
Meeting on 17 March 2015
Meeting Attendees:
Pat Brown
Henry Dotson
David Haynes
Chris Kardos
Svein Olsen
Gowri Rajappan
Greg Robinson
Tomasz Rogowski
Meeting Agenda:
Meter reading model.
Discussion Summary:
For meter, started by collecting use cases.
What has to be exchanged (CIM classes)?
The readings are exchanged as MeterReadings payload. MeterReading contains
Readings, which consist of value, ReadingQualities, ReadingType, etc.
ReadingQuality concept could be used to distinguish between online vs laboratory
ReadingType is typecast as string, has 18 attributes, has many constructs around
time, such as time intervals, statistical qualifiers like average, etc. Annex C of 619689 has more description. This 18-part string becomes the for the
The ReadingType within Reading in MeterReadings is included by reference.
The units enumeration in 61970, did they harmonize with 61968-9? The 61968-9
added to the 61970 units enumeration and over time may have diverged.
Is it possible to inherit from enumerated classes? If so, could be a good way of, once
harmonized, maintaining things going forward.
Metering time constructs: Interested in both current value (energy) and over time
value (kW-Hr). Able to express intervals as well as average over time (sliding
Grouping of Readings is not there yet, we’ll have to come up with as a layer on top –
similar to EnvironmentalValueSet.
Limits and alarms associated with measurements are modeled as EndDeviceEvents.
EndDeviceEventType has enumerations similar to ReadingType.
isCoincidentTrigger relates Reading to EndDeviceEvent.
MeterConfig profile with root class Meter has all the attributes corresponding to the
Real meter vs. virtual meter: ServicePoint (demarcation point where homeowner
owns everything downstream and utility owns everything upstream) vs UsagePoint.
But want to able measure things at points other than demarcation point, such as
power at a feeder, for which UsagePoint was created. UsagePoint has a ServicePoint
flag that indicates whether it is also a service point.
Don’t need a Location for UsagePoint.
Meeting on 31 March 2015
Meeting Attendees:
Pat Brown
Henry Dotson
Gerald Gray
David Haynes
Chris Kardos
Svein Olsen
Gowri Rajappan
Tomasz Rogowski
Meeting Agenda:
Meter reading model – continuation.
Discussion Summary:
Some features of meter reading appealing to address asset condition requirements,
such as enumerated attributes, being able to indicate source of data, time concepts
such as sliding window.
As an example, oil attributes for DGA can come from online monitoring, lab test, field
test with a portable analyzer, or factory test.
Reason: why was the reading taken? Source in BaseReading: where is the reading
coming from.
MeterReading and Reading? MeterReading collects Readings? They have a many-tomany relationship.
When timestamp in MeasurementValue is populated, it overrides the others?
MeterReading is a collection of individual Readings.
How does part 9 handle peak and average? That’s within ReadingType –
macroPeriod would be the averaging period, aggregate would be min/max/average
First edition has 11 attributes for ReadingType, but this resulting in same attribute
being used to indicate more than one dimension. This was rectified in the
subsequent edition by increasing to 18 attributes. Have been happy with how
ReadingType has shaped up, including the shorthand notation.
Commodity vs. kind attribute in ReadingType: Commodity is the category & kind is
the specific measurement. For instance electricity is a commodity & voltage is a
The intentions of Part 9 ReadingType enumeration is to be a superset of what’s out
there including 61850, since revenue metering has many esoteric details not found
in SCADA measurements.
Maybe subclass MeterReading to describe context metadata, like sample details,
date, lab details etc.
If don’t need all the attributes in ReadingType, could compose the string with only the attributes we need, so it won’t have to be an
18-part string.
BaseReading.value is a String. Is this used also for float and integer data? Yes,
wanted one type to capture all data, including ISO 8601 date-time value. String
seemed to be a good type because it can accurately capture the information, so
everything is typecast to string.
o In the first edition, everything was float, but it introduced rounding errors.
o EXI (Efficient XML Interchange) works best if the types are explicitly broken
out, so may have to revisit this.
