PARISH Shirebrook __________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION Demolition of existing building and construction of three storey office building (second floor in roof space) LOCATION 209 Station Road Shirebrook Mansfield NG20 8AF APPLICANT Shirebrook Town Council 54 Patchwork Row Shirebrook MansfieldNG20 8AL APPLICATION NO. 14/00239/FUL FILE NO. PP-03402652 CASE OFFICER Mr Steve Phillipson DATE RECEIVED 19th May 2014 DELEGATED APPLICATION __________________________________________________________________________ SITE Single storey terraced building used as a market store on the corner of the Market Place, Shirebrook. The corner location gives the site a key view in the street scene on Market Place. The Market Place is otherwise enclosed by 2 and 2.5 storey buildings in commercial use (including to both sides of this site) generally finished in either red brick or render and slate coloured roofs. The former New Drum on the opposite corner also has decorative stone detailing to contrast with red brick. Existing street lamp sited in front of the building. To the rear the properties back on to Carter Lane. To the rear the exposed yards has resulted in a very poor street scene on Carter Lane. PROPOSAL Demolition of the existing single storey building and erection of a new 2.5 storey terraced building for use as the Shirebrook Town Council chambers/offices and for market and B1 office use. Materials proposed includes: red brick, artificial stone detailing, and artificial slate roof, aluminium windows. External works to the rear include replacement of the existing metal palisade fence with a new brick wall with railings over (combined height 1.8m); also double gates and a new ramp will provide access to continue to use the yard at the rear for bin storage purposes for the Town Council/market use since the existing direct front access to the market place will be lost. AMENDMENTS Design amendments agreed to front door surround and windows, improved rear elevation and rear boundary detail. HISTORY (if relevant) None relevant CONSULTATIONS DCC Highways. No objections subject to revisions being secured so that the front doorway does not protrude into the public footpath/highway. Urban Design Officer. No objections in principle. The scheme represents a polite infill development that would complement the scale of adjacent buildings and the Market Place generally. However, the details of the appearance of the scheme would benefit from a number of revisions (set out in his response). The Agent has tried to address these. PUBLICITY Site notice posted, neighbours either side consulted. No representations received. POLICY Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP) GEN1 Minimum Requirements for development GEN2 Impact of Development on the Environment SAC3 Non-retail uses in town centres (includes community uses) National Planning Policy Framework At para’ 23 states that LPA’s should allocate a range of suitable sites to meet the scale and type of retail, leisure, commercial, office, tourism, cultural, community and residential development needed in town centres. Other Shirebrook Sustainable Development Masterplan (2007): ASSESSMENT Acceptable use in principle which complies with the policies of the Bolsover District Local Plan and NPPF guidance. The proposal will also result in community benefits and will facilitate the continued support for the primary retail and cultural functions of the Market Place. The 2007 Shirebrook Masterplan shows this site as a potential infill development together with the creation of a pedestrian link through to Carter Lane to north, to form a stronger shopping circuit (Fig 7.1 – Market Place Project No. 4). This proposal would preclude the formation of a new link to the adjacent retail uses. That said whilst the Masterplan is a material consideration it is not a development plan document and can only be given limited weight. The failure to achieve the link must be balanced against the benefits offered. The existing single storey building (to be demolished) adds nothing to the street scene, moreover it is considered to result in a weakness in the street at a location which forms the termination of view along Market Street. Therefore its replacement with a designed civic building of higher status will be a welcome enhancement to the character of the Market Place. There will also be some improvement to Carter Lane as a result of the proposal in terms of design, boundary treatment and passive surveillance. Some enhancements to the design have been negotiated and agreed and whilst further enhancements are possible it has been necessary to compromise on some matters for practical reasons. One such balance was the need to remove the door pillars from the footpath (as required by DCC) without losing too much internal space or creating a set-back to adjacent buildings large enough to promote antisocial activity. However the 50mm agreed will provide some relief to the architrave and this is considered to be adequate. The proposal will have no effect on the amenity enjoyed at the neighbouring properties either side. Daylight and sunlight will not be affected and the use of the rear yard will not change. No significant impacts are expected on highway safety. On the whole the benefits offered are considered to outweigh any concerns regarding precluding a future link through to Carter Lane. Other Matters Listed Building: N/A Conservation Area: N/A Crime and Disorder: Improved surveillance Equalities: no significant issues Access for Disabled: Trees (Preservation and Planting): N/A SSSI Impacts: N/A Biodiversity: no significant issues Human Rights: no significant issues RECOMMENDATION Approve 1. Start within 3 years 2. Before construction commences on the erection of any building or wall a schedule of external wall and roof materials to be used on the building shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The external building materials schedule shall generally accord with the revised drawings and plans including the use of artificial slate, red brick, stone or artificial stone detailing and aluminium window and door frames (wind frames set in reveal as shown on the proposed plans). Notes to Applicant: The County Highway Authority have advised that it will be necessary to liaise with the County Council’s street lighting section with regard to the relocation of the lighting column, and that layout and construction details will be required of where the proposed ramp meets the public highway to the rear of the site and that they would seek the reinstatement of the existing dropped crossing as footway on Station Road. Attention is drawn to the provisions of The Party Wall Act 1996. A building owner proposing to start work covered by the Act must give adjoining owners notice of their intentions in the way set down in the Act. This permission shall relate to the following revised plans: Proposed elevations – 0025 14 02 004 Rev C Proposed front elevation – 0025 14 02 005 Rev B Proposed floor and roof plans – 0025 14 02 003 Rev D __________________________________________________________________________ Officer S. Phillipson Endorsing Officer Determining Officer C Doy Date 29/07/2014 Date Date 29/7/14 (refusals/objections/ referrals to 3rd officer)