IVANO-FRANKIVSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY AND URGENT MEDICARE, MEDICINE OF CATASTROPHES “Assert” Chief of Department EUM MC professor V. Crysa “____”________________ 2012 METHODICAL DEVELOPMENT IS FOR STUDENTS for realization of practical employment after an object "Civil defense" Theme № 1. "NORMATIVELY-LEGAL PRINCIPLES CIVIL DEFENSE IN UKRAINE" It is prepared by the teacher of department Fabryka R. It is discussed on meeting of department “____”_____________ 2012 Protocol №_________. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012 1. Educational purpose To learn the substantive provisions of normatively-legal base, basic principles and tasks of the Single state system of civil defense of population of territories of Ukraine. 2. Type of employment lecture 3. Time 90 min 4. Place of realization aud. № 1 5. Educational-material rigging а) Literature 1. Law of Ukraine "On the civil defensive" / of ВРУ, № 2974, ХІІ, in 1993; № 555, XIV, in 1999 is Kyiv. 2. Constitution of Ukraine. 3. "Conception of defence of population and territories in the case of threat of origin of extraordinary situation" / Decree of President of Ukraine № 284/99, 1999. it is Kyiv. 4. Magazines of Ministry of extraordinary situations of Ukraine 2011-2012 5. "Position about the Civil defensive of Ukraine" / Decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 299, 1994. it is Kyiv. 6. "About the Single state system of prevention and reacting on the extraordinary situations of technogenic and natural character" / Decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1198, 1998. it is Kyiv. 7. Стеблюк М. And. "Civil defensive and civil defence". it is Kyiv: "Knowledge", 2010. - 487 с. 8. "Typical position about the territorial subsystem of the Single state system of prevention and reacting on the extraordinary situations of technogenic and natural character" / Order of Ministry of extraordinary situations of Ukraine № 387, 1998. it is Kyiv. 9. Шоботов In. М. the "Civil defensive". it is Kyiv, 2006. - 460 с. б) the Material providing (sliding seats, charts) 1. Legislative base of civil defense of Ukraine. 2. Normative base of civil defense of Ukraine. 3. Structure the main system of civil defense population and territories. 4. Structure of territorial subsystem the main system of civil defense population and territories. 5. Conception of defense of population and territories is from emergency situation. 6. Structure of Civil Defense of Ukraine. 7. Structure of Civil Defense of object of economic activity. 6. Educational questions and timing 1. An international humanitarian law is on defense of life and health of suffering population 2 2. The main system of civil protect population and territories of population and territories from ES of technogenic and natural character, structure and modes of activity. Purpose, task, principles of CD of population and territories. Forces and facilities of CD 3. Concept about ES, classification and basic principles of origin of ES in Ukraine 1. INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IS ON DEFENSE OF LIFE AND HEALTH OF SUFFERING POPULATION International humanitarian law (IHL) - it international norms, set on the basis of agreement or customs which lay on limit on violence during the armed conflict, : 1), to regulate the conduct of military operations - to limit methods and facilities of prosecution of war; 2), to protect people which do not participate or stopped to participate in military operations. It is certain balance between a military necessity and principle of humanity. A primary purpose of humanitarian right is defense of life, health and human dignity of persons which do not take participating in battle actions. His task - to limit suffering and destruction which is the consequence of the armed conflict. In other words, IHL it can be certain as a right, sent to defense of basic human rights during the armed conflict. Prohibition of discrimination, right on life, prohibition of tortures, legal cruelty, humiliation of personality, prohibition of slavery are those positions which are general for General declaration of human rights and Conventions of IHL. But if some rights (such, as freedom of speech, movement) can be sometimes limited in extraordinary situation, then human rights, envisaged in IHL, that enters in an action at exceptional terms, must stick to without any reservations. An international humanitarian law passed the long way of becoming. Here principal contracts of IHL: 1868 is Saint Petersburg declaration 1899 - Hague of Convention 1949 are Genève Conventions 1954 are Conventions about defense of cultural values 1980 is Convention about application of concrete types of ordinary weapon 1993 is Convention about application of chemical weapon 1995 is Protocol which touches a dazzling laser weapon 1997 is Convention on personnel mines International relations are characterized by a large variety, which predetermines a requirement in certain international legal international legal norms which regulate