
Stormwater and Your Federal Facility
A Chesapeake Bay Stormwater Training Partnership Workshop
February 27, 2013
Patuxent National Wildlife Visitor Center
Laurel MD, 20708
Objective: To provide Federal Property Managers, MS4 Permit Managers,
Environmental Compliance Officer and Support Consultants with information and
design guidelines related to innovations in urban stormwater management.
The Chesapeake Stormwater Partnership: A training program for stormwater
management professionals created by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network and the
Center for Watershed Protection. It is sponsored by the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund.
Jim Edward, U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Katherine Antos, U.S. EPA, CBPO
Greg Allen, U.S. EPA, Region III, CBPO
Matt Johnston, University of Maryland/CBPO
Joe Battiata, Center for Watershed Protection
Tom Schueler, Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Cecilia Lane, Chesapeake Stormwater Network
9:00 – 9:15
9:15 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 1:00
1:00 – 3:00
Draft Agenda:
Overview of the Federal Role in
Stormwater and the Chesapeake Bay TMDL
Stormwater Benchmarking for Your
How to find pollution prevention, retrofit and
restoration opportunities on your federal property
using a simple audit of your facility
A Simple Guide to Stormwater Retrofitting
Learn the basic process for discovering, designing
and installing retrofits on your property
How to Compute Nutrient and Sediment
Reductions at Your Facility
Learn how to compute load reduction credits for
Jim Edward, EPA
Katherine Antos,
3:00 – 3:45
3:45 – 4:00
various kind of urban retrofits and restoration
Reporting, Tracking and Verification
Learn what you need to do to track, report and
receive credit for the practices you have
installed based on current Chesapeake Bay
Program protocols and recommendations of the
expert panels and workgroups.
Wrap-up, Discussion and Evaluations
Matt Johnston,
Speaker Biographies
The Chesapeake Stormwater Network (CSN) is an organization whose mission is
to improve on the ground implementation of more sustainable stormwater management
and environmental site design practices in each of 1300 communities and seven states
in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The Network is coordinated by Tom Schueler and
Cecilia Lane is located in Ellicott City, MD.
Tom has more than 30 years experience in practical aspects of stormwater practices to
protect and restore urban watersheds. As executive director of CSN, Tom works on a
number of projects in the Bay including the Chesapeake Bay Stormwater Training
Partnership, which provides webcasts, workshops and on-line training modules to train
engineers on new practices. Tom also serves as the stormwater technical coordinator for
the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. Cecilia joined the Network in 2012 coming from the
Center for Watershed Protection where she served as a Watershed Technician for 3
years working on stormwater management issues and specifically retrofitting. At the
Network, Cecilia is heading up several tasks on the Chesapeake Bay Stormwater
Training Partnership including developing training content on LID Maintenance and
Joseph Battiata, P.E., Joe is a Water Resources Engineer with the Center for
Watershed Protection with over 25 years of experience in water resources and
stormwater management. Joe has worked in various capacities in both the public and
private sector. Much of Joe’s work over the years has focused on developing technical
implementation guidance and training. Joe started his career as a consultant in the DC
metro area after graduating from the Catholic University of America with a BS in civil
Matthew Johnston is a Faculty Extension Assistant in the University of Maryland’s
Department of Environmental Science and Technology. In this extension role, Matt
serves as the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Non-Point Source Data Analyst, working
directly with jurisdictions across the watershed to ensure that implementation work is
credited by the Bay Program’s modeling tools. Matt is also responsible for gathering
and analyzing new data that can be used to inform the Bay Program’s modeling tools
from the urban stormwater and agricultural sectors.