General Information Spring 2016 January 25 - May 17 A. B. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please use the Course Term File Form (CTF) Attachments. Attachment A has been updated to an Excel spreadsheet 2. Submit separate class offerings by subject area, EDUC, ELED, ANTH, SOCI or TSEM. Your department’s offerings should be submitted together as one Attachment A spreadsheet. Departments that use their own inhouse form should update to mirror our Attachment A. 3. After sign-off, email your completed CTFs to us by 3:00pm on Tuesday, September 15 at; cc your chair and dean. Proofing is tentatively set for October 1 & 2. After this date, if you have not scheduled classes into a room where your department has priority, the room will be used for classes without a room pre-assignment. 4. TLN/Off-campus classes: Course Term File information for off-campus classes should be sent to Bev German, Towson Learning Network, Off-Campus Sites are designated by specific section numbers. CTFs for domestic off-campus classes are completed in the TLN office after consultation with the chair or program director. 5. To the bottom right of Attachment A is a box to indicate if the class is NOT to be published. Check the box on the CTF if the class is NOT to be published. If you indicate “DO NOT PUBLISH,” nothing about this class will appear online; students will not find or be able to register for the class in Class Search unless the 4-digit Class Number is given to them. The Registrar’s Office does not provide Class Numbers for non-published classes. Students will be referred to the Academic Department. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Course Term File Form This form should include all class offerings for your department including your TSEM classes. Attachment B: Special Topic or Workshop This form provides space for course description and any other comments you wish printed in class detail. These special topic or workshop classes should also be included on Attachment A. PeopleSoft allows only 30 characters and spaces for topic titles. Please consider this space allotment when determining how titles should appear on the Class Schedule. Classes should conform to session dates, but Rev: 6/2014 1 this sheet is designed for you to indicate schedule dates if different from session dates. Where needed, add Topic ID#. Attachment C: Free Format Notes Below [#16] are numeric codes for standard notes. If extra information is needed, then you can also add a free format text note. List all class offerings with free format notes not only on this form but also on Attachment A. Attachment D: Classes That Meet Together After completing the CTFs, indicate on Attachment D which classes meet together in the same room at the same time. This assures no room conflicts. Examples are: undergraduate/graduate courses or courses that are cross-listed. Attachment E: Section Numbers Attachment F: Course Schedule Matrix This shows our matrix of regularly scheduled course offerings as well as peak and non-peak time slots. Verify that 20% of undergraduate course offerings are during non-peak periods with start time before 9:00am and between 3:00-6:00pm as well as MWF at 12:00pm and MWF at 1:00pm. If you offer a class not adhering to the Course Schedule Matrix, please include a justification why it is off-matrix. Attachment G: TSEM Indicate department and title for your Towson Seminars. C. GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE TERM FILE FORM If you would like a copy of the Class Schedule Building Guide as a refresher, contact Suzanne Hill, 1. Subject Area: Identify the Subject Area using 3 or 4 letter code (for example ACCT, ART, EDUC). 2. Catalog Number: Use the current University Catalog as a guide (the undergraduate catalog now available online at If unsure of Curriculum Committee approval, contact Suzanne Hill at A course that has not been approved cannot be scheduled. However, it can be submitted as a hold section. 3. Variable to Fixed Units: For variable-unit classes that you wish to set at a fixed number of units, specify the number of fixed units on Attachment A in the column “Variable to Fixed Units.” PLEASE NOTE: Leave column blank unless you are fixing the variable number of units. 4. Course Classifications: “Hybrid” is replaced by two partially-online categories known as “less than 50% online” and “50% or more online.” Rev: 6/2014 2 Online classes are now identified as: “All class activities occur online, with little exception. Typically no in person classroom meetings are scheduled beyond a course orientation, wrap-up, or testing session. Typical amount of instruction time delivered online is between 90-100%.” 