
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
2013 A &WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality
October 23, 2013 ~October 26, 2013
Shangrila Boutique Hotel
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Particulate Emissions to the Atmosphere from Point and Fugitive Emissions with
Optical Remote Sensing Techniques ......................................................................... 1
Coexistence between effective photocatalytic hydrogen production and energy saving
based on sulfur cycle system using H2S .................................................................... 2
The Important Role of Aerosol in Climate Change, Environment and Human Health .. 4
Sampling and Detection of Fine Particles and Precursor Gases .................................. 5
Aerosol Generation and Deposition in the Human Lung ............................................ 6
Biomass burning aerosol and related pollutants over northern Southeast Asia: What we
have learned from the Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) .............................. 7
From Solid Waste Control to Sustainable Material Management .............................. 10
廣州天湖冬夏季大氣 PM2.5 及其組分特徵研究 .................................................... 11
雙馬地區冬春季高濃度懸浮微粒指紋特徵及污染源解析 ................................... 13
溫濕度對生物源二次有機氣溶膠的影響研究 ...................................................... 14
不同類型黑碳(焦炭與煙炱)- 聯接氣溶膠與沉積物和土壤黑碳的研究的橋樑15
東亞地區春季氣溶膠輻射和氣候效應研究 .......................................................... 17
Influence of aerosol hygroscopic growth parameterizations on aerosol optical depth
and direct radiative forcing over East Asia .............................................................. 18
模擬自然環境重油燃燒排放多環芳香烴污染物之成份特性 ................................ 19
Measurement Methods and Compliance Monitoring of PM/PM2.5 Emissions:
Experience Sharing from the US and Asia Pacific Region ....................................... 20
The Transfer Function of spherical Nanoparticle In The Aerosol Particle Mass
Analyzer ............................................................................................................... 21
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Sampling and conditioning artifacts of PM2.5 in filter-based samplers ...................... 22
A Combustion Chamber at IEECAS for measurement of Biomass open Burning
Emission: Design, Characterization and Laboratory Tests ........................................ 23
東亞區域高臭氧污染事件形成機制之探討 .......................................................... 24
使用 WRF/CMAQ 模式模擬東南亞生質燃燒污染物的傳輸及物理特性 ............. 25
西南地區氣溶膠對太陽輻射影響及氣候回應分析 ............................................... 26
一個基於遙感觀測的近地面層 PM2.5 品質濃度估算模型 ..................................... 27
Climatology of dust optical properties and dust direct radiative forcing in North China
Plain ..................................................................................................................... 29
大氣涵容能力之推估-以阿里山地區為例 ............................................................ 30
我國西南部碳氣溶膠來源特徵 ............................................................................. 31
Comparisonof personal exposure to fine particulate and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons from an urban office environmentand high ambient concentrations in
Xi’an, China .......................................................................................................... 32
Aerosol composition, formation and its effect on visibility variation under stable
atmospheric condition, in Xi’an, China ................................................................... 34
Characterization and Seasonal Variations of Levoglucosan in Atmospheric Fine
Particulate Matter in Xi’an, China .......................................................................... 35
Extended Producer Responsibility for Waste Fluorescent Lamp Recycling in China
and the Case Study of Subsidy Standard from Fund ................................................ 36
Secondary organic aerosols and their precursors in the Pearl River Delta region ....... 37
Individual particle characteristics and formation mechanisms of haze in the Pearl River
Delta region: cases study ........................................................................................ 39
Concentrations and sources of secondary organic aerosols in PM2.5 in Shanghai ..... 40
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Characteristics of water-soluble organic nitrogen and free amino acids in fine
particulate matter of Xi’an, China ........................................................................... 42
Mixing state of black carbon aerosol in a heavily polluted urban area of China ........ 44
The study of the Effects of Aeolian Dust of Jhuoshuei River on the Air Quality........ 46
Air-soil exchange of parent, oxygenated and nitrated polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons in four climate zones, China .............................................................. 48
Characteristics of water-soluble humic-like substances at an urban site of Xi’an in
Northwest China and source apportionment using positive matrix factorization ........ 50
Biomass Burning and Bioaerosol Source Contributions to Organic Aerosol in Taiwan
and South China .................................................................................................... 51
Modeling and Measurement of ENP Dynamics in a Ventilated Two-Zone Chamber .. 52
Applying OP- and Extractive-FTIR on Odor Nuisance Investigation........................ 54
Visualization of Volatile Organic Plumes from a Large Industrial Ground Flare by
Fourier Transform Infrared Image Spectrometer...................................................... 56
Vertical Radial Plume Mapping Methodology for Emission Measurement of Industrial
Hazardous Air Pollutants........................................................................................ 58
Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills ................................ 59
Atmospheric PM2.5pollution and haze formation in China ...................................... 60
Application of Catalytic Filtration for PCDD/F Removal in an IWI ......................... 61
鉍封裝介孔碳用於氣溶膠中重金屬的檢測 .......................................................... 63
微粒防護衣的穿透特性 ........................................................................................ 64
臺中市綠能交通推動成效探討 ............................................................................. 65
An Experimental study on Performance Improvement of the Stairmand Cyclone...... 66
Experimental study of positive pressure type virtual cyclonesas pre-air cleaners for
CBRN incidents..................................................................................................... 69
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Deciphering mediating characteristics of electron shuttles for reductive decolorization
via microbial fuel cells ........................................................................................... 71
A Case Study of Regional Livestock Waste Recycling and Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reduction in Eastern Taiwan .................................................................................. 72
Preparation of activated carbon from oil sand coke for removal of gaseous Hg ......... 73
添加柑橘類廢棄物對拜香燃煙特徵影響之初探 .................................................. 75
Observed aerosol optical depth and Angstrom exponentinurban area of Nanjing, China76
Is frequent haze in central-eastern China related to Tibetan Plateau? ...................... 77
夏季期間台灣海峽跨域大氣懸浮微粒物化特徵及時空分佈趨勢探討 ................. 79
Master Planning for Singapore’s Jurong Lake District, A Case Study in Sustainable
Resource Management ........................................................................................... 80
Gasficationof Solid Waste Residuals as Part of a Zero Waste Strategy ...................... 82
Product Positioning and Business Risk in Green Supply Chain ................................ 84
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Particulate Emissions to the Atmosphere from Point and Fugitive
Emissions with Optical Remote Sensing Techniques
Mark J. Rood1, Wangki Yuan1, Ke Du2, Sotiria Koloutsou-Vakakis1, Byung J.
Kim1,3, Michael R. Kemme3, H.K. Son4
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL USA
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, China
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL, USA
Kosin University, Busan, Korea
Principal Contact: Mark J. Rood, Professor of Environmental Engineering, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL USA, 61801, 217-333-6963, 217-333-9464,
Atmospheric particulate matter adversely affects human health, contributes to visibility
degradation, and impacts the radiative balance of the Earth’s atmosphere. Emissions of
particulate matter is generated by a wide range of sources including point sources such as
stationary exhaust stacks and fugitive sources such as vehicles traveling on roads, and
open-detonation and open-burning of energetic materials. Real-time and in-situ optical remote
sensing techniques, such as digital still cameras and micro-pulse LIDAR, have been developed
and implemented to characterize particulate emissions from these sources due to the spatial and
temporal heterogeneities of theseplumes that are challenging to characterize with point
measurements. This presentation describesthe development of these techniques, implementation
of these techniques in the field, and validation/verification of these techniques to quantify the
opacity of plumes generated by stationary-point sources with digital-still cameras and
mass-emission factors for mobile sources and for open-burning and open-detonation of energetic
material sources.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Coexistence between effective photocatalytic hydrogen
production and energy saving based on sulfur cycle system using
Hideyuki Takahashi
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Japan
Merits for using H2S as the reactant for photocatalytic reactions
There are many attempts for utilizing the H2S gas as hydrogen source because of its low
decomposition energy as compared with that of H2O (H2S:0.298eV, H2O:1.3eV). This
decomposition process smoothly progress under the electro- and also photo- chemical reaction.
In this meaning, it can be said that H2S has the great potential for the source of hydrogen.
Moreover, decomposition of H2S by using solar energy and photocatalysts may gives us the
candidate for the resolution of environmental problems, since quite large amounts of energy was
consumed for the decomposition of H2S which evolved large amounts from the distillation of
fossil fuel.
Among the various semiconductor materials, only the sulfide type photocatalysts can act
stably in the H2S solution, while metallic and/or oxide type photocatalysts is sulfurized. To
increasing the photocatalytic efficiency, we tried to synthesize the sulfide type (CdS, ZnS, Ag2S,
etc) photocatalysts with the specific morphology which had capsule form with the gradient metal
concentration in its nano sized wall, called as “stratified photocatalysts”[1]. These materials
showed the high photocatalytic activities for the decomposition of H2S.
In this meaning,
photocatalytic decomposition of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) into hydrogen (H2) by using the
stratified type photocatalyst is considered as efficient route for the conversion of natural energy
(solar energy) into clean energy (H2).
However, there is one serious problem for using H2S. HS-ion was synthesized by dissolving the
H2S as follows; H2S → HS-+ H+ Photodecomposition of HS-ion was obeyed to the following
formula ; 2HS-→ 2H++ S22-+ 2e- 2H++ 2e-→ H2 From these formulas, it is apparent that
polysulfide ion (S22-) is simultaneously produced as the by-products. These by-products decrease
the efficiency of H2S decomposition process as the hydrogen source, since these decrease the
light absorption efficiency of photocatalysts and also these obstacles the absorption of reactant
because of sulfur poisoning. Thus, it considered that poly sulfide ion should be removed from the
solution. The easiest method for collecting the S22-from solution was reaction with metal ions,
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
such as Fe , however it caused dissipation of useful metal substance. Chemical conversion into
sulfuric acid by the oxidation was also reported, nevertheless this method was not adequate to
keep solution state, since basic material, such as NaOH, was neutralized by the sulfuric acid
synthesized in the oxidation process of polysulfide ion. The third idea was adsorption on the
surface of solid absorbent. However, it was not chemically adsorbed on the solid absorbent
surface since its surface potential was negative in basic condition, such as pH13. Sulfur cycle
system; for the effective hydrogen generation. Therefore, for the effective hydrogen generation
from H2S, it should be compatible that the increscent of the photocatalytic (or electrochemical)
activities and the development of effective utilization method of by-products (poly sulfide ion).
In our presentation, “system integration” to construct the sulfur cycle system for the new energy
generation, which including the following research objective, will introduce. 1) Development of
the photocatalysts with high activities for the effective hydrogengeneration from H2S solution 2].
2) Development of the concentration method of S22-ion dissolved in the water without using
the metal ions, neutralization and adsorption.It is focused on the development of elemental sulfur
resource circulation method [3]. 3) Development of the conversion route of S22-ion dissolved
in solution into industrial variable materials, such as vulcanized rubber. 4) Development of the
effective conversion route from elemental sulfur collected by 2) method into H2S gas by using
the bio reaction [4]
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
The Important Role of Aerosol in Climate Change, Environment
and Human Health
ZHANG Ren-Jian 1*, HO K.F.2, SHEN Zhen-Xin 3
RCE-TEA, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029,
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an
710049, China
Aerosol is an important component in atmosphere; its source, composition, distribution and
effects are very complicated. Aerosol has been paid much attention by governments and
scientists and has become a hot problem due to its important role in climate change and earth
environment. In this paper, the importance of aerosol in climate change, atmospheric
environment, and human health is summarized; the recent serious problems of aerosol pollution
and shortage of current aerosol research in China are pointed out; the necessary to enhance
aerosol research in China is also emphasized.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Sampling and Detection of Fine Particles and Precursor Gases
TSAI, Chuen-Jinn*; LIU, Chun-Nan; HUNG, Yi-Hung; LIN, Shih-Fan;
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
PM2.5 air quality standards have been promulgated in many countries around the world to
protect human health and environments. PM2.5 FRM (federal reference method) manual samplers
are often used to determine the compliance of the daily-average PM2.5 concentrations with the
standards. Other semi-continuous monitors are available for the determination of hourly PM2.5
concentrations and chemical compositions. Manual devices are available for stationary source
sampling for PM2.5 and its precursor gases however semi-continuous monitors are not readily
available yet.
In this talk, the evaporation loss of the current PM2.5 FRM samplers will be addressed
followed by the study of the accuracy of semi-continuous PM2.5 monitors and OC/EC analyzers
for the ambient air. Evaluation results of inorganic gaseous and particulate compositions of
semi-continuous monitors made in Taiwan for ambient (wet-denuder + PILS, particle-into-liquid
system) and stack monitoring (PPWD, parallel-plate wet denuder) will then be discussed. Finally,
the newly developed NCTU micro-orifice cascade impactor (NMCI) and a PM2.5 sampling
cyclone used for direct source sampling will be presented together with the results obtained from
several stacks. With the NMCI, much more detailed mass distribution data were obtained which
showed the major fraction of PM2.5 consisted of submicron particles in mass basis. This indicates
the control of submicron particle emission could be much more difficult and expensive than
PM2.5 emission. Field monitoring results of PPWD for acid and basic gas emission from stacks
showed significant concentration variation with time, which justified the need to use
semi-continuous monitors for stack emission measurement of PM2.5 precursor gases.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Aerosol Generation and Deposition in the Human Lung
Chih-Chieh Chen
Human lung is not only an aerosol collector but also an aerosol generator. The main objective of
this work was to investigate the relationship between the generation rate of exhaled breath aeroso
ls (EBA) and the lung deposition efficiency.
