Notice of requirement for designation

Notice of requirement for designation
to XXXX Council
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Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
This report has been prepared for the benefit of the NZ Transport Agency (the Transport Agency). No
liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to
its use by any other person.
This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to other persons for
an application for permission or approval or to fulfil a legal requirement.
Quality Assurance Statement
Project Manager:
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved for issue by:
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
XXXX Council
PO Box
From: NZ Transport Agency
PO Box
(Please note different address for service given below)
The NZ Transport Agency gives notice of a requirement for a designation for a public work.
A description of the activity to which the application relates is:
Describe the site as it is commonly known and in a way that will enable it to be easily identified
e.g. the street address, the legal description, the name of the any relevant stream, river, or
other water body to which the application relates, proximity to any well-known landmark, the
grid reference, SH location etc.
The nature of the proposed public work is:
The nature of the proposed conditions that would apply are:
Consider the level of detail to be included in the conditions, i.e.
If a lot of detail is known on the works proposed then consider whether the Outline
Plan requirements can be included within this Notice of Requirement. If so, then
conditions must be written in a manner that it is clear which ones apply to the
designation and which ones apply to the works. Note that upon completion of works a
variation will be sought to remove the works conditions as they will no longer be
relevant. If only a high level of detail is known then you may want apply for the
designation and the “works” will be addressed through an outline plan at a later date.
The conditions will need to focus on the effect of what the designation is for, not the
construction activities.
If only a high level of detail is known then you may want apply for the designation
and the “works” will be addressed through an outline plan at a later date. The
conditions will need to focus on the effect of what the designation is for, not the
construction activities.
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
Delete if there are no conditions
The effects that the public work will have on the environment, and the ways in which any adverse
effects will be mitigated are:
If the effects of the works are not known at this stage then state they will be provided at the
outline plan of works stage.
Alternative sites, routes, and methods have been considered to the following extent:
Provide a summary of section 5.
The public work and designation are reasonably necessary for achieving the objectives of the
requiring authority because:
Provide a summary of section 4.
(No) additional resource consents are required in relation to the proposal.
If applicable state the additional resource consents required.
The following consultation (No consultation) has been undertaken with parties that are likely to be
Provide a summary of section 6.
The Transport Agency attaches the following information required to be included in this notice by the
district plan, regional plan, or any regulations made under the Resource Management Act 1991
List documents that are being attached
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
Signed by:
Highway Manager
Pursuant to authority delegated by the NZ Transport Agency
Insert Date
Address for Service:
Organisation Name
P O Box
Ph (00) 000 0000
Fax (00) 000 0000
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
The NZ Transport Agency
The Transport Agency is a Crown entity with its objective, functions, powers and responsibilities set
out in the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and the Government Roading Powers Act 1989. The
Transport Agency is also a requiring authority under s.167(3) of the RMA.
Our purpose is creating transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand. The Transport Agency shapes
New Zealand’s transport networks and people’s safe and efficient use of them. We connect families,
help businesses take goods to market, and help others work, study and play.
An integrated approach to transport planning, funding and delivery is taken by the Transport Agency.
This includes investment in public transport, walking and cycling, local roads and the construction
and operation of State Highways. The Transport Agency exhibits a sense of social and environmental
responsibility when undertaking this work.
Description of the public work
Provide the basis for the assessment of environmental effects, and describe how it will be
operated once construction is complete. Include a description of the key physical elements of
the project such as interchanges, traffic services and road design.
Provide the construction sequence and the individual structural features of the project, as well
as a description of the likely scale, duration and type of construction activities that will take
place for the Project.
Reason for the work and designation
Outline the problem and the proposed solution. Explain how a designation will reasonably allow
the safe and/or efficient functioning or operation of the project or work.
Requiring authority’s objectives
Outline the objectives of the project as outlined by the NZ Transport Agency and clearly
describe why the works are necessary in order to achieve these objectives.
Assessment of Alternatives
This section should identify alternative options for the Project, including doing nothing.
Include an assessment of any alternative:
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
methods e.g. Traffic Demand Measures or Local Road works
designs and measures to avoid, remedy and mitigate identified adverse effects on the
environment, including alternative methods of discharge.
The assessment must demonstrate that adequate consideration has been given to alternative
sites, routes, or methods of undertaking the work.
