BLS for Healthcare Providers Quiz Key

BLS for Healthcare Providers Quiz
1. What do the letters BLS represent? Basic Life Support
2. What is the purpose of CPR? Circulate oxygenated blood to the vital organs
(especially the brain).
3. How do you distinguish a child from an adult? Onset of puberty- presence of
hair in the pubic area or breast formation
4. Which order is correct: ABC or CAB – what does each letter represent?
CAB, compressions – airway - breathing
5. 1 rescuer CPR = ratio of ____30___ compressions/____2____ breaths ____5__ cycles should take approximately 2 minutes
2 rescuer CPR = ratio of __30___ compressions/____2___ breaths for adults
2 rescuer CPR = ratio of ___15___ compressions/____2___ breaths for
6. The rate/speed of chest compressions should be at least ____100___/minute.
7. What are the 2 techniques that may be used to open an airway?
Head tilt/chin lift or jaw thrust
8. Rescue breathing for adults = 1 breath every ____5-6______ seconds.
9. Rescue breathing for children/infants = 1 breath every ____3-5______
10.Rescue breathing with an advanced airway = 1 breath every ___6-8____
11.CPR when an advanced airway is in place requires __no_ ___pause____ for
breaths and __continuous________ chest compressions.
12.For a responsive victim > 1 year old with an airway obstruction you should:
a. identify yourself, tell victim that you will help them
b. perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver)
c. continue abdominal thrusts until the object is expelled or the victim
becomes unresponsive
13.For a responsive victim < 1 year old with an airway obstruction you should:
a. position the infant facedown, resting on your forearm – head slightly lower
than chest, support the head and jaw with your hand, rest your forearm on
your thigh
b. give 5 back blows – middle of back between shoulder blades with the heel
of your hand
c. carefully turn the infant over while supporting the head, support infant on
your forearm, rest forearm on your thigh
d. give 5 chest thrusts – 2 finger position just below the nipple line
e. repeat back blows and chest thrusts until object is expelled or the infant
becomes unresponsive
14.If you have a severe airway obstruction in an unresponsive adult victim what
should you do?
a. Activate EMS
b. Open the airway,look for an object – if it is visible, remove it – don’t
perform a blind finger sweep
c. begin CPR – each time you open the airway, look for the object in the
back of the throat, if you see an object - remove it
15.Are the steps for a severe airway obstruction in an unresponsive child or
infant the same as those for an adult? If not, how are the different?
No - You begin CPR and complete 5 cycles (2 minutes) before activating
16.What are the steps that must follow for adult BLS after you have determined
that the scene is safe?
a. check to see if the victim is responsive – tap on the chest/shake while
saying, “hey, hey are you ok?”
b. activate EMS and get an AED
c. check for a carotid pulse
d. begin chest compressions (30)
e. give 2 breaths
f. continue this pattern of compressions and breaths for 5 cycles
17.Where do you check for a pulse on an adult? on an infant?
Carotid pulse – side of neck across from trachea
Brachial pulse – between the elbow and underarm
18.When giving chest compressions for an infant you would –
1 rescuer – use __2__ __fingers___ on the lower portion of the breastbone.
2 rescuers – use __2__ ___thumbs_____ on the lower portion of the
breastbone with hands encircling the chest/body.
19.When providing rescue breaths you may use:
a. A ___face ____ ___shield____ - which will give you a barrier between
your mouth and the victim’s mouth.
b. A _pocket____ __mask____ - which may be used for 1 rescuer scenarios.
c. A __bag____ ___mask_____ - which will be used in the healthcare setting.
20.What should be done first, activate EMS (call 911) or check for a pulse?
Activate EMS - Call 911