Pat’s Notes:
Online monitoring has both instantaneous and averaged values
MeasurementValue.timeStamp overrides other time information
BaseReading.timePeriod is for individual readings
MeterReading.valuesInterval is a way of grouping readings and can be used to apply to all
Readings taken at a certain time
ReadingType.macroPeriod defines period
ReadingTypd.aggregate is statistical operation
.commodity would be “variable”
.kind is related to “variable” – further describes what appears in commodity
.measuringPeriod is time chunking
Svein - What do you like about -9, what would you have done differently?
Chris – likes leveraging name for doing “.” delimited ReadingType attribute
First edition had 11 attributes and some of them were being used for more than one
concept – needed to break them out, so then 11 expanded to 18, maybe in next
edition may have to have a 19th
Dave – one of the benefits in the “.” separated list is that the enumeration lists can be
translated into various languages
Jerry – yup, Dave & Chris are the experts
Some of attributes of ReadingType may be filled in by a MDMS or Head End, some by meter
(depends on intelligence of meter)
In first example that David showed us on spreadsheet
electricitySecondaryMetered power phaseC kVAr
electricitySecondaryMetered - .commodity
power - .kind
phaseC - .phases
kVAr - .units, .multiplier
Example for ch4 “variable” for asset health
indicating ch4 (micro L/L)
indicating - .accumulation
ch4 - .commodity
micro - .multiplier
L/L - .unit
David – history of modeling of currency – started it off as generic, but found it needed to be
explicitly identified – is not part of unit of measure – is its own enumerated list – wanted to
leverage a list maintained by other entity – made it a separate attribute
At the beginning, intent was to take 61850 description of characteristics of data ‘types’ and
create a superset
Use of string
when folks went to implement Edition 1, had XML issues with float, so moved to string in
Edition 2
string is used when the content of value is variable (sometimes a date, sometimes an
AI - Dave will send Gowri the value calculation spreadsheet
Meeting on 28 April 2015
Meeting Attendees:
Pat Brown
Henry Dotson
David Haynes
Chris Kardos
Gowri Rajappan
Tomasz Rogowski
Meeting Agenda:
Meter reading model – continuation.
Discussion Summary:
Period of time a reading is valid for. Statistical model used in assessing that.
Bushing monitoring: powerFactor (daily)
o cumulative and continuousCumulative are very specific meter concept that
is done in response to regulations; indicating or summation might be the
appropriate value.
o Aggregate vs. accumulation – the latter to provide clues to the recipient on
how it on display. Is it like a speedometer (indicating) or odometer (rolls
o macroPeriod is 24 hrs starting from midnight; if want an arbitrary 24 hrs,
may need new value called 24hrs. The timestamp of the Reading is the end
of the 24 hour period.
o Is it useful to know the number of readings that went into the average?
Probably not. But if needed, the 3rd position can be used to indicate the
periodicity of averaged quantity – i.e., measuringPeriod = sixtyMinute.
o specifiedRollingBlock (measuringPeriod).
Gas ratios.
o Unitless, but if need to be more descriptive, could create a new value for
position 17 (unit) called gasRatioUnit, which would be dimensionless but
would indicate it’s a volumetric concentration ratio. See value 65, Power
factor, which is dimensionless. Or perhaps volumeRatio and massRatio as
new dimensionless values for unit.
Power factor @ reporting temp.
o If measured at arbitrary temps & the temperature reported, that would be a
separate reading. On the other hand if the reading is standards based as in
very specific temperatures, would create specific position values.
o In metering world, there is a concept called coincident reading. It could be
extended to include case where PF of x is coincident with temp of y.
Some Thoughts on Applying Reading/ReadingType to Asset Condition
Test/Measurement Data (14 April 2015)
DGA:hydrogen in ppm
From Lab: h2 volume (μL/L),
 InsulativeOil h2Concentration (μL/L),
 Value 0 (in position 3, measuringPeriod) = none
 Value 6 (in position 6, commodity) = InsulativeOil
 Value 500 (in position 7, kind) = h2Concentration
 Value -6 (in position 16, multiplier) = micro
 Value 143 (in position 17, unit) = L/L
From online monitor: thirtyMinute h2 volume (μL/L),
 Would be the same as Lab.
