ECONOMICS SS 2 FIRST TERM WEEK (a) 1 TOPIC/CONTENT (b) TOOLS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS i. Simple linear equations ii. Measures of dispersion iii. Pie chart 1. 2. 2 TOOLS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS i. Bar charts ii. Calculation of charts 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY i. Meaning of demand and supply ii. Laws of demand and supply i. Factors affecting demand and supply. CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY i. Distinguish between factors that cause shift in demand and supply curves and those causing movement along demand and supply curves ii. Types of demand and supply (with curves) THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY CURVE i. Meaning of production possibility curve (PPC) ii. Plotting the PPC from possible data THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY CURVE i. Concept of total, average and marginal productivity. ii. Laws of variable proportion 1. 2. 1. 2. ACTIVITIES (c) Teacher to test previous knowledge of basic tools taught in year one. Give relevant examples on the new topic (draw tables, graph and calculate given data) Learning material; Graph paper and other relevant materials. Teacher to test previous knowledge of basic tools taught in year one. Give relevant examples on the new topic (draw tables, graph and calculate given data) Learning material; Graph paper and other relevant materials. Teacher to emphasize the role of price system in resource allocation in economics. Guide students to plot the demand and supply schedules to obtain curves. Learning materials; Graphs. Teacher to emphasize the role of price system in resource allocation in economics. Learning materials; Graphs. 1. Teacher to give hypothetical production data and figures to plot the PPC and to calculate marginal product (MP) and average product (AP). Guide students to draw PPC on graph sheets. 1. Teacher to guide students to plot graphs, calculate average, total and marginal productivity 2. Learning materials: Graphs and tables (a) 7 8 (b) COST CONCEPTS i. Basic cost concepts: total, average, marginal, fixed and variable cost. ii. Different cost curves COST CONCEPTS i. Short-run and Long-run Costs ii. Distinction between economist’s and accountant’s view of cost 9 REVENUE CONCEPTS i. Concept of revenue – total, average and marginal revenue ii. Revenue schedules and curves 10 TYPES AND FEATURES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM i. Basic features of economic system (Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed economy etc) 11 LABOUR MARKET i. Supply of and demand for labour ii. Wage determination 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. (c) Teacher to ask students to state what they consider as cost and highlight the distinctions between cost to individual, the business enterprise and to the nation Learning materials; Graphs. Teacher to ask students to state what they consider as cost. Identify costs incurred in the running of schools. Draw cost curves and go on excursion to local factories to identify cost items. Learning materials; Graphs. Teacher to explain the concepts of total, average and marginal revenue to students and use raw relevant revenue schedules and curves. Learning materials; Graphs. Teacher to explain the features of the various economic system, drawing examples from defunct USSR, United States and Nigeria. Learning materials: Political Map of the world. Teacher to emphasize the role of government institutions and wage commissions in the determination of wages. Discuss the introduction of the new minimum wage. Invite labour leader and employer of labour or official of ministry of Labour, Employment and productivity to give talk on labour matters. Draw out distinction between real and nominal wages. Simulate wage bargaining by grouping students into employers and union leaders. Discuss with students activities of NDE; National Directorate of Employment. Mention some jobs a young school leaver could engage in. Learning materials: Newspaper clippings, hypothetical price level wage rate and productivity data. Graph paper and pencil. (a) 12 13 14 (b) LABOUR MARKET i. Trade Unions and other related institutions. Revision Examination (c) 1. Teacher to discuss the introduction of the minimum wage and invite labour leader and employer of labour or official of ministry of Labour, Employment and productivity to give talk on labour matters. 2. Learning materials: Newspaper clippings Revision Examination