The experimental system consisted of a test chamber, a mouthpiece, a pneumotachograph flow m
eter, and a particle counter. Both tests shared the same experimental apparatus except the aerosol
generating system. For regional lung deposition measurement, a stable aerosol output was essent
ial, while aerosol-free air was supplied to the chamber when conducting the EBA measurements,
using a condensation particle counter. The volunteers were asked to follow sinusoidal breathing
patterns which were generated by using a piston-cylinder breathing simulator. The subjects were
instructed to perform percentage of forced vital capacity (20, 40, 60%FVC) and fixed tidal volu
me (500, 750 and 100 mL) with different breathing frequency (10, 12, 14, 15 breath/min).
The results showed that the EBA counts increased with increasing tidal volume, but nearly not af
fected by the breathing frequency. Aerosol deposition efficiency in the respiratory tract was stron
gly dependent on particle size, breathing pattern, aerosol charge distribution and lung morphome
tric parameters. The regional deposition data showed that local deposition efficiency increased w
ith penetration volume. The correlation analysis showed that total lung deposition efficiency incr
eased with increasing EBA counts, a somewhat confusing phenomenon, indicating that a subject
who collects aerosols more efficiently, generates more aerosol particles through tidal breathing.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Biomass burning aerosol and related pollutants over northern
Southeast Asia: What we have learned from the Seven South East
Asian Studies (7-SEAS)
Neng-Huei (George) Lin1, Si-Chee Tsay2, Brent N. Holben2, Christina Hsu2,
Nguyen Xuan Anh3, Jeffrey S. Reid4, Guey-Rong Sheu1, Kai-Hsien Chi5, Sheng-Hsiang
Wang2, Chung-Te Lee6, Lin-Chi Wang7, Jia-Lin Wang8, Wei-Nai Chen9, Ellsworth J.
Welton2, Shu-Ting Liang Chu10, Khajornsak Sopajaree11, Hal Maring12, Serm Janjai13,
Somporn Chantara14
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Institute of geophysics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, California, USA
Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, National Yang Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li,
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung,
Department of Chemistry, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Environmental Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
NASA Headquarters, Washington DC, USA
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Chemistry Department and Environmental Science Program, Chiang Mai University, Chiang
Mai, Thailand
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
The Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) is a grass-root program and seeks to perform
interdisciplinary research in the field of aerosol-meteorology and climate interaction in the
Southeast Asian region, particularly for the impact of biomass burning on cloud, atmospheric
radiation, hydrological cycle, and regional climate. Participating countries include Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, and USA (NASA and NRL). Field
experiments have been conducted in boreal springtime SE Asian region: Dongsha Experiment in
2010, Son La Campaigns in 2011 and 2012, and BASELInE (Biomass burning Aerosols &
Stratocumulus Environment: Lifecycles and Interactions Experiment) in 2013, respectively. The
main goals of Dongsha Experiment are (1) to develop the Dongsha Island (about 2 km2,
20°42'52" N, 116°43'51" E) in the South China Sea as an atmospheric observing platform of
atmospheric chemistry, radiation and meteorological parameters, and (2) to characterize the
chemical and physical properties of biomass burning aerosols in the northern SE Asian region. A
monitoring network for ground-based measurements includes the Lulin Atmospheric
Background Station (LABS, 2,862 m MSL) in central Taiwan, Hen-Chun (coastal) in the very
southern tip of Taiwan, Dongsha Island in South China Sea, Da Nang (near coastal region) in
central Vietnam, and Chiang Mai (about 1,400 m MSL) in northern Thailand. This experiment
provides a relatively complete dataset of aerosol chemistry and physical observations conducted
in the source/sink region for below marine boundary layer and lower free troposphere of biomass
burning/air pollutants in the northern SE Asia. The Son La Campaigns were conducted in Son La
meteorological station (21.33 °N, 103.9 °E; 675m MSL) in northern Vietnam for characterizing
the chemical and physical properties of biomass burning aerosols in northern Vietnam. For
BASELInE, in conjunction with satellite overpasses, the strategic deployments of ground-based
supersites (e.g., four supersites in northern Thailand, northern Vietnam and Taiwan, and NASA
SMARTLabs mobile laboratories) combined with distributed networks (e.g., NASA
AERONET/MPLNET) and regional contributing measurements near/downwind of aerosol
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
source regions and along transport pathways, offer a synergistic approach for further exploring
many key atmospheric processes (e.g., complex aerosol-cloud interactions) and impacts of
biomass burning on the surface-atmosphere energy budgets during lifecycles from source to
receptor areas. Our recent 7-SEAS deployments and major scientific findings of regional
biomass-burning studies advance the current fundamental understanding with regards to
dynamical, chemical, optical, microphysical, and radiative characteristics of aerosol and clouds
over northern SEA. This presentation will give an overview of 2010-2013 7-SEAS field studies
and their results, particularly for the characterization of biomass burning aerosol at source
regions in northern Thailand and northern Vietnam, and receptor station in Taiwan, which is
rarely studied.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
From Solid Waste Control to Sustainable Material Management
Harvey Houng, Ph.D., PE, CIH
Environmental Protection Administration
Ever since the establishment of “Solid Waste Disposal Act” in 1974, Taiwan has been
developing waste management for nearly four decades. Over the years, the substantial increase in
the amount of solid waste and the indiscriminate disposal of waste had caused serious
environmental pollution problems.
In 1984, the “Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Disposal
Plan” set landfill as the initial goal and incineration as the long-term policy. The “MSW Disposal
Plan” was promulgated in 1991, empowering the Government to construct 21 incineration plants
to relieve from the burdens of MSW pollution. To promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling
3R principles, the Taiwan government established the Recycling Fund Management Board and
launched a series of practices including: pay-by-bag collection fee system, mandatory MSW
sorting, keep trash off the ground, plastic bag limitation, package reduction, one-time-use
product reduction and hazardous substance prevention.
To improve the management of waste generation and prevent the illegal dumping of waste,
Taiwan’s Industrial Waste Control Report System (IWCRS) was established in 1997. More than
80% waste generated in Taiwan is reported using this system. More than 7,000 vehicles are
equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) for waste tracking. It serves as a “single portal”
for industrial waste management and facilitates informed decision making for resource exchange
and material flow among various industries to achieve resource and environmental sustainability.
“Reduce Waste Generation” and “Increase Waste Reuse” were adopted in the past, but the
direction has shifted towards “sustainable substance/resource management” with the goal of
reducing environmental impact and preserving natural resource. Along with the idea of
sustainable material management, the Taiwan government is establishing a new entity known as
the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, expanding the scope of the EPA to
encompass resources such as forests, agriculture, mining, hydraulics, etc.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
廣州天湖冬夏季大氣 PM2.5 及其組分特徵研究
本研究於 2012-2013 年在從化天湖採樣點使用一台中流量採樣器(300 L/min)和一台
小流量可擕式採樣器(5 L/min)
,同步採集 PM2.5 樣品。運用離子色譜法和熱光透射法(TOT)
分別分析 PM2.5 樣品中水溶性離子、有機碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)等組分。本文集中研究
了冬(2012 年 6-8 月)夏(2012 年 12 月-2013 年 2 月)兩季採集的樣品。結果顯示該點冬
季和夏季 PM2.5 濃度水準分別為(40.3±20.2 μg/m3)和(34.0±19.8 μg/m3)。與從化天湖採
樣點 2006 年和 2009 年歷史監測資料相比較,2012 年冬夏兩季的 PM2.5 平均濃度略有下降
本研究分析的水溶性離子包括陰離子(Cl-、NO3-和 SO42-)和陽離子(Na+、K+和 NH4+)。
結果顯示水溶性離子從化天湖 PM2.5 的主要組成成分,占 PM2.5 的比例冬季(56.88%)高於
夏季(42.88%)。水溶性離子濃度變化受氣象條件變化影響顯著。含碳組分(包括 OC 和
EC)占 PM2.5 品質濃度的比例冬夏兩季變化小,分別為 29.33%和 29.40%。SO42-、NO3- 和
NH4+是水溶性離子的主要組成,表明二次氣溶膠對從化天湖 PM2.5 有較大貢獻[2-4]。冬夏兩
季的 OC、EC 相關性良好(夏季 R2=0.66,冬季 R2=0.85)。本研究根據 OC/EC 比值估算
PM2.5 中二次有機碳(SOC)的濃度水準[5],結果顯示 SOC 在冬季和夏季的濃度為 5.14 μg/m3
和 4.72 μg/m3,且在夏季(58.98%)對於 OC 的貢獻量高於冬季(49.14%)。
略偏酸性,而在冬季,PM2.5 偏鹼性。由於從化天湖採樣點處於城郊地區,並無工業區、電
廠燃煤排放,且該採樣點遠離主要交通幹道。因而,遠距離大氣輸送是 SO42-和 NO3-的主
要來源。而非海鹽 SO42-占 SO42-的比例很高,均在 98%以上,表明海鹽粒子對 SO42-貢獻很
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Fingerprint Characteristics and Source Apportionment of PM10 at Matsu-Mawei Areasduring
High ConcentrationPeriods
廖建欽 1、張正馳 1、袁中新 1*、陳光暉 2、張章堂 2
本研究於閩江口周邊海陸域地區設置六處懸浮微粒 PM10 採樣站,分別位於馬祖地區
及梅花鎮(MH)等三處,針對冬春兩季發生高濃度懸浮微粒時,同步進行 PM10 懸浮微粒採
樣,並將 PM10 懸浮微粒樣本進行化學指紋特徵分析,藉以瞭解閩江口高濃度期間之大氣
(PCA)、化學質量平衡受體模式(CMB receptor model)等不同污染源解析方法,進行懸浮微
粒污染源種類及貢獻量之解析。本研究發現在發生高濃度 PM10 期間,二次無機性氣膠(SIA)
約佔水溶性離子濃度之 76%,富集因數(enrichment factor;EF)分析結果顯示,以土壤揚塵
中較豐富的 Al 元素做為參考元素,Cr、As、Ni、Cd、Ti 等金屬元素的 EF 值均遠大於 10,
膠所佔貢獻率約為 9.8%、11.5%及 21.1%,而工業性污染源(如:焚化、石化業、鋼鐵業及
燃煤鍋爐等)所佔貢獻率約為 15%。然而上述污染源在閩江口週邊海陸域規模並不大,由此
關鍵字:雙馬地區、PM10 懸浮微粒、空品劣化、化學成份分析、受體模式
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
中國科學院地球環境研究所西安 710075 中國
本研究於 2009 年夏季在華山採集了山頂大氣中 PM10 及 9 級氣溶膠分級樣品,並採用
源二次有機氣溶膠的分子組成。異戊二烯、α-/β-蒎烯及 β-石竹烯氧化生成的二次有機
氣溶膠品質濃度為 81±53, 29±14 及 98±53 ng m-3,分別占總有機碳(OC)的 2.7±1.0%,
0.8±0.2%及 2.1±1.0%。生物源(BSOA,即異戊二烯/蒎烯/石竹烯氧化產物)及人為源(ASOA,
高能促進生物源揮發性有機物(BVOCs)釋放及氧化反應速率。濕度則與 BSOA 負相關,
但與 ASOA 無明顯相關性。氣溶膠無機模型(AIM)結果表明,濕度升高會導致華山氣溶
膠液相表面實際酸度(in-situ acidity)降低,從而抑制 BSOA 生成過程中的酸催化反應,
導致其產率降低。異戊二烯生的產物主要以細粒子的形式存在。α-/β-蒎烯生成的 3-羥基
戊二酸(3-hydroxyglutaric acid)3-甲基-1,2,3-丁三酸(3-methyl-1,2,3-butanetricarboxylic acid),
β-石竹烯生成的 β-石竹酸(β-caryophyllinic acid)僅在細粒子中檢測到。而 α-/β-蒎烯
氧化生成的順蒎酸(cis-pinonic acid)則更多富集在粗顆粒物中,主要是因為其揮發性較高
關鍵字: 生物源二次有機物; 異戊二烯, 蒎烯及石竹烯; 溫濕度; 粒徑分佈
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
不同類型黑碳(焦炭與煙炱)- 聯接氣溶膠與沉積物和土壤黑碳的
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
北京,100029, 中華人民共和國
發展了一個區域氣候-化學-氣溶膠線上耦合模式並用於研究 2010 年春季沙塵和人為氣
溶膠產生的直接輻射強迫及其對氣候的影響。2010 年 3 月 19-22 日發生了一次特大沙塵暴,
PM10 最大日均濃度可達 800g m-3)。
地區氣溶膠地面短波、長波輻射強迫最大達到-90 W/m2 和+40 W/m2。地面沙塵淨輻射強迫
在起沙區為-9~-24 W/m2,在廣闊的黃河和長江流域為-6~-21 W/m2,而大陸上大部分地區
大氣頂的輻射強迫在 0~+6 W/m2。東亞地區平均沙塵、人為氣溶膠和總氣溶膠導致的地表
淨輻射強迫分別為-3.9 W/m2,-5.6 W/m2 和-9.3 W/m2,大氣頂的輻射強迫分別為+0.9 W/m2,
-3.0 W/m2 和-2.0 W/m2,表明春季沙塵對大氣的增暖作用和總體氣溶膠的致冷作用。沙塵氣
溶膠導致的地表輻射強迫約占總氣溶膠輻射強迫的 42%,反映了沙塵對本地區輻射平衡和
沙塵和人為氣溶膠都導致中國東部長江以北地區地面氣溫降低 (~ -1.0C)和降水減少
(~ -0.3 毫米/天),而且程度相當,而在中國南部,人為氣溶膠總體上使降水減少,而沙塵
在部分地區使降水增加。總氣溶膠可以使中國東部的長江以北地區地面氣溫大約降低 -0.6
~ -1.5C,降水減少約~ - 0.6 毫米/天,反映了在沙塵和人為氣溶膠濃度都較高的春季,氣
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Influence of aerosol hygroscopic growth parameterizations on
aerosol optical depth and direct radiative forcing over East Asia
The influence of aerosol hygroscopic growth parameterization on aerosol optical depth
(AOD) and direct radiative forcing over East Asia in summer (June, July, August) 2006 has been
investigated by using an online coupled regional climate-chemistry/aerosol model
(RIEMS-Chemaero). The model is run with an original scheme for aerosol hygroscopic growth
in CCM3 radiation model and with a scheme developed based on observations in China,
respectively. Model performances are validated with ground observations and satellite retrievals.
