File - Alexander Rolling

(Brandi McFarland)
(Provide as a cover sheet to a set of lessons.)
Title — Fantasy
Contextual Factors — In bullet points describe the following:
School Factors (school is located in an urban environment with about 700 students)
Classroom factors (The students are brought to a classroom devoted to just art. The
classroom has 2 long tables that hold about 12 students per table. The classes are 45
minutes long twice a week)
Student Characteristics (4th grade, 10- 11 years old, there is an equal mix of female and
male students with a multicultural background)
Instructional Implications (it is important for students to dream and think about their
future and be given the freedom to do this)
Goals and Standards —
1. Students will communicate about themselves, their families or things in their environment to
think about ideas for their art work.
117.14. B. 1. A
2. Student will use their art work to show these different ideas of self, family or things in their
117.14. B. 2. A
Students will create an original piece of art work based of these ideas
117.14. B. 2. B
3. Students will identify simple main ideas in art
117.14. B. 3. A
4. Students will describe what they were thinking when designing their piece of art work and
how they feel it turned out and if it meets there standards
117.14. B. 4. A
Content —
Day 1: Students will have a many class discussion on things they wish they had and doesn’t
exists or something that already exists and think they could make it better
Day 2: Students will draw out an invention that they came up with during class discussion; they
will be given play dough to start playing with to start forming their invention
Day 3: They will continue to work on their project
Day 4: They will continue to work on their project
Day 5: student will talk about their invention and what it will do and if it can be helpful in every
day life
Vocabulary/Word Bank —
Fantasy- Something, such as an invention, that is a creation of the fancy.
(Brandi McFarland)
Materials/Resources/Technology — List the necessary materials and resources that will be
used to teach this unit including technology.
Artists/artworks (Untitled #1 by Amy Podmore squats between Broadway and James)
Teacher resources: computer, projector,
Student materials and tools: ruler, play dough, paper, pencils, markers
Summative Assessment Plan —
1. Did students communicate things about themselves, family, or their environment?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Did the student use these ideas of self, family or their environment in their art work?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Did the student create an original piece of art work?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. Was the student able to identify the main ideas of art work?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Did the student talk about their art work and the idea behind it?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Brandi McFarland)
Painting day
Lesson Title — Painting sculpture
Day — 4 of 5.
Objectives/Assessments/Adaptations — students will paint their dried sculptures in a variety of
Format of Assessment
Objective 1: Students
will paint tier sculptures
in acrylic paint.
Teacher discussion of
the use of acrylic paint
and the rules for use of
the paint.
Art Standard: 117.14.
B. 2. A
Formative Assessment
Students will create
an original piece of art
work based of these
Teacher walks around
and checks up on each
Lesson Body
Anticipatory Set — State how you will gain student attention, what the purpose of the
lesson, and why. This introduction must be motivational.
Procedures —
1. Set up paint and dried sculptures for students( five minutes)
2. Teacher discussion of acrylic paint and the rules for the paint in the classroom( five
3. Student painting of their sculptures ( twenty five minutes)
Clean-up — Clean up paint and have the students wash their hands before next class.
Also set sculptures on shelf to dry (ten minutes)
Independent Practice — N/A
Safety Considerations —
(Brandi McFarland)
Critique day
Lesson Title — Painting sculpture and critique
Day — 5 of 5.
Objectives/Assessments/Adaptations — students will finish painting their dried sculptures and
participate in a class discussion of their work.
Format of Assessment
Objective 1: Students
will paint tier sculptures
in acrylic paint.
Teacher discussion of
the use of acrylic paint
and the rules for use of
the paint.
Formative Assessment
Teacher walks around
and checks up on each
Teacher will go over
what is good to talk
about during critique.
Teacher will ask
question to the students
to explain their work
and why they did what
they did.
Art Standard: 117.14.
B. 2. A
Students will create an
original piece of art
work based of these
Objective:2 Students
will participate in a
class discussion of their
Art Standard: 117.14.
B. 4. A
Students will describe
what they were thinking
when designing their
piece of art work and
how they feel it turned
out and if it meets there
Formative assessment
Lesson Body
Anticipatory Set — State how you will gain student attention, what the purpose of the
lesson, and why. This introduction must be motivational.
Procedures —
1. Set up paint and dried sculptures for students( five minutes)
2. Teacher discussion of acrylic paint and the rules for the paint in the classroom( five
3. Student painting of their sculptures ( ten minutes)
4. Students will participate in a critique and where the teacher will ask question about
the students work. (fifteen minutes)
Clean-up — Clean up paint and have the student wash hands before next class. Also set
sculptures on shelf to dry (ten minutes)
(Brandi McFarland)
Independent Practice — N/A
Safety Considerations —
(Attach to the end of the unit as needed.)
Rubric — Evaluation of student performance based on unit goals.
Supplemental Instructional Tools — Test, quizzes, worksheets, etc.
Self-reflection — After teaching the lesson, assess student achievement with the intended goals
and objectives. Describe the evidence. Explain the strengths and weaknesses including was to
improve the unit.