Stage 8 Project

Latin I
Stage 8 Project
Gladiator Tombstones
And Advertisements
Nōmen ___________________________
Diēs __________________Pd._________
Objective: Students will work individually or in pairs to create an original inscription having to do
with gladiators that reflects details of gladiators and gladiator competitions, and Romans’ views of
gladiators and competitions. Your options are:
Create a tombstone for a gladiator
Create an advertisement for a gladiator competition
Create a protest sign for a gladiator competition
In order to create a plausible inscription, students will need to conduct research using in-class
resources and approved websites to learn about the way Romans wrote and inscribed stone, what kinds
of phrases they used, what kinds of pictures they used, etc.
To make our tombstones look “Ancient Roman,” students will be supplied with tag board and other art
materials. Students will also be expected to use correct Roman spelling (recall differences between the
Roman and English alphabet), Roman numerals, Roman names, and culturally-appropriate references.
You will be graded on these areas:
Work Ethic
Creativity and appearance
Ancient Roman Tombstone
Grading Rubric
Work Ethic:
On-task during group time; appropriate use of materials
Creativity and Appearance:
Your project is neat and creative; evidence that effort was put into it
Adequate research was done regarding gladiator games and daily life, the
Roman alphabet and number systems so that the product reflects Ancient
Roman beliefs and systems
Proper sentence structure, punctuation and spelling
Read your inscription aloud and explain it to the class.
Total Points Earned (out of 50):
What is your project?
What are some important details that should appear on your project?
What picture or pictures will you include on your project?
What should the writing look like on your project?
Please explain at least four details about your project that reflect Roman ideas of
Gladiators, gladiator games, Roman values, beliefs in life after death, cultural facts etc.
Scroll down to page 10 of this pdf sample of a book about gladiators to see the
Preview of the book, Gladiators at Pompeii. There are many pictures related to
gladiators, the amphitheater and graffiti in Pompeii.
This article includes an interpretation of the inscriptions and pictures on the mosaic
from northern Africa that we saw in class.
A very in-depth analysis of the mosaic from northern Africa that we saw in class – YOU
DO NOT NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF. Just exit out of the download prompt
and read the report.
The book Gladiators 100 BC – AD 200 – A very good book with a lot of pictures and
information. There is an interesting section about average height of the Romans
compared to the average height of a gladiator.
Cultural Background – Stage 8
NOTE: These links will appear in a new window.
CSCP is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Gladiators 1
Great introduction, primarily for younger surfers, but instructive and humorous for all. Follow your fate in
cartoon form, as you're captured, sold, trained as a gladiator... and then put to fight in the arena.
Check out especially the "Who's Who" page!
Based on the book You Wouldn't Want To Be A Roman Gladiator!
Gladiators 2
This fantastic website has an excellent section on gladiator "games" as well as on the Colosseum. The
wonderful illustrations are large and clear, and there are many hyperlinks to other parts of the site. for
instance, click on the hyperlink "free-specatcles" to learn about the origin of gladiatorial contests.
Use the the drop-down menus for full navigation of the site with loads more info.
Gladiators 3
Good web-page on gladiators and amphitheatres.
Gladiators 4
Another good site from the BBC, dealing briefly with gladiator origins, styles of fighting, barrack life, and
Gladiator - the Movie: How accurate is the film?
Excellent discussion of the movie by Alan Ward of Connecticut University.
Gladiator - the Movie: trailer
Haven't yet seen the film? Here's the original trailer.
Gladiator - the Movie: poster
Movie poster of the Gladiator (Russell Crowe).
Gladiator - the Movie: man v. tiger
The tigers may have been chained for the film, but in Roman times...
Gladiator Game
Despite being slow to load, this is a great little game where you have to correctly supply the arms and
armour for different types of gladiators. Use the clues to pick the correct weapons for them. Your choice of
weapons and armour will decide whether or not they are victorious.
For many more images and descriptions of gladiators and the animals that fought in amphitheatres, see further
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The amphitheatre is a Roman invention, but what is it exactly? The differences between theatres and
amphitheatres graphically explained. Excellent!
The Colosseum 1: virtual tour
The greatest of all Roman amphitheatres was the Colosseum in Rome. Excellent animation (courtesy
Discovery Channel/BBC) providing short, precise information on various areas of the arena.
