1ST VA Kemper`s Brigade George William Shoemaker Rank: Private

1ST VA Kemper’s Brigade
George William Shoemaker
Rank: Private
Company: I
Rank: 3rd Lieutenant
Company: C
Enlisted at Richmond, VA, 1861.
3rd VA Kemper’s Brigade
Name: Thomas Branch Jackson
Thomas Branch Jackson enlisted in C Co. 3rd VA. Inf. Regt. on 18 Mar. 1862 at Camp Pemberton?,Va.
He was born 20 Apr. 1843, therefore he was 18 years old when he enlisted. He was promoted to 1st
Sergeant on 23 Oct. 1862; and subsequently to 3rd Lieutenant on 1 Jan. 1863, after the Battle of
He served in this same unit with his brother George T Jackson; and half-brother Ashton A. Jackson,
who was killed at the Battle of Gaines' Mill on 27 June 1862
Name: Junius Randolph Person
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Company: G
Junius R. Person, born 1832-1909, born in Southampton County, VA. Attended UVA, class of 1854 and
Lexington Law School. He was a member of The Rough and Ready Guards. This Company of
volunteers was attached to the 3rd VA Infantry, Kempers Brigade, Longstreet Corps, Picketts
Division,Army of Northern Virginia. Was one of the founders of this Company of volunteers.
Abraham Jones
Rank: Corporal
Company: I
Abraham Jones joined the James River Artillery June 23, 1861. Alexander Daniel Callcote was the first
Captain of the company. This unit later became Co. I(second)of the 3rd VA Infantry. He was a part of
Pickett’s Charge.
7th VA Kemper’s Brigade
Levi J. Dempsey
Rank: Private
Company: C
Enlisted March 10, 1862 in Orange Co., VA. Wounded at Frayser's Farm in the arm.
David Emmons Johnston
Rank: Private
Company: D
David enlsited, at age 16, in Company D, 7th Virginia Regiment, born April 10, 1845, was 5' 9 1/2',
brown hair, hazel eyes and fair complexion. He was wounded at Williamsburg June 5, 1862.
Thornton Stringfellow Brown
Rank: Private
Company: E
by P. Moynahan: Thornton Stringfellow Brown was a young man when he enlisted in April 1861. The
state of Virginia seceded on 17 April and Thornton and six of his brothers wasted no time in enlisting
in Stevensburg, VA on 25 April. He joined the 7th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Company E. They were
very proud of the name 'Volunteer' ---they were not Bounty men or Conscripts! He received more
training and settling in to the military way of life at Camp Wigfall, Manassas. In July, the Company
was stationed along Bull Run at Blackburn's Ford where the first action of what was later to be called
First Bull Run by the Federals and First Manassas by the Confederacy. Just to the north of Blackburn's
Ford, Generals Johnston, Jackson and Beauregard needed help in repulsing the Federals and so called
the 7th Virginia to assist them in repulsing the Federals back to Centerville and Washington. The rest
of the year was spent in guard duties while both armies regrouped. Pvt. Brown was with General A. P.
Hill on what is known as the Peninsular Campaign, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Seven PInes, Frazier's
Farm and Second Manassas. When they marched north to Maryland and wound up at the little town
called Sharpsburg, or as the Federals named it, Antietam Creek Company E, 7th Virginia Infantry, was
on the right flank of Lee's Army and held up the Federal General Burnside long enough for General A.
AP. Hilll to make in from Harper's Ferry in time to push the Federals back. Lee had accomplished his
purpose, or at least oneof them, by drawing back the Federal penetration to Richomond, VA (Sept.
1862). The 7th Virginia Infantry spent the winter of 1862-63 in southern Virginia and North Carolina
around New Bern, for one place. That summer they marched north again and wound up in a small
town called Gettysburg. Thornton was part of Pickett's Charge.
11th VA Kemper’s Brigade
Daniel Stuart Alley
Rank: Private
Company: F
Daniel was searching for his brother Nathan as soon as he arrived in Richmond on 28th of May where
he fought in the Seven Days Battle. Unknown to him his unit although both boys were in the 11th VA
Co F was separated by enlistment dates. It wasnt until two weeks later that he learned of his brothers
death only 1 mile from his position.
Name: George T. Jackson
Rank: Private
Company: C
George T. Jackson enlisted in C Co. 3rd Va. Inf. Regt. on 9 Aug.1862 in Richmond, Va. He served in
this same unit with his brother Lt. Thomas Branch Jackson. His half brother 4th Cpl. Ashton A. Jackson
was also in this same unit, however he was killed at the Battle of Gaines' Mill on 27 June 1862.
