Major Area Writing Intensive Requirement

Summary Analysis and Changes for Improvement
Submitted: Fall, 2013
Part 3: Institutional Graduation Requirements (IGR)
Major Area Writing Intensive Requirement
Goal: Students will refine their understanding and practice of reading and writing as integral parts of
researching, learning, discussing, and presenting academic materials.
1. Read extensively and respond critically in written discourse, i.e do significant outside reading with
corresponding writing assignments.
a) Course Outcomes: 80% of the students in the main campus courses meeting this goal will
achieve a grade of C or higher.
Grades consistently exceed the 80% benchmark. Fall 12 data falls short of the goal with 69%.
However, Spring 13 data (79%), which is marginally below the target, is the highest in the last
ten semesters.
b) Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency Exam in Reading: 50% of the DSU students will
score at or above the 50th percentile of the user norms.
Data suggest that this goal is met. CAAP exam scores are consistently above the 50th percentile.
No change is recommended.
2. Use writing to learn course content by practicing writing as an integral, on-going part of the course
and applying writing conventions of appropriate style manuals (MLA, APA, Chicago).
a) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on DSU’s contribution to their “Written Communication
Skills” will be 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale (1- Does not meet expectations; 2 – Meets
expectations; 3 – Exceeds expectations; 4 – Greatly exceeds expectations).
The annual Alumni Survey reflects the alum’s perception of the contribution made by DSU in
enhancing their written communication skills. Data related to this item suggests marginal (0.2
points) drop below the 3.0 target on a 4-point scale, but dropped slightly below the scale this
year. This area will be watched to see if the drop continues and will be evaluated on a yearly
b) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on their satisfaction with their “Written Communication
Skills” will be34.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Alumni feel confident in their written communication skills. Score meet or exceed the
benchmark (3.0). No changes are recommended.
c) Employer Survey: Employers’ average ratings of DSU Alumni in the area of “Written
Communication Skills” will be2.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Score meet or exceed the benchmark (3.0). No changes are recommended.
Summary Analysis and Changes for Improvement
Submitted: Fall, 2012
Part 3: Institutional Graduation Requirements (IGR)
Major Area Writing Intensive Requirement
Goal: Students will refine their understanding and practice of reading and writing as integral parts of
researching, learning, discussing, and presenting academic materials.
2. Read extensively and respond critically in written discourse, i.e do significant outside reading with
corresponding writing assignments.
a) Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency Exam in Reading: 50% of the DSU students will
score at or above the 50th percentile of the user norms.
Data suggest that this goal is met. CAAP exam scores are consistently above the 50th percentile.
No change is recommended.
b) Course Outcomes: 80% of the students in the main campus courses meeting this goal will
achieve a grade of C or higher.
Grades consistently exceed the 80% benchmark. This standard has been met every year.
2. Use writing to learn course content by practicing writing as an integral, on-going part of the course
and applying writing conventions of appropriate style manuals (MLA, APA, Chicago).
a) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on DSU’s contribution to their “Written Communication
Skills” will be 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale (1- Does not meet expectations; 2 – Meets
expectations; 3 – Exceeds expectations; 4 – Greatly exceeds expectations).
The annual Alumni Survey reflects the alum’s perception of the contribution made by DSU in
enhancing their written communication skills. Data related to this item suggests continuing
improvement in the perception of graduates related to this item. Scores have been consistently
above the 3.0 target on a 4-point scale, but dropped slightly below the scale this year. This area
will be watched to see if the drop continues and will be evaluated on a yearly basis.
b) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on their satisfaction with their “Written Communication
Skills” will be34.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Alumni feel confident in their written communication skills. Score meet or exceed the
benchmark (3.0). No changes are recommended.
c) Employer Survey: Employers’ average ratings of DSU Alumni in the area of “Written
Communication Skills” will be34.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Data for this item suggest that employer’s satisfaction with DSU alumni’s written
communication skills are not as strong a reported previously. Prior administrations of the
survey show scores slightly above or slightly below the benchmark of 4.0 on a 5-point scale.
While data for the current year appears lower, no changes are recommended.
Summary Analysis and Changes for Improvement
Submitted: Fall, 2011
Part 3: Institutional Graduation Requirements (IGR)
Major Area Writing Intensive Requirement
Goal: Students will refine their understanding and practice of reading and writing as integral parts of
researching, learning, discussing, and presenting academic materials.
