NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS It is with pleasure that I present to you the annual report as President for the 12 months ended 30 September, 2013. CLUB ACTIVITIES Since the beginning of the G.F.C. in 2008 the well-being of most Australian golf clubs has had a dramatic change with declining income streams in all revenue areas, as well as a declining membership base. Newcastle Golf Club was not immune from these trends. We have had to deal with decreasing membership numbers, smaller fields on all competition days, smaller and less corporate days, decreasing bar, food and function turn-over, as well as decreasing visitor numbers. To add to this the club needed a new watering system and the clubhouse was in need of a re-vamp to encourage function use. Your board in the last 6 years has addressed these issues in a very considered yet brave fashion. We have invested in the business, with a new state of the art watering system, refurbishing the club house, built a golf academy, replaced our on-course equipment and this October replaced our cart fleet. Our aim whilst focusing on our golf course, the main asset of our business, was to improve our product and hence keep our members happy while hopefully attracting new business. It has been a difficult 6 years, but those decisions have finally begun to have a positive effect on our operation, with our income having just passed 2 million dollars in turnover for the first time. A combination of strong member numbers, high numbers in the field on competition days, increased corporate days, more club and member functions, and increased visitor revenue has resulted in the club posting a small profit for 2013. Your Board continues to investigate an accommodation option as a way of generating income for the club. This is however, a long and involved process and will only be considered with membership support and only if it will improve the financial position of the club in the long-term. I would like to thank all members for their support, generosity and help to make Newcastle Golf Club the great club that it is. COURSE The quality of the course will always be the main focus of the Board. Several major improvements have continued to take place this year. Our Superintendent Matthew Goodbun’s weekly use of a series of United States Cultural Practices on our greens has led to a continued improvement. Needle tyning, star slitting, verti mowing and top dressing with a high clay content loam is leading to our greens becoming increasingly firmer, stronger and truer putting surfaces than ever before. As the “poa” grass becomes stronger NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS in all our greens, we will have putting surfaces that are more uniform in speed and profile right across the course. The focus last summer and this summer will be on the removal of foreign grasses in the fairways. This may lead in the short-term to some scaring but will eventually mean that native couch is the only grass species on our fairways. Congratulations must go to our team of volunteers, led by Dave Rolston and Ross Wilson, who have done a great job this year helping the course staff in a variety of undertakings. Dave Rolston has told me this year they will be focussing on bunkers, paths, foreign grasses and any other weekly jobs allocated by the Course Superintendent. The recent member survey (89 responses) and the follow-up meeting has shown that most members are pleased with work done clearing shot lines and penal rough but at present enough has been done. This advice has lead to the Board’s decision to leave clearing and tree removal decisions to be overviewed by our course arborist, our Superintendent and/or our newly appointed Course Architect, Bob Harrison. Mr Harrison, generally regarded as one of Australia’s top golf course architects has a great love of our course and in every top 100 listing he has placed us at number 7 in the country since these ratings have begun. He and his bunker builders, the Fleming Group, will hopefully teach our team how to build good bunkers sometime in the future. Bunkers have always been the problem on our course. In time, when money is available, a remedy may be in sight. The Board had intended to proceed with upgrades to two holes in 2014 but our Treasurer has suggested, quite rightly that we consolidate for another year to see if our positive revenue streams continue, before spending on this project. JASON LAWS GOLF ACADEMY Jason continues to provide a great teaching experience with all his skills on show in the academy. This is truly a world-class facility, and any member not familiar with it should walk in and ask for a tour. It is truly amazing. Well done Alison and Jason. CLUB HOUSE Our refurbished club house continues to host more and more corporate, club and member functions. Sandra Plumsted seems to be improving all the time, with quality and variety changing with the seasons throughout the year. The high standard she produces is encouraging repeat business which is very important in hospitality. All the kitchen and function staff deserve congratulations for the consistent quality and service they provide at all events held in the club. Ross Halliday and his bar team keep all members refreshed with quality beverages and a high level of service. NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS STAFF I would like firstly to thank Paul Foulcher for his continued efforts in improving staff service and performance in all areas of our club. His continued commitment to keep our costs in the club down, while at the same time building new business, has been a major reason for the clubs improving financial