5. Instruction Mode: We are using these Instruction Modes: IP for In Person, LT for Less than 50% Online, MT for 50% or More Online, and WB for Online. The Instruction Mode is on the Basic Data page [for departments that input their own schedules]. 6. Section Numbers: See Attachment E for clarification. 001 – 059 Day Courses (Fall/Spring/Mini) 101 – 150 Evening Courses (Fall/Spring/Mini) (start time 4:00pm or later) 171 – 174 Directed Independent Study Courses 175 – 179 Saturday Courses (Fall/Spring) 180 – 199 301 – 309 325 – 399 Combined Sections Workshops, Short Courses Travel Study/Study Abroad 400 – 449 450 – 499 900 – 920 Less than 50% Online Sections 50% or More Online Sections Online Sections 7. Building: Building abbreviations to be used are as follows: AD – Administration Bldg CA – Center for the Arts ES – Enrollment Services HH – Hawkins Hall LA – Liberal Arts LI – Linthicum Hall LH – Lecture Hall MC – Media Center ONLINE – Online classes OFF – Off Campus PY – Psychology SM – Smith Hall ST – Stephens Hall TC – Towson Center UU – University Union VB – Van Bokkelen YR – 7800 York Road 8. Rooms: Use a four-digit numeric figure (e.g., Room 201 = 0201). ASSIGN ONLY ROOMS FOR WHICH YOUR DEPARTMENT HAS PRIORTY. If you wish the Registrar’s Office to assign the room, leave the room field blank. Schedule as many of your department’s classes as possible using your rooms. 9. Days: Rev: 6/2014 M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday 3 R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday Each day a course meets must be specified. This includes any special meetings and labs; otherwise there is no guarantee the room is scheduled. 10. Meeting Start and Meeting End Times: Note the start time and end time followed by either a.m. or p.m. Three-unit courses must meet for a minimum of 37.5 hours (2250 minutes), two-unit courses should meet for 25 hours (1500 minutes), and one-unit courses must meet for 12.5 hours (750 minutes) including final exam. 11. Instructor: Please provide formal first and last name of the instructor as it appears in PeopleSoft, or leave blank for “Staff” designation. Primary instructor role is for the instructor who is teaching the class and will be evaluated by the students. If the course is being team taught (with 2 or more faculty members), all will be listed as Primary with access of POST and Print checked. Any other instructor associated with this class will have the Secondary role. The only available Instructor Roles are Primary or Secondary. 12. TU ID#: List instructor’s TU ID# (if available), or leave blank if “Staff” designation is used. Every employee is assigned a TU ID#. Our office prefers TU ID#. If the instructor has never taught at the university, a contract must be forwarded to Human Resources to ensure the instructor is added to PeopleSoft. Our office will only connect new instructors to their courses after Human Resources has completed its process. For new instructors, provide their formal first and last name and TU ID#. Departments are responsible to add their returning instructors. 13. Requested Room Capacity: Provide the maximum enrollment you will allow in the class. The bookstore also uses this number to plan their book orders. 14. Enrollment Capacity: Provide the enrollment limit you are currently allowing to register. 15. Wait List: If your department would like to use the Wait List, please indicate the number of students (no more than 6) you want on the Wait List. 16. Notes: A class may contain as many standard or free format notes as needed. If using standard notes, place the corresponding number code in block one, two, or three on Attachment A. Free Format Notes: Departments can inform students of additional information pertaining to a class using free format notes. If using free format notes, use Attachment C (Registration and Scheduling Supplement – Free Format Notes). Standard Notes: Standard notes available are as follows: Note Nbr Description 0009 Additional Fee Required 0030 Additional Material Fee Rev: 6/2014 4 0020 0010 0004 0036 0001 0025 0002 0012 0019 0034 0005 0011 0038 0008 0035 0031 2050 2051 0017 0037 0039 0006 0026 0027 0028 Alternate Saturdays Audition Required Consent Required to Add Dept. Invitation Developmental Course ESOL Early Start: Generic Off Campus Honors College Only Instructor Consent Juniors/Seniors only Lab time required MAT Majors Only Mode: IVC Mode: Online Mode: 50% or More Online Mode: Less than 50% Online NSE Course Prerequisites Enforced SCED Permit Seniors only Special Permit ECED Special Permit ELED Special Permit OCTH It is important to use Class Notes to identify Online and partially Online Classes: Online – online class. No face-to-face meetings. All instruction is delivered electronically with little exception. Courses are designated first by a Campus (ONLNE) and then by Location (TOWSON_U). Use standard note #31. 