Worthington Cardinal Middle School 2014

Worthington Cardinal Middle School
2014-2015 Season
Winter Sports Information
Worthington Cardinal’s Middle School Sport’s Checklist
Checklist for Mandatory Forms in order to participate in a School Sponsored Sport
Open Gyms or Fields
Emergency Medical Card (Pink)-Turned into Coach _____
Official Starting Date-On File in office- Forms are on School Web-Sites-go to
Physical Form_____
Concussion Form_____
Liability Form_____
ATOD Form_______
Before First Game-Turn in directly to office at home school
Participation Fee-$125.00 per sport___
Reduced Lunch-62.50___
Free-No Fee
Cheerleading-$85.00____ and $10.00 for Catastrophic Insurance ____
Sportsmanship Videos
Parents and Students are encouraged to watch Sportsmanship Videos on OHSAA
Mandatory Student/Parent Meeting
Date-Wednesday, November 12
Where-Worthingway Middle School
Winter Team Sport’s Meeting-6:15 to 6:45;
ATOD Meeting-6:45 to 7:15-only for those who did not attend fall sport’s meeting
Head Coach-Ms. Riley Adamaitis/ riley2009@hotmail.com
This is an 8th Grade only squad cheering only for the 8th grade boys and girls basketball teams.
Picture Day-November 12/4:00
Head Coach-Tyler Arnold/ tarnold@worthington.k12.oh.us
Assistant Coach-To be Announced
Picture Day-November 12/4:30 at WWAY
Wrestling will begin Tuesday, November 11. (Starting Date Changed) We are a combined
program with Kilbourne Middle School. Practices will be held at TWHS from 4:15 to 6:15;
students will be shuttled to TWHS and are to be picked up there Monday through Friday.
Matches are on Wednesday’s and Tournaments are on Saturday’s. Home matches are in
the Worthingway Gym.
Girls’ Basketball
7th Grade Coach-Mr. Eric Bidlack/ eric.bidlack@gmail.com
8th Grade Coach-Mr. Bruce Gerber/ brucegerber@yahoo.com
Picture Day-November 12/5:00 to 5:30
The current schedule is set up to allow the girl’s basketball teams to practice from 4:15 to 6:15
for the entire basketball season. Coaches will be giving out calendars once team is selected.
Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights starting December 2. The girls will be
committed to the basketball team on game days from 3:45 to as late as 9:00 pm. Please be sure
you can make this kind of commitment BEFORE trying out for the team. There are open
gyms listed below.
Open Gym Dates, Times, and Locations;
Sunday Sessions Combined with Kilbourne MS at Kilbourne MS from 6:30 to 8:00;
October 5, 12, 19, 26;
Weekday Sessions at Worthingway Middle School from 6:00 to 7:30
October 21, 23, 29 and 30
Try outs:
Monday-November 3, Tuesday-November 4, Wednesday-November 5
Time-4:15 to 6:15
Site-Worthingway Middle School
Boys’ Basketball
7th Grade Coach- Mr. Mike Barren/ mbarren@barrenmerrylaw.com
8th Grade Coach-Mr. Robert Block/ rcblock3@aol.com
Picture Day-November 12-5:30 to 6:00
The current schedule is set up to allow the boy’s basketball teams to practice from 6:30 to 9:00
for the entire basketball season. Coaches will be giving out calendars once team is selected.
Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights starting December 3. The boys will be
committed to the basketball team on game days from 3:45 to as late as 9:00 pm. Please be sure
you can make this kind of commitment BEFORE trying out for the team. There are open
gyms listed below.
Open Gym Dates, Times, and Locations;
Sundays: 9/28, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2; from 5-7pm at Worthingway
Try outs:
Monday-November 3, Tuesday-November 4, Wednesday-November 5
Time-6:30 to 9:00
Site-Worthingway Middle School
Please feel free to call Bill Mosca (450-4300), Worthingway Athletic Director, if you have any
questions. We look forward to having a great winter sports season.