The Colosseum 2: cgi reconstruction
One of the best & most accurate computer-generated images on the web.
The Colosseum 3: construction & design
Fact-packed, easy-to-access web-pages produced by the BBC and Prof. Keith Hopkins.
The Colosseum 4
Detailed website on this amphitheatre's history and architecture of the arena; more suitable for older
The Colosseum 5: image gallery
This fabulous aerial view kicks off this collection of great views:
- exterior
- interior showing the corridors and niches under the arena where the beasts & gladiators were kept;
- at night;
- the collapsed exterior wall revealing inner walls;
- Roman coin depicting the arena
- modern Italian Euro coin;
- model;
- cut-away model;
- computer reconstruction showing the statue of the emperor Nero shown as the sun god Helios, the colossal
size of which gave the arena its name in the Middle Ages.
- "the Square Colosseum" (aka "Palazzo della Civilt� Italiana"), built 1938-43 in a modern suburb of Rome
called EUR.
The Colosseum 6: special effects
Good, illustrated article from the Smithsonian magazine about recent discoveries of how the trapdoors and
cages under the floor of the amphitheatre worked.
Pompeii Amphitheatre 1
Description, photos and plans of the actual remains.
More links:
- aerial view.
- view from afar showing how the amphitheatre is constructed by sinking its lower half into the ground, not
completely building it up from ground level as in later exampes.
- official webpage.
Pompeii Amphitheatre 2: wall-painting
Famous fresco of a riot in and around Pompeii's amphitheatre in 59 AD. Note the awning shielding spectators
from the sun.
From House I-3-23 in Pompeii; now in National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
The Roman historian Tacitus records this riot:
"About the same time a trifling beginning led to frightful bloodshed between the inhabitants of Nuceria and
Pompeii, at a gladiatorial show exhibited by Livineius Regulus, who had been, as I have related, expelled from
the Senate. With the unruly spirit of townsfolk, they began with abusive language of each other; then they
took up stones and at last weapons, the advantage resting with the populace of Pompeii, where the show
was being exhibited. And so there were brought to Rome a number of the people of Nuceria, with their bodies
mutilated by wounds, and many lamented the deaths of children or of parents. The emperor entrusted the
trial of the case to the Senate, and the Senate to the consuls, and then again the matter being referred back
to the Senators, the inhabitants of Pompeii were forbidden to have any such public gathering for ten years,
and all associations they had formed in defiance of the laws were dissolved. Livineius and the others who had
excited the disturbance, were punished with exile."
From Annals Bk.14.17.
Arles Amphitheatre, France
More links:
- interior view.
- interior corridor.
- model.
Nimes Amphitheatre, France
More photos:
- arena including description;
- an internal corridor;
- a modern performance;
- aerial view.
El Djem Amphitheatre, Tunisia
Beautiful aerial photo of the 3rd largest amphitheatre in the Roman world. More photos:
- anothe aerial view;
- exterior 1;
- exterior 2;
- exterior Corinthian columns;
- old photo of exterior before modern buildings built close by;
- interior view;
- the long trapdoor cavity.
Chester Amphitheatre, England
As rebuilt c.180 AD the amphitheatre at Chester was a rather splendid building with engaged columns
runnning around the exterior.
London Amphitheatre, England
Part of the arena is preserved and dramatically lit under the Guildhall art gallery in a stunning display, while
other parts of the arena are outlined in Guldhall Yard.
First built in AD 70 when it was made of timber, the arena was enlarged in the 2nd C. with its outer walls rebuilt of stone. It held 6000 spectators - when the population of London was between 20-30,000. It was
abandoned in the 4th Cent.
Amphitheatres in Britain: map
Locations of known amphitheatres and theatres, and so-called theatre-amphitheatres which were probably
used for both drama and gladiatorial contests.
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Many of the websites above have sections on the animal hunts or"venationes", but these following links stand
Venationes 1
Detailed with images.
Venationes 2
Short description with ancient images.
Click for links...
Gladiator Helmet 1
One of several gladiator helmets found in the quadriporticus of the theatre in Pompeii which had been
rebuilt as gladiator barracks.
