Outline plan - Highways Information Portal

Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
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Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
This report has been prepared for the benefit of the NZ Transport Agency (the Transport Agency). No
liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to
its use by any other person.
This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to other persons for
an application for permission or approval or to fulfil a legal requirement.
Quality Assurance Statement
Project Manager:
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved for issue by:
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
XXXX Council
PO Box
From: NZ Transport Agency
PO Box
(Please note different address for service given below)
Pursuant to section 176A of the Resource Management Act 1991, the NZ Transport Agency (the
Transport Agency), as a Requiring Authority, provides an outline plan of the work to be
constructed pursuant to designation (XX) at (locality).
A description of the proposed works is:
Provide a brief description of the proposed public work, project or work.
Attached is the information required to be included with an outline plan of works by the
Resource Management Act 1991.
Signed by:
Highway Manager
Pursuant to authority delegated by the NZ Transport Agency
Insert Date
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
Address for Service:
Organisation Name
P O Box
Ph (00) 000 0000
Fax (00) 000 0000
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
The NZ Transport Agency
The Transport Agency is a Crown entity with its objective, functions, powers and responsibilities set
out in the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and the Government Roading Powers Act 1989. The
Transport Agency is also a requiring authority under s.167(3) of the RMA.
Our purpose is creating transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand. The Transport Agency shapes
New Zealand’s transport networks and people’s safe and efficient use of them. We connect families,
help businesses take goods to market, and help others work, study and play.
An integrated approach to transport planning, funding and delivery is taken by the Transport Agency.
This includes investment in public transport, walking and cycling, local roads and the construction
and operation of State Highways. The Transport Agency exhibits a sense of social and environmental
responsibility when undertaking this work.
Description of works
The Transport Agency is proposing to (describe project).
The works are located XXXX.
The designation for (insert designation reference) is included in the (insert District Plan title).
Include the following:
A brief description of the proposed works
An explanation of what has generated the need for the works
A location plan of the site (colour, north arrow scale and title)
Include the following:
The purpose of the designation (include copy of original in appendix)
Designation boundaries (include designation plan)
Conditions of the designation (if relevant or exist)
Resource Management Act 1991
This Outline Plan is submitted to Council as per Section 176A of the Resource Management Act (RMA)
1991. This section specifies that a requiring authority must submit to a territorial authority, “an
outline plan of the public work, project or work to be constructed on designated land…” before
construction is commenced. According to the Act Council may request the Transport Agency to make
changes to the outline plan, within 20 working days of receiving this Outline Plan, as provided for in
Section 176A(4) of the Act.
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
The Transport Agency requests confirmation from (name TLA) that the Outline Plan requires no
changes, within the timeframe specified under the Act.
The height, shape, and bulk of the project
Include the following:
A brief description of works proposed as described by the construction drawings attached
in Appendix.
Earthworks – cut and fill. See the Transport Agency’s Erosion and Sediment Control
Guidelines for State Highway infrastructure.
Construction drawings, including cross sections and level attached as Appendix.
4.2 The location of the project
Include the following:
A description of the site from a north to south orientation
describe the existing environment (rural/urban)
speed environment
ecological environment
significant flora and fauna
archaeological sites (others if appropriate)
Grid reference and RP Location
An aerial photograph
4.3 The likely finished contour of the project
Include the following:
A description of what the final project is expected to look like
A brief description of what the project is expected to achieve (e.g. road safety)
Plans showing the final layout including cross sections showing the finished contour
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
Any potential visual effects and ways in which these will be mitigated
4.4 Vehicular access, circulation and the provision for parking
State whether:
New access ways are needed.
Old access ways are to be closed.
There is to be rationalising of existing access ways.
There is a standard to which access ways will be constructed too.
For works on the State Highway an appropriate traffic management plan will need to be
provided during the construction period.
4.5 Landscaping
Include the following, and then delete these instructions:
A description of the existing landscape.
The process undertaken to assess the impact on the existing landscape (landscape
assessment) – refer to the Transport Agency’s landscape guidelines.
Probable impacts.
Methods used to avoid remedy or mitigate these impacts
4.6 Other matters
The following section provides and assessment of any other potential adverse effects and outlines the
mitigation measures proposed to address the potential affects from the proposed works.
Consider the following additional effects not covered under the designation and include if
relevant any mitigation measures proposed.
