IPhD Supplementary Application Coordinator Guide

Table of Contents
Ph.D. Applications
Coordinator Guide
Version 1.0
1.0 – Overview
1.1 – Dashboard
2.0 – Home Page
2.1 – Discipline Indicator
2.2 – Student List
2.3 – Overall Application Status
2.4 – Opening a Student Application Page
3.0 – Student Application Page
3.1 –Application Status
3.2 – Primary and Co-disciplines and Application Status
UMKC Internal Applications
3.3 – Select the Application Status for Your Discipline
3.4 – Email Notification of Department Decision
3.5 – Student Documents on File
3.6 - Notes
4.0 – Application Lists by Status
4.1 – Open a Status-Specific Page
4.2 – Access Student Application Page From Status-Specific Page
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
1.0 - Overview
This application is used by Department Coordinators and Administrative Liaisons for the Interdisciplinary
Ph.D. Program to view student applications to their discipline and to approve, provisionally approve, or
reject those applications. Coordinators can also view the acceptance status of applicants to their
discipline, with other disciplines to which the applicant has applied as a primary or co-discipline.
1.1 - Dashboard
Use the dashboard on the left of the screen to navigate between pages and to log-out.
Use dashboard buttons to
navigate between pages and
to log-out.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
2.0 – Home Page
The Home page opens upon log-in. On the Home page you can view the applicants who have applied to
your department as a primary or co-discipline.
2.1 – Discipline Indicator
Your discipline appears at the top of the page. All applicants below have applied to this discipline as a
primary or co-discipline. Application decisions made by you are for your discipline only.
2.2 – Student List
All students who have applied to this discipline as their primary or co-discipline are listed here.
Discipline Indicator:
Your discipline.
Navigate to the
Home Page with
this button.
Student List:
Students who have applied
to your discipline.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
2.3 – Overall Application Status
This column of the Student List indicates the overall status of the application, as determined by the
School of Graduate Studies. The status categories are as follows:
In Progress: This is the initial status when the applications are imported into the
Supplemental Application site. The student has not yet completed all application
Complete: The applicant has completed all application requirements and has indicated that
the application is ready for review.
Approved: SGS has marked the application approved after departments have decided to
accept this application.
Approved (Provisional): A department has decided to provisionally approve the application.
Rejected: All department decisions have been made and SGS has decided to reject the
Archived: SGS marks applications as closed to archive any abandoned applications that are
no longer valid for consideration.
Application Status:
This column displays
the status of each
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
2.4 – Opening a Student Application Page
To open a Student Application page, click the student’s Web Application Number on the Home page.
Web Application
This column displays
the student’s Web
Application number.
Click the number to link
to the Student
Application Page.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
3.0 – Student Application Page
The Student Application page displays the student’s primary and co-disciplines, the application status for
each department and the overall application status. On this page you can Approve, ProvisionallyApprove, or Reject the application for your discipline. You can also view the student’s application
documents leave notes for other reviewers, and read notes other reviewers have written.
Student Application Page
Overall Application
Status Indicator
3.1 – Application Status
This column of the Student List indicates the overall status of the application, as determined by the
School of Graduate Studies. The status categories are as follows:
In Progress: This is the initial status when the applications are imported into the
Supplemental Application site. The student has not yet completed all application
Complete: The applicant has completed all application requirements and has indicated that
the application is ready for review.
Approved: SGS has marked the application approved after departments have decided to
accept this application.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
Approved (Provisional): A department has decided to provisionally approve the application.
Rejected: All department decisions have been made and SGS has decided to reject the
Archived: SGS marks applications as closed to archive any abandoned applications that are
no longer valid for consideration.
3.2 – Primary and Co-disciplines and Application Status
The applicant’s primary discipline and all co-disciplines are listed, along with the application status for
each discipline.
The application status for each discipline is one of the following:
Decision Pending – the department has not yet decided whether to accept this student.
Approved – the student has been admitted into the discipline.
Approved – Provisional – the student has been provisionally admitted into the discipline. A note
explaining the provisional approval is required when this option is chosen.
Rejected – the student has been denied admission to the discipline.
Closed - SGS marks applications as closed to archive any abandoned applications that are no
longer valid for consideration.
Student Application Page
Primary and Co-discipline(s)
and application status for
each discipline
Set Decision Status for Your Discipline:
Click the Approve, Provisional Approval
or Reject Button.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
3.3 – Select the Admission Status for Your Discipline
Click the Approved, Approved-Provisional or Rejected button to indicate the decision for admission to
your discipline.
If you select Provisional Approval a form will open requiring a note of explanation. The language in your
note of explanation will be included in the applicant’s Admission Letter generated by the School of
Graduate Studies to explain the conditions required for full admission to the program. Explain the
conditions for the provisional approval and click the Yes button to submit or the No button to cancel.
Enter explanation
for provisional
approval here.
Click Yes to submit provisional
approval or No to cancel.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
3.4 – Email Notification
When you submit an admissions decision for your discipline, other coordinators in departments
associated with this student’s application, and SGS administrators will received an email notification of
your decision.
Email notification sent to
departmental coordinators
associated with the
application and SGS
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
3.5 – Student Documents on File
The Documents drop-down displays the following documents for download:
Resume (Curriculum Vitae)
Personal Narrative Statement
Letters of Recommendation
Writing Sample
Click on the document file name to download.
Click Documents drop-down to
view document list
Click document
file name to
List of documents
on file for this
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
3.6 – Notes
Click the Notes drop-down to add or read notes. Notes entered here are only available to department
coordinators associated with this application and SGS administrators.
Write notes in the note field and click the blue Add Note button to add the note. Read notes others have
left below.
Click the Notes
dropdown to view and
write notes.
Write your note here.
Click button to
add note
Read existing
notes here.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide
4.0 Application Lists by Status
The dashboard contains buttons which open pages to view student applications to your discipline by the
following statuses:
Provisional Approvals
4.1 – Open a Status-Specific Page
Click the dashboard button to open the list for one of the statuses above. The status page will open and
display the list of applicants in that status category.
4.2 – Access Student Application Page From Status-Specific Page
The Student Application Pages can be accessed by clicking the Web Application Number link on these
lists in the same way as they can from the Home page.
Click dashboard buttons
to access specific status
Web Application Number:
Approved Status page:
Click link to access Student
Application page.
List of students with an
Approved Status.
Supplementary Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Applications Coordinator Guide