This was the helmet of a Thraex (Thracian) gladiator and was decorated with a tall solid crest terminating in
the head of a griffin, the companion of Nemesis, goddess of vengeance and retribution. It was decorated
with feathers placed in sockets on the sides, and a plume could be fastened to the crest.
Now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
Gladiator Helmet 2
Said to be also from the quadriporticus of the theatre in Pompeii.
In the British Museum, London.
Gladiator Leg Greaves
From quadriporticus in Pompeii; now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
Gladiator Shoulder-guard
Again from the quadriporticus in Pompeii; now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
Gladiator Wall-painting
Fresco of two gladiators fighting painted on the wall of a the Tomb of Vestorius Priscus in Pompeii.
As shown on p.132 of CLC Unit 1.
Gladiator Sculpture 1: simply the best
This superb sculpture shows gladiators in action: the round-shielded Hoplomachus or Samnite is surounded
by three Secutores. It's part of a much larger funerary monument of Lucius Storax.
In the National Archaeological Museum of Chieti in Italy.
Gladiator Sculpture 2: new discoveries
These sculptures, found in 2007, once probably decorated the inside of a tomb. Pairs of gladiators fight to
the music of horns and trumpets. More images.
Dating to late 1st-century BC, they are now in the Lucus Feroniae Museum of Archaeology near Rome.
Gladiator Sculpture 3: women
Yes - on occassions women did fight as gladiators in the arena.
This sculpture even gives their tough stage names - Amazon and Achilia. Originally from Halikarnassos
(modern Bodrum) in Turkey, and now in the British Museum, London.
Gladiator Sculpture 4: training
Each gladiator is coached by his trainer. In L'Aquila Museum, Amiternum, Italy.
Gladiator Mosaic 1: retiarius versus secutor
Wonderful mosaic - of a terrible ordeal. The duels between the "net-man" and the "chaser" were always
popular. The referee (or summa rudis from the rod, rudis, that he carried) adjudicates.
This detail is part of a stunning mosaic floor in Nennig, a town 30 miles south of Trier in Germany. Made of
nearly 3 million tesserae (cubes of stone), it dates to the 200's AD. The mosaic, is housed in its reconstructed
Roman villa in Nennig.
Further description.
Gladiator Mosaic 2: retiarii versus secutores
Lightly-armed and lightly-armoured, the "net-men" always seem the under-dogs. Here, though, the nets have
been thrown and their opponents entrapped.
In the National Archaeological Museum, Madrid.
Gladiator Mosaic 3: retiarius versus secutor
He's lost his net, but the retiarius has the uper hand.
Gladiator Mosaic 4: a Thraex (Thracian) versus murmillo
Detail from another major "gladiator mosaic", this one from a villa in Bad Kreuznach,Germany.
The left-handed Thracian, distinguished by his curved, griffin-crested helmet has lost his shield.
Here's the whole mosaic from above.
Gladiator Mosaic 5: parmularii
These gladiators carried a small shield and sword.
In the Roman villa at Bad Kreuznach,Germany
Gladiator Mosaic 6:
The Romans also liked "unusual" pairings, presumably such as these gladiators armed merely with whips and
Another detail from the Nennig mosaic, as described above.
Gladiator Mosaic 7: winners and losers
Part of another famous "gladiator mosaic", this one originally from Torre Nuova near Rome. The dead
gladiators are marked with a theta, the first letter of the Greek word for death - thanatos.
In the Galleria Borghese, Rome.
Gladiator Mosaic 8: various gladiators
from Augusta Raurica (modern Augst) near Basel, Switzerland; on display in the town museum.
Gladiator Mosaic 10: on stilts
One of these guys is on stilts! Honest! Image of the "Magirius Mosaic" from Smirat, near El-djem in Tunisia. In
the Museum of Sousse, Tunisia.
Gladiator Oil Lamp
in the Hermitage Museum, Russia.
Gladiator Vase
This is the Colchester Vase, one of the most famous pots from Roman Britain. It was made in Colchester
about AD 175 and shows a fight between two gladiators. An inscription scratched on the pot tells us their
names: Memnon and Valentinius.
Gladiator Statuettes
in the British Museum.
Animals in the Arena: wall-painting 1
Roman fresco of hunter confronting a lion.
Originally painted on the barrier surrounding the arena in the amphitheatre of Merida (ancient Augusta
Emerita) in Spain; now in the city's National Museum of Roman Art.