them. For an international public law peculiar is him internal purposefulness, presence of confessedly principles, фssociate of legal norms, co-ordination of decisions of international organizations, validity of decisions of international judicial bodies, and also institutes of international law. International humanitarian law, as the independent field of international public law contains all mentioned elements, that is why non-random he is named a subsystem within the framework of the integral system of international public law. Understanding of essence value of international humanitarian law it is very important. This is especially important now, when sovereign Ukraine after proclamation of independence became the competent subject of international relations, and Constitution of Ukraine clearly determines: the "Running international agreements, a consent to obligatoriness of which is given by Verkhovna Rada, are part of national legislation of Ukraine". A right for war is the attempt of the states to set certain a minimum of norms and 3 rules of conduct of the parties plugged in the armed conflict with the purpose of the to relieve suffering of victims of military operations. Such codes of conduct are expounded in international agreements and acknowledged by practically all members of international concord of the states (192 states). An international humanitarian law is one of the oldest and most worked out fields of modern international law. Under an international humanitarian law the whole system of legal principles and norms, applied both in international and in the not international armed conflicts, which set mutual right and duties international legal subjects on prohibition or limitation of application of certain facilities and methods of conduct of the armed fight, providing of defense of victims of conflict during this fight and qualificatory responsibility for violation of these principles and norms, is understood. The object of this field of international law are public relations which are folded between warring parties during the conduct of the armed fight. International humanitarian legal subjects are nation-states, which fight for the will and independence, people and nations, some international intergovernmental organizations. In the system of realization of positions of international humanitarian law the special specific place occupies the International committee of Red Cross (ICRC). The feature of ICRC, which distinguishes him from all other organs and institutes which participate in international relations, there is that this organization was indigenously created by the citizens of Switzerland, but afterwards, from will of the states, confirmed by Geneva conventions, grew into an institute, which owns some signs, peculiar to international intergovernmental organization. An international humanitarian law is used in extraordinary terms, when, from one side, the states and people fight for the survival, and on the other hand − does not operate aggregate of norms of international law, intended for the use in a peace-time, and observance of basic humanitarian standards connectedly with large difficulties. In these terms of industry is called to provide the decision of two major tasks : it is defense of persons which do not take the personal participation or that stopped to participate in military operations; it is establishment of limitations in the relation of some methods and methods conducts of military operations, application of which pulls the heaviest consequences for persons which are under cover of international humanitarian law. These two directions of international humanitarian law are closely related to each other, but relatively autonomous in a legal and organizational relation, got the name " Hague right" and "Geneva right". Now in an international public law it is practically impossible to delimit norms, sent to limitation and prohibition of separate methods and facilities of conduct of the armed fight, and norms which provide defense of war victims. A humanitarian right pursues two primary purposes. At first, to limit warring parties in the choice of facilities and methods of conduct of military operations (right for Hague). Secondly, defense of persons which do not take participating in battle actions (right for Geneva). What touches the first purpose, then in accordance with the requirements of international humanitarian law it is forbidden to apply facilities and methods of prosecution of war, what 1) does not allow to see a difference between combatants and not combatants; 2) result in numerous losses, not justified by a direct military benefit; 3) is reason of serious and protracted loss to the environment. To the forbidden facilities of conduct wars belong: poisons, venenate weapon; suffocating, poisonous and other similar gases; bacteriological and tactical weapon; bullets which are easily flattened and opened out in a human body; weapon which at causing of wound without a benefit increases suffering of people or does their death