Can Do Learners, Ambitious Futures Dufton Approach Seacroft LEEDS LS14 6ED Telephone: 0113 2930282 Headteacher: C Dyson May 2015 Dear Parents and Carers YEAR 6 LEAVERS TRIP TO FLAMINGO LAND – TUESDAY 19TH MAY 2015 This year our Leavers trip will be to Flamingo Land. The children have all worked so hard and have been a pleasure to teach so we wanted to celebrate their success with a trip to Flamingo Land! We will leave school at 8:45 a.m. promptly, so please ensure your child is in school in good time. Children can wear own clothes and because of the activities and nature of the rides at Flamingo Land, girls should wear trousers/leggings - no skirts. Please be sensible...we will be walking a lot so comfortable shoes MUST be worn. If the weather is sunny, please pack a sun hat and sun cream, a rain coat would be a good idea too as we just don't know!!!! Remember your child will have to carry their bag so best to keep to a minimum. A packed lunch will be provided for children who have school meals. Children may bring an extra drink if they would like. Children who normally bring a packed lunch should bring one as usual. A small amount of spending money is allowed, however it is up to your child to look after this. We will leave Flamingo Land at 3:00 p.m. and aim to be back at school by 4:30 p.m. depending on traffic. If we are running late we will contact the school office to let them know and text you. Yours sincerely, L Darley & S Rennison Year 6 Teachers Parklands Primary School Can Do Learners, Ambitious Futures VISIT TO FLAMINGO LAND TUESDAY 19TH MAY 2015 Name of child: ……………………………………………………………………………… Class: ……………………………… I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the visit outlined. I acknowledge the need for responsible behaviour on his/her part. I undertake to inform the Group Leader as soon as possible of any change in the medical circumstances outlined below between the date signed and the commencement of the visit. I give permission for my child to be photographed during this visit. YES/NO Signed: __________________________ Print Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________________ Emergency contact details: Name Telephone Number Medical Information: Does your son/daughter have any conditions requiring medical treatment? YES/NO If YES, please give brief details and describe the medication, the dosage and frequency required. Does your son/daughter have any allergies? YES/NO If YES please specify.