As depicted on p.137 of CLC Unit 1.
Animals in the Arena: wall-painting 2
Part of the same fresco as above, but here a lion attacks another animal (a wildebeest or large wild boar?).
Again, in the National Museum of Roman Art at Merida in Spain.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 1
Bestiarius killing a leopard.
In the Roman villa at Bad Kreuznach,Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 2
Another bestiarius killing a leopard.
At Nennig Roman villa, Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 3
The venator was a specialised hunter and often rode on horseback.
The hunted animals include a deer, an antelope, a lion, a leopard and a bear.
This is the central panel from the magnificent mosaic in the Roman villa at Bad Kreuznach, Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 4
Tiger and antelope.
At Nennig Roman villa, Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 5
Tiger and donkey.
In the Roman villa at Bad Kreuznach,Germany
Animals in the Arena mosaic 6
Bestiarius and bear.
In the Roman villa at Bad Kreuznach,Germany
Animals in the Arena mosaic 7
Bestiarii and bear.
From Nennig Roman villa, Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 8
Elephant and boa constrictor snake...
From Carthage.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 9
In a more humane scene, the trainer pats his lion.
From Nennig Roman villa, Germany.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 10
Prisoners condemned to die were often executed in the "lunch intervals" at the amphitheatres. Here, his
hands tied behind his back, the condemned is attacked by leopard.
From ...
Animals in the Arena mosaic 11
Similar fate for this condemend man. From Zliten, near Leptis Magna, and now in the Archaeological
Museum in Tripoli, Libya.
Animals in the Arena mosaic 12
Leopards being hunted. The "Magirius Mosaic" from Smirat, near El-Djem, Tunisia.
Animals in the Arena sculpture:
Bestiarii fighting lions.
In the Museum of Roman Civilization, Rome.
and if all that wasn't bad enough...
Music in the Arena: mosaic 1
To add "drama" and to entertain the crowd, musicians played before, after and presumably during the
gladiatorial contests.
This organist and trumpeter are from Nennig Roman villa in Germany.
As depicted on p.133 of CLC Unit 1.
Music in the Arena: mosaic 2
Found at Zliten, on the coast east of Leptis Magna.
Now in the Archaeological Museum, Tripoli, Libya.
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Cultural Background – Stage 7
NOTE: These links will appear in a new window.
CSCP is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Stage 7 title-page
Mosaic of a skeleton holding a wine jug in each hand. Originally on a dining-room floor in Pompeii - where it
reminded diners to enjoy themselves before it was too late. Exact find-spot unknown; now in the National
Archaeological Museum, Naples.title-page.
Death and Burial 1
Introduction to Roman funerals.
Death and Burial 2
Account of the cult of the dead on the Pompeii official website, with links to three of the cemeteries (or
necropolis) outside the gates.
Death and Burial 3
Long, detailed and illustrated essay on burial practices and funeral customs including descriptions of different
types of tombs. Written nearly a century ago the language is sometimes odd, but the content is sound.
Death and Burial 4
Another long, detailed account of Roman funerals from the 1875 Smith's "Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Death and Burial 5: modern reconstructions
Typical Roman mourners dressed in dark (not necessarily black) clothes.
More images from the TV series "Rome":
- Pay the Ferryman: a coin was placed in the mouth of the dead to pay Charon the Ferryman's fare for taking
souls across the River Styx to the abodes of the Dead in the Underworld.
- Crematorium - ustrinum: the designated places for burning dead bodies lay just outside the city walls.
- The Cremation of Julius Caesar: his body was "accidentally" burned while still in the Roman Forum.
Street of Roman Tombs
This Roman cemetery at Ostia near Rome is amazingly well preserved and gives an great idea of what tombs
lining the roads outside towns felt and looked like.
Pompeii: interactive map of tombs
Complete photographic record of all the tombs in Pompeii. It may be best to first get an overview of the
cemeteries with some of the other links below, then explore this site.
* NEW * Pompeii: Herculaneum Gate cemetery
Walk up the Street of Tombs just outside the Herculaneum Gate of Pompeii in Google Street-View. The street
provides examples of the many different shapes and sizes of ancient Roman tombs: some only take up small
plots, while others are over 7 meters long.
