2 inch thick ice will support a man 4 inch thick ice will usually

Oakfield Historical Society
March 2013
PO Box 74, Oakfield, New York 14125
Board of Directors
Laurie Nanni
Wally Kornow
Vice President
Robin Houseman
Joyce Grazioplene
Darlene Warner
Susan Sanford
Richard Moon
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 5th at
the Village office. Board meeting starts at 6:30 with our
program at 7:00.
Our program will be about one of our pioneer
families, the Howards. Henry Howard first located to
Alabama, and then moved to Oakfield. He was a cabinet
maker here in the village; he was also the justice of the
peace, three separate times.
We have started gathering all of our information for
the displays; we will be opening before you know it!
Refreshment List
Did you know? We are researching for our displays and I found
some trivia on ice:
2 inch thick ice will support a man
4 inch thick ice will usually support a horse
5 inch thick ice is generally safe for a team of horses and a loaded
wagon of two tons
18 inch thick ice will support a railway train
I know some of you wondered why we didn’t have a February
newsletter. Well, it was a Board meeting only month and we
didn’t really have anything to report. Also, my printer decided
it didn’t want to work!
We have been so busy, trying to organize what we want to do
for the displays. We are finding lots of things, and we are
starting to get really excited. “Main Street” is coming right
As you know in the past we have attended the Holland Land
Office Museum’s antique show in March. It is a two day event
and we have a hard time manning our booth. This year the
Historical Federation is having an event at GCC. It is Saturday,
April 6th from 10 – 3. All the historical societies in the area are
invited. They will have people there speaking on history and
genealogy. The board felt this is a better fit for us. The antique
show was fun, but we were just filler, the people attending were
only there to buy antiques. The GCC show is just about history.
We are going to need some help manning the booth. We will
have a sign up at our March meeting.
Darlene is working on a new book, it is from the years 1885
to 1924 and it is about the industrial boom in our area. This
should be ready for print late summer!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Happy Easter!!!
From the desk of the Museum Director…………..
I just wanted to take a few lines and mention another
little bit of great news for our Research Center. The last
couple of years the County has been compiling attendance
information on all the tourist type attractions in the county to
get an idea of what tourism is in the county. This past year we
recorded 480 visitors to the museum and 1,083 visitors for all
the events we did. That number may seem high, but due to
the fact that we participate in the Holland Land Office Antique
show those numbers also count for us. So our name is getting
out there and it is being noticed.
Our opening in April is in the works again and with the theme
of Main Street Oakfield, we are working on some
demonstration items for the opening day. These will
demonstrate various businesses that were in Oakfield over the
Looking forward to another great year.
Happy Birthday to all for the month of February & March
Jerry Warner, Bonnie Woodward, Nicholas Gehlert
Happy Anniversary to Clayton & Helen Sharp
Darlene Warner, Norm Rogers, Wally Kornow,
Happy Anniversary to Ray & Karen Cianfrini
Absolutely Useless Trivia:
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies in Berlin during WWII killed the zoo’s
only elephant.
Most scorpions will glow under black (ultraviolet) light.
Bruce Lee was so fast they actually had to SLOW a film down so you could see his
The number “172” can be found on the back of the US $5 dollar bill in the bushes
at the Lincoln Memorial (new or old, probably the old version)
Charlie Chaplin once won THIRD prize in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest.
Chewing gum while peeling an onion, will keep you from crying!
Steve & Kim Kruppenbacher have eggs for sale. They are medium to
extra large brown eggs for $1.50/dozen. Steve is willing to deliver in
town. For more information call Steve at 585-356-0784