 Difference indicated in Reading.source.
“When comparing gas variables, have to ensure same reporting temperature or do gas
law calculation to normalize for reporting temp.” How do we account for this?
MeterReading (or a new subclass of this) providing reporting conditions, which applies
to all the Readings aggregated by the MeterReading subclass?
Add commodity enumerations for each of the other gasses, furanic and trace metal
What about if dissolved gas ratios need to be exchanged as well? Need to add
commodity enumerations for ratios such as co2/co and co/co2?
For fluid test variables, the “commodity” is insulativeOil:
o For powerFactor: insulativeOil powerFactor (c),
 Not able to express temperature, as in powerFactor25C and
powerFactor100C. Just have multiple “kind” for powerFactor?
The unit is percent. Is the appropriate expression centi for multiplier
and none for unit?
 For transformer offline testing, power factor can be measured between
various points. For instance, CHL for PF measured between high and low
side bushings, CH between high side bushing to ground, CL between low
side bushing and ground, etc. How do we indicate that? Are these new
“kind” enumerations also? Might be the most straightforward thing to
o For most of the rest of the fluid test attributes, need to add “kind” attributes.
Test/measurement data that are waveforms: e.g., SFRA and PD are frequency response;
circuit breaker time and travel measurements are a time waveform.
o Can we create a new sub-class of BaseReading called VectorReading with the
following attributes? values: String[0..n], abscissa, and abscissaKind.
Source attribution and provenance data.
o Use Reading.source to indicate what system it came from. Quick indication of
whether it’s online measurement or lab etc.
Make a sub-class of MeterReading called AssetConditionData. This class will
have attributes such as a compound for “labDetails,” a compound for
“fieldDetails,” a compound for “monitorDetails”?
Some More Thoughts (24 April 2015)
o Several new values for the commodity attribute. For instance:
 insulativeMedium or insulativeSystem when the commodity being
tested is some combination of oil, gas, cellulose, air, vacuum;
 asset when the test article is the Asset to which the Reading pertains
(have to resolve the fact that Reading doesn’t associate to Assets
right now – perhaps subclass & associate to Asset) – an example is
SFRA or Partial Discharge or inspection.
o New values for the measurementKind attribute. For instance:
 h2Concentration, co2Concentration, furfuralConcentration,
aluminiumConcentration, etc. – all the oil analysis concentrations.
 gasRatio.
 acidNumber, interfacialTension, etc. – the oil analysis nonconcentration miscellany.
 particle4To6, particle6To10, etc. – the particular counts.
o New values for argument numerator and denominator.
 To express gasRatios (co/co2, co2/co, etc.)
o A new pair of arguments to describe how a test instrument is connected.
 connection1-connection2.
 For instance, high-side/low-side for measurements taken between
high and low sides; high-side/ground for measurements taken
between high-side and ground, etc.
Grouping readings that “belong together,” like the various results from one
transformer offline power factor test or DGA results or Trace Metal results or
Inspection results.
o Subclass MeterReading, called AssetConditionData. Use this subclass to
group together readings. AssetConditionData has an enumerated attribute
called dataKind, which lists out the different categories.
New metadata classes to describe lab conditions, field conditions, etc.
o An IdentifiedObject called LabMetadata (?), with attributes of repeatability,
reproducibility, precision, bias, and detection limit.
 LabMetaData has a one-to-many association with Reading.
An IdentifiedObject called FieldMetadata (?), with attributes that describe
the field conditions, such as temperature, etc. (need to identify the
 FieldMetaData has a one-to-many association with Reading.
o An IdentifiedObject called InstrumentMetaData (?), with attributes
describing the test instrument (need to identify the attributes).
 InstrumentMetaData has an one-to-many association with
EndDevice (or a subclass of EndDevice for test/online monitoring
Test/measurement data that are waveforms: e.g., SFRA and PD are frequency
response; circuit breaker time and travel measurements are a time waveform.
o A new sub-class of Reading called VectorReading with the following
attributes? values: String[0..n], abscissa, and abscissaKind.