Medicines Management Joint Executive Team 18 June 2015 1.30pm – 3.30pm Small Meeting Room, Chiltern CCG MINUTES Attendees Dr Stuart Logan (SL) Dr Raj Bajwa (RB) (Chair) Jane Butterworth (JB) Raj Patel (RP) Carol Durrant (CD) Elaine Sharpe (ES) Sarah Crotty (SC) Nikki Malin (NM) Derys Pragnell (DP) (Part) Julie Breakspear (JMB) Executive Clinical Lead for Chronic diseases, Medicines Management and End of Life Care, AV CCG Clinical Commissioning Director for LTC, End of Life and Prescribing, Chiltern CCG Head of Medicines Management, AV & Chiltern CCGs LPC Representative LPC Representative Prescribing Support Pharmacist, AV & Chiltern CCGs Interface Pharmacist, AV & Chiltern CCGs Head of Communications & Engagement, CSCSU Public Health Principal Medicines Management Support Officer, AV & Chiltern CCGs MMJET_2015/082 Apologies: Julie Horslen (JH) LPC Representative Carol Durrant was welcomed and introductions made. MMJET_2015/083 Conflicts of Interest There were none. MMJET_2015/084 Minutes and Matters Arising The minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2015 were approved as an accurate record. Matters arising not included on the Action Update There were none From Action Update: Jun14/104 – Making Medicine-taking a better experience – This action concerned communication between GPs and community pharmacists and the development of a SurveyMonkey questionnaire to establish the preferred method of contact. In September 2014, a six month extension had been requested. RP confirmed that the LPC had decided not to pursue the SurveyMonkey questionnaire so this item can be closed. Jun14/83c – Pharmacy Assistance/BUC – JB had finally been successful in co-ordinating a meeting of all the appropriate people to discuss the correct pathway that should be followed by Community Pharmacists and Out of Hours GPs if a patient has problems or a Community Pharmacist has issues with a prescription regarding addiction drugs. Although there was a very useful wide ranging discussion the resultant action went back to DAAT. JB had followed up last week but had still not had a response. The expected completion date for this should be identified as September 2015 by which time it is thought the outstanding action should be resolved. Jul14/100b – Wound-care non-formulary applications – SC commented that there was an established Wound Care Group which is in the process of revising the form. The ePACT data on wound care, some of which includes non-formulary requested items for wound care, amounted to approximately 22% of the total wound care cost in 2014/15. It was requested that the accurate figures are recorded in the minutes. The actual proportion is 21% (May 15 MMJET). The question was raised as to whether consideration should be given to reviewing the more common non-formulary requests. The non-formulary requests go through the tissue viability nurse so it was decided to take no further action. There is a process in place for the wound care group (a subgroup of FMG) to review frequent use. The item could be closed but SC was asked to review wound care spend every six months and bring back to the MMJET on an annual basis. 1 Action 100b – SC to review non-formulary requests every six months and bring back to MMJET on an annual basis – ongoing action but put as an agenda item for May 2016 (one year after last review) Feb15/018iii.a – Dashboard for 2015-16 – MMT had been asked to produce some trend data for a couple of black and red listed drugs to establish whether or not it was worthwhile to continue to have red and black list data included in the dashboard. Graphs were circulated to those present at the meeting. Esomeprazole (black list) showed a good decline over a three year period but this was also probably influenced by its recently reduced cost. In the last year prescribing had plateaued. Pregabalin (black list) showed a slight increase and it was accepted that this would be expected. However, Bucks is significantly better when benchmarked against other areas. SC could look on PrescQIPP for further data on pregabalin if required. The red listed drugs chosen, fluticasone and Flixonase® combined and hydroxycarbamide also showed a slight upward trend. Following discussion, it was decided that red and black listed drug data should continue to be on the dashboard as it is used by practices. SC commented that she is in the process of putting together information to explain why a particular drug is red listed, which should help practices when they wish to query use for a specific patient with hospital clinical staff. Feb15/018vi.a – ONPOS spend comparison – This action referred to asking the community tissue viability nurse to undertake a short audit of those items identified with significant growth to ascertain if treatment is appropriate. SC confirmed that this action had been completed and currently an investigation is being carried out with regard to silicone foams which has shown a significant increase in spend since their introduction to the formulary in April 2015. The action can therefore be closed. Apr15/053d – Supplies from multiples – The problem experienced by patients when told by a community pharmacist that a drug was unavailable when it was not a national supply problem but a supply problem particular to the pharmacy concerned was discussed by the LPC. This mainly affected the multiples and RP explained that for a non-multiple it is possible