauris nunc consectetuer mi, eu ornare 22. Success – explain why your island will succeed. What advantages will youraugue people ligula a nibh. have that will allow them to be successful? 4