Vegetarian Protocol created by Renay Matthews, Nutritionist

Vegetarian Protocol
created by Renay Matthews, Nutritionist, Homeopath .
"Ultra Lite is designed for meat eaters and the weight loss is slower for vegetarians on
our program." You may wish to advise this to this group of patients. Vegans normally
will not do our program as they won't consume any animal or animal bi-products and the
packets are milk based. Try to get vegetarians to eat a variety of proteins so they can
absorb a wider variety of actual protein.
Here are some suggestions for protein:
Eggs, cheese, fish are on the program for those who enjoy these foods. The protein for
eggs is in the white part egg beaters are fine.
I normally expand the list of fish for vegetarians on the program to include some
salmon, or others that they may favor, instead of just the "white" fish listed in the
manual. I do the same for the "cheese", if they have a favorite I let them consume it, as
long as it is low fat.
I do suggest however organic cheese, wild caught fish and of course free range eggs.
This is our best shot at not creating a food allergy, especially if they are consuming a
large amount of these foods.
Tofu is really the big debate being “can you really absorb all the protein from tofu and
is it easily digested?”
However we do have clinics that substitute meat with tofu. I would limit this food to 1
serve every three days. It not only causes bloating and gas in many patients, but it also
can create water retention, which does not allow the scale to move as well as it should.
I would suggest "wheat meat (seitan--tofurky)" and cheese if possible. Seitan is high in
sodium, so beware again, and limit it to 1 serve every three days.
You can look at the TOFU or SEITAN brand and protein listed per portion, compare to
see the portion listed on the label.
You have to count the carbs in these products, so they are best used at LUNCH where
patients consume 10 carbs and the 2 or 3 yielded from these foods can be taken out of
the 10 total.
In comparison:
60 grams of chicken that will yield approximately 18 (grams of protein)
60 grams of steak yields about 24 (actual grams) of protein.
You will see tofu and seitan come in about 7-12...not much per serve.
Ultra Lite is close to 80-100 grams of actual protein daily, which is close if not right on to
the RDA.
"Ultra Lite is designed for meat eaters and the weight loss is slower for vegetarians on
our program." You may wish to advise this to this group of patients. Vegans normally
will not do our program as they won't consume any animal or animal bi-products and the
packets are milk based. Try to get vegetarians to eat a variety of proteins so they can
absorb a wider variety of actual protein.
Here are some suggestions for protein:
Eggs, cheese, fish are on the program for those who enjoy these foods. The protein for
eggs is in the white part egg beaters are fine.
I normally expand the list of fish for vegetarians on the program to include some
salmon, or others that they may favor, instead of just the "white" fish listed in the
manual. I do the same for the "cheese", if they have a favorite I let them consume it, as
long as it is low fat.
I do suggest however organic cheese, wild caught fish and of course free range eggs.
This is our best shot at not creating a food allergy, especially if they are consuming a
large amount of these foods.
Tofu is really the big debate being “can you really absorb all the protein from tofu and
is it easily digested?”
However we do have clinics that substitute meat with tofu. I would limit this food to 1
serve every three days. It not only causes bloating and gas in many patients, but it also
can create water retention, which does not allow the scale to move as well as it should.
I would suggest "wheat meat (seitan--tofurky)" and cheese if possible. Seitan is high in
sodium, so beware again, and limit it to 1 serve every three days.
You can look at the TOFU or SEITAN brand and protein listed per portion, compare to
see the portion listed on the label.
You have to count the carbs in these products, so they are best used at LUNCH where
patients consume 10 carbs and the 2 or 3 yielded from these foods can be taken out of
the 10 total.
In comparison:
60 grams of chicken that will yield approximately 18 (grams of protein)
60 grams of steak yields about 24 (actual grams) of protein.
You will see tofu and seitan come in about 7-12...not much per serve.
Ultra Lite is close to 80-100 grams of actual protein daily, which is close if not right on to
the RDA.
If you have questions please email me at or call 888-858-7296.