Comparison with aerosol concentrations shows that the model is able to generally reproduce the
magnitudes, distributions, and variations of aerosols over East Asia. Model validation
demonstrates that aerosol hygroscopic growth affects AOD significantly, and the aerosol
hygroscopic growth scheme developed based on observations in China predicts AOD apparently
better than that with original scheme in terms of both magnitude and spatial pattern. In this study,
the domain and seasonal mean AOD, aerosol direct radiative forcing at TOA and at the surface
over East Asia are estimated to be 0.31, -9 W/m2, and -29 W/m2 by the newly developed scheme,
respectively, smaller and weaker by 41%, 49%, and 14% than those estimated by the original
scheme, suggesting the importance of developing aerosol hygroscopic growth parameterization
with geographical characteristics in prediction of regional aerosol optical properties and radiative
effects over East Asia.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
賴進興 1,*、葉旗福 2、林清和 1、鄭立新 3、陳明仁 3、蔡匡忠 4、陳宣匡 4
烴 (PAHs) 污染物之採樣與分析分別針對固相及氣相,分別分析及計算 19 種排放多環芳香
研究結果顯示總多環芳香烴之排放濃度,隨重油量之尺度增加而增加,濃度由 20 公
分油盤的 537μg/Nm3 提高到 60 公分油盤的 3,075μg/Nm3,顯示多環芳香烴的排放與重油
燃燒尺度有關。多環芳香烴其濃度在固相及氣相之分佈主要以氣相為主,占 93.6% 至
96.2%。。在三種不同重油量之燃燒尺度,多環芳香烴濃度在環數的分佈,主要以 2 及 3
環為主,占總量的 73.1 至 84.6 %;但其百分比隨油量燃燒尺度增加而下降。當油量燃燒尺
度增加時,除 2 環含量百分比與重油量之尺度成反比,其餘 3 到 6 環則均隨尺度增加而增
加。此外,對 BaP/BghiP、BaP/CHR、Ant/(Ant+PA)、FL/(FL+Pyr)、IND/(IND+BghiP) 及
BeP(BeP+CHR) 等多環芳香烴污染物在固相及氣相及總量同族物診斷比值,亦有良好之一
致性,可做為多環芳香烴來源鑑定之指標。多環芳香烴在 20cm、40cm、60cm 三種不同重
油燃燒尺度之排放係數,分別為 3,752、3,416 及 1,321 μg/g-oil,顯示排放係數隨油盤尺度
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Measurement Methods and Compliance Monitoring of PM/PM2.5
Emissions: Experience Sharing from the US and Asia Pacific Region
Betty Ng1, Winnie Ko1, Larry Hottenstein2, Bob Farmer3, Simeon Cheng4, CM Choi4
ERM Hong Kong Ltd, 16/F DCH Commercial Centre, 25Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong
ERM 2875 Michelle Drive, Suite 200, Irvine, California 92606, USA;
ERM 7272 E Indian School Road, Suite 100, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251, USA;
CLP Holdings Limited, 8 Laguna Verde Avenue, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Principal
Contact: Winnie Ko, ERM - Hong Kong Ltd, 16/F DCH CommercialCentre, 25Westlands Road,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, Phone: +852 22713147, Fax, +852 27235600, E-mail:
This paper examines particulate matter (PM) and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in
diameter (PM2.5) emission measurement methodologies including massbalance, Continuous
Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) and the use of emission factors. Areas of applicability,
advantages and limitations of these methods are evaluated. We also examine the recent
development and implementation of the regulation of PM and PM2.5emissions from power
stations in the US and Asia Pacific Region. This includes licensing and control technology
requirements for PM2.5emissions. The current application of PM CEMS in power stations in the
US and Asian Pacific Regions is compared. The results of a literature review will be presented of
the PM/PM2.5 emission measurement, monitoring technologies, and regulations in the US. These
findings are evaluated as they apply to CLP’s (China Light & Power) wealth of practical
experience as a power company that operates in the Asia Pacific Region. The methodology to
monitor and quantify PM/PM2.5 emissions varies across facilities and is highly dependent on the
local regulatory and reporting requirements. CLP’s experience of selecting monitoring
equipment is also reported. We summarise and compare the reporting and compliance monitoring
requirements of PM/PM2.5 emissions from power stations in the US and Asia Pacific region.
CLP’s practice on quality assurance/control for data is also reported. Finally, we present CLP’s
views on future PM monitoring (PM CEMS) and reporting (PM2.5) in the Asia Pacific region.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
The Transfer Function of spherical Nanoparticle In The Aerosol
Particle Mass Analyzer
Guan-Yu Lin1, Bo-Xi Liao1, Neng-Chium Zeng1, Chun-Wan Chen2 and Chuen-Jinn Tsai1*
Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hshinchu, Taiwan
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer (APM) classifies particles based on their ratio of mass to
charge with centrifugal force and electrostatic force (Ehara et al., 1995, Ehara et al., 1996).
Transfer function describes the relationship of number concentration of particles at the APM inlet
and that at the APM outlet.
Several models have been presented to calculate the transfer
function (Ehara et al., 1995, Ehara et al., 1996, Hagwood et al., 1995, Olfert and Collings 2005).
For submicron particles, some models agreed with experimental data (Ehara et al., 1996, Tajima
et al., 2011).
For nanopartiles, however, no models agreed well with experimental ones even
the fact that their models had considered the diffusivity of particle already. The calculated
results usually higher that experimental ones, and previous studies concluded that it was due to
diffusion loss or transport loss of particles (Lall et al., 2009, Tajima et al., 2011). To improve
the overestimation met in previous studies, a 2-D numerical model is developed based on
convection diffusion equation with the larger calculation domain and the detailed flow field.
The numerical transfer function of the model is compared to the model similar to previous
studies. Both of the models are verified with experimental data presented in Tajima et al., 2011.
The good agreement between our present model and experimental data shows that the study
indeed significantly improves the accuracy of the transfer function of nanoparticle.
Keywords:Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, APM, Transfer Function, Diffusion loss, Calculation
Domain, Flow Field, Model
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Sampling and conditioning artifacts of PM2.5 in filter-based
Chun-Nan Liua, Sih-Fan Lina, AmitAwasthia,Chuen-Jinn Tsaia, *,
Yue-ChuenWub, Chung-Fang Chenb
Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration,Jongli 320,
Field studies were conducted at Taiwan Nation Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) campus to
evaluate the evaporation loss of fine particles (PM2.5) collected by the multi-filter PM10-PM2.5
sampler (MFPPS), which was collocated with a dichotomous sampler (Dichot, Andersen,
Model SA-241), a WINS PM2.5 sampler (Thermo, Model 2000-FRM), and a tapered element
oscillating microbalance with the filter dynamic measurement system (TEOM-FDMS, Thermo,
Model 1405-DF). Porous metal denuders (PMDs) were installed in sampling channels of the
MFPPS to measure the concentration of evaporated ion species during sampling. Results show
that the evaporation loss in PM2.5 is severe during sampling, accounting for 5.8 to 36.0 % of the
PMD-corrected PM2.5 concentration and the percentage increases with decreasing loaded
particle mass and increasing filtration velocity. During 24-h sampling, the evaporated NH4+,
NO3- and Cl- concentration accounts for 9.5 ± 6.2, 5.4 ± 3.7, and 2.0 ± 1.3 % in PM2.5,
respectively, or 46.4 ± 19.2, 66.9 ± 18.5, and 74.4 ± 14.0 %, in the concentration of each
species, respectively. PM2.5concentration is decreased by 3.5 ± 1.8 % after 24-h conditioning,
and is further decreased by 5.1 ± 1.7, 6.2 ± 2.5, 7.4 ± 3.3 and 8.5 ± 3.2 % after 48, 72, 96, and
120-h conditioning, respectively. Due to the evaporation loss, PM2.5 concentrations measured
by the WINS, Dichot, and MFPPS are lower than those the TEOM-FDMS by 16.6 ± 8.8, 15.2 ±
10.6 and 12.5 ± 8.8 %, respectively. When the MFPPS PM2.5 concentrations are corrected for
the evaporated loss determined by the PMD, good agreement with those by the TEOM-FDMS
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
is achieved.
A Combustion Chamber at IEECAS for measurement of Biomass
open Burning Emission: Design, Characterization and Laboratory
Jie Tian1,Yongming Han1*,Haiyan Ni2,L.-W.A. Chen3, 1,Junji Cao1
1 Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710075, China
2 Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049, China
3 Desert Research Institute, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, Nevada 89512, USA
Biomass open burning is a significant global source of traces gases and particulate
pollutant in the atmosphere and has strong impacts on global atmospheric chemistry and
global climate change. To determine the emission characteristics of biomass open burning, a
combustion chamberwas designed by Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of
Sciences (IEECAS)in cooperation with Desert Research Institute (DRI). This paper focused
on description ofdesign consideration, structure and working principle of the chamber which
could simulate the combustion conditions of biomass open burning. A series of laboratory
tests were conducted and the results were discussed to prove the chamber was well-designed.
The combustion chamber at IEECAS is a facility with wide range of applications in the study
of emission factors, emission inventory, and source apportionment.