situation. Accounting and audit guru, Mike Armstrong is an increasingly important volunteer whose help with our bookkeeping is invaluable. Thanks Mike! Our Course Superintendent Matt Goodbun and his team continue to improve in every aspect of their work on the course. The presentation on a daily basis for our competitions is of a very high standard of which we should all be proud. Mark Gilson’s appointment as our Professional is already showing results in presentation of merchandise in the pro-shop and an improved and professionally presented team working with him. Well done all! This year saw the retirement of Veronica McGuigan after 29 years of valued service and her absence has been noted by the club. You have done a great job Veronica! We will miss you! In her place we welcome Seranda Duniam who has relocated from Brisbane to join the administration team and her smiling face is a welcome addition to the Club. I would like to thank all the Administration, Kitchen and Bar Staff who continue to give us attentive and efficient service throughout the year. FINANCE (FROM THE TREASURER): An improved financial performance this year has seen the club achieve a profit of $25,993 (2012 Loss $68,947) which is an improvement of $94,940 over the previous financial year. The quality and condition of the course continues to attract increasing visitor and member numbers and pleasingly revenues from both visitor green fees and carts were up by approximately $30,000 this year. These revenues i.e carts and visitors fees now contribute a total of $465,567 of our annual revenue. This has increased by $209,056 in the last 4 years. Both bar and catering activities saw consistent revenues with bar profits improving and catering making a smaller profit than the previous year. Catering Profit in 2012 was boosted by the NSW Open held in November 2011. The support of our members is acknowledged here. NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS The pro shop managed to effectively breakeven this year after settling into a routine after the initial year of operation in 2012, it is now showing a consistent financial performance. The addition of Mark Gilson to the team has added a new level of professionalism that the Board is confident will continue to add to our pro shop and golf services. Paul and his team have continued to increase our corporate days and other functions around the Club and this should continue to improve over the next 12 months. Rental receipts again increased due to the signage that has been erected on Nelson Bay Rd delivering an additional $11,200 per annum. These new streams of income have been essential in reducing our reliability on members subscriptions and ensuring a more diversified source of income into the future. Sundry income for this year included the following major items:Members Donations (for Excavator) Ladies Donation Apprentice Govt Subsidies Golf NSW reimbursement for NSW Open $ 20,000 $ 4,000 $ 14,000 $...4,600 Our expenditure was very consistent with 2012 with the increase being $43,000 or 2%. Whilst course costs increased the wages cost overall remained consistent with 2012. The focus by the Finance Committee and Management on costs has been a high priority and will remain so whilst economic conditions remain subdued. The major capital expenditure items for this financial year were the signage, excavator and trailer, new pontoon in the 8th dam and new clubhouse equipment and computers, with a total cash outlay of $60,193 for these items. Overall our debt reduction for the year was $139,585. Our total debt level at 30th September 2013 was $507,035 (2012 $646,620). We reported last year that we have been requested by the Port Stephens Council to connect our system to the sewer line by 30 June next year. This was deferred for 12 months so will most likely occur in this current financial year. Initial indications are that this could cost us $80,000. The improved performance this year is indeed encouraging but the challenges still remain to generate sufficient resources to continue to reduce debt levels and improve and enhance the golf course. The Board focus continues to be on increasing revenues and maintaining expenses at acceptable levels. Ian Neale Treasurer GOLF: We enjoyed another successful golfing year with Captain Michael Mulvaney and his Match Committee providing a comprehensive playing calendar. Competition at all levels of NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS the club has been held in a friendly and competitive manner as is befitting Newcastle Golf Club. Congratulations to all members representing our Club throughout the year. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP .................................................................... Steven Slappendel Runner Up ............................................................................................. Daniel Terry A RESERVE ................................................................................................. Ben King Runner Up ....................................................................................... Robert Matthews PRESIDENT’S CUP ...............................................................................Nathan Harvey Runner Up ............................................................................................... Bob Turton CAPTAIN’S CUP ................................................................................Pierre Bredenbac Runner Up .......................................................................................... Jack Saunders SENIOR CHAMPION (Over 55)...........................................................Stephen Docherty