Application form 4th SUMP Award 28 September 2015 I. Details of applicant Local authority: Country: Address: Street / Post box: Postal Code, City: Contact person: Name: Telephone: Fax: Email: Size of City/Town: Please tick: ☐ up to 100,000 inhabitants ☐ 100,000 to 500,000 inhabitants ☐ more than 500,000 inhabitants Choose. Change. Combine. II. Background & Policy Objectives Please describe the main challenges your city/town is facing in relation to urban transport, the history of your local transport policy, and its objectives (max 500 words). III. SUMP preparation and implementation Please describe your SUMP targets, which phase the plan is in (preparation, goal setting, elaboration, implementation), and what the expected results of the plan are (max 500 words). Choose. Change. Combine. IV. Providing for multimodality and intermodality in sustainable urban mobility planning Q1. Does your SUMP contain a target modal split? If so, please indicate the current and target modal split, and explain why this objective has been chosen (max 500 words). Q2. Does your SUMP include a strategy or plan to develop active travel modes (incl. walking and cycling)? If so, please describe your objectives and give examples of the most important measures to achieve this goal as well as results (if implemented) (max. 3 examples, max 500 words). Choose. Change. Combine. Q3. Does your SUMP include a strategy or plan to develop the public transport services? If so, please describe your objectives and give examples of the most important measures to achieve this goal as well as results (if implemented) (max. 3 examples, max 500 words). Q4. Does your SUMP support connecting various transport modes (e.g. with urban interchanges of public transport with other modes, Park & Ride, information services, multimodal journey planners, etc.)? If so, please describe the most important measures (max. 3 examples), the objective they should help achieve and results (if implemented) (max 500 words). Choose. Change. Combine. Q5. Does your SUMP support multimodal transport of goods (e.g. via consolidation centres, unconventional vehicles, etc.)? Please list the most important measures (max. 3 examples), the objective they should help achieve and results (if implemented, max 500 words). Complete the application form in English language and send the completed form in both .doc and pdf format as an email attachment to (deadline is 13 November 2015). You may attach supporting documents, studies, links or pictures to the email while not exceeding 3 pages per document and 5MB of total size. Choose. Change. Combine.