M***** PS700 17/02/2008 Outline of PhD Proposal 1. Background/Introduction to the research topic What is it about and why is it important? 1 in 6 people in all deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol consumption limit. Drunk driving is a regular occurrence in the UK and these are only the recorded offences. It would really aid the police if a proper ethanol sensor could be prepared as the ones they are in possession of tend to be quite inaccurate and inadequate. Semiconductor oxides have recently been considered optimal as they are relatively cheap to use, very simple and fast to usei. They also show a wide linear response to ethanol which can aid police in apprehending drunk drivers. Bismuth ferrite has become a very popular compound to use for ethanol sensing due to the fact that it is reliable and stable.ii Bismuth Ferrite also has been shown to be multiferroic; this means that BFO simultaneously shows ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic properties Bismuth ferrite has previously been doped with several materials, and tested for their ethanol sensing propertiesiii. 2. Objectives of the Project: What will come out of the project? What is novel in the project? What will be investigated The main problem when preparing an ethanol sensor is that the sensor will not be unique to ethanol. E.g. the sensor will detect acetone and ethanol simultaneously so it is impossible to determine which gas it is detectingiv. This PhD will focus on trying several different materials such as sodium, lithium, calcium, niobium, zinc, etc. These materials will be dope Bismuth Ferrite with different combinations of dopants and at various doping percentages. After which, the sample will be run on Impedance Spectroscopy to determine their gas sensing properties. So far, all the literature has shown that a gas sensor unique to detecting ethanol has not yet been found. It also has been showing conflicting results with certain materials. 3. Methodology: What methods will be employed? What will you need? Where will it be undertaken? Estimate the funding required. The first step of sample preparation is to dope the Bismuth Ferrite (BFO). The materials will be weighed out in stoichiometric ratios. The sample will then be heated for 5 hours at 800°C. The sample is then leached with 50 ml nitric acid for 2 hours. The sample is then reheated at 1 hour for 400°C. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) will then be used to reveal the structural properties, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will be used to review particle morphology and impedance spectroscopy will be used to measure the ethanol sensor properties of the samples.v Each sample will be prepared in this fashion. 1|Page M***** PS700 17/02/2008 The equipment needed for this research project to be successful is the X-ray Diffraction, Impedance spectrometer, and a Scanning Electron Microscope. In addition to the access to these various instruments, a supply of various materials will be needed to prepare various types of BFO perovskite samples. This project will be undertaken at the University of Kent under the supervision of Dr. Donna Arnold. This facilitates the project tremendously as these instruments are already present at the University, the only requirements that are essential will be the training for these instruments and the payment required for using them. The average costs for the research project were calculated below. This is just an estimate of the costs that might be necessary throughout the three years. These costs include the university fees, the stipend the travel expenses and conference possibly attended in second and third year, and the indirect costs and consumables. The indirect costs are factors such as technical staff costs and estates costs. Purpose University fees Indirect costs Stipend Consumables PC Travel + conferences Total Year 1 3,500 6,767 13300 2,500 1,000 0 Year 2 3,500 6,433 13300 1,500 0 1,000 Year 3 3,500 6,767 13300 1,500 0 2,000 Costs (£) 10,500 19,967 39,900 5,500 1,000 3,000 27,067 25,733 27,067 79,867 4. Expected outcomes: how this project will move forward this particular area of research? The main movement that may occur in this particular field of research is providing more information on different doped BFO perovskites. Additionally, more information should be available on gas sensors in general and more specifically on ethanol sensors unique to detecting ethanol. This in return may aid in producing a portable ethanol sensors for bouncers at clubs and for the police out on patrol. i S.C.Tsang et al., Rare Earth Oxide sensors for ethanol analysis, Sensors and actuators B, 1998, 226-235 ii X. Yu et al., Gas-sensing properties of perovskite 𝐵𝑖𝐹𝑒𝑂3 Nanoparticles, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 92,2009,3105-3107 iii D.C.Arnold et al., Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Transition in 𝐵𝑖𝐹𝑒𝑂3 : Crystal structure of the Orthorhombic β phase, PRL, 2009, 102 iv S.C.Tsang et al., Rare Earth Oxide sensors for ethanol analysis, Sensors and actuators B, 1998, 226-235 v D.C.Arnold et al., High temperature phase transitions in 𝐵𝑖𝐹𝑒03 , Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.Proc.Vol.1199, 2010, Materials Research Society 2|Page