MARATHA MANDAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Paper Publications from CSE Department Sl. No Title of the Paper Author Branch Name of Journal/ Seminar/ Conference Date of Publication DR. NITIN BILGI 1 Intelligent Flowcharting Developmental Approach to Legal Knowledge Based 2 TPA-EXPERT: A Hybrid Legal Knowledge Based System for Indian Legal domain 3 Intelligent Flowcharting Developmental Approach to Legal Knowledge Based System 4 An Expert System using A Decision Logic Charting Approach for Indian Legal Domain With specific reference to Transfer of Property Act N. B. Bilgi & R. V. Kulkarni N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni CSE BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience CSE International Journal of Computer Applications CSE BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience CSE International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems(IJAE) N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni N B Bilgi, Dr. R V Kulkarni & Clive Spenser 2011 2011 2011 2010 5 Knowledge Based System Prototype Application N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni for Transfer of Property Law in Indian Judicial System 6 A Investigative Survey of Application N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni of Knowledge Based Systems in Legal Domain 7 LINUX TERMINAL SERVER PROJECT (LTSP) Diskless Cost Effective Solutions for Indian Conditions 8 Pervasive Administrative Surveillance Utility 11 Legal knowledge based systems prototype for decision support in transfer of property law CSE CSE International journal information technology knowledge management CSE Indian Journal of Information Science and Technology 2006 CSE Indian Journal of Computing Technology 2006 CSE CSI journal of computing 2012 CSE International E-governance conference at cape town university south Africa CSE International conference on legal knowledge and information systems National Conference on EGovernance and its Application at Dayanand Sagar College Bangalore. National Conference on Advances in Emerging Information Technology at Don Bosco Institute of Technology Bangalore N B Bilgi, N B Bilgi, 9 Rule based systems for transfer of property act in N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni Indian legal domain: drawing the decision logic using visiRule 10 Knowledge based systems in education sector in N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni India 2008 International journal of intelligent information processing N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni 12 E-Governance Applications in Legal Knowledge- N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni Based Systems in India : A Perspective CSE 13 Knowledge Based Systems in Legal Domain: An Empirical Study CSE N. B. Bilgi & Dr. R. V. Kulkarni 14 Chapter in book entitled "Logic and Legislation" IS PUBLISHED in Springer in a series Legisprudence Library. of & 2008 2007 2008 2008 2008 PROF. GOUTAM KAMBLE 1 Introduction to Crosscutting Concern using AOP Prof. Goutam Kamble CSE Proceedings of International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control Singapore 2009 PROF. PADIYAPPA K 1 Optimizing the recognition of Eye States in Real Padiyappa K , VinayKumar Time Video 2 21st century digital library CSE Padiyappa K, Ravindra R Magale CSE 3 Cloud Computing in Libraries Padiyappa K, Ravindra R Magale CSE International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology National Conference on Recent Trends in Library and Information Science National Conference on Cloud Computing in Academic libraries 2012 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ( IJETAE) 2014 2014 2014 PROF. ARUN KUMAR R 1 Research Avenues in Fruit Characterization using Machine Vision: A Review Arun Kumar R , Vijay S Rajpurohit CSE 2 Disease Identification and Grading of Pomegranate Leaves Using Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic SS Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, VB Nargund, R Arunkumar CSE International Journal of Food Engineering 2013 3 A Review on Intrusion Detection Systems in MANET Arun Kumar. R, Abhishek M. K, Tejashwini. A. I, Niranjan J. T 4 Fruits Sorting and Grading using Fuzzy Logic HG Naganur, SS Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, R Arunkumar 5 Leaf Disease Grading by Machine Vision and Fuzzy Logic Sanjeev S Sannakki 1, Vijay S Rajpurohit, V B Nargund, ArunKumar R, Prema S Yallur 6 A Survey on Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Agriculture Arun Kumar R, Sanjeev Sannakki, Vijay S Rajpurohit 7 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Agriculture: A Survey Arun Kumar R, Sanjeev Sannakki, Vijay S Rajpurohit CSE International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology 2013 CSE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering 2012 CSE International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications 2011 CSE Journal of Computer Applications (JCA) 2011 CSE National Conference on Evolutionary Trends in Information Technology held at VTU, Belgaum 2011 8 A Hybrid Intelligent System For An Automated SS Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, VB International Journal of Machine Pomegranate Disease Detection And Grading Nargund, ARUN KUMAR, PS CSE Intelligence 2011 Yallur The Book Chapter Proposal entitled “Computational Intelligence for Pathological Issues in Precision Agriculture ” by ArunKumar R, , P S 9 Yallur ,S S Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, VB Nargund has been accepted to the “Handbook of Research on Computational Intelligence for Engineering, Science and Business, IGI Global” PROF. PREMA YALLUR 1 Leaf Disease Grading by Machine Vision and Fuzzy Logic Sanjeev S Sannakki 1, Vijay S Rajpurohit, V B Nargund, ArunKumar R, Prema S Yallur 2 A Hybrid Intelligent System For An Automated SS Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, VB Pomegranate Disease Detection And Grading Nargund, ArunKumar, Prema S Yallur CSE International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications 2011 CSE International Journal of Machine Intelligence 2011 3 A Survey on Applications of Support Vector Machines in Agriculture Prema Yallur, Sanjeev Sannakki, Vijay S Rajpurohit National Conference on Emerging Issues in Computer CSE Applications (EICA) held at 2011 Tiruchingode, Tamilnadu. 4 Applications of Digital Image Processing Prema Yallur, Sanjeev Sannakki, National Conference on Techniques in Agriculture Vijay S Rajpurohit CSE Evolutionary Trends in Information Technology held at 2011 VTU, Belgaum 5 The Book Chapter Proposal entitled “Computational Intelligence for Pathological Issues in Precision Agriculture ” by Prema Yallur , ArunKumar R, S S Sannakki, VS Rajpurohit, VB Nargund has been accepted to the “Handbook of Research on Computational Intelligence for Engineering, Science and Business, IGI Global” PROF. VIBHA AMBOJI 1 Video Streaming by Reconfiguring the packet information and controlled sampling rate for WMNs Vibha Amboji, Mrs. Pankaja Patil, Swati S K CSE 2 Security Preserving Range Queries in Sensor Networks Vibha Amboji, Mrs. Vidya Kulkarni, Madhuri Bijjal CSE HOD International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering PRINCIPAL 2013 2013