to see if the supply is a national problem but it is not always possible for multiples to see this in the same way. Nevertheless, community pharmacists would be encouraged to signpost the patient to another pharmacy, the only problem being if there was more than one drug on the prescription. This action can be closed as all possible action had been taken. Apr15/059d – Resources and Patient Leaflets – NM was to include antibiotic prescribing in the demand management leaflet. NM commented that the leaflet had been sent to the designers but she had not received it back yet. NM was asked to forward a copy of the leaflet to the team (SC) when she had received it from the designers. Action 059d – NM to forward a copy of the demand management leaflet to SC when she had received it from the designers Apr15/060b – Prescribing of H Pylori Tests – SC thanked the GPs for sending her a copy of the H Pylori order form used by practices. She had updated this (revised form embedded on agenda) and sent to pharmacy at SMH to ensure it was acceptable to them before uploading to the extranet. However, as the BHT pharmacist felt that funding for H Pylori kits was not in place, SC has been in touch with contracting who are going to resolve the finance issues. In the meantime, the form can be uploaded to the extranet and possibly DXS for Chiltern practices. The form has already been sent to those practices that had been identified as prescribing the kit through an FP10 to make them aware of the correct process. Action 060b – H Pylori test order form to be uploaded to the extranet and forwarded to (cc SC) for consideration of upload onto DXS – action JMB May/069b – Antibiotic Resources – NM had been asked to look at the situation regarding the use of presentations for Envisage screens particularly if audio is included which is not appropriate for surgery waiting areas. NM reported that it is not so much that audio is the problem but more that these films are live You Tube films which cannot be used as they need a live web lead. Comms have been in touch with the Department of Health/NHS England to request these films in a suitable format that can be used. NM had not yet received a response so the item should be left open. May/072d – 28 Day Prescribing PIL – SC had requested a 3 month extension to update this patient information leaflet. In the meantime it was agreed the guidance should be recirculated to practices but informing them that the patient information leaflet was in the process of being updated. Action 072d – JMB to circulate the 28 day prescribing guidance and inform practices at the same time that the PIL is in the process of being updated May/073e – Metformin for IGT – This action has been completed so the item can be closed. 2 May/074a – Risk Register – LTM12 (Gender Dysphoria) - This is an outstanding action for JB to follow up with NHS England although JB now has the details of who to contact. May/078b – ScriptSwitch Q4 Performance Dashboard – JB had spoken to the locality clinical leads during their meeting on the previous day, not only about the ScriptSwitch dashboard but also about what prescribing data in general practices would like to receive on a monthly basis. This item can now be closed. May/081b – Headache Management Guidelines – As the LTC/EOL JET had commented that the best patient information leaflets for this condition are available on line, this action is not required and the item can be closed. MMJET_2015/085 Commissioning Intentions (This was the fourth item to be discussed at the meeting following item 088 – Community Pharmacy) RP asked if this was something that community pharmacists could contribute to. Community pharmacists were welcome to contribute to suggestions but today was the last opportunity to decide on the short list for 2015-16. However, as it is an annual cycle, suggestions can be made throughout the year for consideration for the following year. (RP left the meeting) The cover sheet that had been embedded on the agenda identified some ideas from the Medicines Management Team about possible ideas for commissioning intentions for 2015-16. These were as follows against which it was decided which was the relevant JET: Adult ADHD – Adult JET Asthma – possible change in practice in diagnosis mandated by NICE would require funding of FeNO testing to be commissioned – Right Care Care Homes work – MMJET/Right Care COPD – Gold (education will be required) – Right Care/MMJET re change in pathway Dermatology – Right Care Diabetes re-design/Care Planning/educational initiatives - LTC End of Life – LTC reviewing Single Point of Access (SPA) Housebound/domiciliary care – Urgent Care MSK – Right Care NPT LES review – MMJET review payment structure PBR excluded drugs – audit - MMJET Stoma and incontinence – MMJET Gender dysphoria – MMJET for medication It was agreed that diabetes would be the main focus for next year. Also the near patient testing LES, now called a direct reward contract, needed to be reviewed particularly with regard to GP payment to ensure continued engagement. This involves tests not covered by the GMC contract and is available to pharmacists. It was necessary to decide on a short list and SL commented that for Aylesbury Vale CCG he would suggest diabetes and care planning. The education element of COPD would need some funding but it was identified that this may be covered by the current Respiratory Project