Chapter One Vocabulary
Please record the following words and their definitions on your handout
(also include the part of speech!)
Assuaged (V): calmed down
Apothecary (N): pharmacist
Piety (N): religious devotion
Methodists (N): a Christian denomination
Brethren (N): members of a particular church
Strictures (N): rules
Dictum (N): statement
Human Chattels (N): slaves
Impotent (ADJ): powerless
Taciturn (ADJ): very quiet
Spittoon (N): a jar-like container to spit into
Unsullied (ADJ): untouched or unused
Impudent (ADJ): shamelessly bold
Ambled (V): walk slowly and leisurely
Repertoire (N): supply
Vapid (ADJ): dull
Eaves (N): lower edges of a roof
Veranda (N): porch with a roof
Picket (N): a pointed pole or stake (that make up a picket fence)
Malevolent (ADJ): evil
Predilection (N): a preference or liking for something
Corsets (N): tight undergarment worn by women
Domiciled (V): a domicile is a home, so where you are domiciled is where you live
Beadle (N): a minor city official
Scold (N): a person who scolds people
Ramrod (ADJ): a rod used to clean a firearm
Foray (N): when you make a foray, you go somewhere or do something that is unusual for you