Phase 3 - Executive Vice President for University Academic Affairs

Collaborative Academic Program Phase 3 MOA Template
Revised 11/15/2015
Memorandum of Agreement
For Phase 3 of the Development of a Collaborative Academic Program
[Program level/type] in [Academic Discipline]
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
Indiana University [Campus], School
With a spirit of respect and partnership, the undersigned campus representatives and university
representatives agree to collaborate with each other, the Office of the Executive Vice President
for University Academic Affairs, and the Office of Online Education and develop, deliver, and
maintain a Collaborative Academic Program for the [Program Name]. The details of this
collaboration are documented in three Memoranda of Agreement, including this Phase 3 MOA.
Phase 3: Collaborative Academic Program Administration
1. Program committee structure
Academic unit representatives must establish a committee structure for overseeing the
collaborative academic program. There may be one general steering committee, or there
may be more than one committee with separate responsibilities (for example, an
administrative committee and a curriculum review committee). The committee(s) should
hold regular meetings to maintain legislatively-mandated degree maps, align pre-requisites,
review articulation agreements, update and align the program’s master course inventory,
and to engage in collaborative enrollment management. The following agreements must be
a. Committee structure and responsibilities
b. Membership selection process and term of appointment
c. Committee chair selection process, term, and responsibilities
d. Ex-officio members, if any
e. Frequency of meetings
f. Every campus participating in the collaboration has one vote, regardless of size.
2. Promotion, marketing, and recruitment
Online degrees and certificates listed in IU Online receive marketing and recruitment
support from the Office of Online Education (OOE). OOE will provide market analysis as
required to determine the opportunities and obstacles to enrolling students in IU Online
programs. OOE staff and representatives will be trained to answer initial responses
regarding the program and refer prospective students to the campuses for follow-up. OOE
Collaborative Academic Program Phase 3 MOA Template
Revised 11/15/2015
will partner with individual academic programs to provide marketing and recruitment
campaigns that reinforce the overall recruitment message and maximize the utilization of
OOE, campus, and program resources. OOE will provide effectiveness tracking of
marketing campaigns and establish ROI for marketing and recruitment of IU Online
Articulate any agreements or commitments that support the collaborative academic
program through promotion, marketing, and recruitment of students beyond the OOE
activities described above.
3. Curricular sharing and enrollment management
To support the delivery of the curriculum, stipulate agreements for course planning,
enrollment management, and course sharing. The following principles should be considered
when establishing curriculum sharing agreements:
a. To reduce upfront costs of online course development, sharing of course
materials and learning resources among faculty and across campuses is
strongly encouraged. Avoid situations in which the same course must be developed
completely from the beginning each time a new faculty member or new campus
teaches it.
b. Campuses must agree upon which courses in the curriculum will be taught by
which campuses, and whether any courses will be taught by all campuses. It is
beneficial to have equal distribution of course delivery across campuses, though in
some cases, such as lack of faculty resources on a campus, assignments may not be
c. Quality Matters as baseline standard. Campuses must respect each other’s
competence to offer quality courses. Articulate plans for compliance to Quality
Matters standards for course development.
d. Course caps. Specify any agreements regarding course caps. Course caps should
not exceed the cap placed on courses to be replicated via IU Online Class Connect
(currently set at 50). Specify which, if any, courses in the curriculum have curricular
constraints (e.g., intensive writing courses, courses with multiple individual
assignments requiring extensive faculty feedback) for which a smaller-than-typical
class size would be recommended.
4. Faculty selection and assignment to teach in program
Specify agreements regarding how faculty will be selected to teach, be reviewed, and be
given feedback to improve the program; whether there will be limits on how often a faculty
member may teach in the program, and what teaching support will be provided. What
percentage of courses will be taught by part-time/adjunct faculty, and how will this be
managed and monitored?
5. Assignment of students to program and campus of enrollment
a. Identify policy for classifying students as being enrolled in this online program
(and not a similar on-campus program). Students must be classified appropriately
to be charged the correct tuition rate, to receive the correct degree map, to be
provided adequate advising and other support, and to ensure accurate reporting to
federal, state, and accrediting authorities.
Collaborative Academic Program Phase 3 MOA Template
Revised 11/15/2015
b. Policy for assigning students to campus:
 Students who live in a participating campus’s regional service area
(including reciprocity students) will be referred for admission to the campus
serving the region the student resides in.
