11-3-14 - Missouri Western State University

Monday, November 3, 2014
5:00 PM Blum Union 220
Call to Order
Adoption of the Agenda
A. Julia Buescher, Vice President of Western Activities Council
a. November 13 new date for Blacklight Party.
b. Day of the Dead postponed to today. Enchiladas were amazing!!!
c. First day of the Voice went well. This Wednesday is the first competition round.
d. Co-Sponsorship has been extended to this Friday, November 7, 2014
B. Lionel Attawia, Student Governor
a. Dr. Douglas Brinkley will be the speaker at Convocation tomorrow. He wrote one of the
best biographies on Walter Cronkite.
b. Master Plan Forum November 5 at 3:00 in Enright 214/216 in Spratt Hall.
C. Sky Lux, Director of Finance
a. FOC will be meeting tomorrow.
b. Had a meeting last Thursday and funded a student $500 to go to a physical therapy
conference. One of the biggest conferences for physical therapy in the country.
D. Jacob Dowell, Director of Student Relations
a. PLC meeting Wednesday, November 5 at 5:00 in Spratt 205.
E. Ida Haefner, Director of Communications
a. We have a date for Community Service. I will be sending out an email to sign up for a
time slot.
F. Tyler O’Neill, Executive Vice President of SGA
a. Met with Ariel Swartz on the Going Green Initiative. Met about the plastic recycling bins
and how that all works.
b. More meetings with senators. Still going great!
President’s Report
A. Tomorrow is National Voting Day. Go out and vote!!
B. Senator Shewell, Vice-President O’Neill, and I are competing in No Shave November. Anyone
else that would like to join may.
C. We will be announcing Senator of the Month next week.
D. I will also be putting in an article to the Griffon News
Committee Reports
A. Haden McDonald, Chair of Governmental Relations Committee
i. We will not be having a meeting today.
B. Brian Shewell, Chair of Campus Advancement Committee
i. No committee meeting tonight.
C. Reyhan Wilkinson, Chair of Homecoming Committee
i. Last meeting is this week
ii. Come to the meeting this week at 7:00PM. It’s an awards ceremony.
iii. Applications for Homecoming Chair will be going out soon.
D. Brad Stanton, Chair of Constitutional Committee
i. I don’t have anything to report yet, but I’m excited to get started. I am looking for
members so let me know if you are interested!
Unfinished Business
A. FY15-37: Bill to allocate money for electronic keyboard
i. Senator Shewell: Michael Scroggs has approached us about purchasing an electric
keyboard to be used across departments and they are currently using the music
department’s piano. This will be one to be used for organizations and other people that
Michael puts things on for.
ii. Senator Wilkinson: I am all for this NOA, but could we work in a sign-up sheet or log
sheet to be sure that student organizations are using it.
iii. Senator Shewell: We can’t because it is the Public Theatre.
iv. Senator Rosenauer: I am also all for this. Is there a way that this can have a priority to the
student organizations over the Theatre Department.
v. Senator Teasley: All of the information is going through Senator Shewell, so I don’t
know if he really wants this.
vi. Vice-President Meyer: He came to me first. He is just trying to make this more
vii. Senator Shewell: I did have concerns especially because it did have Theatre in the name.
I can see the Theatre Department needing to use it for rehearsals. But I also believe we
should have a talk with Michael Scroggs about the use.
New Business
A. FY15-38: Bill to allocate money to the Student Centennial Committee
i. Governor Attawia: There will be other departments hosting events, but we need studentbased events for this as well. We will be having a Kick-off event, a time capsule, and
alumni and student networking events. The time capsule will be put in Blum Student
Union and will be put somewhere in the building and will not be opened for 50 years.
(Break down of the Budget for the Centennial Events for students). This is for an entire
year (all of 2015). The SGA logo will be put on this.
ii. Senator Wilkinson: How did the selection go for the committee and what does it do?
iii. Governor Attawia: We were asked to join and we are here to plan all of the events for the
students for next year.
iv. Senator Shewell: I thought there was a kickoff on December 31?
v. Vice-President Meyer: It was nixed.
vi. Senator Bernhardt: Is this going to be open to all students and how will you get the word
vii. Governor Attawia: It will be offered to all students. We will have emails and flyers going
up around campus.
viii. Senator Helt: Since the majority of your budget is going to the kick-off party will you
have enough funds to have enough substantial events for the rest of the year?
