Note of the NPSG Meeting held on Wednesday 12th November 2014

Notes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
held on Wednesday 12th November 2014
Richard Wakeford
Jim Mason
Ron Harrison
Kevin Willett
Martin Blackwell
Miriam Angier
Apologies for absence
James Derounian, Judith Petchey, David Thomas, Claire Thayers
Declarations of interest
There were no matters on the agenda that required any declaration.
Notes of previous meetings:
Draft Notes of the NPSG meeting held on 20th August 2014
The Notes were approved and signed by the Chairman
Draft Notes of the Briefing Meeting held by the NPSG for Winchcombe Town
Councillors on Monday 22nd September 2014
These were approved subject to the removal of attributions.
Actions arising from the Notes
Further consideration of the draft generic policies was discussed under Agenda item
5 below.
Draft generic policies
Committee members were content with the structure of the latest draft and went
through it page by page suggesting changes and the need to refer to the evidence
behind the goals and policies – essentially covered in the sustainability appraisal
which would need to be advertised as part of the consultation process. Some of the
generic policies needed more detailed justification. The changes proposed would be
incorporated in a revised draft. A copy should be sent to Paul Skelton at Tewkesbury
Borough Council .
Landscape assessment progress update
The consultants will make a presentation to the Town Council on the 26 th November.
Specific intelligence about landowners’ intentions
At the next Steering Group meeting after the Landscape Assessment has been
received, and potential sites assessed, Ron Harrison would provide an update of sites
where owners were clear that they had no intention of proposing significant
development over the next 10 years at least.
Criteria for determining site priorities and engagement of Town Council in these
Following consideration of the Landscape Assessment, a set of other criteria would
be drawn up to explore the relative material considerations applying to the sites
covered. The matrix will be tested and scored by all Town Councillors against a few
identified sites. Any constraints, such as housing numbers on the sites, will also be
Feedback would need to be received from Town Councillors by December 3rd, so that
the final draft consultation plan could be considered the following week
Arrangements for meetings of Steering Group and Town Council
The following meetings were confirmed:
late November: Steering Group to host an informal meeting with the Town Council,
landscape assessment to be available and site preferences tested.
Wednesday 3rd December: Town Council Meeting; progress report.
mid December: single purpose Town Council meeting with Steering Group
Publicity arrangements for consultation
It was agreed that a special edition of Winchcombe Matters would be devoted to the
Neighbourhood Plan process and the public consultation. It would include maps
showing where area and site based policies were proposed to apply, and enclose a
copy of the draft neighbourhood plan policies for consulation.