 Students located outside participating campuses’ service regions will be
referred to a participating campus on a rotating basis.
 Once a student is admitted to a campus, that campus becomes the student’s
home campus of enrollment. Campuses will not encourage students to
transfer from one campus to another.
 Ultimately, students have the final say as to which campus they will attend.
6. Provision of student services
Student services should generally be provided by the campus of enrollment (a student’s
home campus), rather than the campus of instruction (the campus delivering a course to a
a. Services provided by the Office of Online Education
OOE will provide a suite of services for online students. The office provides 24/7
support for students via phone, email and chat. By July 2016, the OOE will also
support the following services to be delivered for students pursuing an IU Online
program: onboarding/orientation to online education at IU, coaching and mentoring
services, math and writing tutoring, internship/ coop management, and career
services. These services may be offered in collaboration with specific campuses. In
addition, the office will also coordinate student conduct, ADA compliance, and
student advocacy for students enrolled at multiple campuses. With regard to student
conduct and student grievances, OOE will facilitate conversations among campuses,
and, to the extent possible, seek to resolve the issue using existing campus
b. Address how the program will provide academic advising, technology support,
financial aid, registrar, library services, counseling, and mental health support.
c. Address how the program will provide services for application and admission to
the program, as well as new student orientation.
7. Commitment to faculty development
a. Describe how the faculty in this program will receive Quality Matters training
and how QM standards will be incorporated into courses taught in this program.
b. Describe how peer review of courses will occur.
c. State how often faculty will have opportunities to meet.
8. Tuition, fees, and revenue sharing: Advice to SVPCFO (optional)
a. Tuition and fees: The IU Board of Trustees has given the Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer the authority to determine fees for online courses and online
programs. Any recommendations to the SVPCFO regarding tuition and fees must
align with the IU policy on distance education tuition and fees (found at If a recommendation is made, provide
Collaborative Academic Program Phase 3 MOA Template
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a rationale (e.g., based on market analysis data) for the recommendation.
b. Revenue sharing: In collaborative academic programs, online courses are shared
across campuses through IU Online Class Connect. In IUOCC’s revenue-sharing
model, the student pays tuition and fees of the campus of enrollment. The campus of
instruction receives 70% of tuition and the campus of enrollment receives 30%. Any
recommendations regarding revenue sharing must provide a rationale for deviating
from this standard practice.
9. Data needs and reporting
Stipulate agreements for sharing data and reports regarding this program. These may
include data relevant to program review, such as enrollment, retention, and persistence
rates of students in the program, DFW rates in core courses, assessment of student work,
etc. Specify any commitments to share data relevant to annual institutional updates or other
baseline reporting requirements for governmental or accrediting agencies (e.g., how each
campus verifies student identity). To ensure consistency in communication about the
program, it is recommended that the campuses agree to share with each other any official
statements regarding the program made to state, federal, accreditation, and/or other
external agencies.
10. Program review & changes
Stipulate timeframes for the review of student end-of-course evaluations, data from student
assessments, course designs, and program evaluation. Determine who will be responsible
for reviews, and for sharing results. (This may also be specified in the Phase 2 MOA).
The reports of results should be timed to provide data to inform the MOA review.
10. Review of Collaborative Academic Program Memorandum of Agreement
This MOA will be in effect for a period of five years from the date of the agreement.
Approximately six months prior to the end of the agreement, the University Academic
Affairs will call for the leaders of the participating campuses and members of the program
committee(s) to review the program’s Memoranda of Agreement. At this time, collaboration
members may renew, renegotiate, or terminate the MOA. Also at this time, new campuses
may elect to join the collaboration, or campuses currently in the collaboration may elect to
11. Waiver of participation, or separation of campus from collaboration.
a. Any campus may waive the right to participate in the collaboration, but may not
prevent, veto, or in any other way create barriers to the involvement of other
campuses in this or any other collaborative program.
b. Campuses that waive the right of participation or withdraw from the collaboration
may not offer an online degree program in the same discipline and at the same
academic level as long as the collaboration remains in existence.
c. Any appeals for relief from this rule must be made to the IU Office of Online
Education, and will be addressed by the IU Academic Leadership Council Executive
Collaborative Academic Program Phase 3 MOA Template
Revised 11/15/2015
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
[Title, Academic Unit, Campus]
Assistant Vice President and Director,
Indiana University Office of Online Education