Noise & Vibration Effects
During the construction phase of this project a number of sources of noise and vibration will be
generated from the project. The project will comply with noise limits specified in New Zealand
Standard NZSA 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise”.
For additional guidance, see the Transport Agency’s resources for noise and vibration.
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
Dust Effects
Describe the potential for dust generation and explain how any adverse effects will be avoided,
remedied or mitigated.
Ecological Effects
Describe the location and significance of any ecological habitats within the projects proximity.
Describe how these habitats will be impacted in anyway by the works and what will be done to
avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse impacts. See the Transport Agency’s guidance on
ecological resources.
Effects on Infrastructure
Describe the location of existing infrastructure within the projects proximity. Describe the
impact on this infrastructure and what will be done to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse
impacts e.g. power lines.
Water Quality Effects
Include assessment of both air quality and any potential pollution sources both during and
after construction. For example: In October 2004, the Government introduced the National
Environmental Standards for Air Quality. This includes 5 outdoor (ambient) standards. See the
Transport Agency’s guidance on air quality.
eg During the construction phase of this project a number of sources of air discharges will be
generated from ……………………………....(insert source of air emissions) The project will
comply with the 5 outdoor (ambient) national environmental standards.
Refer to any resource consents obtained or to be obtained.
Air Quality Effects
Include assessment of both air quality and any potential pollution sources both during and
after construction. For example: In October 2004, the Government introduced the National
Environmental Standards for Air Quality. This includes 5 outdoor (ambient) standards. See the
Transport Agency’s guidance on air quality.
eg During the construction phase of this project a number of sources of air discharges will be
generated from ……………………………....(insert source of air emissions) The project will
comply with the 5 outdoor (ambient) national environmental standards.
Refer to any resource consents obtained or to be obtained.
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
Archaeological/Cultural Effects
See the Transport Agency’s guide to assessing historic heritage effects for state highway
projects and check the DRAFT inventory list.
Check to see if there are any existing local accidental discovery protocols in place between the
NZ Transport Agency and iwi, and Heritage NZ. If none in place, then an accidental discovery
protocol should generally be volunteered if there is disturbance of land.
Review the Heritage New Zealand and NZ Archaeological Association register and provide
details, if applicable, using the following text example.
eg A review of the Heritage New Zealand database has been undertaken to identify any
archaeological sites within 500 metres of the project site. The search has revealed ……).A
review of the New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) files has also been undertaken by
an Archaeologist. The search has revealed…………………… (describe outcome of the
If there are substantial issues an archaeologist may need to be appointed.
Should there be likely to be any disturbance or effects on an archaeological sites or discoveries
of remains, then approval is required under S. 11 or S. 12 of the Historic Places Act 1993.
Note: Heritage New Zealand has 3 months to approve this request so if this is likely to be an
issue this should be identified and obtained early in the project or it may be a significant risk
time wise.
During the works if any archaeological sites or remains are discovered, the works at that place of
discovery will cease immediately. Heritage New Zealand, Kaumatua representing the local Tangata
Whenua, (insert TLA name) l shall be contacted, and work shall only recommence in the affected areas
when any necessary statutory authorisations or consents have been obtained.
Community severance/cohesion/urban design effects
Refer to the Transport Agency’s Urban Design guideline: Bridging the gap and the Guide to
assessing social effects for state highway projects.
If an urban design framework has been prepared for the project, and is relevant, then submit
it as part of the outline plan.
Describe the potential disruption/enhancement the project will have on the community and
explain how any adverse effects will be avoided, remedied or mitigated.
Road Closures/Traffic Management
A traffic management plan to be approved by the Transport Agency’s Regional Performance Manager
will be implemented when the works are being undertaken.
Outline Plan of works to XXXX Council
Alignment with designation conditions
The works will comply with XXXX designation conditions as follows:
List any relevant conditions of the designation and describe how the proposed works will be
aligned with these conditions.
The RMA provides for third party involvement up to the time of the designation’s inclusion in the
(name the District Plan). Section 176A of the RMA provides for the Transport Agency and (name TLA)
to engage in the Outline Plan process with no opportunity for third party input. However the
Transport Agency has undertaken the following consultation: (insert consultation undertaken)
(Include copies of written correspondence to any affected parties).
Give a robust overview of the project and summarise key matters
It is therefore concluded that pursuant to Section 176A of the RMA, the (insert TLA name) can confirm
the Outline Plan for (insert project name) without any modification.