
CS 2206 Pattern Recognition – 2014/2015
Handout: Lab 2
Section contents:
 Some definitions
 Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
 PR OCR example
 Neural networks
 Neural network model
Some definitions
 It is an entity that could be given a name,
 It is an object that can be image, signal, waveforms or any type of measurements that need to be
Are measurable quantities obtained from the patterns and the classification task is based on their
respective values.
Feature vectors:
 A number of features (x1, x2, x3, … , xn), constitute the feature vector
𝑥 = [ ] ∈ 𝑅𝑛
𝑥 = [𝑥1, 𝑥2, 𝑥3, … , 𝑥𝑛]𝑇
Where T is the transposition.
 Each of the feature vectors identifies uniquely a single pattern.
Assigning unknown objects or patterns into the correct class.
Comparison between supervised & unsupervised pattern recognition:
Supervised PR
Unsupervised PR
A set of training data were available
training data of known class labels are not
The classifier was designed by exploiting this
Given a set of feature vectors (x) and the goal
a-priori known information
is to unravel the underlying similarities and
cluster “similar” vectors together.
Patterns whose class is known a-priori are used The number of classes in unknown and no
for training.
training patterns are available.
Eng. Nareeman | Eng. Maram | Eng. Ahmed
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Pattern Recognition for OCR
 Character (letter or number) recognition is another important area of pattern recognition, with
major implications in automation (computerization) and information handling.
 Optical character recognition (OCR) systems are already commercially available and more or less
familiar to all of us.
 An OCR system has a “front-end” device consisting of :
 light source,
 scan lens,
 document transport,
 detector.
 At the output of the light-sensitive detector, light-intensity variation is translated into “numbers”
and an image array is formed.
A Simple Pattern Recognition Problem (Statistical)
Eng. Nareeman | Eng. Maram | Eng. Ahmed
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Eng. Nareeman | Eng. Maram | Eng. Ahmed
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A Simple Pattern Recognition Problem (Statistical)
Neural networks:
o Is a network that is represented by a set of nodes and arrows.
o A node correspond to a neuron.
o An error corresponds to a connection along with the direction of signal flow between
Components of neural network model:
o A set of weights:
 Which characterize the strength of the synapse linking a neuron to another.
 Synaptic weight linking a neuron “j” to neuron “i” could be identified by either
“wij” or “wji”.
 A weight can take either a (+ve) or (-ve) value, which indicate an excitatory or an
inhibitory synapse.
An adder:
 For summing the input neuron’s modulated by the respective connection weights,
the operation constitute a linear combiner.
An activation function:
 Which is applied on the input summation for limiting the amplitude of the
neuron’s output.
Neural network model:
Neural networks:
 Is a network that is represented by a set of nodes and arrows.
 A node correspond to a neuron.
 An error corresponds to a connection along with the direction of signal flow between
Components of neural network model:
 A set of weights:
o Which characterize the strength of the synapse linking a neuron to another.
Eng. Nareeman | Eng. Maram | Eng. Ahmed
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o Synaptic weight linking a neuron “j” to neuron “i” could be identified by either
“wij” or “wji”.
o A weight can take either a (+ve) or (-ve) value, which indicate an excitatory or
an inhibitory synapse.
 An adder:
For summing the input neuron’s modulated by the respective connection weights, the operation
constitute a linear combiner.
 An activation function:
Which is applied on the input summation for limiting the amplitude of the neuron’s output.
Neural network model:
Input patterns
Bias bk
Activation function
𝑓 (. )
Synaptic weights
Eng. Nareeman | Eng. Maram | Eng. Ahmed
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