NOTE: This section is not required if the Transport Agency owns all of the land subject to the
designation and it is concluded that the works will not result in significant adverse effects.
Summarise the consultation undertaken, issues raised and outcomes, including any affected
party approvals and outstanding issues.
Contact the relevant Council early in the process - before making application - to confirm who
the appropriate contacts are to consult with – i.e. the relevant landowners, Iwi and other
stakeholders. Iwi consultation is to be undertaken using iwi Consultation Guidelines.
Include copies of written correspondence to affected parties and attempts made to establish
contact. Identify any major issues that have arisen through consultation. If there are a number
of land owners include in a table with map confirming which landowners have given approval
so it can be easily seen where approval has been obtained.
A statement on consultation must be provided, even if none has been undertaken.
Effects of the work on the Environment
Provide a description of the existing environment through specifically categorising and
describing each component of the environment and outline the effects of the proposal. This
allows an easy comparison of the effects generated by the specific project/proposal to the
existing environment.
Consider the following headings and delete as appropriate.
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
Social Environment - refer to the Transport Agency’s guide to assessing historic heritage effects
for state highway projects.
Traffic and transport
Archaeology and built heritage – refer to the Transport Agency’s guide to assessing historic
heritage effects for state highway projects and check the DRAFT inventory list.
Cultural heritage - refer to the Transport Agency’s guide to assessing historic heritage effects for
state highway projects.
Urban design - Refer to the Transport Agency’s Urban Design guideline: Bridging the gap.
Landscape – see the NZ Transport Agency’s landscape guidelines.
Noise – see the Transport Agency’s resources for noise and vibration.
Air quality – refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on air quality.
Terrestrial ecology – refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on ecological resources.
Aquatic ecology – refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on ecological resources.
Hydrology – refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on water resources.
Groundwater – refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on water resources.
Natural hazards
Services and network utilities
Water Quality - refer to the Transport Agency’s guidance on water resources.
Earthworks – see Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for State Highway infrastructure.
Mitigation Measures
Based on the above assessment, the adverse effects of the proposed activity will be mitigated
by way of the following measures:
Describe all monitoring to be undertaken during and after the construction period. Include a
description of how and by whom the effects will be monitored if the activity is approved.
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
10. Notification
Provide assessment of the adverse effects of the works and identify any persons affected by
the activity.
Conclude whether the application should be non-notified, limited notified, or publicly notified
against section 95. Refer to assessment of effects, if adverse effects are not more than minor
and no affected persons or written approval has been obtained it is ideal to request a nonnotified application.
11. Statutory Assessment
11.1 National Policy Statement
Assess National Policy Statements where relevant e.g.
National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management
New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement
eg Sections X of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement are relevant as they require
consideration of …………………..
11.2 National Environmental Standards
Assess National Environmental Standards where relevant e.g.
National Environmental Standards for Air Quality
National Environmental Standard for Sources of Drinking Water
National Environmental Standards for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to
Protect Human Health
It is important to provide information about permitted activities under these standards.
11.3 Regional Policy Statement or Proposed Regional Policy Statement
Sections X of the Regional Policy Statement are relevant as they require consideration of
Provide assessment
11.4 Regional Plan or Proposed Regional Plan
Sections X of the Regional Plan are relevant as they require consideration of …………………..
Provide assessment
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
11.5 District Plan or Proposed District Plan or Proposed Plan Changes
Sections X of the District Plan are relevant as they require consideration of …………………..
Provide assessment
12. Other Matters
Include any directly relevant considerations.
Consider any Iwi Management Plans or equivalent.
13. Part 2 Purpose and Principles of the RMA
Assess the proposal against the requirements of Part 2 having regard to sections 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Assess either as a whole for proposals of lesser significance or each section individually for
proposals of more significance using sub headings below. Provide comments and reasons why
the proposal is consistent with Part 2. Briefly describe that activities will be undertaken in a
manner that will avoid, remedy or mitigate potential adverse effects on the environment (refer
to relevant sections of this report).
Section 5: Purpose of the RMA
Section 6: Matters of National Importance
Section 7: Other Matters
Section 8: Treaty of Waitangi
14. Conclusion
Give a robust overview of the project and summarise key issues and how they will be
It is considered the Council should confirm this notice of requirement without modification.
Notice of requirement for designation to XXXX Council
Appendix 1 XXXX