monies. It was also recommended that some respiratory funding for workforce planning should be added to the list. There is always a need for additional money for PBR excluded medicines but a different source of funding needs to be identified for this. Stoma was discussed but was discounted as the project was complex. MMJET_2015/086 Nalmefene review of Traffic Light Position (This item was discussed after item 084 (Minutes and Matters Arising) but left here for consistency with the agenda.) The meeting was joined by Derys Pragnell, Public Health Principal 3 Nalmefene is currently RED on the Bucks Formulary but a request was being made by Public Health that consideration be given to reclassifying as AMBER RECOMMENDED. NICE guidance recommends nalmefene for patients who are drinking at both moderate and high drinking risk levels. Just over 300 patients per annum could be eligible for nalmefene with counselling and DP stated that these costs will be funded by Public Health. DP explained that alcohol and drug abuse service was re-commissioned just over a year ago which resulted in two local services being set up – SMART which offers a counselling support service and has no staff who are able to prescribe and – STARS which is service for more intensive and structured treatment programmes operated by doctors and nurses. STARS does include prescribers. NP suggested a pathway that could be followed. A GP would refer a patient to SMART having completed the necessary assessment. The patient, who would be at a level where they felt they could not stop drinking (mildly dependent), would then be given two weeks of support during which time brief interventions would be followed such as keeping a drinks diary. If the patient was unable to reduce drinking levels with this support after two weeks, then the SMART service would contact the patient’s GP to suggest that the patient may benefit from taking nalmefene which the GP would need to prescribe. Counselling support would continue be given by SMART but it was identified that the GP would be responsible for counselling the patient on the drug and outlining the side-effects. It was further pointed out that under the amber recommended classification, a GP could choose not to prescribe. It is necessary to ensure that the commissioned pathway is robust. STARS have not yet added nalmefene to their formulary and therefore primary care is being approached about bridging the gap in the service. The MMJET consensus was that the proposed pathway with the GP prescribing nalmefene was not the best patient pathway. MMJET were of the opinion that requesting the GP to prescribe the drug added nothing to the patient’s treatment. Patient safety is the most important factor. Concerns were raised about how the communication between SMART and the GP could be adequately speedy and robust. It was concluded that nalmefene should remain red on the Bucks Formulary. It was thought that counselling and prescribing should go hand in hand with prescribing the medicine. For this to happen the SMART service may need to change so that it incorporates a prescriber. In order to introduce a prescriber into the SMART arm of the service, Public Health could consider an ‘arms-length’ arrangement with Vale Health or Oxford Health. SL was happy to ask GP prescribing leads in Aylesbury Vale at their joint meeting next month for their views to ensure that comments made in the MMJET meeting were representative. Action 086a – JMB to add the query about the prescribing of nalmefene to AV forum agenda Action 086b – SL to ask the opinion of GP Prescribing Leads in Aylesbury Vale at the Joint Medicines Management Forum in July with regard to prescribing nalmefene and feedback to DP (DP left the meeting) MMJET_2015/087 Risk Register (This was the sixth item to be discussed at the meeting following item 085 – Commissioning Intentions) The risks were reviewed paying particular attention with those who were categorised as red. LTM4 – Variation in Diabetes Care – Mitigation was needed for diabetes care within primary care to be sharper, focussed and with appropriate milestones and until this was put in place the scoring should remain unchanged. LTM12 – Gender Dysphoria – The difficulty is that a service needs to be locally commissioned but there is no one willing to provide the service locally as it is a rare speciality which requires specialist skills. NM expressed concern that this is something that could hit the media and it was confirmed that there is that potential. LTM16 – BCCR Transfer to MIG – The actions required for this risk are now complete so the score needs to be adjusted accordingly which potentially will remove the risk from the register. Action 087 – JB to amend the score of LTM16 as actions are complete 4 MMJET_2015/088 Community Pharmacy (This was the third item to be discussed during the meeting after item 086) Insulin Passport – A review of insulin errors by BHT identified the difficulty in identifying a patient’s current insulin product if it was not brought into the hospital and that patients do not always carry the nationally recommended insulin passport. BHT currently use pharma-produced insulin identification cards which some patients seem happy to carry with them. It was also reported that some patients have never been offered an insulin passport. There are 37 different pharma cards and whilst being more compact than the insulin passports, there