More links:
- interactive plan. On the plan, click Nos.1 and 3 to access the tomb areas.
- photo looking from the gate; photo 2 from half way along the street.
- 360-degree panorama.
- video 1: a short walk around the street.
- video 2: a look inside and out of the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche.
Pompeii: Nocera Gate cemetery
Description, location and neat little sketch of the how this important cemetery looks today.
More links:
- interactive plan.
- photo.
- video: tour of the the Tomb of Eumachia.
Pompeii: Vesuvius Gate cemetery
Brief description.
More links:
- interactive plan.
- movie: tour of Tomb of Vestorius Priscus.
- Google Street-view.
Pompeii: Nola Gate cemetery
Description from the Official Website.
- interactive plan.
- Google Street-view.
Multi-burial Tombs 1: family
Interior of a Roman tomb with niches for urns of ashes.
Reconstructed inside the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome.
* NEW * : Multi-burial Tombs 2: columbarium - video
Short video clip in which Professor Mary Beard tours the interior of a mass, Roman tomb - the columbarium
of Vigna Codini in Rome.
From family tombs developed immense structures for hundreds of cremation urns. From their resemblance
to a dovecote or pigeon house they were called columbaria. They began to be erected in the time of
Augustus, when the high price of land made the purchase of private burial grounds impossible for the poorer
Here's a photo of the tomb.
* NEW * Tomb with attached Dining-room
Yes - you could even eat your meals with your dead ancestors! Not so much a "Room with a View" as a
"Tomb with a Stew"..!
Here's a description of this open-air dining-room attached to a tomb outside the Herculaneum Gate in 1851:
" Close to the villa of Diomedes is a small enclosure, of irregular figure, presenting to the street a plain front
about twenty feet in length, stuccoed and unomamented, except by a low pedi- ment and cornice. The door is
remarkably low; not more than five feet high. Entering, we find ourselves within a chamber open to the sky,
the walls cheerfully decorated by paintings of animals in the centie of compartments bordered with flowers.
Before us is a stone triclinium, with a massive pe- destal in the centre to receive the table, and a round pillar
in advance of it It is a funeral triclinium, for the celebration of feasts in honour of the dead : the pillar
probably supported the urn of him in whose honour the entertainments were given, afler which it was
deposited in the tomb".
Unfortunately, this funerary triclinium has fallen into complete ruin... this is its state today.
Drawing from "L'Univers, Histoire et description de tous les peuples", 1851.
* NEW * : The Baker's Tomb: video
Short YouTube clip in which Professor Mary Beard shows us the tomb of Eurysaces, an eccentric Roman
Cremation Urn 1: standard
Many cremation urns that held the dead's ashes were sunk into the ground or bench of a niche within a
tomb. They were covered with a lid as this photo shows.
Cremation Urn 2: premium
One of the most luxurious cremation urns ever found - a hand-carved blue and white glass vase. Found in a
tomb near the Villa of the Mosaic Columns, Pompeii; now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples..
Tombstone 1
Funerary monument to the married couple M. Gratidius and his wife Chrite, but popularly known as Cato and
Portia. Not only are they holding hands but she also has her hand on his shoulder.
Around 25-1 BC; in the Vatican Museum.
Tombstone 2
Grave monument of a girl.
Beginning in the Augustan period, tombstones showing the dead person reclining on a couch were placed in
tombs, either in niches or on flat bases. Eventually, as Roman funerary practices changed, these sculptures
began to be used as lids for sarcophagi.
From Rome, dating AD 120-140, now in the Getty Villa Museum, Malibu, USA.
Tombstone 3
Marble funerary slab decorated with a skeleton.
From Rome, now in the British Museum.
Tombstone 4
Tombstone of the Roman soldier Dannicus.
Found at Cirencester, UK; now in the town's terrific new museum.
Tombstone 5: Roman funeral procession
The dead person lies reclined on a couch; in some cases the dead person was propped up to sit in a chair.
Any information as to the provenance of this piece would be greatly received.
Relief sculpture from Amiternum, 1st century AD, now in Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo, L'Aquila, Italy.
Sarcophagus 1
Sculpted stone sarcophagi (a Greek word meaning "flesh-eaters"), came into use in the 200s A.D., and soon
became symbols of wealth and status. Since Romans favored certain themes for sarcophagi, they were often
bought ready-made and then customized by the addition of a portrait of the deceased.