inevitable; weapon, basic action of which in causing of damages by fragments which it is impossible to educe in a human body 4 by means of x-rays; mines-traps and other devices, look like child's toys or articles of medical support, against a civil population; the used for setting fire weapon is against a civil population, settlements and civil objects; personnel mines, row of marine mines, weapon which has the purpose of infliction of loss to the natural environment. An international humanitarian law forbids to apply the weapon of mass defeat (biological, chemical, laser weapon) in the armed conflict. A bacteriological weapon in accordance with Convention of 1972 is withdrawn from the arsenals of the states. Convention of 1993 about liquidation of chemical weapon foresees elimination of chemical weapon. To the forbidden methods of conduct wars belong: giving to the order to "abandon nobody in living"; illegal use of distinctive emblem of Red Cross; treacherous murder or wound of faces of civil population or persons, which belong to forces of opponent; to kill or maim an enemy which laid down arms and surrendered; perfidious use by the flag of truce, soldiery signs and service dress of enemy; to compel the citizens of hostile side to participating in military operations against their own country; to take hostages, carry out terror and others like that. In the same time the use of stratagems is not forbidden with the purpose of to mislead an opponent, to compel him to go of half-cock, for example, by means of disguise, erroneous operations and disinformation. What touches defense of persons which do not take participating in military operations (right for Geneva), then speech goes about defense of victims of the armed conflicts, which are under cover of" the above-mentioned Geneva conventions and Additional protocol of I. Practically all positions of Geneva conventions and Additional protocol And in that or other measure touch two basic concepts "combatant" and "person above which favor". Only Additional protocol of II does not foresee the special status of persons, which participate in battle actions and does not determine the hard categories of persons, above which favor. Additional protocol of II gives only a difference between persons, which participate in battle actions and by persons which do not participate in battle actions. Geneva conventions and Additional protocol of I distinguish a few categories of persons, above which favor, : 1) injured, patients and persons, victims in a ship failure, both from composition of military powers and civilians; 2) prisoners of war; 3) civilians are on territory of opponent; 4) civilians are on the occupied territories; 5) civilians internees. If to compare, as wars were conducted in ancient times, Middle ages and in our recent history, - we will see substantial differences exactly in the rules of conduct of battle actions. Rules were folded for diverse reasons. But today experience of frightful wars losses of the last two centuries showed a necessity to put principle of humanity in basis of rules of conduct of soldiery conflicts. Otherwise humanity can exterminate itself by means of weapon. BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW 1. Battle actions must be conducted combatants against soldiery aims. a. It is forbidden to conduct battle actions against a civil population. b. It is forbidden to attack objects of the civil setting (dwelling-houses, hospitals, schools,.). c. It is forbidden to use a civil population for defense of military objectives. d. Combatants is forbidden to mask under a civil population. e. It is forbidden to use hunger as method of prosecution of war against a civil population. f. It is forbidden to attack objects which are needed for the survival of civil population (supplies of food, с/g are districts, building for the supply of drinking-water, and others like that). g. It is forbidden to attack dikes, nuclear power plants, if such shots can result in severe losses among a civil population. 5 2. It is forbidden to use a weapon application of which has unselective character ( strikes civil and soldiery objects, people) and causes the excessive suffering to the civil population. a. It is forbidden to apply the certain types of weapon - chemical and biological weapon, dazzling laser weapon, weapon, which inflicts a wound fragments which do not appear a x-ray, poisonous matters, personnel mines. b. It is forbidden to give order to abandon nobody living or to intimidate properly. 3. There must be the stored life civilians, injured of combatants and prisoners of war, there must be the given defense and humane conduct them. a. Nobody can be subject to physical or psychological violence, corporal punishment, legal or humiliating cruelty. b. Sexual violence is forbidden. c. Parties of conflict are under an obligation to pick up and render a necessary help to victims and patients of opponent, which are in their power. d. It is forbidden to kill or inflict the wounds of combatants opponent, which seem in a captivity or not able to conduct battle actions. e. To the prisoners of war it follows to belong with kind regards and apply with them humanely. f. It is forbidden brothers of hostages. g. The violent moving of civil population and realization of the "ethnic cleaning" is forbidden. h. People which are under power of opponent have a right on connection with relatives, on the receipt of help and support of humanitarian order (foods of feed, medical support, other). 