3. Read extensively and respond critically in written discourse, i.e do significant outside reading with
corresponding writing assignments.
a) Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency Exam in Reading: 50% of the DSU students will
score at or above the 50th percentile of the user norms.
Data suggest that this goal is met. CAAP exam scores are consistently above the 50th percentile.
No change is recommended.
b) Course Outcomes: 80% of the students in the main campus courses meeting this goal will
achieve a grade of C or higher.
Grades consistently exceed the 80% benchmark. This standard has been met every year.
2. Use writing to learn course content by practicing writing as an integral, on-going part of the course
and applying writing conventions of appropriate style manuals (MLA, APA, Chicago).
a) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on DSU’s contribution to their “Written Communication
Skills” will be 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale (1- Does not meet expectations; 2 – Meets
expectations; 3 – Exceeds expectations; 4 – Greatly exceeds expectations).
The annual Alumni Survey reflects the alum’s perception of the contribution made by DSU in
enhancing their written communication skills. Data related to this item suggests continuing
improvement in the perception of graduates related to this item. Scores are consistently above
the 3.0 target on a 4-point scale. No changes are recommended.
b) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on their satisfaction with their “Written Communication
Skills” will be34.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Alumni feel confident in their written communication skills. Score meet or exceed the
benchmark (3.0). No changes are recommended.
c) Employer Survey: Employers’ average ratings of DSU Alumni in the area of “Written
Communication Skills” will be34.0 or higher on a 4-point scale.
Data for this item suggest that employer’s satisfaction with DSU alumni’s written
communication skills are not as strong a reported previously. Prior administrations of the
survey show scores slightly above or slightly below the benchmark of 4.0 on a 5-point scale.
While data for the current year appears lower, no changes are recommended.
Summary Analysis and Changes for Improvement
Submitted: Fall, 2010
Part 3: Institutional Graduation Requirements (IGR)
Major Area Writing Intensive Requirement
Goal: Students will refine their understanding and practice of reading and writing as integral parts of
researching, learning, discussing, and presenting academic materials.
4. Read extensively and respond critically in written discourse, i.e do significant outside reading with
corresponding writing assignments.
a) Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency Exam in Reading: 50% of the DSU students will
score at or above the 50th percentile of the user norms.
Data suggest that this goal is met. CAAP exam scores are consistently above the 50th percentile.
No change is recommended.
b) Course Outcomes: 80% of the students in the main campus courses meeting this goal will
achieve a grade of C or higher.
Grades consistently exceed the 80% benchmark. This standard has been met every year.
2. Use writing to learn course content by practicing writing as an integral, on-going part of the course
and applying writing conventions of appropriate style manuals (MLA, APA, Chicago).
a) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on DSU’s contribution to their “Written Communication
Skills” will be 3.0 or higher on a 5-point scale (1=very dissatisfied to 5= very satisfied).
The annual Alumni Survey reflects the alum’s perception of the contribution made by DSU in
enhancing their written communication skills. Data related to this item suggests continuing
improvement in the perception of graduates related to this item. Scores are consistently above
the 3.0 target on a 5-point scale. Note: The scale used on the 2010 survey was modified from a
5-point scale to a 4-point scale (1- Does not meet expectations; 2 – Meets expectations; 3 –
Exceeds expectations; 4 – Greatly exceeds expectations). As a result, a mathematical conversion
was used to estimate a score consistent with prior scores. No changes are recommended.
b) Alumni Survey: Alumni average rating on their satisfaction with their “Written Communication
Skills” will be 4.0 or higher on a 5-point scale (1=very dissatisfied to 5= very satisfied).
Alumni feel confident in their written communication skills. Score meet or exceed the
benchmark (4.0). No changes are recommended.
c) Employer Survey: Employers’ average ratings of DSU Alumni in the area of “Written
Communication Skills” will be 4.0 or higher on a 5-point scale (1=very poor to 5=very good).
Data for this item suggest that employer’s satisfaction with DSU alumni’s written
communication skills are not as strong a reported previously. Prior administrations of the
survey show scores slightly above or slightly below the benchmark of 4.0 on a 5-point scale.
While data for the current year appears lower, no changes are recommended.
Again, please note that the scale used on the 2010 survey was modified from a 5-point scale to
a 4-point scale (1- Does not meet expectations; 2 – Meets expectations; 3 – Exceeds
expectations; 4 – Greatly exceeds expectations). As a result, a mathematical conversion was
used to estimate a score consistent with previous scores.