Keywords: combustion chamber; Biomass open burning; Emission factor.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
已經變成東亞地區相當重要的議題,本研究利用台灣空氣品質模式(TAQM)針對 2007 年 5
月東亞地區高 O3 背景濃度案例進行研究,同時收集台灣地區地面空氣品質觀測站資料與模
式在各測站皆能合理的模擬 O3 的濃度變化趨勢與範圍(相關係數 0.58 至 0.78,NMB -23%
至 28%),此外,雖然模式模擬 PM10、SO2 及 NOX 在各站大部份皆呈現低估的現象,但仍
氣象模擬的偏差及化學和氣膠處理過程。3 公里解析度雖然較 9 公里解析度在都會區等複
與恆春站的程式分析發現水準傳輸機制為此 O3 高污染事件日發生的主因,而垂直傳輸及氣
象化學過程則是 O3 移除的主要機制。
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
使用 WRF/CMAQ 模式模擬東南亞生質燃燒污染物的傳輸及物理特
Joshua Fu,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN, USA
本 研 究 為 2010 年 東 沙 實 驗 的 子 計 畫 研 究 之 一 , 研 究 內 容 主 要 利 用
WRF/CMAQ(Weather Research Forcasting/Community Multiscale Air Quality)模式模擬
2010 年 3-4 月期間的風場及於東南亞生質燃燒污染物向下游傳送之流佈。人為源及生物
源排放分別為 NASA2006 INTEX-B(Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-Phase
B)及 MEGAN(Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature)模式所產生,生質燃
燒排放則來自 FLAMBE(Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions)資料庫。我們利
站的空氣品質。此外,我們亦比較觀測及模式推估的 AOD(Aerosol Optical Depth),藉以
探討高山氣膠的光學特性。模式結果顯示生質燃燒活動主要發生於北緯 10°-17°及東經
關鍵字:WRF/CMAQ 模式、生質燃燒氣膠、東沙實驗、鹿林山背景測站
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
鄭小波 1,羅宇翔 1,趙天良 2,陳娟 1,張小娟 2
1 貴州省氣候中心,貴陽,550002;
2 南京資訊工程大學,南京,210004
第一作者通訊位址:貴州省貴陽市新華路翠微巷 9 號省氣象局
E-mail: zxb-816@126.com
膠增加有關。應用西南 4 省市近 50 年(1961-2010)19 個地面太陽輻射觀測站資料,及
近 10 年 MODIS 遙感氣溶膠光學厚度(AOD)資料,對太陽輻射,以及影響要素——能
見度、水汽、風速和 AOD 等相關分析。結果表明:1)AOD 較高(AOD>0.3)地區,
輻射在上世紀 60~90 年代出現明顯減少,本世紀以來減少趨停,部分網站略有回升,但
仍未恢復到 60 年代水準。減少的原因與氣溶膠增加和風速減少有關外,還與雲量和水汽
定關係。在低 AOD 區(AOD≦0.3),除高海拔的峨眉山站 90 年代以來呈明顯增加趨勢
日照時數的變化與太陽輻射的變化正相關,並且大部分通過了 99% 以上的顯著性檢驗。
在高 AOD 區,輻射減少使地面的最高溫度下降,還使部分台站的蒸發量下降。在低 AOD
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
一個基於遙感觀測的近地面層 PM2.5 品質濃度估算模型
1 引言
過去 30 年間,隨著經濟快速增長和機動車數量的增加,城市地區大氣氣溶膠細顆
PM2.5 品質濃度遙感估算的模型,並討論了其應用於衛星遙感的可能性。
2 方法
基於地基太陽-天空輻射計獲得的氣溶膠光學厚度和地面監測獲得的 PM2.5 品質濃度
因數進行校正。對於粒子尺寸問題,利用 Mie 理論計算細顆粒物的光學厚度(AOD2.5),
3 結果
根據細顆粒物的物理和光學特性,初步建立了一個四參數非線性近地面層 PM2.5 品
質濃度遙感估算模型(如式 1):
〖PM〗_(2.5)=〖AOD〗_(2.5)∙k(η_(2.5) )∙g^(-1) (MLH)∙f^(-1) (RH)∙ρ_e(1)
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
其中,AOD2.5 是空氣動力學直徑小於 2.5μm 的顆粒物柱消光總和;η2.5 是 AOD2.5
與 AOD 的比值,稱為細粒子比;k(η2.5)是 AOD2.5-PM2.5 之間的非線性變化斜率;MLH
是混合層高度;g(MLH)是混合層高度訂正因數;RH 是近地面相對濕度;f(RH)是顆粒物
吸濕潮解增長訂正因數;ρe 是氣溶膠有效密度。類比計算顯示 k(η2.5)存在顯著的非線性
分佈規律,且該規律與 η2.5 密切相關。隨著 η2.5 的增加,k(η2.5)曲線呈現下降趨勢,
說明細顆粒物越多,AOD2.5-PM2.5 轉換關係的斜率越低。選取北京地區的地基太陽-天空
輻射計遙感觀測資料對該模型進行了驗證,與近地面線上監測的 PM2.5 品質濃度具有較
4 結論與討論
我們發展了一個 4 參量的 PM2.5 遙感估算模型,並對 AOD2.5-PM2.5 非線性關係中的
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Climatology of dust optical properties and dust direct radiative
forcing in North China Plain
Xiangao Xia
LAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029
North China Plain is frequently impacted by long-range transportation of dust aerosols from
northwest China and south Mongolia in spring. Using ground-based and satellite remote sensing
data including Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), Baseline Surface Radiation Network
(BSRN), Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP), Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) over
the past decade, the objective of this study is to reveal climatology of dust optical properties in
North China Plain and to study dust direct radiative forcing efficiency. The results are compared
to those from other studies and showed a quite different story.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
林清和 1,*、楊奕德 1
輔英科技大學 環境工程與科學系(所)
*E-mail:PL018@ fy.eud.tw
山地區 PM10 為例,說明如何結合空氣品質現況、背景空氣品質、空氣品質標準、現況
大氣涵容量。推估結果顯示,以未來可符合空氣品質為良好等級暨保留 25%的容許大氣
涵容餘虞量為條件,得阿里山地區容許之 PM10 日大氣涵容量為 110.8 (公斤/日)或相當於
1.74(萬輛/日)之小型車車流量或 2,970(輛/日)之大客車車流量;容許之 PM10 年大氣涵容
量為 70.8 (公噸/年)或相當於 1110(萬輛/年)之小型車車流量或 190(萬輛/年)之大客車車流
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
2012 年 3 月至 5 月選擇我國西南部典型旅遊城市麗江市進行了 PM2.5 樣品中碳氣溶
膠聯繫觀測。採用熱光反射碳分析儀 (TOR) 準確測量了樣品總的有機碳(OC)、元素碳
(EC) 及其中的 8 個碳組分含量。結果表明,麗江春季大氣 PM2.5 中總碳氣溶膠 (TOC)、
OC 和 EC 的濃度分別為 9.15±4.01 ug/m3、7.18±3.20 ug/m3 和 1.97±0.86 ug/m3,明顯低於
果顯示,OC 和 EC 之間的相關係數為 0.94 (P<0.001),說明它們來源相同;OC/EC 值為
3.74±0.53,波動較小,表明 OC 和 EC 來源相對簡單。利用經驗公式計算了二次有機碳
(SOC) 的濃度為 1.92±1.29 ug/m3,占 OC 的比例為 27%左右,表明麗江 OC 主要為一次
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Comparisonof personal exposure to fine particulate and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons from an urban office environmentand high
ambient concentrations in Xi’an, China
Hong-mei Xu1,2, Jun-ji Cao1*, Kin-Fai Ho3,Teresa-L. Coons4, Ge-hui Wang1, Zhu-zi Zhao1,2
Key Lab of Aerosol Science & Technology, SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Washington State University, USA
The research was conducted to comparethe personal exposure to fine particulate (PM2.5)
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an urban office environment
andambientPM2.5 samples from6 to 24 July, 2009in Xi’an, China.Personal exposure average
PM2.5 mass concentrations ranged from 58.6 to 73.5 μgm-3(with the average of 66.4μgm-3),
and were generally lower than outdoor concentrations which averaged 80.5 μgm -3.The mass
concentrations overall showed a strong correlation between outdoor and personal exposure
(R=0.81). However, the weak correlations between time spent outdoors by participants and
corresponding personal PM2.5 concentrations were observed. The average concentrations of
the detected PAHs were 179.82 ± 157.71 and 114.86 ± 116.22 ng m-3 in personal exposure (P)
and outdoor (O) ambient samples.The average P/O ratio was 1.57, ranging from 0.20 to 6.47.
ThePAHs diagnostic ratios indicated that the main sources of PAHs were anthropogenic
activity, especially the coal combustion and motor vehicle emissions. The mean ∑[BaP]eq for
the whole monitoring period was 38.2 ng m-3 (range: 7.53-160.4 ng m-3).In outdoor,
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
PM2.5∑BaPE concentration was 30.60±31.69 ng m-3, smaller than∑BaPE in personal exposure
samples (45.82±43.02 ng m-3).Excess inhalation cancer risk(for a lifetime of 70
years)calculated thatan estimated mean of 50 (range: 17 to 210) per million people of the adult
inhabitants of Xi'an will be attributable to inhalation of PM2.5-bound PAHs.TheBaPE values
for diesel vehicles, coal combustion and biomass burning, and gasoline vehicles emissions
were 0.01, 23.99, and 6.59ng m-3 in outdoor PM2.5. Therefore, the percentages order of PAHs
source toxicity was: coal combustion and biomass burning (78%) > gasoline vehicles (22%)
>diesel vehicles emissions (0.03%) in outdoor. From this result, we can infer that the toxicities
of different sources were not only dependent on the source strength, but also rely on each
PAH toxicity equivalency factors, and suggest that the coal combustion and biomass burning
emissions PAHs in PM2.5harm the human health more seriously.
Keywords: PM2.5; PAH; personal exposure; source; toxicity ; office
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Aerosol composition, formation and its effect on visibility variation
under stable atmospheric condition, in Xi’an, China
Yi-chen Wang1, Jun-ji Cao1,2, Ning-ning Zhang1, Yang Chen1, Qi-yuan Wang2
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, 710075, P. R. China,
Xi’an China, 710075
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi’anJiaotongUniversity, Xi’an 710049,
With an Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor, we mainly focused on the
variation of NR_PM1 species, its inorganic species formation and its effect on visibility
impairment under astable atmospheric condition (lowwind speedperiod, from 1 September to
6 September, from 26 September to 1 October respectively). The NR_PM1 took up ~60% of
PM2.5. Organic contributes the most (58% on average) to the NR_PM1 mass loading, other
species make ~40% contributions. Through Principle component analysis, we foundNH4+,
SO42- and NO3- played a stably significant role on visibility impairment within different period
of the day. With the IMPROVE equation, Light scattering from NR_PM1 was ~ 80% of that
from PM2.5, illustrating the dominance of NR_PM1 in the light scattering process. Organics
contributed the most to light scattering during this period whereas (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3
played more important role on the visibility variation than Org did. Overall, it is the
combination of organics, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3, not a single species that are responsible
for the variation of visibility variation. Sulfate formation was dominated with gas phase
reactions during daytime and droplet phase reactions at night. Nitrate particles, however, were
not formed immediately after gas phase reactions in the afternoon. Two types of OA (HOA
and OOA) were found in this study. The oxygenation level of organics was relatively high and
photochemical reaction proceeded rapidly in the afternoon. BBOA(biomass burning organic
aerosol) cannot be resolved though tracers of BBOA(m/z 60 and 73) have a prominent signal,
illustrating the similar variation of time series between these two factors, which maybe
resulted from the traditional energy consumption pattern in villages.
Key words: ACSM, NR_PM1, stable atmospheric condition, formation,visibility,HOA, OOA
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Characterization and Seasonal Variations of Levoglucosan in
Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter in Xi’an, China
Ting Zhang1, Junji Cao1,2, Suixin Liu1, Kinfai Ho1,3, Steven Sai Hang Ho1,4, Yongming
Han1 and Gehui Wang1
SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China
Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, China
Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV 89512, USA
Samples of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) collected every 6 day in Xi'an from
July 2008 to
July 2009
are analyzed for the molecular tracer levoglucosan
Twenty-four hour levoglucosan concentrations ranged from 38.23 to 1888.58 ng m −3,
averaging 387.98 ng m−3 and displayed clear summer minima and winter maxima. Besides
agricultural burning, biomass combustion from household heating is another type of biomass
burning which may be regionally important during residential heating season in the midwest
of China. The relatively high correlation coefficients were found between levoglucosan
relative to water-soluble K+ (R = 0.75), water-soluble Cl- (R = 0.80), OC (R = 0.92), EC (R =
0.70) and glyoxal (R = 0.81), which may indicate that biomass burning is a significant source
of the component as mentioned above (K+, Cl-, OC, EC and glyoxal) in PM2.5 at Xi’an and
surrounding areas. The highest levoglucosan/OC ratio was found in winter compare with
other seasons, it means the major fuel component for house heating was more possibly
branches and straw in that period of the year. The contributions of biomass burning emissions
were estimated to account for 7.6-30.2% (on average of 17.1%) to OC and 1.3-17.5% (on
average of 5.4%) to PM2.5 in Xi’an, respectively.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Keywords:levoglucosan, PM2.5, biomass burning
Extended Producer Responsibility for Waste Fluorescent Lamp
Recycling in China and the Case Study of Subsidy Standard from
Lihong Peng, Yejun Wang
College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
Most power products like fluorescent lamps contain a large amount of harmful materials
which can threaten human health and pollute the habitats, and have different degrees of effects
on the environment at the whole stage of their life cycle. Exhaust fluorescent lamps belonging to
“the national hazardous waste list” contain mercury, a physiological toxin, which will bring
serious influence to human body and ecology once it’s released into the environment. The annual
demand and scrap of fluorescent lamps were both very high in China, as a consequence, the
release of significant amounts of mercury did great harm to the environment. On account of
pollution problems caused by the fluorescent lamp industry, it’s very urgent and necessary to
recycle and dispose the waste fluorescent lamps in China. This paper aims at applying the
principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR) to fluorescent lamp recycling specific to the
absence of responsibility subject of recycling, disposal and recycling of end-of-life products.
This paper makes a suggestion for setting up a corresponding funds to support the
implementation of the system, do the comparison and research of the recycling pattern and
recycling network system of the spent fluorescent lamp. Also a case study has been conducted to
predict the subsidy standard values to dispose per lamp obtained from funds.
Fluorescent Lamp, Mercury Emissions, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Recycling,
Waste Management, Fund
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Secondary organic aerosols and their precursors in the Pearl River
Delta region
Xinming Wang, Xiang Ding, Yanli Zhang, Quanfu He, Zhou Zhang, Tengyu Liu, SujunLv
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
Fine particles (PM2.5) were collected using filter-based high-volume samplers in the
central Pearl River Delta (PRD), south China,to determine typical secondary organic aerosol
(SOA) tracers from significant biogenic(isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes) and
anthropogenic (aromatics) precursors.The secondary organic carbon (SOC) estimated by the
SOA-tracer method contributed 38.4% and8.7% to OC, respectively, in summer and fall-winter,
During summer, aromatics-SOC and isoprene-SOC reached accounted for 76% and 18% of
theestimated SOC, respectively, while during fall-winter, aromatics-SOC was dominant with a
share of 79% in total estimated SOC. These results indicatedthat anthropogenic aromatics were
dominant SOC precursors in the highly industrializedand urbanized PRD region. During
summer, SOC levels estimated by elemental carbon(EC) tracer method were not only consistent
with but also correlated well with those bySOA-tracer method. During fall-winter, however,
SOC by SOA-tracer method was onlyabout one third of that by EC-tracer method. Their gaps
were significantly correlated withthe biomass burning tracer levoglucosan, indicating that input
from biomass burningemission with very high ratios of OC/EC during fall-winter would result
in an overestimateof SOC by EC-tracer method. Simulation study with our GIG Smog Chamber
onSOA from gasoline vehicle exhaust also confirmed that aromatic hydrocarbons alone could
well explain the SOA yields of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the tailpipe.Source
apportionment by positive matrix factorization(PMF) with ambient VOCs measured at
representative urban, suburban and rural sites in the Pearl River Delta regionrevealed that
solvent use, vehicle exhaust and biomass burning altogether accounted for 89–94%of observed
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
aromatic hydrocarbons. Vehicle exhaust was the major source for benzene with a share of
43–70% and biomassburning in particular contributed about 30% to benzene in the upwind
rural site; toluene, C8-aromatics andC9-aromatics, however, were mainly from solvent use,
with contribution percentages of 47–59%, 52–59%and 41–64%, respectively.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Individual particle characteristics and formation mechanisms of
haze in the Pearl River Delta region: cases study
Xinhui Bi1,*, Junjie He1, 2, Guohua Zhang1, Duohong Chen
Zhen Zhou 2, Guoying
Sheng 2, and Jiamo Fu 2
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, PR China
Department of Environmental Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, PR China
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Regional Air Quality Monitoring,
Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center, Guangzhou 510308, PR China
Pearl River Delta (PRD) region has been subjected to substantial air pollution under a
rapid industrialization. Haze occurred frequently (approximately 150 days year–1) for the
years between 1980 and 2006 in the PRD region1, and the extensive investigations on the
chemical composition of the haze particles have been carried out
2, 3
. However, previous
studies were generally based on the traditional off-line filter sampling method. This method
requires long time to collect a sample and thus cannot reflect the rapid variation of aerosol
properties in the ambient atmosphere. In this study, we present a real-time measurement of
ambient aerosols by a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SPAMS) at the Guangdong
Atmospheric Supersite of China, focusing on the variation of individual particles
characteristics during two haze events and discussion on their formation mechanisms.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Concentrations and sources of secondary organic aerosols in PM2.5
in Shanghai
Jialiang Feng, Man Li, Mian Zhong, Binhua Xu, Yan Du
Institute of Environmental Pollution and Health,Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China
Principal Contact: Jialiang Feng, Tel: 86-21-66137738, E-mail: fengjialiang@shu.edu.cn.