2. SINGLE STATE SYSTEM OF CIVIL DEFENSE POPULATION AND TERRITORIES FROM ES OF TECHNOGENIC AND NATURAL CHARACTER, STRUCTURE AND MODES OF ACTIVITY. PURPOSE, TASK, PRINCIPLES OF CD OF POPULATION AND TERRITORIES. FORCES AND FACILITIES OF CD SINGLE STATE SYSTEM OF CIVIL DEFENSE OF POPULATION AND TERRITORIES - IT THE AGGREGATE OF ORGANS OF MANAGEMENT, FORCES AND FACILITIES OF CENTRAL AND LOCAL ORGANS OF EXECUTIVE POWER, ORGANS OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT ON WHICH IS LAID REALIZATION OF PUBLIC POLICY IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL DEFENSE. CIVIL DEFENSE IS THE SYSTEM OF ORGANIZATIONAL, TECHNICAL, SANITARYHYGIENIC, ANTIEPIDEMIC AND OTHER MEASURES, WHICH ARE CARRIED OUT BY THE CENTRAL AND LOCAL ORGANS OF EXECUTIVE POWER, ORGANS OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, INFERIOR TO THEM FORCES AND FACILITIES, BY ENTERPRISES, ESTABLISHMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS REGARDLESS OF PATTERN OF OWNERSHIP, INFLICT MATERIAL LOSSES THE VOLUNTARILY RESCUE FORMING, WHICH PROVIDE IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE MEASURES WITH THE PURPOSE OF PREVENTION AND LIQUIDATION OF CONSEQUENCES OF ES, WHICH THREATEN TO LIFE AND HEALTH OF PEOPLE, IN A PEACE-TIME AND IN A SPECIAL PERIOD. Purpose of civil defense : realization of public policy, sent to providing of safety and defense of population and territories, material and cultural values and environment from the negative consequences of extraordinary situations in a peace-time and in a special period; overcoming of consequences of extraordinary situations, including consequences of extraordinary situations on territories of the foreign states in accordance with the 6 international agreements of Ukraine, a consent to provide of which is given by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Task of civil defense : development of national economy is in directions which eliminate possibility of origin of ES; collection and analytical working of information are about ES; prognostication and estimation of socio-economic consequences of ES, certain on the basis of prognosis of requirement in forces and facilities, necessary for prevention to them and liquidations of them; realization of supervision and control in the field of CD; development and implementation of legislative and other normatively-legal acts, observance of norms and standards in the field of CD; development of plans of realization of measures of suppression is in the field of CD; creation, maintenance and rational use of material resources, necessary for prevention ES; development and implementations of the scientific and technical programs, which are sent to prevention of ES; notification of population is about an origin or threat of origin of ES, timely and reliable informing of situation which is folded and taken measures for prevention of ES; organization of defense of population and territories, organization of psychological and medical help to the victims from ES; realization of urgent works is for liquidation of consequences of ES and organization of life-support of suffering population; providing of readiness of forces and facilities of CD is to prevention of ES, reacting on them and liquidation of their consequences; a grant of operative help to the population is with the use of facilities of CD in case of occurring of ES; studies of population and organization of training to the methods of defense in case of occurring of ES; international cooperation is in the field of CD. Implementation of tasks of civil defense is fixed on the single state system of civil defense, which consists of subsystems,: functional and territorial and four has levels national, regional, local and objective. Forces and facilities of CD : personnel and workers of organs and subdivisions of CD, voluntarily rescue forming, fire and emergency-saving technique, technical-fire protect and emergency-saving equipment, facilities fireextinguishing and individual defense, other property, intended for extinguishing of fires, liquidation of consequences of failures, floods, earthquakes and other catastrophes technogenic, natural, and military character, minimization of consequences of the Chornobyl' catastrophe. Forces of civil defense : operatively-rescue service of DC; government aviation searching-rescue service; government special (militarized) emergency-saving service; fire-rescue subdivisions; forming of rescuing is on water; emergency-reconstructed forming, special services of ministries and departments; emergency-saving utility and forming of local authorities; services of civil defensive and unmilitarized forming of objects of ménage; forming of the special period; subdivisions of providing and material backlogs. 