Bethel Chapter PSE SEIU 1948 Board of Trustees Minutes April 21, 2015 Transportation 5:00 – 6:30 Guests: Called to order 5:01 Shawn Sandvig Present: Shawn Sandvig – Vice President Shawna Cleveland – Vice President Ed Siemsen Richard King (Effective September 1, 2015) Charity Utterback – Secretary Rosemarie Vitale – Treasurer Eileen Dahn – Treasurer (Effective September 1, 2015) Andy Wiesenfeld – PSE Field Rep Terri McLean – Bus Assistant Rep – Bus Assistant Rep Christine Caskey – Child Nutrition Rep Stefanie Murphy – Child Nutrition Rep Patricia Baker – Custodial Rep – Custodial Rep Shawna Cleveland – Maintenance/Tech Rep Absent excused: Carl Hillis – President Angela Ward –Para/Special Services Rep Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $ 10,262.13 Savings: $ 16,153.31 Agenda Item: - Maintenance/Tech Rep – Mechanics Rep – Mechanics Rep Lorena Doleski – Para/Special Service Rep Janie Thiel – Para/Special Services Rep Doris Hominda – Secretary/Clerk Rep Darlene Houk – Secretary/ Clerk Rep Christi Wilshaw - Secretary/Clerk Rep Shannon Cheek-Johnson – Secretary/Clerk Rep (Effective September 1, 2015) Cathy Larsen – Transportation Rep Jim Gunderson - Transportation Rep Christopher Bardsley – Transportation Rep (Effective September 1, 2015) Absent unexcused: Lorena motion to accept treasurer’s report Christine 2nd All in favor – motion carries Decision or Action Required? Correspondence: Minutes: Meeting minutes will be posted on the chapter website: Approval of minutes from March 17th Richard motion to accept minutes Lorena 2nd All in favor – motion carries UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mission Statement “Our mission is to promote the welfare of the membership by insuring communication between membership and leadership and to inform, educate and involve members in their union to better represent their voices” Page 1 of 4 -Charity emailed building contacts to find out best days and times to come and out and see them - Have received responses from: BMS, CNO, FE, GKHS, NT, RE, Lab, PV Spring Luncheon – Carl Hold Harmless agreement Vison update – Shawna & Rosemarie New Business: Confidentiality Review – Rosemarie Convention shirts - Rosemarie Page 2 of 4 Pod 1 – EPSOC, BHS, BMS, SME, BLC (Lorena, Janie, and Patricia) Pod 2 – GKHS, FMS, NE (Rosemarie and Christine) Pod 3 – RR, CMMS, CE (Janie and Christi) Pod 4 – CHS, SLHS, SMS, CHT (Ed) Pod 5 – SE, EE, CP, CMS (Doris and Darlene) Pod 6 – ESC, RE, KE, GE (Doris and Darlene) Pod 7 – PV, FE, LMS, NS (Charity and Richard) Pod 8 – NT, CC, BSA (Richard and Charity) Pod 9 – Transportation/CNO (Carl, Cathy and Terri) Pod 10 – Night crew (Shawn and Shawna) Carl has not yet been able to meet with Todd Richard motion to accept HHA and adopt as Apendix B to bylaws Shawna 2nd All in favor – motion carries Superior came back with another option we need to present to general membership to vote again Just a reminder that whatever is talked about with BOT needs to stay with BOT, confidentiality needs to be upheld. Bylaws state we can spend up to $500 a year on shirts, buttons, etc. Janelle Kempfer could get us shirts for $10 each for convention, she would work on design and take care of ordering Richard motion - to get tshirts for convention Darlene 2nd All in favor – motion carries Bylaw change – unit rep elections - Christine Convention delegate wording - Rosemarie We will work on as BOT and present all changes at January 2016 GM meeting Quorum at unit meetings for elections -Shawn Conflict of interest Add HHA as Appendix B Scholarships - 8 applicants (6 students, 1 employee) Committee: Charity Utterback, Eileen Dahn, Brenda Sherill, Dorian Scott, Shawn Sandvig Committee will meet May 5, 2015 5:30 pm location TBD TEAM training – Shawna Cleveland State office will start having this class annually, community involvement, suggestion to adopt a road Grievance Committee All units have a person on the panel, only 5 people at a time serve on the committee Central Kitchen – Bargaining update All meetings have come to a stop for a reason unknown to the union Sec/Clerk – Bargaining update Waiting on district to set up dates and times BOT members on L&I If you are on L&I that does not negate you from being on the BOT, if you are hearing otherwise please let Andy and Carl know Broker will not have options for us on medical until June We will use Survey Monkey to send out to members to get their input Unit Updates: Bus Assistants No new updates Child Nutrition No new updates Custodial Holding unit meeting following May 2nd general membership meeting – one person in attendance at April 11th meeting Page 3 of 4 Maintenance/Technology Steve Story has taken a new position in Tacoma Mechanics No new updates Para/Special Services Secretary/Clerks Transportation Possibly some grievances upcoming, at PD meeting with Staci the question was asked why the classes are not of efficient substance for what paras need – no definite answer was given Two administrators leaving, met with Staci Maine about PD Working cohesively with HR and a member with a medical condition that makes work difficult Announcements & Good of the order: Upcoming meeting dates & times: -General membership meeting May 2nd 9:00 BLC -Diversity Committee May 5th 4:00 – 5:00 -School Board Meeting May 12th 7:00 ESC (Lorena) -Safety Committee May 14th 2:00 -The next BOT Meeting will be May 19th (4:30 dinner) 5:00 – 6:30 @ Trans. - Conference Committee May 21st 2:00 – 3:00 ESC - School Board Meeting May 26th 7:00 PVE (Cathy) Adjournment Page 4 of 4 6:27