Due to the adverse effects on human health, atmospheric visibility and climate change,
PM2.5 in China is drawing more and more attention in recent years. With the fulfillment of
various air pollution controlling measures and the fast increasing number of vehicles,
petroleum combustion is becoming a more and more important contributor to air pollution in
China besides coal combustion. Correspondingly, carbonaceous aerosols have been the
important components of theurban PM2.5particles inChina, accounting for up to 40% of the
PM2.5mass. Recent studies have shown that secondary organic aerosols (SOA) dominate even
in urban areas, and the occurring of atmospheric haze in many Chinese cities was closely
related with theformation of SOA. Seasonal PM2.5samples were collected at oneurban site and
one suburban site simultaneously in a Chinese megacity, Shanghai, to study the concentrations
and seasonal variation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Concentrations of
water-solubleorganic carbon (WSOC) were determined together with organic and elemental
carbons. Organictracers, including the tracer for biomass burning and tracers for SOA from
isoprene, α-pinene, β-caryophyllene and toluene, were measured. Several estimation methods,
including EC-based method, WSOC-based method, tracer-based methodand PMF modeling,
were used to estimate the seasonal contributions of secondary organic carbon (SOC)in
Shanghai, and the results from the different methods were compared and evaluated. Biomass
burningwas the major contributor to the measured WSOC in the autumn sampling period
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
especially at the suburban site, while SOA was themajor contributor in the other seasons.Due
to the impact of episodic biomass burning, EC-based method might over-estimate the
contribution of SOA in autumn in Shanghai. The summer concentration of isoprene SOA
tracers was significantly (more than five times) higherthan the other sampling periods, while
the tracers forβ-caryophyllene and toluene had moderate seasonal variations, showingthe
different seasonal emissions of the precursors. It was also found that SOC estimated with the
tracer-based methodaccounted for only a small part of the SOC from the WSOC-based method
and the EC-based method in Shanghai, especially for thewinter and spring sampling periods.
PMF results showed that a large part of the SOC was associated withsulfate and nitrate but not
with the SOA tracers.
Keywords : PM2.5; OC/EC; WSOC; organic tracer; SOA; Shanghai
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Characteristics of water-soluble organic nitrogen and free amino
acids in fine particulate matter of Xi’an, China
K. F. Ho1,2*, Steven Sai Hang Ho2,3, S. X. Liu2, Jun-Ji Cao2,4, T. Zhang2
School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Key Laboratory of Aerosol, SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Xi’an, 710075, China
Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV 89512, USA
Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
There is growing evidence that organic nitrogen compounds may constitute a significant
fraction of the nitrogen (N) budget in particulate matter. However, very little is known about
the abundance and origin of this fraction in China, especially in inland areas. In this study, the
concentration of water-soluble organic nitrogen (WSON), major inorganic ions and free amino
acids in PM2.5 were measured in urban area of Xi’an, China, during the period of July 2008 and
July 2009.Sixty-four samples were collected and the average concentration of WSON ranged
from 29.03 to 1248nmol N m−3 (average concentration = 300.3±263.1 nmol N m−3).The average
WSON measured is higher than those reported in previous urban and rural studies. The
concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) were determined in PM2.5 via derivatization followed
by high-performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence detection (HPLC/FL). Total 24 free
amino acids were determined in the samples. The average concentration of these free amino
acids in PM2.5 samples of Xi’an was 2179±1367 pmol m3 accounting for 1.2±0.7% of the
WSON in PM2.5. Methylamine is found to be the most important individual FAA contributing
by 21%, to the total FAA levels, followed by glycine. WSON seem to be part of regional
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
pollutants, since it was found significantly correlated with NO3- (r2 = 0.8, p<0.0001), SO42- (r2 =
0.8, p <0.0001), and which are sources dominated by secondary transformation. Moreover,
significant correlation is observed between glycine and levoglucosan (r2 = 0.7, p<0.0001),
indicating contribution from biomass burning process to glycine levels. Chemical speciation of
the organic nitrogen in PM2.5 confirms the role of long range transport in WSON levels in the
area, in addition to biomass burning. However the identified nitrogenous compounds account
only for around 1% of the WSON fraction, suggesting that further research regarding to
chemical speciation and quantification of other organic nitrogen compounds are necessary.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Mixing state of black carbon aerosol in a heavily polluted urban
area of China
Qiyuan Wang1,2, J.P.Schwarz3,4, Junji Cao2,5, R.S.Gao3, D. W.Fahey3,4, Tafeng Hu2
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an
710049, China
Key Laboratory of Aerosol Science & Technology, SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710075, China
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory,
NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado USA
Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Refractory black carbon (rBC) concentration, size distribution, and mixing state were
measured with a ground-based Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), and aerosol absorption
was measured with an Aethalometer at Qinghai Lake (QHL), a rural area in the Northeastern
Tibetan Plateau of China, during October 2011. The area was not pristine, with an average
measured rBC mass concentration of 0.36 μg STP-m-3. rBC concentration peaked at night
with low concentrations in the afternoon. This diurnal cycle was loosely anticorrelated with
the mixed layer depth, consistent with trapping of local emissions at night, and increased
ventilation during the day. Measurements in the late afternoon and early evening, when the
mixed layer depths were the highest, were representative of the larger Tibetian Plateau region
with an average rBC concentration of 0.23 μg STP-m-3. Consistent with another mass size
distribution measurements of rBC in China, a lognormal primary mode with mass median
diameter (MMD) of ~175-nm, and a small secondary lognormal mode with MMD of
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
470-500nm (volume-equivalent diameter assuming 2 g cm-3 void free density) were observed.
Relative reduction in the secondary mode during a snow event supports recent work
suggesting size dependent removal of BC by precipitation. A comparison of the Aethalometer
and SP2 measurements suggests that non-BC species affect the Aethalometer measurements
and, therefore, the Aethalometer measurements values do not represent true rBC mass
concentrations. A scaling factor for the Aethalometer data at a wavelength of 880 nm is
derived from the measurements, which may be used to correct other Aethalometer datasets
collected in the region for calculation of approximate rBC loads. rBC was strongly correlated
with carbon monoxide (CO), with different correlation slopes depending on air mass and local
wet deposition. The data, in addition to constraining rBC loadings and microphysical state in
the sparsely sampled Tibetan plateau region, improve sampling of as yet poorly understood
features of rBC aerosol in China, and strengthen conclusions about size dependent removal of
BC via precipitation.
Keywords: refractory black carbon, size distribution, mixing state, coating, mass absorption
crosssection, Aetholometer, SP2, carbon monoxide, China Qinghai Lake
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
The study of the Effects of Aeolian Dust of Jhuoshuei River on the
Air Quality
J.Y. Syu,1 W.Y. Lin,2,* Y.L. Y an,3 C.C. Chen,4 C.T. Chang,5 C.Y. Lai,6 Y.L. Wu,7 C.Y. Young8
Graduate Institution of Engineering Technology-Doctoral, National Taipei University of
Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN.
Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of
Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN.
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, National United University,
Miaoli, TAIWAN.
OccupationalMedicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN.
Department of Environmental Engineering, National I-Lan University, I-Lan City, TAIWAN.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, College of Health Care & Management, Chung
Shan Medical University, Taichung, TAIWAN,
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan,
Department of Natural Resource, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Principal Contact: Wen-Yinn Lin, Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering and
Management, National Taipei University of Technology, No.1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an
Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan, +886-933882829, +886-2-27781598, wylin@ntut.edu.tw.
Due to the extreme steepness of the upstream of the rivers in Taiwan, the sediment yields
in the downstream of the rivers are extremely huge. Furthermore, the large areas of bare-soil
in downstream of riverbed might be brought during the drought season. Dust emissions from
the dry riverbed surface are an important environmental issue in west Taiwan. These
pollutants may pose adverse effects to human health and the environment. In order to
understand the current status of the riverbed and the characteristic of air quality at the riverbed
area as well as the (a) potential receptor sites, (b) airborne photo and (c) Aeolian dust
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
sampling will be conducted in this study. PM mass concentration and wind speed samplers
from JhuoshueiRiver near Hsin-Hsing Community, Yunlin, Taiwan were collected from 14
o’clock to 17 o’clock.PM2.5-10/PM2.5mass concentrations were measured by Dichotomous
Sampler on the upwind, riverbed, and downwind at the same time. The vertical sampling
system which was including Marple298, wind speed and direction meter on the riverbed.
According to the airborne photo, the surface area ratio of Water-coverage with
Green-coverage and with Bare-areas of Jhuoshuei River in January 2011 and June 2012 was
about 9%:8.8%:82.2% and 36.17%:19.08%:44.74%, respectively. The result of PM10of
Shiu-Guang Elementory school station presented that Aeolian dust occurred from 10 o’clock
to 17o’clock. Moreover, the wind speed was above 12 m/s on the riverbed, and below 10 m/s
on the upwind and downwind at the same time. The dominant wind direction was from North.
As the results of Aeolian dust sampling, the start wind speed of Aeolian dust was between 6 to
8 m/s, however, the start wind speed of Aeolian dust might be increased as the moisture
content of the sand on the surface of Jhuoshuei River increased. The result showed that the
coarse particle (PM2.5-10) of Aeolian dust was about 1600 μg/m3, and the fine particle(PM2.5)
was about 1200 μg/m3on the riverbed. Conversely, the size distribution of particle mass
concentration indicated that the coarse size and submicron size particle was increases of mass
concentration on the riverbed and downwind. Although the large PM concentration was
sampled on the riverbed, it was not significant impact on the selected downwind site. The
wind field might be affected by the tree and building which was nearby the embankment.
When the wind speeds become slower and the particles are removed by gravitational settling.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Air-soil exchange of parent, oxygenated and nitrated polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons in four climate zones, China
Chong Wei1,2,4, Benjamin A. Musa Bandowe2, Yongming Han1,*, Junji Cao1,3 and
Wolfgang Wilcke2
1, Key laboratory of Aerosol Sce and Technology, SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China
2, Geographic Institute, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
3, Institute of Globe Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
4, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Email: weichong@ieecas.cn
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their oxygenated (OPAHs) and nitrated
(NPAHs) derivatives are generated by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. OPAHs and
NPAHs are additionally formed by photochemical degradation of parent-PAHs. All of these
compounds are known to be toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic but the mutagenic and
carcinogenic effects of NPAHs and OPAHs are higher than those of their parent PAHs. We
measured the concentration of oxygenated-, nitrated- and parent-PAHs in gaseous and
particulate phase of air samples and surface soil samples which collected from four climate
zones: tropical (Zhanjiang), subtropical (Hefei), temperate (Xi’an) and plateau (Qinghai Lake)
zones of China during March and April, 2012. The gaseous phase concentration of PAHs were
sequenced by decreasing of latitude while particulate PAHs, OPAHs and NPAHs were
accordance with the human activity. Xi’an and Hefei area had a higher loading of higher
molecular weight PAHs and their derivatives while Qinghai Lake and Zhanjiang dominant by
lower molecular weight compounds in surface soil. The results of fugacity fraction and net
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
flux analysis suggest soil served as a sink of higher molecular weight compounds and source
of lower molecular weight ones.
Keywords: PAHs, OPAHs, NPAHs, soil-air exchange, flux.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Characteristics of water-soluble humic-like substances at an urban
site of Xi’an in Northwest China and source apportionment using
positive matrix factorization
Haiyan Ni1, YongmingHan2*, Steven Sai Hang Ho2,3, Qiyuan Wang1, Junji Cao2
1 Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049, China
2 Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710075, China
3 Desert Research Institute, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, Nevada 89512, USA
HUmic-LIke Substances (HULIS) in PM2.5 was measured every-sixth day at an urban
site in Xi’an, China from July 2008 to August 2009. HULIS concentrations ranged from 0.21
to12.75 µgC m-3, averaging 3.07±3.01 µgCm-3 and showed a clear seasonal variation pattern,
with an average HULIS level in winter (6.18 µgCm-3) twofold higher than that in autumn
(3.32 µgCm-3) and fourfold higher than that in spring (1.20µgCm-3) and summer
(1.54µgCm-3).Mean contributions of HULIS to water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were
34.5%, ranged from 8.2% to 81.8%. High HULIS/WSOC ratio mainly existed in autumn
(42.33±22.49%) and winter (41.52±18.77%) when biomass burning is significant in Xi’an.