7 With the purpose of further increase of level of readiness of Operatively-rescue service of CD and reacting on ES 7 regional centers of the rapid reacting, and also aviation fire-prevention subdivision which is already brought over to liquidation of forest fires on territory of Ukraine, are created. Substantial changes took place in the technical retooling of rescue forces. On these money bought in and directed in regions 619 units of technique of the different setting". The single system of civil defense of population and territories from ES carries out : 1) notification and informing : 2) supervisions and laboratory control; 3) shelters are in protective building; 4) evacuations; 5) engineering defense; 6) medical defense; 7) psychological defense; 8) biological defense; 9) ecological defense; 10) radiation and chemical defense. Modes of functioning of the single state system of civil defense : it is everyday activity; it is the increased readiness; it is an extraordinary situation; it is extraordinary position; it is a martial law. 3. CONCEPT ABOUT ES, CLASSIFICATION AND BASIC PRINCIPLES AN ORIGIN OF ES IS IN UKRAINE Extraordinary situations in Ukraine and their classification The personal touch of development of earthly civilization is an increase of danger of her death. Today a global system crisis, which shows up in worsening of ecology, change of climatic terms, increase of amount and scales of natural and technogenic catastrophes, assassinations and other social and political dangers, increases on our planet. Only for the last 20 years from natural calamities, industrial failures and catastrophes an over 1 milliard of people suffered in the whole world, including 5 millions perished, and a material loss presents the trillions of dollars. In the last few years annually there are on the average 350 extraordinary situations in Ukraine. From extraordinary situations (ES) annually in Ukraine more than 70 thousand and state persons, population, perish carry considerable material losses. So, for example, in 2008 year as a result of ES of technogenic and natural character to the state losses were inflicted to the amount of over 4,7 milliards of hrn., that in 5,7 times exceeds the indexes of 2007 and almost in 11 times of loss from ES of 2006 - hrn. Thus over 4,6 milliards of hrn. fold losses from ES of natural character. Extraordinary situations classify an origin after character, by the degree of distribution, size of human losses and material losses. Types of extraordinary situations (depending on character origins which can stipulate the origin of ES on territory of Ukraine) : technogenic character natural to character social to character 8 military to character AN EXTRAORDINARY SITUATION OF TECHNOGENIC CHARACTER IS VIOLATION OF NORMAL TERMS OF LIFE AND ACTIVITY( OF PEOPLE ON SEPARATE TERRITORY OR OBJECT ON HER OR ON AN AQUATIC OBJECT AS A RESULT OF A TRANSPORT FAILURE (OF CATASTROPHE) OF FIRE, EXPLOSION, FAILURE WITH THROWING (OUT THE THREAT OF THROWING) OUT OF DANGEROUS, RADIO-ACTIVE AND BIOLOGICALLY DANGEROUS CHEMICALS, SUDDEN DESTRUCTION OF BUILDING; FAILURES ARE IN THE ENERGY SYSTEMS, SYSTEMS OF LIFE-SUPPORT, SYSTEMS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, ON SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS, IN THE SYSTEMS OF OIL AND GAS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, HYDRODYNAMIC FAILURES AND OTHERS LIKE THAT. AN EXTRAORDINARY SITUATION OF NATURAL CHARACTER IS VIOLATION OF NORMAL TERMS OF LIFE AND ACTIVITY OF PEOPLE ON SEPARATE TERRITORY OR OBJECT ON HER OR ON AN AQUATIC OBJECT, RELATED TO THE DANGEROUS GEOPHYSICAL, GEOLOGICAL OR HYDROLOGICAL PHENOMENON, DEGRADATION OF SOILS OR BOWELS OF THE EARTH, FIRE IN THE NATURAL ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS, CHANGE OF THE STATE OF AIR POOL, INFECTIOUS MORBIDITY AND POISONING OF PEOPLE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS, BY MASS DEATH OF WILD ANIMALS, BY THE DEFEAT OF AGRICULTURAL PLANTS BY ILLNESSES AND WRECKERS AND OTHERS LIKE THAT. AN EXTRAORDINARY SITUATION OF SOCIAL CHARACTER IS VIOLATION OF NORMAL TERMS OF LIFE AND ACTIVITY OF PEOPLE ON SEPARATE TERRITORY OR OBJECT ON HER OR ON AN AQUATIC OBJECT IT IS CAUSED BY THE CONTRASTING OPERATIONS ACTIONS OF TERRORIST AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL ASPIRATION, OR IT IS RELATED TO DISAPPEARANCE (BY A THEFT) OF WEAPON AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, BY ACCIDENTS WITH PEOPLE AND OTHERS LIKE THAT. AN EXTRAORDINARY SITUATION OF MILITARY CHARACTER IS VIOLATION OF NORMAL TERMS OF LIFE AND ACTIVITY OF PEOPLE ON SEPARATE TERRITORY OR OBJECT ON HER OR ON AN AQUATIC OBJECT IT IS CAUSED BY APPLICATION OF ORDINARY WEAPON OR WEAPON OF MASS DEFEAT, DURING WHICH SECONDARY FACTORS ARE DEFEATS OF POPULATION, WHICH ARE DETERMINED BY SEPARATE NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS. Levels