is only limited space available to document other medications. There was an ideal opportunity for community pharmacy to contribute by asking patients if they carry such a card or insulin passport. If it was found they did not have a card or insulin passport, the pharmacist could suggest that they ask the GP for one at their next review. Another suggestion was put forward that patients keep a copy of their repeat prescription in their wallet. It was queried whether or not the BCCR record would be helpful in this instance as BHT should be able to access it. ES was asked to feed back to BHT that MMJET continue to support the insulin passport system and does not feel that the product specific system would work but queried if the information required could be obtained through the BCCR record. It was also agreed that a pointer should be put in the diabetes bulletin within the next six months. Action 088a – ES to feedback comments made by MMJET about the pharma-produced insulin identification cards to BHT Action 088b – Community pharmacists to encourage patients without a card or insulin passport to request one from their GP at their next review LPC Newsletter – It was agreed that this newsletter was a very useful communication document and MMJET would like it to be included monthly on the agenda for information purposes. Communication Slip from Pharmacy to GP – Thanks were to be extended to Hughenden Valley surgery who provided a copy of the form that pharmacists complete when recommending a patient to request an appointment at their GP surgery. The form was approved for use with the addition of another tick box under Timescale – ‘At next planned review’. Pharmacist and CCG logos need to be added before circulating. RP was asked to send the LPC logos to ES for this purpose. Action 088c – RP to send LPC logos to ES and JMB Action 088d – JMB to add ‘At next planned review’ under Timeline and attach logos before circulating MMJET_2015/089 Sick Day Rules and AKI (This was the seventh item discussed at the meeting following item 087 – Risk Register. After this the meeting ran in accordance with the agenda) Sick day rule cards are being developed locally to promote awareness of the risks of Acute Kidney Injury to patients. The card has been adapted from one developed and successfully used in the Highlands. It is being developed for use across the whole of Thames Valley and suggestions were needed on how to promote it. NM commented that the NHS lozenge was incorrect and she would send the correct logo. Also it was pointed out that it was difficult to read the black writing on a blue background on what would be the back of the card and NM suggested that white on black would be better. It was agreed that 20,000 of these cards should be ordered in the first instance for Buckinghamshire. Action 089a – NM to forward correct NHS lozenge to MMT to update card Action 089b – Black footer on cards needs to be changed to white in order to be visible Action 089c – Seema Gadhia to order 20,000 cards on behalf of Bucks once developed MMJET_2015/090 Local Prescribing Issues DMARD Monitoring – It was noted that one practice has decided to opt out of the Near Patient Testing service (Direct Reward Contract). Concern was expressed that others may follow suit. An overview of the general situation is that practices are running at full capacity and so to prevent other practices opting out it was recommended that there needs to be an increase in the NPT direct award fee for practices. This situation needs to be added to the Risk Register as potentially more practices are likely to opt out. MMJET should recommend an uplift in payment for next year. The topic should be put on the agenda of the September MMJET for further discussion when the appropriate document should be presented covering what the service currently costs; the fact that there has been no uplift for 5 years; there is no data on quality of service, etc. Action 090a – JB to put the risk surrounding NPT direct award - opting out on the Risk Register 5 Action 090b – JMB to put NPT direct award payment on the September agenda of MMJET Action 090c – SC to prepare a paper about updating the NPT direct award service to present at the September MMJET covering the aspects discussed at the June MMJET MMJET_2015/091 Care Homes Risk Management Tool for Medication Errors – Evaluation – The tool, which has been developed to support decision making by staff when medication errors are identified in the care home setting, has been piloted by care home pharmacists. A comparison has been made of what risk score the tool gives compared to what score the pharmacist would have given. Overall the tool was useful to assess level of risk but in some cases the tool underestimates the magnitude of the error, when compared with the view of a senior pharmacist. The proposal is to review the actions recommended by the tool, update the tool and take it to the Quality in Care Homes team for review. The suggested actions in the evaluation were approved. MMJET_2015/092 Interventions Reducing the use of High Dose Corticosteroid Inhalers in COPD - Following the FMG agreement that lower doses of ICS should be recommended first line when an ICS is appropriate and inclusion of Fostair onto the formulary the COPD guideline was updated. This intervention has been developed to support the recommended change in practice. ES circulated an amendment