Correlation coefficient analysis and Positive matrix factorization (PMF) were performed and
three main sources of HULIS were identified: biomass burning, secondary formation, and
local soil.
Key Words: HULIS; PMF; Seasonal variation;
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Biomass Burning and Bioaerosol Source Contributions to Organic
Aerosol in Taiwan and South China
Guenter Engling,1 John C.Y. Chan,2
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Nottingham University, Ningbo, China
Principal Contact: Guenter Engling, Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan,
+886-910916980, guenter@mx.nthu.edu.tw
East Asia is a significant source region of airborne particles generated by a multitude of
source processes. In addition to various anthropogenic emission sources, natural processes,
including microbial activity and release of numerous organic compounds from vegetation,
contribute to an even larger extent to the regional and global aerosol burden. The conditions for
biological activity are especially favorable in subtropical and tropical areas, such as Taiwan and
South China. Consequently, the release of organic species from biological processes is expected to
be significant in such geographic areas. Moreover, certain anthropogenic activities, especially
biomass burning, are responsible for the production of large amounts of carbonaceous matter into
the atmosphere in this part of the world.
The objectives of the studies presented here are, therefore, the investigation of the chemical
and physical characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol particles and their sources. Field studies were
conducted in various areas across the Taiwan. Likewise, aerosol samples were collected in parts of
South China with different land use characteristics. Aside from bulk properties, such organic
carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) content, the ambient aerosol was characterized in terms of
individual organic compounds which can be used as indicators or tracers for various emission
sources. The influence from burning of vegetation, specifically the burning of agricultural residues
and residential biofuel combustion, was found to be substantial, even in large cities, such as
Guangzhou. On the other hand, the abundance of biogenic sources tracers, such as those for fungal
spores, as well as isoprene oxidation products, confirmed the importance of natural processes on
the regional aerosol budget.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Modeling and Measurement of ENP Dynamics in a Ventilated
Two-Zone Chamber
Mingzhou Yu
The synthesis and utilization of engineered nanoparticles (ENP) is an emerging industrial
field which provides great opportunities for making advanced materials with unique physical
chemical and biological properties. Many of these particles are produced by aerosol methods,
and their size may vary from 1 nm to 100 nm. Based on toxicological studies, these particles
have been found to pose greater potential risks on human health and environment than
macro- and micro-scale particles due to their unusual physicochemical properties including
their small size (surface area and size distribution), chemical composition (purity,
crystallinity, electronic properties, etc.), surface properties (reactivity, surface functional
groups, inorganic or organic coating, etc.), solubility, shape and state of aggregation2.
Development of realistic exposure scenarios should play an essential role in the
protection of workers’ health and improvement of workplace safety in nanotechnology
research activities. However, there is still no clear understanding of possible exposure
scenarios and the extent of exposure of scientists and laboratory workers to ENP aerosols to
date though risk assessment is urgently required to be done at the earliest stage of product
development. In order to propose realistic exposure scenarios, knowledge on relevant ENP
aerosol exposure scenarios, including the physical nature of ENPs, especially their
characteristics such as concentration and size distribution when they reach a human receptor
after transport over a distance from an ENP source, is of key importance. In this presentation,
the experiment as well as the theoretical model studies will be provided, and the experiment
was conducted at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
CV of Mingzhou Yu
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Dr. Yu received his Ph.D. degree for nanoparticle dynamics at flows at Zhejiang
University in 2008. From October 2009 to May 2012, he worked at the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology as a researcher and Alexander von Humboldt research fellow together with Prof.
Gerhard Kasper and Dr. Martin Seipenbusch. Now, he is an associate research professor in
China Jiliang University and Guest Professor at Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese
Academy Science. He is heading a research group in fluid physics and aerosol physics at
China Jiliang University. He has been supported by NSFC as the PI or co-Is several times
including the NSFC for young scientists and the key project of NSFC. Dr. Yu has organized
several international or national conference in the nanoparticle dynamics research field such
as the Sino-German conference on nanoparticle technique, 2013, and special topic
conference of the Chinese Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2013.His
research interests include: (1) aerosol and fine particle process modeling; (2)
nanoparticle-laden multiphase flow; (3)PBE techniques; (4) Engineering aerosol exposure.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Applying OP- and Extractive-FTIR on Odor Nuisance Investigation
Pao-Erh Chang1, Jen-Chih Yang1,2, Hsing Chiang Liu1, Shih-Jiun Su1
Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research
Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Principal Contact: Pao-Erh Chang, PhD, Green Energy and Environment Research
Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 310, Tel:
+886-3-5732660; Fax: +886-3-5732890; E-mail: paulchang@itri.org.tw
Odor annoyance has become the second highest environmental nuisance after noise in
Taiwan as the residential area radically expanding to the primacy of industrial district. The
“triangular odor bag method” originally developed by Japanese Tokyo metropolitan
government in 1972 was adapted by Taiwan EPA and became the standard method A201.14A
for regulatory enforcement method on odor nuisance investigation. This method, like other
olfactory measurement method quantifies sense of nuisance smell by a group of trained
persons called “panel”. However, this method also relies on human olfactory sense which
poses a huge challenge to regulatory inspector to pinpoint the odor emission source, especially
when the odor complaint was filed in off-working hours. Optical remote sensing technique
(ORS) can detect multi-gaseous pollutants on a continuous basis, which makes it a suitable
tool to assist odor emission source investigation.
In this study, local EPB frequently received odor complaints against an auto parts
manufacturing factory from one resident of a populated community neighboring the factory.
The resident complained odor annoyance in his house after midnight and affected his quality
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
of life. Both local agency and the factory employed several types of measures including
olfactory and chemical-speciation methods to conduct investigation at the residential house
and the neighboring area. Several odorous substances including toluene, xylenes, and other
organic solvents at trace levels were identified using canister-GC/MS method. The olfactory
method found no violation of the existing standard of 10 OU. Both olfactory and
chemical-speciation methods could not verify the cause of odor nuisance. In addition,
considering the odorants may enter the residential house through windows, the auto parts
company even had installed an air purifier and air-condition for the specific residential house.
But the odor annoyance issue remained unsolved for both the local agency and the auto parts
company and the resident continued reporting odor nuisance. Two sets of OP-FTIR and one
set of extractive-FTIR were employed to investigate the nuisance odor case. The OP-FTIR
configuration was designed to measure the temporal and spatial variations of odorous
substances from the factory to the odor receptor. One OP-FTIR was placed on the plant’s
north boundary as the background path; the other OP-FTIR was set up at the plant’s west
boundary as the receptor path where the residential house was nearby. While two OP-FTIR
systems continuously collecting data, one extractive-FTIR was used to measure the emission
stack located in close vicinity to the resident. The results of OP-FTIR and extractive-FTIR
measurement found several organic solvents commonly used in surface-coating processes and
paint. The result from receptor path also revealed that several odorants registered higher
concentration during the time of odor nuisance occurrence. These odorants all come from the
direction of the auto parts manufacturing factory. The results from emission stack by
extractive-FTIR also showed same odorants found by receptor path. By comparing the results
from OP- and extractive-FTIR measurement, both the regulatory agency and the company
finally concluded that the odorants did come from the company’s exhaust stacks.
By continuous measurement and open path configuration, combination of OP-FTIR and
extractive-FTIR simultaneous measurement could provide temporal and spatial variations of
multi-components of odorants, which offers a very powerful alternative on odor nuisance
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Visualization of Volatile Organic Plumes from a Large Industrial
Ground Flare by Fourier Transform Infrared Image Spectrometer
Jen-Chih Yang1,4 , Wen-Kuan Su2, Pao-Erh Chang1,Yang-Hui Lee 3,Chung-Liang Tai 3,
Chang-Fu Wu4
Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research
Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, National
Defense University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Principal Contact: Jen-Chih Yang, Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories,
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 310, Tel: +886-3-5732686; Fax:
+886-3-5732890; E-mail: renayang@itri.org.tw
Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a large industrial ground flare is
essentially difficult to measure compared with those from other pollution control devices.
VOCs plumes derived from the bottom of a ground flare are usually enclosed by a large
metal shield for avoiding influence from environmental wind. Nevertheless, this also hinders
one from visualizing the flame, making the measurement of VOCs emissions even more
difficult. Currently, Passive Fourier Transform Infrared (Passive-FTIR) spectrometer offers
the possibility of quantifying multiple VOC compounds simultaneously and characterizing
flare emissions non-intrusively from a distance of more than 100 meters. In this work, a
“hybrid system” (or the Hyper-Cam, Telops, Canada) which is a hyperspectral spectrometer
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
constituted of an infrared gas finder and a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Image
Spectrometer was applied to measure the VOCs plume from an industrial ground flare, and
provides visual images of plume shapes of different hydrocarbon compounds in the plume.
The detection wavelength is from 7.7 to 12 microns, that is where the signature absorption
band of most alkenes and methane located. The system was operated in the spatial range of
128 ×128, with an area of 69.87 ×55.67 square centimeters per pixel. Each pixel spectrum
was collected at 1cm-1 spectral resolution for over a 20 minute period, and quantified by the
least squares method to get the path-integrated concentration in ppm-meter. Significant
emissions of 1,3-butadiene, ethylene, propylene, and methane from the ground flare were
observed. Time sequence variations of gas plume images indicate pronounced fluctuation of
the flow rate in the flaring system. The spectra qualitative results were validated by
comparing measured spectra with reference spectra of 1,3-butadiene, ethylene, propylene,
and methane. The spectral pixels chosen for validation were those from the plume centerline
confirmed with thermal image of an infrared gas finder. This hybrid system, based on the
passive detection of thermal radiation from the flaring gas and analysis with FTIR
spectrometry, is used for the first time for plume visualization and VOC species
identification of the specific ground flare site. The visual images of plume shapes of
measured hydrocarbons indicate that these pollutants may be contributed from different
upstream processes at different flow rates. However, it requires further research to confirm
the findings of this study. The results of these findings could provide significant information
to both plant management and regulatory sectors on minimizing the air pollutant emissions
from flare operations.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Vertical Radial Plume Mapping Methodology for Emission
Measurement of Industrial Hazardous Air Pollutants
Ram Hashmonay1,Chun-Ping Chao2, Cheng-Ping Hsu3, Chang-Fu Wu4
Factor Engineering and Technology Corp., Taipei, Taiwan
Atmosfir Optics Ltd., Raleigh, NC, USA
Environmental Science Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Institute of Environmental Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The radial plume mapping (RPM) spatial analysis algorithms were under rigorous
process of review and validation by the US EPA between 1999 and 2005, and were included in
the US EPA test method OTM-10.The vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) method for
emission flux measurement was first introduced in the late 1990’s and was first applied by US
EPA to measure ammonia emission rates from hog farm’s waste lagoons. The methodology
was then validated and demonstrated for numerous types of fugitive and area sources, and in
2006 the USEPA published the OTM-10 test method which included the VRPM methodology.