of extraordinary situations (ES) According to Order of classification of ES of technogenic and natural character after their levels, ratified by the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 24.03.04 № 368 depending on volumes caused by the extraordinary situation of consequences, amount of victim and lost, volumes of technical and material resources, necessary for liquidation of her consequences, such levels of extraordinary situations determine: Classification of extraordinary situations of technogenic and natural character on their levels is carried out for providing of organization of co-operation of central and local organs of executive power, enterprises, establishments and organizations in the process of decision of questions, related to the extraordinary situations and liquidation of their consequences. For determination of level of ES such factors are examined: territorial distribution and volumes of technical and material resources, which are needed for liquidation of consequences of ES; amount of people which perished or suffered or the terms of vital functions of which were broken as a result of extraordinary situation; size of the caused (expected) losses (settles accounts in accordance with of Methods of estimation of losses of from consequences of ES of technogenic and natural character. An extraordinary situation of state level is a situation: what spread or can spread to territory of other states; what spread to territory two or the more regions of Ukraine (Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, Kyiv and Sevastopol), and for her liquidation material and technical resources are needed in volumes which exceed to possibility of 9 these regions, but no less as 1% from the volume of charges of corresponding budgets (ES of state level after territorial distribution); what brought to death over 10 persons over or as a result of which over 300 persons (suffering are persons which as a result of action of strikes factors of source of ES bodily harm is inflicted or which became ill, that resulted in the loss of capacity, witnessed in accordance with established procedure) suffered or the normal terms of vital functions were broken over 50 thousand persons on great (more than on a 3 twenty-four hours) while; as a result of which over 5 persons perished or over 100 persons suffered, whether the normal terms of vital functions were broken over 10 thousand persons on great (more than on a 3 twenty-four hours) while, and losses (appraised in the order set by a legislation), caused by an extraordinary situation, exceeded 25 thousand low-limit (in a time of origin of extraordinary situation) of salary; losses from which exceeded 150 thousand low-limit of salary; what in another cases, foreseen by the acts of legislation, on the signs acknowledged as an extraordinary situation of state level. An extraordinary situation of regional level is such situation: what spread to territory two or more districts (bridge of regional value), Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, and for her liquidation material and technical resources are needed in volumes which exceed possibilities of these districts, but no less as to the 1% volume of charges of corresponding local budgets (ES of regional level after territorial distribution); what brought to death from 3 to 5 persons over or which from 50 to 100 persons suffered as a result of, whether the normal terms of vital functions were broken from 1 thousand to 10 thousand persons on great (more than on a 3 twenty-four hours) while, and losses exceeded 5 thousand low-limit of salary; losses from which exceeded 15 thousand low-limit of salary. An extraordinary situation of local level is such situation: what went out outside territory potentially dangerous object, threatens to the environment, nearby settlements, engineering building, and for her liquidation material and technical resources are needed in volumes which exceed own possibilities potentially dangerous object; as a result of which 1-2 persons perished or from 20 to 50 persons suffered, whether the normal terms of vital functions were broken from 100 to 1000 persons on great (more than on a 3 twenty-four hours) while, and losses exceeded 0,5 thousand low-limit of salary; losses from which exceeded 2 thousand low-limit of salary; An extraordinary situation of objective level is such situation which does not fall under afore-named determinations. It is necessary to mark that an extraordinary situation belongs to the certain level on condition of accordance of her even one of the noted criteria, above-mentioned. In the case when as a result of extraordinary situation for the corresponding threshold values of levels of human losses or amounts of persons, which suffered or tested violation of normal terms of vital functions, the volume of losses does not arrive at certain higher criteria, the level of extraordinary situation is acknowledged on a degree less than (for road-transport accsidents adventures - on two degree less than). 10