City of Elk River

City of Elk River
Recycling Guide
Where do I recycle...
Yard waste, brush or other vegetative material?
The City of Elk River’s compost site is located at 19000 Proctor Road and its hours of
operation are dawn to dusk, seven days a week. The site accepts yard waste, brush (4” in
diameter or less) and other vegetative material at no cost. In addition, we provide free
compost to residents on a first come, first serve basis. We do not allow commercial
dumping and ask that residents take with them any bags or storage containers used to
haul the yard waste in. We do not accept stumps or construction debris.
Used oil, oil filters or antifreeze?
Residents may drop used oil, oil filters or antifreeze at a collection center located at
19000 Proctor Road. The hours of collection are dawn to dusk, seven days a week. The
collection center is a free service to residents.
Dead batteries with the exception of automobile batteries, may be dropped off at City
Hall, one of Sherburne County’s designated collection sites. Another site within the City
for battery collection is at Cub Foods. Look for the blue bin near the information desk at
City Hall or near the entrance at Cub Foods. All non-automobile batteries may be
deposited in the bins. Please properly dispose of auto batteries through area recyclers
such as Batteries Plus and/or auto maintenance shops.
Tattered, torn, stained clothing and worn out shoes?
Tattered, torn, stained clothing and worn out shoes may be recycled through a company
called U’SAgain. These materials are shredded and may be made into a variety of items
such as boat cushions, blankets, and even plastic decking. The City of Elk River has five
sites where U’SAgain bins are located for residents’ convenience. Look for the green and
white checkered bins at City Hall Campus, Westbound Liquor, the Ice Arena, Lion’s Park
Center, and the Senior Activity Center.
Used cell phones, PDA’s and ink jet cartridges?
Used cell phones, PDA’s and personal computer printer ink jet cartridges may be
recycled through the City’s Environmental Department at 13065 Orono Parkway from
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.