George was wounded in fighting near Richmond,Va.; after the withdrawal of the Army of Northern
Virginia, from the Battle of 2nd Manassas(2nd Bull Run)
24TH VA Kemper’s Brigade
Jesse Hurd Draper
Rank: 1st Corporal
Company: H
Enlisted Co. H (Henry's Gaurds) on June 5, 1861 at Lynchburg, VA. Wounded at Seven Pines, Elected
1st Corporal 10 May 1862,
9th Virginia Armistead’s Brigade
William James Richardson
Name: Thomas J. Dashiell
Rank: Major
Company: D
Rank: Sergeant
Company: K
53rd Virginia Armistead’s Brigade
Floyd Caswell Moring
Rank: Private
Company: C
Floyd C. Moring was born in 1842 at the Moring home place in Prince Edward County. He was the
youngest of Caswell and Emily's nine boys.He enlisted in 'C' Company of the 53rd Virginia Infantry on
March 10, 1862 at Spratley Farm. At the time of his enlistment, he was listed as having 'light' hair
with a 'light' complexion, and his height was given as 5'11'. He stated his residence as being Rice,
Virginia. He was admitted to Farmville Hospital on June 18, 1862 suffering from diarrhea. He was
released from the hospital on July 22, 1862, and rejoined his unit.
Andrew Broadus Anderson
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Company: F
Andrew B. enlisted in Edmunds Guards, Company C under Capt. James O. Chappell, Montague's
Battalion 7/10/61 at Union Church in Halifax County, VA. He was then elected 1st Sgt. of of the
The 53rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry was formed by the consolidation of Montague's and Tomlin's
Battalions with Waddill's Company on Dec. 12 1861. He was elected 2nd Lt. May 5,1862 and promoted
to 2nd Senior Lt. on Dec 27 1862. He was promoted to 1st Lt. on Jan 13 1863. Fought in many of the
early battles in Virginia before Gettysburg.
Thomas Booker Tredway
Rank: Sergeant
Company: I
Mortally wounded July, 3 1863 at Gettysburg. Film Number M382 roll 56. Thomas Booker Tredway,
Class of 1865: Genealogy: Born- Aug. 13, 1844 in Danville, Va. Father- Judge William M. Tredway;
Mother- Nancy Jane Millner. Pat. Grandfather- [first name unknown] Tredway; Pat. GrandmotherPattie Booker. Mat. Grandfather- [first name unknown] Millner; Mat. Grandmother- Lucy Lawson.
Never married, no children. VMI Record: Entered VMI- Jan. 25, 1862; given 10 furlough May 19,
1862, but did not return; Made Honorary Graduate of the Class of 1865 ca. July 1866. Civil War
Record: Enlisted April 22, 1861 at Pittsylvania Court House as Private in Co. B of Maj. E. B.
Montague's Va. Battalion (which became Co. I 53rd Va. Infantry); promoted to Corporal July 17,
1861; Discharged Dec. 23, 1861 to enter VMI; re-enlisted Aug. 16, 1862 at Falling Creek in Co. I 53rd
Va. Infantry; on detached service Jan.-Feb. 1863; promoted to Sergeant March 16, 1863
8TH Virginia Infantry GARNETT’S BRIGADE
John George
Rank: Sergeant
Company: D
Enlisted Sept 61 in Leesburg, present at battle of Balls Bluff. Present at Pickett's Charge,
Name: Joseph C. Swink
Rank: Corporal
Company: G
Enlisted at Dranesville, Fairfax County, Va., on June 22, 1861, as a private.
Edmund Randolph Cocke
Rank: Captain
Company: E
His son, Nelson P. Cocke, who died at age 91 was my wife''s uncle, by marriage, and I knew him well.
He said Edmund, his father, of Prince Edward Co. Va
Addison Coleman
Rank: Unknown
Company: H
Enlisted at the begining of the war served under Bushrod johnston and col Carrington,
Michael Peters Spessard
Rank: Major
Company: C
Born August 26,1821. Original Captain of Company C (The Craig Mountain Boys), 28th VA. Wounded
at Gaines' Mill, VA, June 27, 1862. Cited in Major Charles S. Peyton's Gettysburg
William Richard Hammersley
Rank: Private
Company: I
Company I (The Charlotte Greys) formed on the left flank of the regiment, July 3, 1863 to make the
Henry T. Gibson
Rank: Private
Company: H