Fall Festival Bake-Off Do you like to bake? In a box oven? Then bake up a tasty dish and compete in the Fall Festival Bake Off! Rules: 1. Your dish must include PUMPKIN! 2. It must be baked in a box oven. 3. Contestants must provide everything they need – oven, charcoal, charcoal chimney, etc. 4. The dish must be completed in the given time requirement. 5. Your dish will be rated on the following: taste, creativity of the dish, box oven style, and safety. Helpful Hints: Prepare a trial run of your dish before the festival. Prepare your dish ahead of time so that all that needs to be done is the baking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Form- Complete by October 7, 2015 and email to Donna Francisco at dfrancisco@cbgsc.org. SU: _______________ Troop #:______________________ Names of Girls Participating: _________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Troop Leader: _____________________________________________ Contact email: _____________________________________________ Contact phone (cell) _________________ other: ________________ Box Oven Bake-off Rating Rubric Category Taste 3 Yummy, Yummy – I could eat the whole thing 2 Yummy – I will come back for seconds 1 Yummy! Creativity of Thinking out of the Dish Pumpkin can Good use of Pumpkin Pumpkin Pie! Box Oven Style Box safely blinged and fabulous Box has some creative bling Plain old foil box! Safety Girl Scout displayed safety knowledge using the charcoal and oven Box meets Safety requirements Call the fire department!