Runner Up ............................................................................................. Greg Hopper SUPER Senior Champion (Over 65)........................................................Owen Beldham Runner Up...............................................................................................Mike Bevan COLTS CHAMPION (Under 24) ................................................................. Daniel Terry Runner Up .................................................................................... Steven Slappendel JUNIOR CHAMPION (Under 18) .......................................................... Hayden Gulliver SINGLES KNOCKOUT .......................................................................Graham Robinson Runner Up ........................................................................................... Mark Orchard FOURBALL KNOCKOUT ........................................................ Daniel Terry/Aaron Jeffries Runners Up ............................................................................... Bill Murray/ Phil Daly FOURSOMES CHAMPIONS..................................................... Daniel Terry/ John Twohill Runners Up ....................................................................... Ron Walker/Craig Crossley MIXED FOURSOMES CHAMPIONS ...................................... Daniel Terry/Deirdre Brander Runners Up .................................................................... Brett Walsh/Jane MacDonald FERN BAY MEDAL .......................................................................... Steven Slappendel Runner Up ............................................................................................. Daniel Terry A.A. RANKIN MEMORIAL .................................................................... Robert Matthews C.S. HAWKEN TROPHY ..............................................Robert Matthews/Nathan Hartigan NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS LAURIE CURRAN MEMORIAL TROPHY ................................... Ron Walker/ Craig Crossley SUMMER CUP ......................................................................................... Daniel Terry MEDALLIST OF THE YEAR ......................................................................... John Naylor AUTUMN RECORD .................................................. S. Cameron (St Michael’s Golf Club) NEWCASTLE CUP ................................................................................... Seaton Jones LADIES: Lynda Stuart (President) and Susie Davies (Captain) together with the Ladies Committee organised another successful and busy golfing year. Thank you to the Ladies for their continued efforts throughout the year. Congratulations to Jocelyn Savage (President) and Linda Russell (Captain) for being elected to these positions at the recent AGM. Congratulations are extended to all winners and runners up of major events during the year. CHAMPIONSHIP CUP ................................................................................. Jill Blenkey Runner Up ........................................................................................ Jane MacDonald DIVISION 2 (Leigh Wood Salver) ................................................................ Juliet Clark Runner Up ........................................................................................ Margaret Power DIVISION 3 (Claire Brown Salver) .......................................................... Joan Wansey Runner Up ......................................................................................... Mary Molyneux FOURSOMES CHAMPIONSHIP (Jean Pearce Rose Bowl) ....................................... Deirdre Brander/Jane MacDonald Runners Up .................................................................... Jill Blenkey/ Tess MacDonald SINGLES KNOCKOUT Div 1(Betty James Salver) ....................................... Linda Russell SINGLES KNOCKOUT Div 2(Fran Laffan Plate)...........................................Susan Mingay FOURBALL KNOCKOUT (Barbara Henderson Salver) ....................................... Deirdre Brander/ Rachel Kelly VERA RANKIN BOWL ...........................................................................Elaine Plowman Runner Up .............................................................................................. Anne Oliver FERN BAY TROPHY ............................................................................ Deirdre Brander FERN BAY CUP .......................................................................................... Newcastle Well done Ladies on another successful, memorable and enjoyable year as we look forward to 2014 and continued success. NEWCASTLE GOLF CLUB PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO MEMBERS GENERAL During the year 6 members passed away. John Hastings, Jim Robinson, Ivor Wonders (club notified 29/1/13), Barry Bailey, Beryl Balfe and Life Member Joyce Fletcher were long term supporters of the Club and will be greatly missed. I would like to thank our current Board of Michael Mulvaney (Captain), Ian Neale (Treasurer), Chris Chapman, Michael Coughlan, Greg Hopper, David Rolston and Ross Wilson, all of whom have contributed much to the management of the Club. I thank all of these men for their dedication and service to the Club. As you can gather from the above it has been a busy year for the Board all of whom have put in considerable time and effort attending to the day to day management of the Club. Once again it has been an interesting and fulfilling year as President. I wish all members a safe holiday period and a successful 2014. John Twohill PRESIDENT 23rd December 2013