50% or More Online – Face-to-face classroom meetings are reduced by at least 50% and replaced with online activities. The Campus designation is MAIN, the Location is PARTONLINE, and the Instruction Mode is MT. Facility/Room will be scheduled. Use new standard note #2050. Less than 50% Online – Face-to-face classroom meetings are reduced 10-49% and replaced with online activities. The Campus designation is MAIN, the Location is PARTONLINE, and the Instruction Mode is LT. Facility/Room will be scheduled. Use new standard note #2051. Please remember: There are separate class notes for IVC and for Service Learning – IVC (Interactive Video Conferencing) – A class that receives instruction via a remote feed from studio. An IVC class is identified as one where the students are looking at a TV screen or computer monitor to receive class material. For example, if material is broadcast from Linthicum to Hagerstown, the Hagerstown section is the IVC section that should get the Class Note #35. If a class is 50% or more IVC, then it gets the Class Note #35. If it’s a 50/50 split, both sections would get the IVC note; for example, if on Tuesdays the broadcast goes from Linthicum to Hagerstown and on Thursdays the broadcast goes from Hagerstown to Linthicum, then both sections are labeled “IVC.” We need departments to identify IVC sections with your best estimate. Identify IVC sections with note #35 on Attachment A. Rev: 6/2014 5 Service Learning -- The Office of Civic Engagement developed a new class note #24 for service-learning courses. This note must be used by faculty members and schedulers to designate sections as “service-learning” in the class schedule. The class note reads: “Class requires 10-30 hours of service outside of scheduled class periods. Service may be on or off campus. Contact instructor for additional information.” The use of this class note will enable students to search for service-learning classes, inform students of course service requirements when searching and registering for classes, and allow the university to track the number of service-learning sections offered each semester. If you are not sure if your class should be designated as a service-learning class, review the “Service-Learning Course Criteria” at the link named “Information for Faculty” at or contact the Office of Civic Engagement at 410-704-2806. Identify Service Learning classes with note #24 on Attachment A. 17. Department Consent: Department Consent blocks open enrollment to students. There are two types of Department Consent. Use standard note 4 then inform us which type: 1. Student Specific: Indicate Student Specific with “Y” in this column on Attachment A. The advantage of this method is to target and enable a group of students to register without issuing permission numbers to each student. If you want to use Student Specific to simply override limits or prerequisites [without imposing Dept Consent on the entire class], you do not need to indicate with “Y” on CTF. By default all courses are automatically set as Student Specific unless a Department specifies it is using Permission Numbers. See or request the Permissions Guide for detailed information. If you would like a copy of the Class Permissions Procedures Guide as a refresher, contact Suzanne Hill at 2. Permission Numbers: Individual classes can be set up as Department Consent using Permission Numbers. Indicate Department Consent by Permission Numbers with “Y” in this column on Attachment A. Please note: Both types of Department Consent can override prerequisites, enrollment limits, and wait lists. 18. Prerequisite Enforcement: You can also block enrollment through automated Prerequisite Enforcement. If prerequisites have been set for all sections of a course, do not indicate Department Consent on Attachment A. Assign standard note 37 to designate where the system will automatically enforce the requirements you have specified (for example, course prerequisites, major/minor, class standing). For more information on automated Prerequisite Enforcement please contact Ann Crostic at . Spring registration begins on November 9. Rev: 6/2014 6