ix. Governor Attawia: Yes, these amounts are subject to change.
x. Senator Voss: What is the difference between the time capsules?
xi. Governor Attawia: The non-digital one has nothing on it. The digital one can have the
countdown digitized on the front or other cool things.
xii. Senator Shewell: Looking at the time capsule application, this has just made it to the
committee and this meeting correct; because there are some typos.
xiii. Governor Attawia: No, this is just a draft. I am welcome to corrections.
xiv. Senator Rosenauer: Is the RSVP going to be capped at 300?
xv. Governor Attawia: No; we are starting here and seeing how much more we get who are
xvi. Senator Samenus: Who funded your original budget?
xvii. Governor Attawia: It was donated by Alumni Students.
xviii. Senator Wilkinson: This is students’ money so I just want to make sure that this is a
student event.
xix. Governor Attawia: I think this is just a linguistic issue. Administration is just helping out;
the entire committee is made up of all students. All of the events are for the students.
xx. Senator Wilkinson: How was the committee selected? It just seems that this is sort of like
the Homecoming Committee.
xxi. Vice-President Meyer: This is a university-wide committee and I believe we are supposed
to be looking at the fact that yes this is unlike homecoming in that this is something that
only happens once every 100 years. It needs to be bigger and better than homecoming.
xxii. Connor Samenus: Shana is the university funding anything on this?
xxiii. Vice-President Meyer: Yes, the university has asked for $100,000 for the year.
xxiv. Senator Bernhardt: I agree with what Shana said about this being a big year, we need to
make sure this is big and bold.
xxv. Senator Shewell: I am against this coming out of Special Projects. I would actually like to
see this come out of the Rollover Budget, since on a previous NOA, it was said that the
Rollover should be saved for a gift. This could be that gift.
xxvi. Senator Bernhardt: Would you agree with splitting this amount in between two budgets,
like the time capsule coming from Special Projects?
xxvii. Vice-President Buescher: I consider the time capsule as a gift and that should come from
xxviii. Senator Wilkinson: Is the $100,000 finalized.
xxix. Vice-President Meyer: Yes
xxx. Governor Attawia: I would be more than willing to have this amount come out of
xxxi. Senator Stanton: I echo everything Senator Shewell said. I feel like SGA should have
absolute control over the $10,000 and where it is spent.
xxxii. Senator Edwards: Didn’t Governor Attawia say that he would come to us with
xxxiii. Stanton: Yes, but I believe we should be able to say where everything is being spent.
With FOC and Homecoming we can choose to no longer fund them. We wouldn’t be able
to do that with this money.
xxxiv. Senator Wilkinson: Can you be a little more clear?
xxxv. Senator Stanton: Yes, but we have control over Homecoming and FOC. We don’t have
control over this committee; we don’t have control over where the money is spent.
Open Discussion
A. We are going to take nominations for the Governor’s Forum on Faith and values. There will be 1
e-board member and 3 senators going. Keep in mind who you would like to choose who might
be able to help the SGA long-term.
i. Nominations: Connor Samenus, Reyhan Wilkinson, Mary Beth Rosenauer, Brian
Shewell, Bradley Stanton, Austin Catron, Jacob Teasley.
B. Senator Shewell: Where is it stated that community service is mandatory? That is the weekend
before finals week.
C. President Hager: I’ll get back to you next week.
D. Senator Bernhardt: There are two shifts so you should be able to make one of those shifts.
E. Community service discussion
F. Who is on the committee: Governor Attawia listed.
G. Discussion of the Student Centennial thing.
H. Those going to the Forum are Connor Samenus, Reyhan Wilkinson, and Mary Beth Rosenauer.
Austin Catron and Jacob Teasley are the alternatives.
Closed Session
A. None
A. November 5th: PLC Meeting Spratt 205 at 5:00pm
WAC CoSponsorship
Game vs
PLC Meeting
Spratt 205
Meeting @5
Begins for
the Spring
Meeting @5
Banquet 7:00
Blum 218/219
MWSUs Best
Dance Cru
7:00 Blum 218/219 Homecoming Meeting
MWSUs Best Dance Cru Applications are due November 12. Hosted by ƩƩƩ.
Debate team still needs judges for the Debate Competition November 14 and 15. Sign-up here to
help: https://www.missouriwestern.edu/speechdebate/ggi/
Deadline for WAC Co-Sponsorship application is this Friday. No more applications will be allowed
after that.