FALCON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Cranston High School West 80 Metropolitan Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 Website: http://cpsed.net/chsw/Alumni/Sites/Alumni.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cranstonwestalumniassociation Wednesday, May 14, 2014 6:30 p.m. MINUTES (DRAFT FORM) Falcon alumni pride was clearly evident at the first CHSW alumni organizational meeting held in the Library Media Center at CHSW. More than 35 alumni, representing all decades since 1963—the first graduating class—were in attendance to talk about establishing an alumni association. See Attachment 1 for attendees. John Fontaine ‘04, Assistant Principal at West, gave a warm welcome to everyone present, and extended his thanks and appreciation to the Class of 1963 for initiating the idea to create an alumni association. He spoke about their impressive 50th high school reunion weekend last fall (2013) where they attended the CHSW homecoming football game, had a luncheon and tour of the school and other activities showed how the spirit of Falcon alumni is strong and alive. Mr. Fontaine invited alumni present to the auditorium following the meeting to view the new murals from the Class of 1963. Mr. Fontaine introduced Thomas Barbieri, Principal at CHSW, who thanked alumni for coming to the meeting and gave special thanks to the Class of 1963. He said alumni are important to the school and community, and invited alumni to come back to their school. He noted that the student body, particularly seniors, are excited about becoming alumni— knowing they will always have a connection to their schoolmates, teachers and community through the alumni association. He believes an alumni association is an important part of making this school successful. Next, Mr. Fontaine spoke about the work that has been done thus far—by the Class of ’63—in formulating the Falcon Alumni Association. Paperwork for a 501(c)3 (non-profit organization) paperwork to be processed and Bylaws need to be written. With that, he turned the meeting over to Sandy Farnum (Eddleston) ‘63. Sandy has begun to draft the Bylaws; however, decisions have to be made before they can be completed; such as a purpose, a vision, election or appointment of a Board of Directors (how many, term limits), officers, meetings, committees (i.e., Executive, Membership, Finance, Homecoming, etc.). We need two volunteers to move forward: a CPA and an attorney. (Later at the meeting, it was announced that we did secure both a CPA and attorney.) One of the benefits of having the 501(c)3 is that money can be “run through it” for reunions, events, etc. a 501(c)3, thus making it tax deductible to the “donor.” The next order of business discussed was our first major event—the Fall Homecoming. West’s Head Football Coach, Steven Stoehr, announced that the homecoming game is scheduled for October 17, 2014, at the Cranston Stadium (it cannot be held at CHSW because of the disrepair of the football field). Eighteen alumni signed up to serve on the Homecoming Committee (see Attachment 2). Coach Stoehr noted that it will be the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Championship Division Champions, which would bring in many members from the Class of ’05. To get the word out about the Homecoming and the Alumni Association, all alumni are asked to reach out to other alumni through Facebook, or any other means, and enlist their support and involvement. Any alumni wanting to get involved in any aspect of our new Alumni Association are encouraged to do so. Thanks to Courtney Croke (Traficante) ’98, a Facebook page has been set up, which will be linked to the CHSW website. CHSW’s website has an “Alumni” section, where alumni can register using this link as well. Be sure to do so. Mr. Fontaine said there are over 250 alumni registered now. One goal is to have representation from each class to get the word out to their class about getting involved in the Falcon Alumni Association. Press releases will also be advertised in RI’s local newspapers such as the Cranston Herald and local community email news; such as, the Patch regarding Homecoming and other major events. Ideas flowed about ways to raise money—through dues, events, fundraisers, monthly contributions, grants; and about what the money could be used for: scholarships, new turf for the football field, seats and carpet for the auditorium, the girls’ room lavatories, technology, student assistance for clothing and extra curricular activities. Julie Baker ’95 (also a West faculty member) added that CHSW is perceived as a wealthy school, so we don’t get Title I funding that other schools in our district receive. The needs are there, and the list is endless. Before the meeting adjourned to the auditorium to view the new murals, Mr. Fontaine emphasized the need to recruit all CHSW alumni and ask them to register on the CHSW website (go to the “Alumni” tab), “Like” us on Facebook and attend the next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the CHSW Library Media Center. Register your attendance by using this link as well. There will be delicious cookies and refreshments. We’ll get the ball rolling on the Homecoming event and continue to create our Falcon Alumni Association. Respectfully submitted, Gail Eddleston ‘68 Cranston High School West Alumni Association Attendees at the May 14, 2014 Inaugural Meeting Jerry Zito ’63 Sandy Farnum (Eddleston) ’63 Dayle Joseph ’63 Janice Bertino (Apice) ’63 Tony Bertino, (Janice’s Spouse) Joe Fusco ‘63 Peter Burgess ‘63 Linda Nash (Rogers) ‘64 Linda Eddleston ‘65 Gail Eddleston ‘68 Donna Carpenter ‘76 Colleen Warren ‘77 Carol Cote ‘78 Stephen Casale ‘79 Karen Casale ‘80 Robert P. Izzi, Sr. ‘81 Susan Hanrahan ‘82 David DiMaio ‘83 Chris Ferraro ‘84 Alan Arthur DePalo ‘87 Mike Anderson ‘89 Richard Cohen ‘91 David Schuppa ‘93 Dom Schiappa ‘33 Julie Baker ‘95 Tom Milewski ‘95 Courtney Croke ‘98 Jeremy Moses ‘98 Michael Schiappa ‘98 Amy Ricci ‘99 Vanessa Traficante ‘03 Kerri Baker ‘03 Kathryn Wier ‘04 John Fontaine ‘04 Matt Rodrigues ‘06 Scott Cote ‘07 Attachment 1 of 2 Thomas Barbieri, CHSW Principal John Fontaine, CHSW Assistant Principal Christine Baum, CHSW Faculty Steven Stoehr, CHSW Head Football Coach David Schiappa, CHSW Assistant Principal Cranston High School West Alumni Association May 14, 2014 Inaugural Meeting Homecoming Committee (so far….) Christine Baum, CHSW Faculty Courtney Croke ‘98 Vanessa Traficante ‘03 Alan A. DePalo ‘87 Amy Ricci ‘99 Kathryn Wier ‘04 Carol Cote ‘07 Linda Eddleston ‘65 Colleen Warren ‘77 Mike Anderson ‘89 Kerri Baker ‘03 Julie Baker ‘95 Linda Nash ‘64 Gail Eddleston ‘68 Karen Casale ’80 David DiMaio ‘76 Dayle Joseph ‘63 Matt Rodrigues ‘ Attachment 2 of 2