suggested by Catherine Tutt and this proposal was accepted. It was also suggested under the Questions and Answers section that the answer to question two should be preceded by the word ‘Yes’ to confirm that patients should be switched. With these amendments, the intervention was approved. Action 092a – ES to amend the intervention in accordance with the discussion Action 092b – JMB to upload to the extranet and circulate to practices MMJET_2015/093 Guidelines Dermatology referral guidelines – It was agreed that this was a well written document and was approved from a medicines perspective. The document will require review at BHT committees before upload. MMJET_2015/094 Hayfever MIUK document – It was queried whether this document should be uploaded to the extranet and circulated to practices. It was agreed this document was a little late in the season and not particularly interesting so the view was taken that it should not be uploaded. MMJET_2015/095 ScriptSwitch Proposed Switch Suggestions Accrete D3 – LW had pointed out that Accrete D3 was better value for money and wondered if it was possible to request that it was added to the formulary so that it could be used as an alternative to Adcal D3 with Evacal D3 as an alternative for those patients with a nut allergy. The decision on whether a drug goes on the formulary is based on evidence, efficacy and cost but there should only be one calcium product on the formulary. It is not necessary to identify an alternative for patients suffering from nut allergies as this would have implications for other drugs, but a GP could deviate in the case of an allergy. SC would follow this up. CD confirmed that Accrete was not a problem for community pharmacists Action 095a – SC to follow up with BHT on whether Accrete D3 could be put on the formulary as first choice for calcium and vitamin D Co-danthramer caps – LW suggested changing the message as the product is to be discontinued. This was agreed but with the final note being amended to read ‘Transfer to co-danthrusate’. Lancets – ES is following up Galantamine MR – LW requested some advice as very limited stock available at present. CD was asked to check on the situation and advise when freely available. Action 095b – CD to check on availability situation regarding galantamine and to advise when freely available Trimethoprim – LW pointed out that supplies are now available but price concessions mean that cost has risen significantly and she was seeking advice on what action to take. It was agreed that trimethoprim switch should be removed altogether. Action 095c – LW to remove trimethoprim switch 6 ISMN MR – There were still supply problems with Monomil MR but CD would check on availability of all brands and generic ISMN MR 60mg. Action 095d - CD would check on availability of all brands and generic ISMN MR 60mg Benefit Tracker – The ScriptSwitch benefit tracker had been embedded on the agenda for information. ScriptSwitch Dashboard – The dashboard is produced on a quarterly basis by ScriptSwitch and could be a useful tool to help practices identify where savings could be made. The proposal is to upload to the extranet and circulate the link to practices. This proposal was accepted. Action 095e – JMB to upload the ScriptSwitch Dashboard to the extranet on a quarterly basis MMJET_2015/096 IFR An overview of Buckinghamshire funding requests for medicines in 2014-15 was presented in pictorial format with a breakdown of decisions made. It was recognised that this was a good presentation which demonstrated the work that goes into decision making. Jaron Inward (IFR team, CSCSU) was thanked for his clearly presented work. MMJET_2015/097 Safety Drug Safety Update – Embedded on the agenda for information Drug Safety Summary – A summary had been produced of the information contained in the May 2015 Drug Safety Update. Patient Safety Alert – Risk of death or severe harm due to inadvertent injection of skin preparation solution MMJET_2015/098 NICE Guidance The NICE guidance for May was embedded on the agenda for information MMJET_2015/099 Budget & Contract Monitoring The outturn figures for the end of 2014-15 by CCG were embedded on the agenda. A small finance error meant that Aylesbury Vale had come in on budget. Budget setting was discussed, particularly for those practices that look after nursing homes and the value of having a practice pharmacist was highlighted. SL commented that AVCCG were considering putting forward an invest to save proposal for a pharmacist for practices. There was no data available to compare practices that have responsibility for nursing homes with those that do not but it was thought that a strategic overview was needed for when queries were raised by practices. The budget for 2015-16 is more or less the same as last year. MMJET_2015/100 AOB A request had been received from a Hertfordshire GP who would like to sit in on an MMJET meeting as he had been told that Buckinghamshire had a good system for assessing drugs. This was agreed. MMJET_2015/101 Key Issues Report Commissioning intentions Nalmefene remains red – PH agree to fund costs NPT direct award – requires a payment review (& risks) IFR review of cases involving medicines shows robust process and good clinical engagement Date of Next meeting: Thursday, 16 July 2015 (Virtual Meeting) Venue: Time: Future dates: 20 August 2015 17 September 2015 15 October 2015 17 December 2015 7 8