Name des Moduls: Cell-free Protein Synthesis (Richtungsmodul

Name des Moduls: Cell-free Protein Synthesis (Richtungsmodul)
Type of module (compulsory or compulsory
optional module):
Anzahl der Leistungspunkte
(LP): 11
Compulsory optional module
Biomembranes and synthesis of transmembrane proteins:
Molecular structure of membranes
Synthesis of biomembranes, structural
differentiation of biomembranes, endocytosis and
recycling of plasma membranes
Lipid rafts
Subcellular organization of the eukaryotic cell, cell
metabolism and secretion
Protein synthesis
Receptors and signal transduction:
Cell surface receptors
Signal transduction pathways
Multigene families encoding membrane proteins:
G protein-coupled receptors (structure, signal
transduction, agonists/antagonists)
Odorant receptors
Non-peptide receptors
Peptide receptors
Ion channels:
voltage-gated ion channels
ligand-gated ion channels
mechanosensitive ion channels
Methods in molecular biology and protein chemistry:
Production of membrane proteins
Structural and functional analysis of membrane
Contents and qualification objectives of the
Qualification Objectives:
1.) Subject-specific competencies:
Intended for graduate students, this course will introduce the
tools of membrane protein synthesis and their functional
characterization. Membrane proteins account for more than 30%
of the genome in living organisms and many membraneembedded receptors, transporters and ion channels are important
therapeutic targets. In this context, methodologies concerning the
functional characterization, the structure and the biochemical
properties of membrane proteins, their regulation and their
physiological relevance are in the focus of this course. Emphasis
is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including
systems for the in vivo and in vitro expression of membrane
proteins. The lecture gives a detailed introduction on problems
concerning the interaction of chemical messengers with specific
cell-surface receptors, the activation of signal-transduction
cascades leading to the accumulation of specific intracellular
second messenger molecules and the cell’s response to an
external stimulus. Beside others the following topics are
discussed in detail: Ligand-gated ion channels and their signaling
between electrically excitable cells; G protein-coupled receptors,
triggering downstream signal transduction cascades, thereby
activating separate membrane-associated enzymes and catalytic
receptors, acting as enzymes themselves. A critical approach to
lipid-membrane protein interactions and the pharmacological
properties of selected membrane proteins is also in the focus of
this lecture.
The practical course “cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins”
provides an overview on the production of functional membrane
proteins. Methods for the generation of DNA- and RNAtemplates suitable for transcription and translation in cell-free
systems will be emphasized, with reference to prokaryotic and
eukaryotic in vitro translation systems. The course covers
specific case studies on “difficult-to-express” proteins. Labeling
of membrane proteins by the incorporation of non-canonical
amino acids will be explored in detail and the course concludes
with a “hands-on-training” in the preparation of glycoproteins
and posttranslationally modified membrane proteins in novel
cell-free systems. This course includes pdfs to each segment.
2.) Methodological skills:
- Using English technical literature
- Documentation and presentation of scientific issues
- Planning of scientific experiments, interpretation and
documentation of results
- Manual skills for laboratory practice
3.) Social and strategic competencies:
- The students are able to interact within a group and to work
together in a team.
- The students are able to plan, carry out and document
experimental work.
- The students are able to present and defend the results of the
experiments in the framework of the seminar.
Modulprüfung (Anzahl, Form, Umfang):
Selbstlernzeit (in Zeitstunden (h)):
Veranstaltungen (Lehrformen)
siehe Modulteilprüfungen unten
(in SWS)
Membranproteine: Klassifizierung,
Struktur, Funktion
Aktuelle Aspekte der Darstellung und
funktionellen Charakterisierung von
Zellfreie Synthese von
Synthese von Membranproteinen in
(Anzahl, Form, Umfang)
Für den
Für die
Abschluss des
Zulassung zur
1 schriftliche
(60 min)
1 Seminarvortrag in
1 Praktikumsprotokoll
(20 Seiten);
1 Abschlussseminar in
pro- und eukaryotischen zellfreien
Frequency of the course:
Prerequisite for participation:
Anbietende Lehreinheit(en):
Every winter semester
The module is open to students who have completed their
bachelor‘s degree in Biosciences, Biology, Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, Biotechnology.
Prof. Dr. Frank Bier,
Durchführende Person: Dr. Stefan Kubick