In this presentation the VRPM methodology is briefly described and several examples of its
applications,using primarily open path Fourier transform infra-red (OP-FTIR) technology, are
illustrated. A recent study for measuring aromatics emissions from a petrochemical small tank
farm in Taiwan is discussed in further details. The one-dimensional RPM methodology was
also validated during this study and the result of this demonstration is presented.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills
Samuel A. Vigil
Principal Contact: Samuel A. Vigil, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
California Polytechnic State University, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, California 93407,
USA, Phone: 805-471-9310, E-mail: svigil@calpoly.edu
Landfills are a major anthropogenic contributor to methane emissions. Landfill gas, typically
composed of approximately 50% CO2 and 50% CH4, is emitted from the surface of landfills. In
modern landfills, gas wells and piping systems collect most of the gas for combustion in flares or
engines. However, some of the landfill gas still escapes from the surface. Uncontrolled landfills,
still common in most of the world, emit all of the generated landfill gas. Currently, precise
atmospheric measurements of greenhouse gases are being made from a global network of over a
hundred ground-based sites. This network monitors greenhouse gas trends on regional to
hemispheric hemispheric scales, but does not have the spatial resolution or coverage needed to
detect and quantify emission sources from anthropogenic sources. Remote sensing from satellites,
aircraft, and mobile and portable ground based sensors may be able to detect and quantify
greenhouse gases from landfills on a local scale. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2),
scheduled for launch in July 2014, will be the first of a new generation of satellites with the
spatial resolution to detect anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gases. Typical measurements of
the OCO-2 satellite are expected to have precisions of 0.25% within surface footprints less than
3 square km. Since OCO-2 detects carbon dioxide, and not methane, the presence of landfill gas
will have to be inferred from a carbon dioxide measurement. Future satellites now under
development such as the European Space Agency CarbonSat satellite.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Atmospheric PM2.5pollution and haze formation in China
Junji Cao
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Due to its rapidly expanding economic and industrial developments, air pollution has
become one of the top environmental concerns in China. PM2.5 in 14 of China’s large cities
achieves high concentrations in both winter and summer with averages >100 g m-3
beingcommon occurrences. Inorganic, organic, and isotopic compositions of PM2.5 were
investigated to understand its sources, transformation, and deposition. Both primary and
secondary PM2.5 are important contributorsat all of the cities and during both winter and
summer. Based on the continuous 10 years observation, this study presents the current state of
the air pollution problems andidentifies the immediate challenges to understanding and
controlling air pollution atXi’an megacity in northern China. In situ measurement of chemical
composition of non-refectory submicron aerosol, during a heavyhaze-fog event in Xi’an is
reported.During the event, the formation of secondary sulfate and organic aerosol was very
active with very low photochemical activities, indicating that other chemical processes, such
aqueous-phase reactions, may play important roles. The scattering coefficient of sunlight was
significantly affected by secondary sulfate, in the form of (NH4)2SO4, with contribution of ~
50% in wet particulate phase. Because the sulfur emission is very large in north China, this
study suggests that the aqueous phase reaction is a major cause for the heavy haze-fog event
in north China.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Application of Catalytic Filtration for PCDD/F Removal in an IWI
Moo-Been Chang, Pao-Chen Hung
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, No. 300, Jhongda
Rd., Jhongli City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Principal Contact: Moo-Been Chang, Professor
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University
No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli City, 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: +886-3-4227151 ext. 34663Fax: +886-3-4221602
E-mail: mbchang@ncuen.ncu.edu.tw
Catalytic filter has been successfully applied to remove PCDD/Fsfromgas streams of
various thermal processes in Europe, USA, Japan and Singapore. Dual-layer design with
membrane and catalytic felt enables effective removal of particulate matter and destruction of
gaseous PCDD/Fs. In this study, the effectiveness of catalytic filter applied in an industrial
waste incinerator (IWI) for PCDD/F removal isevaluated. Three sampling points are set at
cooler inlet, catalytic filter (CF) inlet and stack, respectively. As the temperature of flue gas at
CF inlet is decreased from 195oC to 160oC byincreasing water injection rate of cooler,
PCDD/F formation is significantly reduced. Furthermore, PCDD/F concentration measured at
CF inlet with 160oC is slightly decreased compared with that measured at cooler
inlet.PCDD/F removal efficiencies achieved with CF operated at 160oC and 195oC are 99.5%
and 99.3%, respectively. Moreover, the average TEQ concentration of PCDD/Fs in fly ash
is0.319 ng-TEQ/g, lower than the limit promulgated by Taiwan EPA (1.0 ng-TEQ/g). However,
PCDD/F concentration in flue gas of the IWI investigated in this study is unstable. The highest
inlet concentration measured was28.3 ng-TEQ/Nm3 and PCDD/F emission was higher than
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
the limit (0.1ng-TEQ/Nm3)even arelatively high PCDD/F removal efficiencywas achieved
with CF (99.5%). Therefore, AC injection with AC concentration of 50 mg/Nm3is appliedfor
further reducing PCDD/F emission. Overall PCDD/F removal efficiency achieved with
ACI+CF is increased to 99.8%, and PCDD/F emission meets the standard. In the meantime,
PCDD/F concentration in fly ash is slightly increased to 0.495 ng-TEQ/g which is still lower
than the limit. Catalytic filter is demonstrated as an environment-friendly technology in light
of its high destruction efficiency of gaseous PCDD/Fs.
Keywords: Catalytic filter, PCDD/Fs, Industrial waste incinerator, Activated carbon injection
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
上海理工大學,中國上海,郵編 200093
Email: yqmiao@usst.edu.cn
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
吳念慈 1、黃盛修 2、陳志傑 3*
在人體皮膚的途徑之一[2, 3],並且隨著衣材的阻抗越高,車縫邊的洩漏量越多。目前
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
(Carbon Free Trouble Free)之低碳城市願景。臺中市政府於 2012 年 2 月正式導入 64 輛
電動汽車進行公務車輛先導示範運行,啟用至 2013 年 6 月底,行駛里程達 65 萬 5,969
公里,二氧化碳削減量達 49.7 公噸,減碳效益顯著。此外,臺中市政府亦積極向民
間企業推廣電動車之使用,現今企業法人方面有 12 輛電動汽車投入運行。在充電環
境建置方面,目前已設置完成 154 站,為全國電動汽車充電站設置最多之縣市。臺中
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
An Experimental study on Performance Improvement of the
Stairmand Cyclone
Chia-Wei Hsu, Sheng-Hsiu Huang and Chih-Chieh Chen
Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
The cyclone is widely used as air cleaning device. Many studies have been made on
how to enhance its particle collection efficiency or reduce the impedance, but usually the
alteration of only one conformation is discussed, and only the collection efficiency or the
impedance is considered. Some studies have compared the 50 % cut-off size under the
same impedance, or compared the impedance under the same 50 % cut-off size to obtain
the optimal configuration. Yet steps like this take long time to complete, which makes it
difficult to compare the cyclone efficiency comprehensively. The objectives are to identify
the most influential operating parameters and to improve the cyclone performance from the
perspective of cyclone quality factor.
This work adopts the cyclone quality factor as the performance index, and the cyclone
designed by Stairmand is adopted as the basic configuration in the present study. With the
cyclone body diameter (D) fixed, we vary the cyclone length (H), inlet height (a) and width
(b), cyclone length without the cone (hb), cone height (hc), cone bottom diameter (B), and
vortex finder length (S). The results show that each of these conformations has a different
impact on the cyclone performance.The experimental is a closed positive pressure system.
A syringe pump transports potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate solution (PSTT, Wako
Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) to an ultrasonic atomizing nozzle (Model 8700-60MS and
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Model 8700-120MS, Sono-Tek Inc., Ponghkeepsie, NY, USA.). Via the sonication, the
solution is split into tiny droplets, diluted and dried as challenge aerosol. The particles then
pass through a radioactive source (10 mCi Am 241) to be neutralized to the Boltzmann
charge equilibrium, then enter the test chamber. The aerosol number concentration and
size distribution upstream and downstream of the cyclone are measured using an
Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS, Model 3321, TSI Inc., St. Paul, MN), to obtain the
collection efficiency as a function of particle size. The performance testing of the cyclones
is carried out using positive pressure mode. Air flows are monitored and controlled by
using mass flow controllers (Hasting Instruments, VA), which are calibrated against an
electronic bubble meter (Gilibrator, Gilian Instrument Crop., Wayne, NJ). Flow rates
ranging from 15 to 60 L/min are applied to study the flow dependency. Each experimental
measurement is repeated at least five times.
Based on the study, cyclone quality factor is an appropriate indicator for the cyclone
performance. For example, through this index, it can be implied that a cyclone with cone
bottom is superior in performance than the one without it. The cone bottom has significant
impact on cyclone performance, as the decreasing cross-sectional area of the cone enhances
the particle collection efficiency. Higher proportion of hc in H will lead to higher cyclone
quality factor. The performance of the Stairmand cyclone can be improved if the hc
increases from 60 mm to 70 mm, and the cone bottom diameter (B) decreases from 9 mm
to 4 mm. An exceedingly large or small inlet may both lower the cyclone quality factor. An
exceedingly large inlet will reduce the inlet velocity, decreasing the collection efficiency
and thereby lowering the cyclone quality factor. An exceedingly small inlet will raise the
impedance and hence also lower the cyclone quality factor. After the optimal inlet area has
been set, changing the inlet aspect ratio of the Stairmand cyclone from a : b=13 : 5 to 20 :
3.2 will considerably improve its performance. The vortex finder length (S) and vortex
finder diameter (De) also affect the cyclone quality factor. An overly short S cannot guide
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
the airflow while an overly long one will reduce the natural vortex length and lessen the
collection efficiency. The size of De also influences the natural vortex length. Both factors
considered, an optimal De of the Stairmand should be reduced to 8 mm from the originally
proposed 13 mm. The cyclone quality factor is a function of air flow. When the flow rate is
at 30 L/min, the cyclone quality factor could be 5 times higher than the original one; when
the flow rate is at 15 L/min, the cyclone quality factor could be even 12 times higher.
Despite this difference, the significant effect of the configuration modification on the
cyclone performance is evident, and worth further study.
The cyclone structure is simple. Yet the alterations of configurations in the cyclone
affect one another, which make it complicated to fully understand the impact of every
configuration on the particle collection efficiency, pressure drop, and the combined cyclone
quality factor. This could explain that while many studies have been made on the
simulation formula, its application is still limited. This experiment intends to adopt cyclone
quality factor as the main indicator, analyzing the correlation between the configurations,
collection efficiency, and impedance. It is expected that this experiment could contribute to
the future design of a higher quality cyclone, and provide practical information for the
development of the empirical or semi-empirical simulation formula. The complicated
interactions among parameters operated in this work call for further clarification in the
future experiments and model developments.
Key words : cyclone, quality factor, Stairmand cyclone.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Experimental study of positive pressure type virtual cyclonesas
pre-air cleaners for CBRN incidents
Chia-Wei Hsu, Sheng-Hsiu Huang and Chih-Chieh Chen
Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
In the wake of the March 1995 sarin attack on the Tokyo subway, as well as other recent
terrorist incidents, governments and publics alike are viewing with growing concern the
potential threat posed by chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) weapons. The
risk for terrorist events has led to development of new approaches for sampling, testing and
controlling ambient air both indoors and outdoors.
A standard military armored vehicle is composed of a blower, a cyclone, a pleated HEPA
filter unit and a charcoal pack. Though a cyclone has long been used for air cleaning, the
studies about its efficacy are rare. This work adopts the clean air delivery rate (CADR) which is
commonly used in air clean device an index to understand the cyclone loading effect of
different parameters like inflow rate, the bottom hole position, the cone shape and back
In an airtight and positive pressure system, the challenging particles that are generated by
ultrasonic aerosol generator are first going through Po-210 and then dried for cyclone
penetration tests. By using an aerodynamic diameter sizer spectrometer (APS), we measure the
particle concentration and the collection efficiency rate. The flow rate is controlled by mass
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
flow controller and corrected by bubble meter. The Qminor is measured by a low-resistance
measurement system to avoid the flow controller error.
The results demonstrate that while increasing the air flow, the CADR would be well
improved. As the bottom hole is bigger, the CADR of small particles will increase. However for
bigger particle size, when the bottom hole becoming smaller, the CADR is enhanced. There is
no obvious measurements while the bigger the hole distance from center is, the easier the
particles are carried out, but if the distance is zero, the air flow will turn to draw air instead of
discharged. Therefore, the best position of the bottom hole is the margin of the circle and the
smaller bottom of cone will make a better CADR. In a result, we could improve the cyclone by
increasing the collection efficiency. As the back pressure which is caused by pleated HEPA
filter unit and charcoal pack is bigger, the cyclone CADR is lower. It could be further studied
on how to overcome the back pressure in the future.
If we switch the high pressure inflow air with general centrifugal fan, the parameters will
become more complex. For example, when the particles are piled up in the pleated HEPA filter,
it could increase the resistance and then the major flow rate will reduce as the total flow rate to
lower the particle collection efficiency.
The air cleaning machines designed for CBRN are rare. The interacting factors are as
important as individuals though the mechanisms of cleaning pollutants are different. To realize
the complex relationships still requires further studies, and we are looking forward to the
advancing researches in the future.
Key words : virtual cyclone, CADR, CBRN, air cleaner.
2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on
“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October
Deciphering mediating characteristics of electron shuttles for
reductive decolorization via microbial fuel cells
Bor-Yann Chen, Chung-Chuan Hsueh, Shi-Qi Liu, Junming Honga, I-Son Ngb, Yu-Min
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National I-Lan University, 1 Shan-Lung
Road, I-Lan, 26047 Taiwan
College of Chemical Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 36021, China
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, College of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China
Prior studies revealed that decolorized intermediates could play a role of electron-shuttling
mediator to enhance the performance of dye decolorization and bioelectricity generation, this
1,2-diaminobenzene) to explore how chemical structure(s) affected color removal and power
producing capabilities in microbial fuel cells (MFCs).
According to cyclic voltammetry,
respiratory testing and MFC data, promising electron-shuttling capabilities of aforementioned
compounds were revealed using Proteus hauseri ZMd44, Aeromonas sp. C78, Acinetobacter
johnsonii NIUx72seeded MFCs. These findings clearly indicated that chemical structure(s) of
decolorized mediators directly affected characteristics of simultaneous reductive decolorization
and bioelectricity generation in MFCs, suggesting feasible operation strategy of MFCs for
industrial applications.
Keywords: Microbial fuel cell, Electron shuttle, Auxochrome, Reductive decolorization
A Case Study of Regional Livestock Waste Recycling and
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Eastern Taiwan
Ming-Chien Su1, Yi-Zih Chen2;1, 2
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University,
Hualien, Taiwan
Principal Contact:Ming-Chien Su,Professor, Department of Natural Resources and
Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University, No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng,
Hualien 97401, Taiwan,Phone:886-3-8633331, Fax:886-3-8633339, E-mail:
In the past decade, manure recycling technology has been well developed world wide; in
addition, the technology has successfully commercialized to full scale energy & material
recovery plants in many developed countries.By the law of “Waste Disposal Act” and
“Resource Recycling Act “ in Taiwan, the organic waste is required to recycling, which it can
be reduced the emission of greenhouse gas which resulted from traditional treatment, and in
advance to increase the quality of fertilizer made by manure.In Taiwan, there isabout 5 million
tonesagriculture bio-wasteproduced every year. Hualien and Taitung County are unique
agriculture and rural arealocated in eastern Taiwan. Where the annual agriculture bio-waste is
roughly accounted 0.24 milliontons in 2011, which it is included livestock manure, rice husk
and rice straw, these are very suitable materials to produce biogas and high quality
fertilizer.The objectives of this research are (1) investigatingthe feasibility of convert manure to
biogas and fertilizer for advanced energy use and land application for agriculture region in
eastern Taiwan; (2) estimatingthe potentiality of reduction of GHGs by using biogas which
come from manure to produce electricity. The statistic results showed the volume of biogas
production reach approximately 1,507,834 (m3), which can be used to generate 3,533,985 kWh
of electricity and can be helped to reduce the 3,702 tons greenhouse gases per year
Keywords:Manure, resources recycling, greenhouse gas
Preparation of activated carbon from oil sand coke for removal of
gaseous Hg
Jia-Wei Wu, Master student, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management,
National Taipei University of Technology
Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Associate Professor, Graduate Instituteof Environmental Engineering,
Nation Taiwan University
Zaher Hashisho, Associate Professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Alberta, Canada
Mercury is a toxic pollutant. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
published the Clean Air Act (Clean Air Act, CAA) in 1990 listing that mercury is a hazardous
air pollutants (Hazard Air Pollutions, HAPs). The emission of mercury from coal‒fired power
plant is the major source of mercury pollution. Activated carbon is the most commonly used
adsorbent for the removal of mercury. Activated carbons can be more effective on mercury
adsorption after impregnation with sulfur, even though sulfur impregnation may reduce the
surface area.
