Tina`s success class

talk Visionaries
Take risks
Get out of the box
Who wants to be labeled "normal?"
You are who you hang with
God loves to use ordinary people to do
extraordinary things!
nderstand Your Value
Develop a healthy self-image
I am what I am today Because of what I
believed about myself yesterday and I will
be tomorrow what I believe about myself
right now!
One important key to success is selfconfidence
hoose Your Focus
Every calling is great when greatly
Don't settle for anything less than
God's best
Be the best you can be then you
can feel good about yourself
Set Goals Daily
hange The Channel
Bitterness imprisons life, love releases it
Take what God has given you and make
the most of it
A bitter root will produce bitter fruit
Be quick to forgive
Stop looking in the rearview mirror
Your thoughts become your destiny
Your tongue can be your worst enemy
xamine Your Heart
 God has destined for you to live in victory what are you waiting for?
 Don't back down
 God loves you far too much for you to settle
for mediocrity
 Quit complaining about everyone around you
and take a good look inside your own heart
 Examine your heart and see if there are any
attitudes and motives you need to change
 Finish Strong
ow And Grow
Give generously
If you sow an extraordinary seed you will
reap an extraordinary harvest
Help someone else and you'll be helped
Giving Back is the new Black
God doesn't bless mediocrity, he blesses
Be a person of excellence and Integrity
Be a Daymaker
Live to Give
top Making Excuses and
Start Making 10% Shifts
Envision your success
Start thinking Big!
No Regrets!
If you’re good at making up excuses, you'll never
be good at anything else
When you think positive excellent thoughts you
will be propelled toward greatness
Ask God to put some fire in your spirit
There is power in your words
If you will change your thinking, God can change
your life