Newtown Youth Football & Cheer Cheer: Spirit. Unity. Success

Newtown Youth Football & Cheer
Cheer: Spirit. Unity. Success.
Cheer Head Coach and Cheer Assistant Coach
Role Descriptions, Responsibilities & Application
2015 Season
Dear Potential Coach: Thank you for your interest in a NYF&C coaching position. To be eligible for a
Newtown Youth Cheer Head or Assistant Coach position, we ask that all candidates read and agree to all
coaching responsibilities listed below. There are many responsibilities and it is important for all parties to be
honest and transparent about expectations before, during, and after the season prior to potential candidates
making the decision to apply. All positions require a significant commitment and it is only fair to be aware of
all responsibilities and to be certain you have the time to give NFY&C in addition to family, professional and
personal commitments you already have. Please read through both the head and assistant coaching
responsibilities carefully before applying for either position. Coaches will be selected and voted upon after
registration. Thank you for your interest in Newtown Youth Cheer and we look forward to another amazing
Sincerely, the NYFC Board
Head Coach: Pre Season Responsibilities
Attend NYF&C Open House, be introduced as a former head coach and help to answer any
individual parent or athlete questions following the formal presentation
Attend and help with player walk-in registration
Consult with Cheer VP about applications and determine your assistant coaches
Send a pre-season letter of introduction to families through email to relay important dates and league
announcements leading up to the season
Consistently take part in off-season clinics to grow as a coach, approximately once per month
with occasional additional optional learning sessions at no cost to coaches
Attend off-season clinic opportunities that we promote to our cheerleaders
Identify and contact a parent to be your Team Parent for the entire season
Meet with your coaching staff, including demonstrators, to assign roles and responsibilities at least
once, before the start of the season
Ensure that coaches and demonstrators participate in required training such as CPR and First Aid
Certification, Heads Up Concussion Certification and other required training and certifications for
yourself, and ensure that documentation from coaches and demonstrators on your team are
submitted to the league cheer administer prior to the first day of practice
Respect and abide by the decision of the VP of cheer on all matters
Head Coach: In Season Responsibilities
Coordinate with the NYF&C cheer administrator to ensure all cheerleaders have completed the
required paperwork prior to first practice
Be prepared for every practice with a written practice plan that includes timing notations
Hold a meeting with your parents within the first two weeks of practice following league
guidance for an agenda
Be at all practices and games during the season. Understandably, there are situations that cannot
be avoided. Should you anticipate that your job will make you consistently late for practice or that
traveling for work or other family obligations will cause you to consistently miss practice, please
apply for an assistant coaching position
Respond to parent emails within 48 hours during the season
Develop an outline for your routine and be prepared to work on sections of it even in the absence of
Prepare your team for sideline cheer, conveying enthusiasm and importance
Assure that all cheerleaders are present at assigned games and that they are actively cheering and
standing attentively in clean lines throughout the entire game
Prepare a performance for halftime at games
Be attentive and actively engaged throughout practices. Do not rely on your demonstrators to run
the practice nor discipline the girls. Unless urgent, refrain from cell phone conversations, texting
and in-person chatting
Notify parents of any injuries – both major and minor immediately as the situation dictates
Remain at practices, games and competitions until all cheerleaders and demonstrators are released
into the care of a responsible adult
Communicate regularly with your Team Parent to support him/her as he/she coordinates volunteer
duties, ticket and t-shirt sales and other team business
Communicate with the Cheer VP about any: issues with parents, cheerleaders or demonstrators,
questions or concerns regarding cheer routine development or status, or any other issue that may
negatively affect the cheer program or for which you need support
Read and follow NYF&C by-laws
Promote and encourage parents to attend/support all fundraising events, especially the golf
outing in October, our biggest fundraiser of the year
Head Coach: Post Season Expectations
Help organize end-of-year cheer and team party
Collect uniforms and report any uniform that is not returned or is damaged
Head Coach: General Expectations
Make decisions that are in the best interest of the team as a whole, not individual cheerleaders
Be a role model. Behavior on and off the field and the mat, as well in the community, must be
Build on each cheerleader's strengths and motivate through positive actions and words. Make every
participant feel equally valued regardless of skill level
As coaches it is our job to teach and not blame or yell at the kids. For example...
Replace this: "What are you doing? Your cradle was terrible!”
With this: "You need to hold your arms higher for the cradle. She needs you to catch her higher so
that the stunt will be safer and look cleaner."
Basic computer skills are required to respond no later than 48 hours to parents through email and
also to manage head coach functions in Sportsignup
Promote good sportsmanship towards other Newtown athletes and all teams with whom we have
Understand, maintain and promote NYF&C traditions such as dance party, Little Sally Walker
and hospitality baskets to opposing teams at games, etc.
Focus on fun, teamwork and personal improvement above winning
Assistant Coach: Preseason Responsibilities
Attend and help with player walk-in registration (February/March)
Consistently take part in offseason clinics to grow as a coach (once per month with periodic
optional sessions)
Continue to attend league-sponsored and organized coaching sessions/mini clinics
Attend coaching meetings led by your head coach before the start of the season
Attend CPR and First Aid Certification class or give a copy of your card to your head coach (class
provided by league each spring if needed)
Complete and give a copy of your Heads Up Concussion Certification to your head coach (online
Assistant Coach: In Season Responsibilities
Read and follow your head coach's practice plans
Be at all practices and games during the season (Obviously there are situations we cannot avoid,
and that is understandable. If you anticipate that your job will make you consistently late for
practice or that traveling for work or other family obligations will cause you to consistently miss
practices, then we ask that you please let us know in your application.)
Be attentive and actively engaged throughout practices. Do not rely on your demonstrators to run
the practice nor discipline the girls
Promote and encourage parents to attend/support all fundraising events, especially the golf
outing in October, our biggest fundraiser of the year
Assistant Coach: General Expectations
All NYF&C coaches should always make decisions that are in the best interest of the team as a
whole, not individuals cheerleaders
All NYF&C coaches are role models, and their behavior on and off the field and the mat, as
well in the community, must be exemplary
Build on each player's strengths and motivate through positive actions and words. Make every
player feel equally valued
As coaches it is our job to teach, not blame, the kids. For example...
Replace this: "What are you doing? Your cradle was terrible!”
With this: "You need to hold your arms higher for the cradle. She needs you to catch her higher so
that the stunt will be safer and look cleaner."
Focus on fun, teamwork and personal improvement above winning
If an assistant coach has a concern about the head coach, he should speak directly with the head
coach. If speaking directly with the head coach is ineffective and does not lead to a comfortable
resolution, the assistant coach's next step should be to reach out to a member of the board. At least
one member of the board will help facilitate a conversation with both coaches.
If an assistant coach has a concern about another assistant coach, he should speak with the head
coach directly. The head coach will make a decision whether or not include the board in
mediating a coach's conflict.
Newtown Youth Cheer
Spirit. Unity. Success.
Head and Assistant Coach Application
2015 Season
First Name __________________________
Last Name ______________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth ______________________________________
Email ____________________________________________
Cell Phone ________________________________________
Applying for: Head Coach
Assistant Coach (circle one)
Grade levels you wish to coach: (grades may/may not combine – only circle ones you specifically wish to coach)
Prior experience with cheer and/or coaching:
Other relevant information that you would like to provide:
* All coaches must have a background check, per AYC guidelines.
** Please mail or deliver this application, along with a copy of your driver’s license, to the Cheer VP:
Julie Luby, 15 Fox Run Lane South, Newtown, CT 06470