Common Pitfalls in LDC Task Design The “Answerable without

Common Pitfalls in LDC Task Design
The “Answerable without Using the Text” Pitfall
What makes for a good father? After reading To Kill a Mockingbird and various informational texts about
parenting, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the
text(s). Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
Solution: Build the text explicitly into the question . . .
Does Atticus Finch meet the criteria of a good father? After reading To Kill a Mockingbird and various
informational texts about parenting, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position
with evidence from the text(s). Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
The “The Explanatory Essay Trying to Be an Argument” Pitfall (or vice versa)
After researching informational texts on World War II, write a newspaper editorial that describes the three
major ways that World War II changed Europe (the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the rise of
SuperPowers). Support your discussion with evidence from your research.
After researching informational texts on World War II, write an informational essay that describes the three
major ways that World War II changed Europe (the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the rise of
SuperPowers). Support your discussion with evidence from your research.
The “Built--‐In Bias” Pitfall
Is it ever justified for the government to use invasive surveillance techniques in the name of public safety?
After reading George Orwell’s 1984 and other informational texts, write an argumentative essay that
addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s).
Solution: Just remove language that might influence students’ positions . . .
When are governments justified in using surveillance techniques on its citizens? After reading George
Orwell’s 1984 and other informational texts, write an argumentative essay that addresses the question
and support your position with evidence from the text(s).
The “Grand Thematic Question That the Student Essay Won’t Answer” Pitfall
What does it mean to be free? After reading Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, write an essay that defines
freedom and explains which characters in the novel are or become free. Support your discussion with
evidence from the text(s).
Solution: Often, just strip away the opening question . . .
After reading Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, write an essay that defines the book’s conception of
freedom and explains which characters in the novel are or become free. Support your discussion with
evidence from the text(s).