JJC Sustainability Initiative Committee November 10, 2011 A

JJC Sustainability Initiative Committee
November 10, 2011
A meeting of the Sustainability Committee (JJCSI) was held on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 2:30
p.m. The meeting was called to order by Judy Mitchell.
Members Present
J. Bialas, D. Boyle, B. Campus, M. Cepon, A. Chobot, E. Gorder, A. Heidenreich, S. La Fevers, L. Mejia, J.
Mitchell, M. Rafac, R. Rivera, V. Roberson, A. Tiu, P. Van Duyne, E. Vasil, R. Verkler, D. Vieitez, G.
Martinez (via GoToMeeting).
Review and Approval of Minutes
The October 13, 2011 minutes were reviewed and approved.
Old Business
a. Sustainability Policy Update – Judy Mitchell announced that one of the board members has
asked us to revisit the policy and to include the words: Economy, Environment, Social Justice
and Green Jobs Curriculum. The Policy will be emailed to the committee for feedback.
Committee Updates
a. Academic Task Force – Adam Heidenreich reported that the task force has completed a
narrative of the Paper Usage/Printing Procedures Survey and the Sustainability in the Curriculum
statement. Both documents have been forwarded to Laura Mejia for posting on the website.
Adam mentioned that he will propose to everyone on the task force to join IGEN. Adam also
stated that the there was a good turnout at Mainstreet both by the students and the Task Force
b. Procurement & Finance – Judy Mitchell reported that JJC had several representatives attend the
SMHEC Conference and with regards to procurement and finance, the consortium talked about
the possibility of combining orders for sustainable/green items to increase buying power and
reduce costs. One of the examples given was the consortium for reduced energy costs. They
also spoke about possible ways to report back to the Board to show the long term benefits of
spending more money now on green items and have reduced expenses in the future.
c. Operations – Pat Van Duyne announced that facilities will be ordering stickers which will
visualize the items that can be placed in each container. This should help relieve some of the
confusion revolving around the commingled containers vs. landfill containers. Pat also
mentioned that the cardboard bailer has been received and installed. In its first 10 days of
usage, Facilities was able to make one 1,000lb bail out of the cardboard collected throughout
the college instead of having to pitch the cardboard every 3-5 days. The hauler will pick up the
bails and will keep track of what we have saved out of landfills and JJC will also receive a check
based on the bailed amount. There will be a publication distributed soon to educate everyone
on the cardboard recycling process. For now, please break down all boxes and place them near
your recycling container or submit a work order through facility services if you have a large
amount of cardboard.
d. Student Engagement – Abigail requested ideas for Earth Day. A discussion was held on what has
happened in the past. Valerie Roberson suggested having Student Government contact faculty
with information on Earth Day so that they are able to inform their students and encourage
involvement. Abigail mentioned that she will bring the recycling information back to student
government to help educate students on commingled items.
e. Information Technology – Judy Mitchell reported that IT still continues to track the nightly
computer shut down project headed by Evie Newman. The software is available on campus and
they are working on the roll-out plan.
Ad Hoc Committees
a. Website Team – Laura Mejia reported that there was a meeting with Media Services, Public
Relations, Marketing and IT to improve the manner in which information is communicated
through our website. Judy Mitchell informed the committee that Campus Police will also have
an application for LEV Parking available through the Sustainability Website.
b. Public Relations – Nothing to report
New Business/Suggestions and Ideas
a. SMHEC Conference Update – Maria announced that the conference was a success and
attendance doubled from last year. This was the first year that JJC students also attended the
college. Maria has sent some forms to different departments to get feedback on the conference
and asked for those to be returned for evaluation. At the end of the conference, each school
came up with three goals that they would like to focus on and the students came up with one
goal. Maria will share the full report of all the goals from each institution after they have been
compiled. The number one student initiative was a green tax/fee upon themselves to help fund
student activities. Students also decided that they would like to meet more than once a year.
b. IGEN Grant – Valerie Roberson explained the IGEN consortium and reported that JJC is looking
to become more involved within the consortium to make the most out of the funding
opportunities available through IGEN. Valerie asked the committee to help determine what we
really want to do as a college in terms of community outreach, campus sustainability and
curriculum so that the next time a funding opportunity comes up there will be a plan. Valerie
also informed the committee that JJC has received a $5000 grant from IGEN and we will need to
determine the best use for the funds. Part of the expectation is that there is representation at
the IGEN meetings. Travel expenses to attend IGEN meetings are an allowable expense for the
grant but there needs to be a team of representatives due to the extensive amount of work.
Other schools have used the money to create sustainability centers. A subcommittee will be
created to brainstorm ideas on how the money will be spent at JJC. Margie Cepon, Adam
Heidenreich, Shelly La Fevers and Devin Ellis agreed to be part of the subcommittee.
c. PP&D Session – Maria Rafac suggested that the committee prepare a presentation for PP&D
week. Possible topics to include in the presentation could be the cardboard bailer, LEV Parking,
and the commingled trash. Pat Van Duyne suggested using the media screens for an informative
video. Darlene Boyle suggested streaming something on stage as people are gathering in the
theatre. Valerie Roberson will check with Sunnie Hunter to see if that can be a possibility. Judy
Mitchell will talk to Fred Harris about creating the video.
d. Review of Sustainability Coordinator PT Position – The committee was asked to review the
position description and to give feedback on the responsibilities of the Coordinator. Maria Rafac
will also forward comparable position descriptions to help with the feedback. Maria also stated
that currently the position is a part-time position but there are talks of possibly asking the Board
to make it a full-time position. Pat Van Duyne also explained that if the position cannot become
a full-time position, it might be better to hire a consulting firm to complete the college’s goals.
What’s Happening
a. Margie Cepon announced that she contacted Terracycle and the logistics of the collection will be
fairly simple. The college will receive $.02 for each item (dry erase markers, highlighter)
collected. Pat Van Duyne verified with the hauler that these items are not acceptable in the
commingled containers. Margie Cepon will help coordinate the project along with student
government and the academic task force.
b. Valerie Roberson announced that the Plainfield students will be collecting broken/unwanted
Christmas tree lights and the proceeds they receive from that collection will go towards the
purchase of necessary supplies for their projects. Maria Rafac asked if we could ask the
Plainfield students to clean erasers. Pat Van Duyne suggested that Maria reach out to Cyndi
Fisher and coordinate the project with George Podrebarac.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm
Next meeting will take place on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 2:30pm in the Board Room