Application form for summer interns

Bone and Joint
Notice of Interest
NSERC CREATE Training Program
Human Mobility Research Centre
Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital
Summer Intern Trainee Nomination Notice of Interest
Part 2: Trainee Statement
By completing and submitting this Notice of Interest, you are indicating your interest in participating in
the NSERC-CREATE Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Technologies at Queen's University. The
personal information collected here is collected under the authority of the Royal Charter of 1841, as
amended. The information collected will be used to process your application for this training program.
Graduates of the HMRC-CREATE Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Technologies will have the
creativity and skills to lead interdisciplinary teams to innovative solutions to critical problems in bone
and joint health by developing and managing methodologically sound research and translating research
outcomes into practice.
HMRC-CREATE summer intern trainees are required to participate actively within an Integrated Research
Team (IRT) and to undertake translational activities that engage non-academic stakeholders.
Trainees are required to complete a number of modules and other training activities to augment and
support research associated with IRTs.
Program Requirements
These vary from year to year and last year’s program is appended to this document. Please note that the
dates will change in 2014, but that the program is generally weighted to be content-heavy in the first
part of the summer and requires a formal presentation at the end of the summer.
Application Evaluation
All applications to the HMRC-CREATE program will be vetted by individual members of the awards
committee. Successful candidates will be selected through discussion and a vote at a designated
1. Complete the form and save it to a .pdf file.
2. Add the following documents:
a. Resume
b. Electronic copies of your transcripts
3. Submit the three documents by email to
4. You will receive a confirmation email.
5. Applications to the HMRC-CREATE program will be vetted by individual members of the
awards committee using the attached rubric.
6. Successful candidates will be selected through discussion and a vote at a designated
7. You will be notified of the results after a decision has been reached.
If you have any questions with regard to this application, please contact Leone Ploeg at 613548-2432 OR email
1. Trainee Information:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
(Postal Code)
Cell Number
Email address
2. Current Program
Degree in Progress
Expected Graduation
3. Funding
List any scholarships or contracts that you currently have or expect to have in the next
academic year.
4. Have you ever been funded by NSERC before?
Yes. Specify Scholarship and Number of Years
5. What are your career plans?
What are your current career plans and how will the CREATE program help you in realizing
your goals? (Summarize your response in 100-200 words).
6. Are you a good fit for the program?
Briefly describe why you think you have the expertise, creativity, and motivation to be a
successful CREATE trainee. (Summarize your response in 100-200 words).
7. What do you hope to learn?
What competencies (knowledge, skills or attitudes) do you hope to gain or improve by
participating in the CREATE program? (Summarize your response in 100-200 words).
8. What does “team” mean to you?
Being a CREATE trainee means that you will work with an Integrated Research Team (IRT).
What do you consider to be the most important personal characteristics of a good team
member in a multidisciplinary environment? (Summarize your response in 100-200 words).
9. Tell us about your ability to innovate.
Briefly describe two examples that illustrate your ability to develop innovative approaches
to problem solving and design. (Summarize each response in 100-200 words).
10. Trainee Commitment
As part of the HMRC-CREATE program, I am committed to the following on-going activities.
(Check each box as appropriate.)
Mentoring as a Trainee, including attending appropriate orientation sessions if
Seeking on-going feedback from my mentor
Participating in assessment and evaluation
Attending team meetings with the Integrated Research Team (IRT) for the duration
of the proposed project
Participating in CREATE training sessions
Meeting all CREATE training program milestones
Write any comments or questions you may have here about the statements in this
By submitting this form electronically, I am indicating my interest in the HMRC-CREATE program. I am
also authorizing the program’s Awards and Selection Working Group to access my application materials
submitted to the School of Graduate Studies at Queen's University.
2013 HMRC-CREATE Summer Internship Program
Internship Goals
By the end of the summer internship, the interns will be able to:
To actively participate in a collaborative Biomedical Science and Engineering (BMSE) research project
To evaluate and use best practices in BMSE research
Communicate research methods and outcomes to scientific peers and lay audiences
To demonstrate teamwork through collaborative research projects
Explore career pathways in BSME disciplines and to facilitate transition to graduate school and/or
Course Description and Overview
The summer internship is an introduction to Bone and Joint Health as a field of study and research. Interns will
work in Integrated Research Teams (IRTs) in affiliated departments and labs. Research project themes include:
Joint Health Assessment, Computer-assisted Reconstruction Technologies, and Tissue Repair Technologies. The
internship is designed to be a collaborative and learner-centered, facilitated through one-on-one supervision by
a faculty member and bi-weekly team meetings. A team-based service learning project is included. A HMRCCREATE certificate will be awarded upon successful completion.
In addition to bi-weekly updates on ones research, the following topics will be featured. These topics may be
modified during the course, based on the needs of the learners. Based on the HMRC-CREATE RolesCompetencies Framework, the internship is geared towards enhancing the following key competencies:
Bone and Joint Health Research Role:
 Research technologies and terminologies; multidisciplinary research
Leadership and Management Role:
 Competencies: Communication, diversity, service (social responsibility), mentorship
Professional Role:
 Research Ethics; professional conduct; interpersonal skills; inter-professional collaboration; personal
Class Attendance and Participation
Your class attendance and active participation is important in building a learning community. If for some reason
you cannot attend the bi-weekly meetings, please send an email (in advance if possible) to
Your assessment will be based on the following components, which will integrate both peer- and instructorassessments. The following components will form part of your portfolio:
a) Completion of a research project: the deliverables will be agreed upon between the intern and faculty
b) Final presentation: Presentation to a scientific audience featuring your summer internship portfolio.
2013 Program
Session 1: Orientation to Joint and Bone Health Research; Orientation to HMRC
Date/Time: May 10, 12:00pm (lunch provided)
Session 2: Best practices in BMSE research
Date/Time: May 14, 10:00am
Session 3: Lab Tour
Date/Time: May 17, 11:00am
Session 4: Ethics and Integrity
Date/Time: May 21, 10:00am.
Facilitator: Dr. Joan Stevenson, Professor of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Chair of
the General Research Ethics Board
Session 5: Student Lab Tour
Date/Time: May 24, 10:00am
Session 6: Careers in BMSE
Date/Time: May 28, 10:00am
Session 7: Student Lab Tour
Date/Time: May 31, 10:00am
Session 8: Preparing presentations and the publication process
Date/Time: June 4, 10:00am
Session 9: Student Lab Tour
Date/Time: June 7, 10:00am
Session 10: Student Lab Tour (if necessary)
Date/Time: June 11, 10:00am
Session 11: Anatomy Lab Tour
Date/Time: June 18, 10:00am
Session 12: MRI Facility Tour
Date/Time: July 23, 10:00am
Session 13: Intern Presentations and Certificates
Date/Time: August 15, 12:30 pm
HMRC Faculty and Staff Event