Originally from Rome, now in the Getty Villa Museum, Malibu, USA.
Sarcophagus 2
With the shift from cremation to interment that took place in the 100s A.D., the garland motif that had
decorated funerary altars was adopted for the decoration of sarcophagi.
Now in the Getty Centre, Los Angeles.
Funerary Inscription 1
Good example of a short Latin inscription from the tomb of Valeria, a former slave-girl turned hairdresser.
In the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan, USA.
Funerary Inscriptions 2
How to go about deciphering Roman tombstones, with examples for you to translate.
Click for our main section of info and links...
Sisyphus, Ixion and Tantalus
The three great sinners of Classical myth cast into Tartarus.
Part of a sarcophagus found in a tomb along the Via Appia Nuova, dating c.160-170 AD; now in the Vatican
As depicted on p.120 of CLC Unit 1.
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Roman Omens and Superstitions
From ghouls to geese... a webpage on some of the more unusual things the Romans believed.
Roman Magic and Witchcraft 1
Click for information, images and Roman stories of witches, weasels and weird, magic stuff!
Roman Magic and Witchcraft 2
Although nominally dealing with magic in Roman North Africa, this long, involved webpage offers insights
into ancient magic.
Greek and Roman wolf stories, and how the wolf took on sinister overtones in later times.
Fabula Mirabilis: the original
Read the original, Roman account of a werewolf by the author Petronius which is he basis for our story
"fabula mirabilis" in Stage 7. Scroll down to paragraph LXII (62) to begin.
Mosaic: Skeleton with wine jugs
Probably from the dining-room floor of a Pompeian house, this mosaic is a reminder to guests to eat, drink,
and be merry because tomorrow you may be dead! Skulls and skeletons were a popular theme throughout
Exact findspot in Pompeii uncertain; now in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
Silver Cup: Skeletons
Another reminder to live for the day! This wonderful Roman cup is now in the Louvre museum, Paris, but was
found in the Villa of the Pisanella at Boscoreale near Pompeii - which was perhaps owned by Caecilius!
Mosaic: Skull and Level
The theme of death leveling out the inequalities between rich and poor is vividly portrayed in this mosaic
tabletop. A builder's level is supported by symbols of the wealthy (sceptre and expensive purple cloth on the
left) and the poor (staff and sheepskin on the right) while from the level hangs a skull (death) above a
butterfly (the soul) and a wheel (fortune).
From a house (I.5.2) in Pompeii, now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
Wall-Painting: Silverware
Beautiful painting depicting silver dishes, bowls, jugs, drinking-horns, cups, spoons and ladles. The painting is
not on a dining-room wall of a house as you might expect but the enclosure wall of the Tomb of Vestorius
Priscus in Pompeii - again linking feasting and death.
Mosaic: Food Scraps
This mosaic decorated a dining-room floor. Guests could easily have confused their real leftovers with the
amazingly life-like scraps depicted which include a chicken breastbone, leg and foot, a fish skeleton, a crab
claw, various shell fish, snail shell, two olives, and various fruit pips.
The mosaic is a Roman copy of a Greek mosaic called the Unswept Floor by an artist called Sosus.
Here's another view, and a section with a mouse!
This copy, discovered on the Aventine Hill in Rome, is in the Museo Gregoriano Profano in the Vatican.
Another version (from Emperor Hadrian's villa at Tivoli) is in the Capitoline Museum, Rome .
Sculpture: Tragic Mask
Boo! Traces of colour are still visible on this wonderful sculpture from the House of Neptune and Amphitrite
in Herculaneum, near Pompeii.
Mosaic: Cat & Bird
Several versions of this mosaic have been found in Roman houses so it was obviously a popular one to have!
This version is from a 1st-century BC suburban villa about 8 miles south of Rome. (The caption on the linked
photo is incorrect).
Here's another version from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, now in the National Archaeological Museum,
"Death is nothing to us," as Epicurus puts it, for "when we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is
present, then we do not exist." Website dedicated to this Greek philosopher who believed that pleasure was
obtained by knowledge, friendship, and living a virtuous and temperate life.
For further information on religion and spirituality in the Roman period, click the following:
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