Vocab: In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez Name: Word (with POS) Definition 1 ambivalence (N.) uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things. 2 asylum (N.) 3 connoisseur (N.) 4 demise (N.) 5 estrangement (N.) 6 excommunication (N.) 7 fallacious (ADJ.) 8 illustrious (ADJ.) 9 impertinent (ADJ.) 10 incriminate (V.) an inviolable refuge, as formerly for criminals and debtors; sanctuary an expert judge in matters of taste termination of existence or operation the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group to exclude or expel from membership or participation in any group,association, etc. containing a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc. well known, respected, and admired for past achievements improperly forward or bold to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault Synonym Use & underline VOCAB word in definitive sentence. Word (with POS) Definition 11 indiscreet (ADJ.) not discreet; lacking prudence, good judgment, or circumspection 12 intone (V.) say or recite with little rise and fall of the pitch of the voice 13 irreparable (ADJ.) not reparable; incapable of being rectified, remedied, or made good 14 laden (ADJ.) filled with a great quantity 15 posthumous (ADJ.) occurring or coming into existence after a person's death 16 prism (N.) a transparent solid body, often having triangular bases, used fordispersing light into a spectrum or for reflecting rays of light 17 ransacked (V.) 18 reminisce (V.) 19 suffuse (V.) 20 ubiquitous (ADJ.) go hurriedly through (a place) stealing things and causing damage recall the past to overspread with or as with a liquid, color, etc existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time;omnipresent Synonym Definitive Sentence