Activated carbons were successfully prepared from oil sand coke, the leftover material
resulting from the refining of petroleum, under various microwave activation time at a fixed
proportion of KOH. The surface area and pore volume were developed within short microwave
activation time. An increase in activation time caused the gradual decrease in sulfur, which
greatly affects Hg0 absorption. The Hg0 absorption experiments showed that under the Hg0/N2
condition, equilibrium adsorption was not achieved for all the tested samples. Although the raw
cokes F0 and D0 have small surface area (12.6 and 1.5 m2 g-1 respectively), both raw cokes had
the greatest mercury removal efficiency up to 90% due to their high sulfur content up to 6 wt%.
All the resulting activated carbons had smaller Hg0 absorption compared to their coke
precursors, indicating the importance of sulfur on Hg0absorption. Under Hg0/N2 condition, Hg0
appeared to be chemisorbed on activated carbons.Under the flue gas condition, the Hg0 removal
of D0 decreased, but the Hg0 removal of F0 and the other samples increased. These results
suggest that a combination of physisorpiton and chemisorption may control the Hg0 adsorption
when flue gas components involves in.
Keyword: oil sand, activated carbon, Hg, flue gas, sulfur
通訊作者, Tel:06-2664911#6337,E-mail:chiru.yang@gmail.com
添加量之懸浮微粒降低程度:柳丁為 10%、14%、22%,橘子為 0%、7%、19%,柚子
為 9%、25%、31%,且添加量越多則降低程度越大,並以添加柚子皮之效果最佳。推測
Observed aerosol optical depth and Angstrom exponentinurban
area of Nanjing, China
Li Shu1,a*, Wang Tijian1,b, Han Yong1,c and Zhuang Bingliang1,d
School of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
lishu@nju.edu.cn,btjwang@nju.edu.cn,chanyong@nju.edu.cn, dblzhuang@nju.edu.cn
*Corresponding author
Aerosol optical properties from April 2011 to April 2012 at the Gulou station in Nanjing,
China were measured and analyzed. The annual mean of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 440
nm was about 0.80±0.41, and the corresponding annual mean for the Angstrom exponent (AE)
between 440 nm and 870 nm was about 1.22±0.28. The average monthly AOD440nm showed a
seasonal variation with a maximum in August (1.33±0.53) and a minimum in October
(0.65±0.31).The monthly mean of AE shows a minimum in May (0.88±0.39) and a maximum
in December (1.35±0.18).
Keywords: aerosol optical depth, Angstrom exponent, urban area, Nanjing.
Is frequent haze in central-eastern China related to Tibetan
Tianliang Zhao1, Xiangde Xu2, Chungu Lu3, Feng Liu4, Yudi Guo1, Guoan Ding2,
Yinjun Wang1, Hongxiong xu2
Key Lab for Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation of CMA, Nanjing University of Information
Science& Technology, Jiangsu, 210044, China
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather,Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,
Beijing, China
National Science Foundation, VA 22230, USA
Center for Atmospheric Science, Division of Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research
Institute, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA
Frequent haze outbreaks over a large area of central-eastern China (CEC) in January 2013
have attracted worldwide attention. Apart from anthropogenic emissions related to the rapid
industrialization of China in recent decades, the interplay of climate change with the Tibetan
Plateau (TP) and more extreme weather events in China is found as an important natural factor
for the large scale haze formation. Based on the observational data (1961~2012), the
CEC-region from the eastern TP-edges to the flatlands in CEC is climatologically regarded as a
large-scale “susceptible region “ of frequent haze occurrences where haze events are consistent
with weak surface wind and the strong sinking motion in temporal and spatial distribution. Due
to the terrain effect of TP on the westerlies, the downward currents and weak winds in
near-surface layers easily form a “harbor” stagnation area with stable atmospheric
stratifications for the regional pollutant accumulations. As a vast elevated landmass, the
wintertime TP acts thermodynamically as a huge cooling source protruding into the free
atmosphere. The aerosol transport and depositions have increasingly dirtied and even melted
the snow- and ice-dominated TP. With the changes of climate forcing via snow and ice
albedos over the TP-regions, the TP-wintertime cooling source has been experiencing a
decreasing trend over the past decades. In association with the debility of plateau’s cooling
source, the lower-tropospheric winds are declined, and the subsidence airflows are reinforced
over the CEC-region, where the day number of haze has significantly negatively correlated to
the surface wind with R2=0.7075. The plateau’s thermal anomalies could also lead to the upper
warming and lower cooling in the atmosphere, resulting in more stable atmospheric
stratification in the CEC regions. The integrated consequences of weakening winds,
intensifying descents and calmer atmosphere could enhance the air pollutant “harbor” effect of
TP aggravating the haze events in the CEC with the current anthropogenic emissions. With the
influence of climate change on the TP, the central-eastern region of China, known as the
“susceptible region” of haze, is facing a bigger challenge toward maintaining clean air.
台灣和大陸東南沿岸以台灣海峽一水相隔,兩岸相距約 200~300 公里左右,台灣西
品質明顯惡化。有鑒於此,本研究自 2013 年 7 月 1 日至 2014 年 6 月 30 日於台灣海峽東
峽西岸之閩南(廈門)及閩北(福州)等六處陸地及海島設置懸浮微粒採樣站,同步進行 PM10
及 PM2.5 懸浮微粒採樣,將所採集之懸浮微粒進行離子成份(F-、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-、Na+、
岸懸浮微粒時空分佈趨勢及物化特徵。採樣結果顯示台灣海峽東岸之台灣地區平均 PM10
及 PM2.5 濃度高低依序閩南>閩北>北台灣>中台灣>南台灣>澎湖群島。就 PM2.5/PM10 比值
而言,中台灣採樣站的 PM2.5/PM10 比值達 67%,其餘採樣站 PM2.5/PM10 比值皆小於 50%,
東遞減的趨勢,整體台灣海峽東岸之 PM10 及 PM2.5 濃度皆符合空氣品質標準(125 μg/m3
及 35 μg/m3),但台灣海峽西岸之污染程度較東岸較為嚴重。水溶性離子成份中主要以
SO42-及 NO3-最高,其次為 Cl-、Na+及 NH4+。細懸浮微粒金屬元素成份皆以 Mg、Ca、
Al 及 K 為主,人為污染物 Zn、Pb 次之,其中 Mg、Ca、Al 為地殼元素,Zn、Pb 主要來
關鍵詞 : 台灣海峽;大氣懸浮微粒;長程傳輸;物化特徵;時空分佈趨勢
Master Planning for Singapore’s Jurong Lake District, A Case
Study in Sustainable Resource Management
Sara J. Head,1Sibarani Sofian,2Xiaoqing Li2, Thomas Tang, PhD3; 1AECOM, Camarillo,
CA, USA, 2AECOM, Jakarta, Singapore, 3AECOM, Hong Kong.
Principal Contact:
Sara J. Head, Vice President, AECOM, 1220 Avenida Acaso, Camarillo,
CA, 93012, USA, phone: 805-233-3995; fax: 805-388-3577; sara.head@aecom.com
Located in the western region of Singapore, the Jurong Lake District includes a freshwater
lake/reservoir surrounded by parkland. Over the next decade, the new district is expected to
become home to the largest commercial hub outside the city center, boasting all the elements of
a vibrant mini-metropolis, with open spaces, commercial complexes, entertainment venues and
residential buildings. AECOMused its Sustainable Systems Integration Model™ (SSIM™) and
our global team to determine the optimal sustainable development plan for this new
360-hectare District.SSIM was used to guide in the modifications to the land use plan and
measures that were eventually adopted in this master planning effort.The SSIM allowed the
AECOM team to model and optimize key components in the overall sustainability of the
development plan.
The urban form, which constitutes the largest determinant of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, was evaluated across a variety of indicators to ascertain which option had the lowest
inherent carbon footprint, highest local trip capture, connectivity and land use balance.AECOM
assessed the effect of building options on the microclimate, in terms of temperature, solar
radiation and wind flows, as well as the wider impact of the development on the potential heat
island effects of the Jurong Gateway District, the urban area of the project.SSIM's independent
energy module anticipated annual electrical and gas consumption and informed a cost/benefit
analysis that identified the percentage of GHG reduction per thousand dollars invested for each
of a series of development options.Based on the Singapore context, the team developed a
sustainable mobility modeling technique that benefits from transport enhancements at the
district scale and is measurable in terms of vehicle kilometers traveled reduction, mobile GHG
emissions reduction and cost-benefit relationships.
Part of the vision was to develop a natural treatment system to enhance Jurong Lake's
water quality and provide a sustainable balance between rainfall and urban water demand.
Strategies for water conservation, combined with treatment of stormwater and natural treatment
for lake water quality can enable the District to provide for all of its water needs. AECOM's
ecology team worked closely with the urban design group to identify masterplan modifications
that improved ecosystems services. The team was able to identify an increase in habitat value
and carbon sequestration, and a 1-degree decrease in micro-climate.
Detailed cost/benefit analysis for all sustainability components ensured that the overall
optimized sustainable framework could be implemented with positive economic impact.
Gasficationof Solid Waste Residuals as Part of a Zero Waste
Samuel A. Vigil,
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Principal Contact:,Samuel A. Vigil, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
California Polytechnic State University, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, California 93407,
USA, Phone: 805-471-9310, E-mail: svigil@calpoly.edu
The residuals remaining after waste reduction, composting, and recycling have been
applied to municipal solid waste may have significant fuel value. Gasification of these residuals
can be an effective part of a Zero Waste strategy. Although gasification technologyhas been
practiced for over 100 years, it has yet to achieve widespread use in the processing of solid
waste. Several projects using unseparatedsolid waste (similar in operation to mass burn
incinerators) have been tried in the past with mixed results.This presentation will discuss the
theory and practice of the gasification of separated solid waste residuals. This approach allows
the use of simplified low temperature air gasification. Gasification offers the potential of small
scale systems suitable for smaller communities and industrial parks. The environmental effects
of gasification will also be discussed. The end products of air gasification include low energy
gas (syngas), liquid tars, and solid biochar. Liquid tars can be reduced or eliminated by careful
control of temperatures. The solid biochar can be used as a soil amendment.Syngas, the
principal product of gasification, is composed typically of about 10%CO2,20% CO, 15 %H2,
2% CH4, with the balance being N2 . The energy content of the gas is typically 5 MJ/m3
(saturated, 1 atmosphere, 0 degrees C). The syngas requires cleanup prior to use in
pstonengines or gas turbines. Gas cleanup processes include particulate removal, condensate
removal, and H2S treatment (depending on fuel sulfur content). Particulate removal is critical to
protect the moving surfaces of turbines or piston engines. Boiler applications are less critical,
usually only requiring particulate removal. Air emissions from the energy recovery systems can
be controlled with existing technologies. Municipalities have been disinclined to adapt
gasification processes in the past because of the perceived risk of an unfamiliar technology. The
presentation will also discuss several solid waste gasification projects which are being
implemented due to innovative financing schemes which reduce risk to municipalities.
Product Positioning and Business Risk in Green Supply Chain
Yenming J. Chen
Department of Logistics Management,
National Kaohsiung 1st Univ. of Sci&Tech
2 Jhuoyue Rd., Nanzih District,
Kaohsiung City 811, Taiwan
Phone:011-886-7-601-1000#3214, Email: yjjchen@nkfust.edu.tw
This paper examines the conditions under which industrial product suppliers will attain
their extended producer responsibility goal when business risk is present in the emerging trend
of global greenness. Differing from ordinary consumers, industrial customers are strongly
affected by the extent of eco-design and production cost of the supplies. Because business risks
associate with the competitive responses and customer preference, suppliers will hesitate to
endow large resources to produce high green quality products. Intuitively, companies will move
toward less green quality in order to avoid potential business loss due to the uncertainty of
customer preference distribution. This paper strives for establishing a concrete relation between
green quality and business risk with respect to market responses. We find that, under a
production improvement condition, the more sensitive of customers to the their green quality
preference, the firms are more willing to produce higher green quality products. When
considering stochastic demand, the high-end company can grab larger market share for high
uncertainty under the production improvement condition.
Keywords:Hotelling competition model, non-uniform consumer preference distribution,
production cost, industrial marketing, industrial product competition in green quality, green
supply chain