Camp Ernst Middle School Site Based Decision Making Council Camp Ernst Middle School’s SBDM Council meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 by Stephanie Hagerty. The following quorum was present for an open session meeting: Stephanie Hagerty Jennifer Yelton Tom Mueller Nichoel Hayes Valerie Bailey Susan Pastor-Richard Cathy Stavros Motion to approve agenda was made by Cathy Stavros, seconded by Jennifer Yelton. Motion to approve minutes from Sept. 14 and 24 was made by Cathy Stavros, seconded by Valerie Bailey. Good News Valerie Bailey reported the Go Pantry project is going well. Mrs. Hagerty reported we have some good news and things to celebrate with our test scores. Gains were made in NAPD Language and Mechanics, NAPD SS Gap, and Explore Reading Audience of Citizens None Student Achievement Mrs. Hagerty distributed the following handouts to the council: Report Card Summary Unbridled Learning Accountability System Increasing the Emphasis on Novice Reduction Unbridled Learning: College/Career Readiness for All 2014-15 Student Performance Level Cut Scores KDE Closing the Achievement Gap report Kprep Test score results were discussed. CEMS achieved an overall score of 65.2 (Needs Improvement) CEMS missed the Proficiency score by only .6 The Proficiency goal score changes every year. CEMS Rewards and Assistance Category is: Focus School Type of Focus: Third standard deviation below the average in disability gap group in Reading and Language Mechanics Council made the following points after reviewing and discussing scores: Reading: 6th Grade: Number of students scoring Novice and Apprentice decreased 6th Grade: number of students scoring Distinguished increased 8th Grade: number of students scoring Novice decreased 8th Grade: number of students scoring Distinguished increased Writing: Writing still needs improvement. Mrs. Hagerty is working on hiring a UA writing intervention teacher. Language Mechanics: 6th graders performed well Math: 6th and 8th grade-Concern for the drop in the number of distinguished students Science: Scores did not count toward accountability this year Social Studies: Overall, students did well The data is not diagnostic, does not show what the problems are. Mrs. Hagerty informed council of the plans for the upcoming year to improve our accountability scores. These include: Meeting with the state coordinator on Novice Reduction (this occurred last week.) Putting in place a mentoring program, where teachers will volunteer to academically mentor 3-4 novice students throughout the school year. All novice students will have a mentor. Mrs. Hayes recommended doing a school wide needs assessment to see what other issues students may need help with, besides academics. These other issues can have an impact on achievement. Giving teachers ½ day to work with other teachers on their grade level on curriculum Continuing strategies already in place from last year. Mrs. Hagerty explained that accountability will change slightly next year, points will be given based on growth, and moving students from one proficiency level to the next, and for novice reduction. Novice reduction is the goal of the state. Council reviewed the Gap Summary report. This report shows how points are given for accountability. School Improvement Closing the Achievement Gap report was shared with council. This will be presented to the BOE. Highlights are: beginning the academic mentoring program, and consistency with strategies already in place. We will hold our Distinguished Breakfast in November, and we will be putting up pictures of students who scored proficient or distinguished in the hallways. Mrs. Hagerty and the FACE team visited a school in Georgetown. Mrs. Hagerty would like to add some computer stations to our lobby area for students to use during lunch. She is working with an architect to see what physical changes can be made to the lobby. Program Review Mrs. Hagerty shared the program review report. The PR committee meets monthly to work on updating, and adding evidence to the Program Review. We did get all of our points for PR for 2014-15. Budget The financial reports were shared and discussed with council. Fee money and Site based accounts should not carry over more the 10%. Fee money should be spent in the year it is collected. Discussion took place concerning what can be purchased with fee money, and by the PTSO for teachers. Committees Committees met during last month’s faculty meeting, and the reports were shared with council. KY Core Academic Standards None Review None New Business None On-Going Learning None Motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Hagerty at 6:18 pm.